Genshin Impact

Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues Event Guide | Greeting Card Web Event

Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues Event Guide - Greeting Card Web Event

Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues is a web event where you make Liyue-themed greeting cards for Genshin Impact. We have the event link for Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues here! We will also show you how to make and share greeting cards, how to unlock Inspirations, and how to get all event rewards!

Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues Event Information

Genshin - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues Banner

Web Event Dates and Details

Event Start January 28, 2022 at 20:00 (UTC-5)
Event End February 7, 2022 at 10:59 (UTC-5)
How to Unlock Reach Adventure Rank 10+
Genshin - Primogem ImageGenshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore ImageGenshin - AdventurerGenshin - Mora Image

Make a Liyue-Themed Greeting Card!

In addition to all the Lantern Rite festivities in 2022, you can now also make Liyue-themed greeting cards with your favorite characters!

Web Event Link for Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues

Click on the link below to go to the official event page and begin making Greeting Cards for Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues:
Go to Festive Celebration Event Page

How to Play Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues

Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues Event Guide

How to Play the Web Event
1 Collect ''Inspiration'' from Coocoo daily.
2 Use Inspirations to make a Greeting Card.
3 Score Popularity Points for rewards!

Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues Inspiration

What are Inspirations?

Inspirations are the standees you decorate your Greeting Cards with. The three types of Inspirations are Greeting Card Background, Companions, and Others.

How to Unlock More Inspirations

You get random Inspirations from Coocoo everyday, meaning you will eventually unlock all Inspirations as the event progresses. You can even wish for the Inspirations you want up to 3 times in one day.

How to Wish for Specific Inspirations

Open your Inspiration Trove, select one of the locked Inspirations that you want, and click on ''Make a Wish.''

List of Inspirations

Greeting Card Background Inspirations

All Getting Card Background Inspirations
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Dihua MarshDihua Marsh Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Overlooking the HarborOverlooking the Harbor Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Dragon-QuellerDragon-Queller
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Jueyun KarstJueyun Karst Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Lantern Rite FestivalLantern Rite Festival

Name Description
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Dihua MarshDihua Marsh The inn that stands at the southern end of Dihua Marsh seems to serve as something other a resting place for guests.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Overlooking the HarborOverlooking the Harbor A prosperous port city where a thousand ships drop anchor. The festival is approaching, and sightseers and merchants are coming in droves.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Dragon-QuellerDragon-Queller A strange tree whose branches flow with clear, cold moonlight.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Jueyun KarstJueyun Karst They say that the adepti dwell somewhere within these peaks. Few mortals may set foot here.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Lantern Rite FestivalLantern Rite Festival During the festival, Liyue Harbor is filled with lanterns and the fireworks are in full bloom, making the city even more lively than usual.

Companion Inspirations

All Getting Card Companion Inspirations
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - ZhongliZhongli Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - GanyuGanyu Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - XiaoXiao
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - KeqingKeqing Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - QiqiQiqi Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Hu TaoHu Tao
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - XingqiuXingqiu Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - ChongyunChongyun Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Yun JinYun Jin
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - XianglingXiangling Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - YanfeiYanfei Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - XinyanXinyan
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - NingguangNingguang Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - BeidouBeidou Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - PaimonPaimon
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - LumineLumine Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - AetherAether

Name Description
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - ZhongliZhongli Happy Lantern Rite. No matter what the situation, the memory of past heroes will live on.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - GanyuGanyu Happy Lantern Rite. I heard that the night market is going to be busier than ever this year, so I'd like to have a look.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - XiaoXiao Has it started again? The boisterous celebration of human beings...
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - KeqingKeqing Now that the Liyue of today is different from that of the past, we must take care in our preparations and be extra vigilant against any evil forces that might interfere. Let's get to work!
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - ShenheShenhe Lantern Rite... My master once told me that it is a festival that honors heroes... What's so special about it?
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - QiqiQiqi Happy Lantern Rite. I want to celebrate with you... is that okay?
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Hu TaoHu Tao The moon shines brightly in the sky, and the lights are shimmering... There aren't many visitors today and it's a little boring. Well, why don't we go have some fun?
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - XingqiuXingqiu Every year at the festival, Liyue Harbor is always bustling with activity, and merchants gather from all over the world... Maybe it's a good time to acquire some rare books?
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - ChongyunChongyun Happy Lantern Rite! Evil spirits are more active during Lantern Rite. As an exorcist, I will have to double my efforts.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Yun JinYun Jin Have a good Lantern Rite. People come and go during this festive season in Liyue Harbor. There must be many stories behind their lives, so this would be a great time to get started on some scripts.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - XianglingXiangling Happy Lantern Rite! I hope you find some time to stop by Wanmin Restaurant for our new dishes. Get 'em while they're hot!
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - YanfeiYanfei Happy Lantern Rite! The practice of the top legal expert in Liyue will be open for business as usual during the festival, ready to provide legal advice to our valuable clients at any time~
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - XinyanXinyan Cheerful crowds, brilliant fireworks, what amazing Lantern Rite vibes. Let's rock!
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - NingguangNingguang Lantern Rite is usually the most bustling time of the year.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - BeidouBeidou I'm gonna eat a big bowl of meat, then guzzle down a lot of wine. Once I've had my fill, I'll have the strength to head back to the seas! Ah! This is the life!
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - PaimonPaimon Happy Lantern Rite, Traveler~ Let's stick together for the next journey! Your best travel companion, Paimon, will always be by your side!
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - LumineLumine ... (The Traveler's leisurely moment)
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - AetherAether ... (The Traveler's leisurely moment)

Other Inspirations

All Getting Card Other Inspirations
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Liyue HouseLiyue House Genshin - Other Inspirations - FishermenFishermen's Snacks Genshin - Other Inspirations - Solitary TreeSolitary Tree
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Landscape GardensLandscape Gardens Genshin - Other Inspirations - Resting PavilionResting Pavilion Genshin - Other Inspirations - Folding ScreenFolding Screen
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lantern StandLantern Stand Genshin - Other Inspirations - Bamboo Forest CornerBamboo Forest Corner Genshin - Other Inspirations - RockRock
Genshin - Other Inspirations - I was here!I was here! Genshin - Other Inspirations - ChestChest Genshin - Other Inspirations - Joy for Sale"Joy for Sale"
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Someone"Someone's Statue" Genshin - Other Inspirations - Stack Em UpStack 'Em Up Genshin - Other Inspirations - Small SlimeSmall Slime
Genshin - Other Inspirations - GeovishapGeovishap Genshin - Other Inspirations - Geovishap HatchlingGeovishap Hatchling Genshin - Other Inspirations - Rockshield Hilichurl GuardRockshield Hilichurl Guard
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Treasure Treasure!Treasure? Treasure! Genshin - Other Inspirations - LetLet's Dance Genshin - Other Inspirations - SquirrelSquirrel
Genshin - Other Inspirations - DogDog Genshin - Other Inspirations - PigeonPigeon Genshin - Other Inspirations - CatCat
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Geo CrystalflyGeo Crystalfly Genshin - Other Inspirations - CraneCrane Genshin - Other Inspirations - SeelieSeelie
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Weasel ThiefWeasel Thief Genshin - Other Inspirations - SongbirdsSongbirds Genshin - Other Inspirations - Golden BassGolden Bass
Genshin - Other Inspirations - ButterflyButterfly Genshin - Other Inspirations - LuminescenceLuminescence Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lamp 1Lamp
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lamp 2Lamp Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lamp 3Lamp Genshin - Other Inspirations - DawnlightDawnlight
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Morning MistMorning Mist Genshin - Other Inspirations - Birds in the CloudsBirds in the Clouds Genshin - Other Inspirations - FireworksFireworks
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Fireworks 2Fireworks Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - ExclamationEmojis Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - CrownEmojis
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - SparkleEmojis Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - ThoughtEmojis Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Emojis - 3 LinesEmojis
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - 5 LinesEmojis Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lantern Rite Folding ScreenLantern Rite Folding Screen Genshin - Other Inspirations - A Pile of BoxesPile of Boxes
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Applause and CheerApplause and Cheer

Name Description
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Liyue HouseLiyue House A residential house on the outskirts of Liyue, with a gracious and generous host.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - FishermenFishermen's Snacks Freshly caught from the water, cooked with a rustic, authentic style. Brilliant!
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Solitary TreeSolitary Tree A lonely tree, without a forest.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Landscape GardensLandscape Gardens A courtyard common to Liyue. Walking around in it will be sure to put one at ease.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Resting PavilionResting Pavilion O weary Traveler, rest a moment here.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Folding ScreenFolding Screen An exquisite folding screen, painted with a scene of a ship riding the waves.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lantern StandLantern Stand In Liyue, you can find such lantern stands that set the mood for the festive season.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Bamboo Forest CornerBamboo Forest Corner In the corners of the bamboo forest, you may find small stone-like "fairies."
Genshin - Other Inspirations - RockRock Hard, sharp rocks, as if they had been cut by a powerful force.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - I was here!I was here! "I was here!"
Genshin - Other Inspirations - ChestChest The most exciting part is not enjoying the contents of the treasure chest, but the moment of opening it.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Joy for Sale"Joy for Sale" A treasure trove of childhood joy.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Someone"Someone's Statue" Huh, "who" does this statue depict?
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Stack Em UpStack 'Em Up Small slimes have gathered together to do things that are beyond human comprehension.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Small SlimeSmall Slime A lonely little Geo Slime with a basic level of intelligence.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - GeovishapGeovishap A mature geovishap.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Geovishap HatchlingGeovishap Hatchling A small vishap with a hard Geo carapace that dreams of becoming a massive dragon.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Rockshield Hilichurl GuardRockshield Hilichurl Guard The primitive wandering inhabitants of the wilderness, surviving tenaciously in a region where Geo energies are abundant.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Treasure Treasure!Treasure? Treasure! 1... 2... 3... where is the treasure? Um... the treasure?
Genshin - Other Inspirations - LetLet's Dance Some sources claim that certains kinds of monsters communicate through strange movements. However, this has yet to be confirmed.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - SquirrelSquirrel No amount of delicious pinecones is enough for them.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - DogDog Man's best friend.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - PigeonPigeon A common avian species in Teyvat. Plump and meaty, but cal also be trained to deliver messages.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - CatCat An agile and wise soul, endowed since birth with a well-maintained elegance and pride. Can gain weight quickly.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Geo CrystalflyGeo Crystalfly Pure elemental life-forms composed of drifting Geo particles.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - CraneCrane A graceful bird that carries a beautiful symbolic meaning in people's hearts.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - SeelieSeelie Help them get to their final destination and something special might happen...
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Weasel ThiefWeasel Thief Thieves that come and go like the wind, with a penchant to steal with obsessive zeal.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - SongbirdsSongbirds Small, noisy birds, found in every corner of Teyvat.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Golden BassGolden Bass A very common fish. Golden Basses are said to bring good luck to the one who catches them.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - ButterflyButterfly A small common insect with brightly colored wings.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - LuminescenceLuminescence Fluorescent lights illuminating the Traveler's way home.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lamp 1Lamp A common lantern.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lamp 2Lamp A common lantern.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lamp 3Lamp A common lantern.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - DawnlightDawnlight It is said that the light of dawn is a sign of good fortune to come.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Morning MistMorning Mist A light morning mist that quickly dissipates.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Birds in the CloudsBirds in the Clouds A bird that flies freely through the clouds, cutting a trail through them.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - FireworksFireworks Fireworks that can be set off.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Fireworks 2Fireworks Fireworks that can be set off.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - ExclamationEmojis Emoji icons.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - CrownEmojis Emoji icons.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - SparkleEmojis Emoji icons.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - ThoughtEmojis Emoji icons.
Genshin Impact - Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues - Emojis - 3 LinesEmojis Emoji icons.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Emojis - 5 LinesEmojis Emoji icons.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Lantern Rite Folding ScreenLantern Rite Folding Screen An exquisite folding screen, painted with the scenery of thousands of sails gathered together.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - A Pile of BoxesPile of Boxes A bunch of unclaimed boxes.
Genshin - Other Inspirations - Applause and CheerApplause and Cheer "Amazing! Bravo!" — it's important to set the mood!

How to Make Greeting Cards in Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues

Guide to Making Greeting Cards

How to Make Greeting Cards
1 Open the Greeting Card creation screen.
2 Choose a Greeting Card background.
3 Choose Inspirations to display on the card.
4 Save and share your card to complete quests!

How to Start Making Greeting Cards

Genshin - How to Start Making a Greeting Card for Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues
Go to the web event page and claim your first batch of Inspirations. Then, click on the middle of the event page to begin decorating a Greeting Card!

How to Choose the Background

Once you're in the Greeting Card creation screen, click on the directional buttons above the Greeting Card to scroll through available backgrounds. You'll see more backgrounds as you play through the event and unlock Inspirations!
Back to Inspiration Unlock Guide ▲

How to Decorate the Greeting Card

After choosing your preferred background, pick decorations from a list of Inspirations on the top right part of the screen. Use the ''Companion'' and ''Other'' buttons to see a list of available decorations from each type.

Inspiration Limit on Greeting Cards

You can have only one Character Inspiration and only six of the other Inspirations on a single Greeting Card.

How to Adjust the Decoration Placement

Use the two sliders under the Inspiration menu to adjust the decoration placement. You can freely move your decorations horizontally and vertically.

Other Greeting Card Decoration Functions

The three icons on the left side of the creation screen are additional functionts. From top to bottom, these buttons:

  • Restore your previous design.
  • Randomize your decorations. This is pretty fun!
  • Delete all current decorations.

How to Save and Share Your Card

Click on the ''Save and Share'' button to open the sharing screen. Saving this Greeting Card will upload it to your personal Greeting Cards collection. There might be a slight loading time while Paimon glues your Greeting Card together.

You can choose to upload your card to the online collection and/or share it on HoYoLab. Sharing the card on HoYoLab will reward you with an event-exclusive avatar frame for your HoYoLab profile!

How to View Other Players' Greeting Cards

You can view other players' Greeting Cards by going to the Greeting Cards Collection! You can even save the card to your Favorites by pressing the star on the top right corner of the Greeting Card.

You can view both your own cards and your favorited cards by clicking the My Greeting Card!

Show us your favorite Greeting Cards!

Genshin - Ganyu Greeting Card
Worried your Greeting Card might go unnoticed in the online collection? Show your best Greeting Cards off in our Co-Op boards or post it in the comments section!

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Go to Comments Section!

Popularity Quests in Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues

List of Festive Popularity Quests

Daily Popularity Quests
Obtain Inspiration today
Make a Greeting Card
Share a Greeting Card today
View other people's Greeting Cards today

Each Popularity Quest rewards you with 10 Popularity Points. The Festive Popularity Quests reset everyday at 00:00 (Server Time).

Festive Popularity Rewards

Level Required Points & Rewards
1 30 Popularity Points
2 60 Popularity Points
3 100 Popularity Points
4 150 Popularity Points
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50,000

Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues Event Rewards

Total Event Rewards

All Event Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x60 Genshin - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x5 Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Icon Mystic Enhancement Ore x5
Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x50,000

Genshin Impact Related Guides

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List of Events

Current Events

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Upcoming Events

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Genshin Impact - Enchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival Event GuideEnchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival Sometime in Version 5.4
Genshin - Crown of Insight Image Genshin - Primogem Image Genshin - Hero Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image
+ Weapon and Talent Up Materials
+ Free 4-Star Polearm
Genshin Impact - TravelersTravelers' Tales: Anthology Chapter Sometime in Version 5.4
Genshin - Primogem Image Genshin - Mora Image Genshin - Hero Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image
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Permanent/Recurring Events

Event Name Event Period / Rewards
Genshin Impact - HoYoLab Daily Check-In Event GuideDaily Check-In 2021/03/01 - Permanently Available
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Genshin Impact - Test Run Event GuideTest Run Event Permanently Available
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Genshin Impact - Baptism of Song Event Guide Baptism of Song Permanently Available
+ Free Barbara
Genshin Impact - Stellar Reunion Returnee Event Guide Stellar Reunion Returnee Event Permanently Available
Genshin - Primogem Genshin - Hero Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Genshin - Mora
+ Prototype Rancour

Past Events

List of Past Events


4 Rosieabout 3 years

plus I am ar 10

3 Rosieabout 3 years

even tho I choose another server like all servers it still says ThErEs nO cHaRaCtEr iN tHiS sErVeR if I cant create one then I cant get freemogemsss

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