Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Fontaine Interactive Map and LocationComment

Displaying all 7 entries


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    7 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    6 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    The "underwater city" has a name! It's called Annapausis!

    4 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    new region = new version, they did it the same way with sumeru and inazuma, get a grip

    3 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Clear, informational, interesting, just perfect. Keep up the good work on these articles!

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Huh? Release date august? So 3.8 july, then august 4.0? Hahaha... now this site i cant trust. Thanks for proving that to me.

    1 RzcCoreyTTV10 monthsReport

    FYI Charlotte's Vision is Cryo, saw it in the TCG event

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