Genshin Impact

“Yummy! Barbecue Under the Stars” Event Guide and Recipes

Genshin Impact - Yummy Barbecue Under the Stars Web Event Guide

“Yummy! Barbecue Under the Stars” is a barbecue web event in Genshin Impact. Learn how to play with the event link, how to cook all Fish recipes with Childe and Xinyan, and all rewards from Shiki Taishou's friendship level in this event guide!

All Recipes in “Yummy! Barbecue Under the Stars”

Barbecue Recipe Guides

Note: Some recipes may have the same combination of Fish Type, Seasoning and Cooking Level. The cooking time is tricky, so you'll have to observe the fish closely! Here are images of the different fish recipes for reference:

Hidden Recipe Guides
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Number One Grilled Fish in TeyvatNumber One Grilled Fish in Teyvat Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Explosive and Overloaded Grilled FishExplosive and Overloaded Grilled Fish Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish Beyond Space and TimeGrilled Fish Beyond Space and Time
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Amazing Grilled Fish That Impressed PaimonAmazing Grilled Fish That Impressed Paimon Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish That Broke Through DimensionsGrilled Fish That Broke Through the Dimensions
Regular Recipe Guides
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Fresh and Juicy Grilled FishFresh and Juicy Grilled Fish Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish with Mild SeasoningGrilled Fish with Mild Seasoning Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Wild Style Grilled Bitter PufferfishWild Style Grilled Bitter Pufferfish
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Charred Grilled FishCharred Grilled Fish Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Perfectly Grilled Golden BassPerfectly Grilled Golden Bass Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Exquisite Medaka DishExquisite Medaka Dish
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Ordinary Grilled FishOrdinary Grilled Fish Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - SashimiSashimi? Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Sashimi with Extra Thick SauceSashimi with Extra Thick Sauce
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish with Strong SeasoningGrilled Fish with Strong Seasoning Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Black SnakeheadGrilled Black Snakehead

Cooking Time References

Note: The cooking time is tricky, so you'll have to observe the fish closely. If you get the timing down or figure out a the exact instructions for each dish, let us know in the comments!

Fish Cooked at Different Levels
Genshin - Raw Barbecue Fish
Genshin - Half-Way Cooked Barbecue Fish
Genshin - Perfectly Cooked Barbecue Fish
Perfectly Cooked
Genshin - Burnt Barbecue Fish
Genshin - Burnt Barbecue Fish with a Hole
Burnt with A Hole

Number One Grilled Fish in Teyvat Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Number One Grilled Fish in TeyvatNumber One Grilled Fish in Teyvat Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Wait for 1 Smoke Puff then flip 2 times
• Season Just Right
• Flip continuously until one side is Perfectly Cooked then quickly stop cooking! You have to watch the Fish very closely to get this one...
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x100
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x4000

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Explosive and Overloaded Grilled Fish Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Explosive and Overloaded Grilled FishExplosive and Overloaded Grilled Fish Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Season Just Right
• Wait for 2 Smoke Puffs then flip
• Wait for 1 Smoke Puff then flip
• Wait until Perfectly Cooked then flip
• Wait for 1 Sparkle then stop cooking!
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x100
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x4000

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Grilled Fish Beyond Space and Time Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish Beyond Space and TimeGrilled Fish Beyond Space and Time Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Season Just Right
• Wait for 2 Smoke Puffs then flip
• Wait until Perfectly Cooked, flip one time, then quickly stop cooking!
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x100
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x4000

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Amazing Grilled Fish That Impressed Paimon Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Amazing Grilled Fish That Impressed PaimonAmazing Grilled Fish That Impressed Paimon Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Burnt
• Season Just Right
• Wait until Perfectly Cooked - no flipping!
• When the Sparkles turn into 1 Smoke Puff, flip once quickly then stop cooking!
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x100
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x4000

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Grilled Fish That Broke Through the Dimensions Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish That Broke Through DimensionsGrilled Fish That Broke Through the Dimensions Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Beyond Burnt
Seasoning: No Seasoning Needed
Instructions: Without any flipping needed, burn until a hole appears!
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x100
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x4000

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Fresh and Juicy Grilled Fish Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Fresh and Juicy Grilled FishFresh and Juicy Grilled Fish Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Half Cooked
• Add any Seasoning
• Don't flip the fish at all
• Wait until it's Half-Cooked then stop cooking!

Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x50
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x3000

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Grilled Fish with Mild Seasoning Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish with Mild SeasoningGrilled Fish with Mild Seasoning Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Season "Mild"
• Flip thrice until one side is Half-Cooked or Perfectly Cooked then stop cooking!

Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x40
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x1000

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Wild Style Grilled Bitter Pufferfish Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Wild Style Grilled Bitter PufferfishWild Style Grilled Bitter Pufferfish Fish Used: Bitter Pufferfish
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Season Just Right
• Don't flip at all
• Wait until Perfectly Cooked
• Wait for 1 Sparkle then stop cooking!
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x50
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x3000

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Charred Grilled Fish Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Charred Grilled FishCharred Grilled Fish Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Half-Cooked + Burnt
• Season Just Right
• Don't flip it until it's Perfectly Cooked with 1 or 2 Sparkles
• Stop cooking when one side is Burnt and the other side Perfectly Cooked

Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x50
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x3000

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Perfectly Grilled Golden Bass Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Perfectly Grilled Golden BassPerfectly Grilled Golden Bass Fish Used: Golden Bass
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Season Just Right
• Continuously flip the fish
• Once one side is Perfectly Cooked quickly stop cooking!

Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x50
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x3000

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Exquisite Medaka Dish Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Exquisite Medaka DishExquisite Medaka Dish Fish Used: Medaka
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Season Just Right
• Continuously flip the fish
• Once you see one side is Perfectly Cooked quickly stop cooking!

Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x50
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x3000

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Ordinary Grilled Fish Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Ordinary Grilled FishOrdinary Grilled Fish Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Half-Cook the Fish then flip
• Season ''Just Right''
• Flip and perfectly cook both sides
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x40
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x1000

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Sashimi? Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - SashimiSashimi? Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Raw
• Add Mild or Just Right Seasoning
• Then stop cooking immediately!
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x20
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x500

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Sashimi with Extra Thick Sauce Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Sashimi with Extra Thick SauceSashimi with Extra Thick Sauce Fish Used: Medaka
Cooked: Raw
• Season Heavily
• Take off of Grill immediately
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x20
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x500

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Grilled Fish with Strong Seasoning Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish with Strong SeasoningGrilled Fish with Strong Seasoning Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Perfectly Cooked
• Add Heavy Seasoning
• Wait for two Smoke Puffs then flip
• Flip again then stop cooking!

Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x40
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x1000

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Grilled Black Snakehead Recipe

Dish Cooked Recipe & Rewards
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Black SnakeheadGrilled Black Snakehead Fish Used: Any Fish
Cooked: Burnt
• Season Just Right
• Wait until Half-Cooked, flip after 1 puff of smoke
• Wait for 2 smoke puffs and flip again
• Wait for 3 sparkles and flip again
• Flip every few sparkles until Burnt
• Take off the Grill when both sides are Burnt.
Genshin - Shiki Taishou Friendship Icon Shiki Taishou Friendship x20
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x500

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“Yummy! Barbecue Under the Stars” Event Information

Genshin - Yummy Barbecue Under the Stars

Event Dates and Details

Event Start November 1, 2021
Event End November 7, 2021
How to Unlock Reach Adventure Rank 10+

Cook Fish with Childe, Xinyan, and Shiki Taishou

As a follow-up to the Labyrinth Warriors event, we get to spend more time with the beloved Childe, Xinyan, and Shiki Taishou! Gather cooking materials and create different dishes to get Primogems and other rewards from the web event.
List of Current & Upcoming Events

How to Play “Yummy! Barbecue Under the Stars”

Barbecue Web Event Guide

How to Play the Web Event
1 Go to the Barbecue Web Event page.
2 Collect ingredients: Fish, Firewood, and Seasoning.
3 Collect dishes by cooking different recipes.
4 Increase Shiki Taishou's friendship level for rewards!

Barbecue Under the Stars Event Link

How to Join the Event

You can use the web event link below or click on the ''Special Event'' Button in-game to access the full web event page. You'll go through a short tutorial before you can start cooking freely.
Go to Barbecure Event Page

How to Get Barbecue Ingredients

There are three ingredients you need before you can cook dishes: Fish, Firewood, and Seasoning. You can get Fish by clicking on the Fish basket near Childe, and Firewood and Seasoning by doing daily event tasks.

How to Get Fish

Genshin - How to Get Fish in the Barbecue Web Event
You can only get one Fish every 6 hours, and you can store a maximum of 4 Fish at a time. If there are fish in Childe's basket, you can click the basket to get the fish!

Check in at least twice a day to get fish from Childe because once the fish count reaches 4, the timer will stop and so will Childe's fishing task!

How to Get Firewood and Seasoning

How to See Materials Screen

Open the Bag

Click ''Obtain More''

You can get both Firewood and Seasoning by clicking on the backpack icon beside Paimon. Select ''Obtain More'' to open up the materials screen and see which tasks you can do to get more Firewood and Seasoning!

How to Cook Barbecue Event Dishes

Genshin - How to Cook Fish in the Barbecue Web Event
Just click on the grill in the center of the event page to start cooking! Choose a fish, season it, and cook for a set time to complete a single dish. Once you're done cooking the fish, click ''The grilled fish is ready!'' to stop cooking.

Combine different fish, seasoning amounts, and grill times to get different recipes and complete the Dish Archive!

Stages of Cooking Fish

Fish Cooked at Different Levels
Genshin - Raw Barbecue Fish
Genshin - Half-Way Cooked Barbecue Fish
Genshin - Fully Cooked Barbecue Fish
Perfectly Cooked
Genshin - Burnt Barbecue Fish
Genshin - Burnt Barbecue Fish with a Hole
Burnt with A Hole

We used Pufferfish in the images above. There might be small differences in appearance when cooking other fish.

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“Yummy! Barbecue Under the Stars” Rewards

Total Web Event Rewards

Rewards from Shiki Taishou's Friendship Level
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x120 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x6 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x30000
Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Icon Mystic Enhancement Ore x12 Genshin - Crystal Core Icon Crystal Core x10

Grilled Fish Archive

Grilled Fish Archive Order and Description

Recipe Order Recipe Description
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Fresh and Juicy Grilled FishFresh and Juicy Grilled Fish The fish was not grilled until fully cooked, and some moisture in the fish itself was retained. The taste is tender and smooth.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish with Mild SeasoningGrilled Fish with Mild Seasoning Healthy low-fat meal. Without too much seasoning, the original umami flavor of the fish is the star of the dish.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Wild Style Grilled Bitter PufferfishWild Style Grilled Bitter Pufferfish The large Bitter Pufferfish, paired with a rather... unrestrained grilling technique. The end product tastes like something out of the wild.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Explosive and Overloaded Grilled FishExplosive and Overloaded Grilled Fish This fish is cooked by an enthusiastic and passionate chef, and it's blazing with fire. Therefore, after consuming it, people feel full of energy. It makes them just want to race to Dragonspine.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Perfectly Grilled Golden BassPerfectly Grilled Golden Bass The skin is golden and crisp, the meat is plump and juicy. With one bite, it will leave you speechless with happiness.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Exquisite Medaka DishExquisite Medaka Dish The delicate medaka has meat that is flavorful, is less bony, and very fatty. It needs to be cooked with exquisite technique.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Amazing Grilled Fish That Impressed PaimonAmazing Grilled Fish That Impressed Paimon The delicious taste of grilled fish, Paimon and you both want to try it.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Ordinary Grilled FishOrdinary Grilled Fish It's edible! But that's about it. Why does it taste different, even though the same technique is used?
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - SashimiSashimi? You're just too lazy to grill it, right?
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Sashimi with Extra Thick SauceSashimi with Extra Thick Sauce Although seasoning is added, you can grill it first.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish Beyond Space and TimeGrilled Fish Beyond Space and Time It is the taste of the grilled fish from Shiki Taishou’s memory. This fragrance and friendship traveled through time and space.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish with Strong SeasoningGrilled Fish with Strong Seasoning The flavor of the seasoning overwhelms the fish itself. When you sprinkle the seasoning next time, please make sure your hands aren't too shaky!
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Charred Grilled FishCharred Grilled Fish Grilled for a longer period of time, the meat is firm and has an interesting flavor.
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Black SnakeheadGrilled Black Snakehead Actually, it's just burnt...
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Number One Grilled Fish in TeyvatNumber One Grilled Fish in Teyvat Fish, Fowl, Raw Meat, Crab, Lizard Tail, all kinds of meat mixed together! Even those Hilichurls over there are dying to try it. Mosi mita!
Genshin - Barbecue Web Event - Grilled Fish That Broke Through DimensionsGrilled Fish That Broke Through the Dimensions This fish has been grilled for too long, giving it some mysterious power...

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71 Anonymousover 3 years

helpful, thank you!

69 Anonymousover 3 years

we need another cooking event ingame like the cloud retainer part but with xiangling

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