Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Where to Find the Sacred Ibis and LocationsComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Emma Juniorover 2 yearsReport

    2 sacred ibis found in a small pool underground in this location pictured.

    6 Emma Juniorover 2 yearsReport

    2 sacred ibis found on the edge of this mountain. Marked location in photo

    5 Emma Juniorover 2 yearsReport

    2 in the small pool by the waypoint north east of the dune of carouses.

    4 Emma Juniorover 2 yearsReport

    Found 4 more. In the pool west of the waypoint by dendro hypo. 3 on the island by the fishing point, 1 in the tree to the left.

    3 Emma Juniorover 2 yearsReport

    2 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Found 2 sacred ibis in a small water, by the shirine of depths, south east of Sobek Oasis. Directly inbetween the 2 waypoints.

    1 Anonymous - GI.Asiaover 2 yearsReport

    Watching above some trees. They usually stand on them, sometime in the middle of the lake.

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