Genshin Impact

How to Get the Wings of Golden Flight Wind Glider

Genshin Impact - How to Get Wings of Golden Flight Wind Glider

Wings of Golden Flight is a Wind Glider in Genshin Impact. Check out how to get this Reputation Wind Glider and see what it looks like here!

How to Get Wings of Golden Flight

Ways to Get Wings of Golden Flight

How to Get Reach Reputation Lv. 8 in Liyue
Available? Permanently Available

Increase your Liyue Reputation

Other Liyue Reputation Items
Level 4
Genshin - Liyue: A Thousand Ships IconLiyue: A Thousand Ships
Level 7
Genshin - Liyue: In the Clouds IconLiyue: In the Clouds
Level 8
Genshin - Wings of Golden Flight IconWings of Golden Flight

The only way to get Wings of Golden Flight is by increasing your reputation in the Liyue region. You can do this by completing Bounties, Requests, City Quests, and exploration milestones!

Here's a guide to increasing your reputation and a full list of each region's reputation rewards:
City Reputation System Guide

Wings of Golden Flight Showcase

Wind Glider Showcase

Wings of Golden Flight Showcase

How to Use Wings of Golden Flight

Equip in the Dressing Room

How to Equip Wind Gliders

Open the Dressing Room

Click on ''Wind Gliders''

Wind Gliders can only be used as decorative accessories on characters, and have no bonus effects so far.

Wind Gliders List & Guide

Wings of Golden Flight Information

Basic Wind Glider Information

Wings of Golden Flight
Genshin - Wings of Golden Flight Icon
Type Wind Glider
Rarity ★★★★
Category Reputation
Description A stylized wind glider gifted to you as a mark of Liyue's acknowledgement and recognition.

Wind Glider Details and Story

In-Game Description
'Gaze up at the misty clouds weaving among the crags, oh how they gracefully waft to and fro. Piercing rainbows, slicing frost and snow, they jest at the sight of the battles down below.'' — Our story today begins with this passage.
Everyone knows that all throughout the vast wilderness of Liyue, aspiring martial artists who hold tight to lofty ideals of chivalry can be found seeking the trail of the adepti — roaming the depths of the forests and traversing the towering karst peaks where the clouds linger. Away from the watchful gaze of the Qixing, they perform their chivalrous deeds in secret. We've already told the story of the anonymous young duo who pierce the rainbows and slice through the frost. But today, we'll tell the story of another great hero, a tale you have yet to hear.

It's said that this great hero came striding upon winds from the east.
Having being granted the official insignia of the Geo Lord, they conjured these Wings of Golden Flight and roamed throughout Liyue, delivering justice mandated from on high. Though the bloodthirsty serpentine Chi encroached the lands with destructive intent, the great hero swung his gigantic fist with the might of Mt. Aocang and beat the serpent into the ground, blow by blow.
Upon meeting the evil monster of Guyun, who proved a match even for the adepti, this same great hero gripped their sword and swept away the evil legions with their blade. And let us not forget the young arrogant Fatui lord who openly opposed the Lord of Geo and disparaged the Qixing. Our hero crashed one of his banquets, kicked the fruit bowl, and smacked the living daylights out of the snooty young lord. After having ng some sense beaten into him, the young lord then confessed his mistakes, respectfully bowed to the Lord of Geo and the Qixing, recognition. and promptly left the feast...

Though this wind glider is of the more luxurious variety, the hero was happy to receive the praise of Liyue's citizens and gladly accepted it.
However, these wings come with usage notes that on the surface seem to be written in a storytelling form, while in substance being instructions on how to be a true chivalrous hero. They w seem to exceed our expectations in almost every regard...

Genshin Impact Wind Glider Guides

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Other Cosmetics

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List of Cosmetics

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