Genshin Impact

Moonchase Charms and Mystmoon Chests in Path of Stalwart Stone | Moonlight Seeker Location Guide

Genshin - Moonlight Seeker - Path of Stalwart Stone Locations
Path of Stalwart Stone is Moonlight Seeker's Liyue Path in Genshin Impact 2.1. Learn how to get all Moonchase Charms and Mystmoon Chests in Liyue and the path's rewards in this event location guide!

Moonlight Merriment Guide
Genshin - Moonchase TalesMoonchase Quests Genshin - Moonlight SeekerMoonlight Seeker Genshin - Trails of DelicaciesTrail of Delicacies
Genshin Impact - Liyue PathStalwart Stone Genshin Impact - Mondstadt PathGentle Breezes Genshin Impact - Dragonspine PathAustere Frost

All Charms and Chests for the Path of Stalwart Stone

Locations of both Moonchase Charms and Mystmoon Chests

The numbers in red are Mystmoon Chests, while the numbers in bright blue are Moonchase Charms.

Separate Location Guides
Moonchase Charms (30) Mystmoon Chests (40)

How to Get All Charms and Chests

No. Image How to Get
1 Chest: Found in between two mountains.
2 Chest: On a puddle just near the first Mystmoon Chest.
3 Charm: Located on a stone in the water.
4 Chest: Underneath the crystallized tree.
5 Chest: Also underneath the crystallized tree and near its root.
6 Charm: Found on a giant tree with a Seelie Stand.
7 Chest: Underneath a tree with orange leaves.
8 Chest: Protected by an Electro Cicin Mage.
9 Chest: Found beside a bush and trees with yellow leaves.
10 Chest: Found on a small rocky hill.
11 Charm: Found by climbing a little on the hill.
12 Charm: On top of a Hilichurl Base.
13 Chest: Underneath the Hilichurl Base.
14 Chest: Underneath a tree with yellow leaves
15 Chest: Protected by Geo Slimes.
16 Chest: Located nearby the water.
17 Charm: Located inside a chest near the water.
18 Chest: Protected by a Fatui Pyro Agent.
19 Chest: Located nearby Geograna lanterns.
20 Charm: On top of a stone near a waterfall.
21 Chest: Beside an Amber.
22 Charm: On top of a monolith.
23 Charm: On top of the monolith with a Qingxin.
24 Charm: Up above the monolith with a tree with yellow leaves on top.
25 Chest: Nearby lily pads with Geo Slimes protecting it.
26 Chest: Nearby lily pads with Cryo Cicins protecting it.
27 Chest: On a puddle with lily pads.
28 Chest: Underneath a yellow tree with Geo Slimes protecting it.
29 Charm: In between a tree with yellow leaves and a bush.
30 Charm: On top of a monolith beside a Bloatty Floatty.
31 Chest: Underneath a tree with Electro Cicins protecting it.
32 Charm: Above an umbrella.
33 Charm: Above the fallen tree.
34 Chest: Underneath the fallen tree.
35 Chest: Protected by a Fatui Pyro Agent.
36 Charm: Found up in a tree.
37 Chest: On top of one of the low cliffs.
38 Charm: High up in the air, between two mountains.
39 Chest: The chest can be found on top of a rock on the water.
40 Charm: Atop one of the pillar mountains.
41 Chest: Near the mountain wall with some Geo Slimes protecting it.
42 Chest: Located near the road.
43 Chest: Beside a pillar, a Moonchase Charm can also be found close by.
44 Charm: Beside a pillar, a Mystmoon Chest can also be found close by.
45 Charm: On top of a ruin pillar or arch.
46 Charm: Floating near the mountain wall.
47 Chest: On top of one of the low cliffs.
48 Chest: Protected by 3 Geo Slimes.
49 Chest: At the base of one of the pillar mountains near the water.
50 Charm: Atop one of the pillar mountains.
51 Charm: Floating above the water, swim or freeze your way to get it.
52 Charm: On top of the mountain near Mt. Hulao.
53 Charm: Atop one of the mountains, near a Seelie court.
54 Chest: Near the mountain wall.
55 Chest: Found near the water protected by 3 Geo Slimes.
56 Charm: Above a parasol.
57 Chest: Near the base of the mountain.
58 Charm: On top of the mountain.
59 Chest: Near the water at the bottom of the mountain.
60 Charm: On a cliff, near the rope bridge.
61 Charm: At the top of the mountain.
62 Chest: At the bottom of the mountain near the water.
63 Chest: Near the cliffs.
64 Chest: Found in a campsite in the area.
65 Charm: Floating above the rope bridge.
66 Charm: Atop the mountain, near a Pyro torch puzzle.
67 Chest: Along the wall of the mountains.
68 Chest: On top of one of the low cliffs near the water.
69 Charm: At the top of the mountain.
70 Charm: Found on the water, near a large cavern.

All Moonchase Charm Locations in Path of Stalwart Stone

Moonchase Charms in Liyue

How to Get Each Moonchase Charm

No. Image How to Get
1 Located on a stone in the water.
2 Found on a giant tree with a Seelie Stand.
3 On top of a Hilichurl Base.
4 Located nearby the water.
5 Located inside a chest near the water.
6 On top of a stone near a waterfall.
7 On top of a monolith.
8 On top of the monolith with a Qingxin.
9 Up above the monolith with a tree with yellow leaves on top.
10 In between a tree with yellow leaves and a bush.
11 Above an umbrella.
12 Above the fallen tree.
13 Found up in a tree.
14 High up in the air, between two mountains.
15 Atop one of the pillar mountains.
16 Beside a pillar, inside a Mystmoon Chest.
17 On top of a ruin pillar or arch.
18 Floating near the mountain wall.
19 Atop one of the pillar mountains.
20 Floating above the water, swim or freeze your way to get it.
21 On top of the mountain near Mt. Hulao.
22 Atop one of the mountains, near a Seelie court.
23 Above a parasol.
24 On top of the mountain.
25 On a cliff, near the rope bridge.
26 At the top of the mountain.
27 Floating above the rope bridge.
28 Atop the mountain, near a Pyro torch puzzle.
29 At the top of the mountain.
30 Found on the water, near a large cavern.

All Mystmoon Chest Locations in Path of Stalwart Stone

Mystmoon Chest Locations in Liyue

How to Get Each Mystmoon Chest

No. Image How to Get
1 Found in between two mountains.
2 On a puddle just nearby the first Mystmoon Chest.
3 Underneath the crystallized tree.
4 Also underneath the crystallized tree and nearby its root.
5 Underneath a tree with orange leaves.
6 Protected by an Electro Cicin Mage.
7 Found beside a bush and trees with yellow leaves.
8 Found on a small rocky hill.
9 Underneath the Hilichurl Base.
10 Underneath a tree with yellow leaves
11 Protected by Geo Slimes.
12 Located nearby the water.
13 Protected by a Fatui Pyro Agent.
14 Located nearby Geograna lanterns.
15 Beside an Amber.
16 Nearby lily pads with Geo Slimes protecting it.
17 Nearby lily pads with Cryo Cicins protecting it.
18 On a puddle with lily pads.
19 Underneath a yellow tree with Geo Slimes protecting it.
20 On top of a monolith beside a Bloatty Floatty.
21 Underneath a tree with Electro Cicins protecting it.
22 Underneath the fallen tree.
23 Genshin - Moonlight Seeker - Path of Stalwart Stone 35.jpg Protected by a Fatui Pyro Agent.
24 On top of one of the low cliffs.
25 The chest can be found on top of a rock on the water.
26 Near the mountain wall with some Geo Slimes protecting it.
27 Located near the road.
28 Beside a pillar, a Moonchase Charm can also be found close by.
29 On top of one of the low cliffs.
30 Protected by 3 Geo Slimes.
31 At the base of one of the pillar mountains near the water.
32 Near the mountain wall.
33 Found near the water protected by 3 Geo Slimes.
34 Near the base of the mountain.
35 Near the water at the bottom of the mountain.
36 At the bottom of the mountain near the water.
37 Near the cliffs.
38 Found in a campsite in the area.
39 Along the wall of the mountains.
40 On top of one of the low cliffs near the water.

What is the Path of Stalwart Stone?

Path 1 of the Moonlight Seeker Event

Genshin Impact - Moonlight Seeker Location Guide
Path of Stalwart Stone is the first Path in the Moonlight Merriment event, the Moonlight Seeker. Moonlight Seeker has three paths, each corresponding to an area in Liyue, Mondstadt, and Dragonspine.
Moonlight Seeker Event Guide

Located in Liyue

Genshin - Liyue Map
All Moonchase Charms and Mystmoon Chests in the Path of Stalwart Stone are located in the Minlin area of the Liyue region. This means some of the Moonchase Charms will be on top of the various peaks in the area.

Be Prepared for Climbing and Gliding

Bring characters that have Climbing and Gliding Stamina Consumption Bonuses as their Passive Talent, such as Amber, or Xiao. Characters that have useful skills for air exploration like Venti and Kazuha would also make collecting in this area easier!

Path of Stalwart Stone Rewards

Area Collection Progress Rewards

Progress Rewards
Mora Mora x20,000
Moonchase Festive Fever Moonchase Festive Fever x50
Mora Mora x20,000
Moonchase Festive Fever Moonchase Festive Fever x50
Mora Mora x20,000
Moonchase Festive Fever Moonchase Festive Fever x50
Mora Mora x20,000
Moonchase Festive Fever Moonchase Festive Fever x50

The Luxurious Sea-Lord

Genshin Impact - Luxurious Sea-Lord
Achieving 100% Area Collection Progress will reward players with the Luxurious Sea-Lord, a 4-star Claymore weapon with the appearance of a large fish!

Luxurious Sea-Lord Weapon Guide

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