Genshin Impact

Never-Ending Battle Day 7 Challenge Guide | Anti-Colossus Silver Bullet Walkthrough

Genshin Impact - Never-Ending Battle Day 7 Challenge Guide

Anti-Colossus Silver Bullet is a Never-Ending Battle stage. Learn Day 7's stage information, list of enemies, challenge rewards, and the best characters to get the highest score in this guide!

Never-Ending Battle Guide
Genshin - Day 1 of Never-Ending BattleDay 1 Genshin - Day 2 of Never-Ending BattleDay 2 Genshin - Day 3 of Never-Ending BattleDay 3 Genshin - Day 4 of Never-Ending BattleDay 4
Genshin - Day 5 of Never-Ending BattleDay 5 Genshin - Day 6 of Never-Ending BattleDay 6 Genshin - Day 7 of Never-Ending BattleDay 7

Anti-Colossus Silver Bullet

Day 7 Challenge Location

Genshin - Anti-Colossus Silver Bullet Challenge Location

The Scorched Earth Stage is located in the Northeastern part of Pudding Isle, in the Golden Apple Archipelago.

Golden Apple Archipelago Map Guide

Day 7 Stage Information

Day 7 Stage Features
1 When a character scores an attack on a Ruin Guard's exposed weak point, the Ruin Guard will be immediately stunned. Additionally, all party members' CRIT DMG will be increased by 25%. When attacking a stunned Ruin Guard or Ruin Grader, CRIT Rate is increased by 50%.
Day 7 Momentum Blessings
1 Increases all party members' CRIT DMG by 25%.
2 Increases all party members' CRIT DMG by 50%.
3 Increases all party members' CRIT DMG by 100%. Additionally, the active character's Normal and Charged Attacks will unleash a shockwave upon hitting an opponent. Shockwaves can be triggered up to once every 3s in this way.

Day 7 List of Enemies

Defeating enemies will give you points depending on their enemy type. Each Normal Enemy defeated will give 55 points, while each Berserker Enemy defeated will give you 125 points!

Normal Enemies (55 Points Each)

Normal Enemies
Genshin - Ruin Guard ImageRuin Guard

Berserker Enemies (125 Points Each)

Berserker Enemies
Genshin - Ruin Grader ImageRuin Grader

Day 7 Recommended Characters

Best Party for Day 7

Best Party
F2P Friendly
Character Character Merits
Genshin Impact - Hu Tao ImageHu Tao • Serves as your Main DPS.
• High Charged Attack and Elemental Burst DMG.
Genshin Impact - Ganyu ImageGanyu • Can hit the Ruin Guard's weak spot using Aimed Shots.
• Provide continuous Cryo application via Elemental Burst.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya • Provides Cryo Resonance.
• Provide continuous Cryo application via Elemental Burst.
Genshin Impact - Bennett ImageBennett • Provides Healing and boosts your party's ATK.
Character Character Merits
Genshin Impact - Xiangling ImageXiangling • Serves as your Main DPS.
• High Elemental Burst DMG.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya • Provides continuous Cryo application via Elemental Burst.
Genshin Impact - Xingqiu ImageXingqiu • Provides Rainswords to mitigate DMG taken.
• High Elemental Burst DMG.
Genshin Impact - Diona ImageDiona • Provides Healing and Shields.
• Can hit the Ruin Guard's weak spot using Aimed Shots..

Other Recommended Characters

Main DPS
Genshin - Amber ImageGenshin - Diluc ImageGenshin - Tartaglia ImageGenshin - Hu Tao ImageGenshin - Yanfei Image
Genshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Mona ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Chongyun ImageGenshin - Rosaria Image
Genshin - Barbara ImageGenshin - Qiqi ImageGenshin - Zhongli ImageGenshin - Diona ImageGenshin - Kazuha Image

Day 7 Tips and Strategies

Recommended Difficulty for Day 7

Difficulty Expert (Score Multiplier x3)

How to Get 2,000 Points on Day 7

Focus on Hitting the Momentum Discs

Genshin - Never-Ending Battle Day 7 - Momentum Discs

We recommend destroying the Momentum Discs as soon as they appear, as Momentum Discs appear regularly and can fill up Momentum faster than defeating Berserker Enemies.

Use Cryo Resonance

Genshin - Never-Ending Battle Day 7 - Cryo and Pyro Resonance

For the Anti-Colossus Silver Bullet challenge, you will gain increased CRIT DMG the more momentum you have. We recommend using at least two Cryo characters to activate Cryo Resonance which increases your CRIT Rate against enemies affected by Cryo to balance out the CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG Ratio.

You can also add Pyro Resonance to add more ATK% to the party.

Hit the Weak Spots

Genshin - Never-Ending Battle Day 7 - Weak Spots

Before destroying the Ruin Guards or Ruin Graders, use bow characters' Aimed Shots to hit their weak spots! This not only renders them immobile, but also provides you a CRIT Rate boost of 50%.

Click to see how to beat these enemies!
Genshin - Ruin Guard ImageRuin Guard Genshin - Ruin Grader ImageRuin Grader

Anti-Colossus Silver Bullet Rewards

Day 7 Medals and Rewards

Points Challenge Rewards
Genshin - Never-Ending Battle Bronze MedalBronze (500)
Genshin - Never-Ending Battle Silver MedalSilver (1000)
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x30,000
Genshin - Never-Ending Battle Gold MedalGold (2000)
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x30,000

How to Get Day 7 Rewards

You get the Anti-Colossus Silver Bullet's rewards by getting different high scores. To get all of the rewards for Day 7 of Never-Ending Battle, get a high score of 2,000 points!

Never-Ending Battle Event

Genshin - Never-Ending Battle Event Information

What is the Never-Ending Battle?

Never-Ending Battle challenges are scattered throughout the limited-time area, the Golden Apple Archipelago. Take a look at our guide and learn how to play the event:
Never-Ending Battle Event Guide

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Never Ending Battle Event Guide
Never-Ending Battle Event Guide

All Challenge Guides

Challenge Stage Information
Genshin - Day 1 of Never-Ending BattleDay 1 Rondo of Ice and Thunder
Superconduct DMG is increased by 100% during this stage.
Genshin - Day 2 of Never-Ending BattleDay 2 Ode to the Elemental Rainbow
Swirl reactions produce Elemental Blasts that deal Elemental DMG during this stage.
Genshin - Day 3 of Never-Ending BattleDay 3 Whirlpool Sonata
Hits on opponents create a Vacuum Field that pulls nearby enemies and deal DMG based on 200% of the character's ATK in this stage.
Genshin - Day 4 of Never-Ending BattleDay 4 At the Molten Core
Triggering Melt will increase all party members' Pyro DMG Bonus along with other Pyro DMG Boosts in this stage.
Genshin - Day 5 of Never-Ending BattleDay 5 Armored Phalanx
All party members Shield Strength is increased by 50%, and a backlash will be triggered when opponents hit a character protected by a shield in this stage.
Genshin - Day 6 of Never-Ending BattleDay 6 Scorched Earth
A Flowing Spring will follow the active character which will unleash rapids every second dealing Hydro DMG based on 50% of the active character's ATK in this stage.
Genshin - Day 7 of Never-Ending BattleDay 7 Anti-Colossus Silver Bullet
Hitting a Ruin Guard's weak spot immediately stuns them, and attacking stunned enemies grants you a 50% CRIT Rate Bonus in this stage.

All Events

Genshin Impact - List of Events
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