Monster Hunter Wilds

How to Get and Use Nightflower Pollen

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Nightflower Pollen is a Special Item that can be found from Ephemeral Blossoms under a full moon in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get and use this item, how to use it after obtaning it, and if it is still farmable after a patch update here!

Is Nightflower Pollen Still Farmable?

Farming is Harder After Patch Update

Monster Hunter Wilds Update Patch Notes.png

With the release of Patch Ver., the phases of the moon during quests are now set to random, thus reducing the viability of the farming route using the quest The Desert Knows Not The Storm.

Update Patch Notes (March 10)

Nightflower Pollen Can Still Be Traded

Suja trader

Players can still trade Nightflower Pollen for items like Gold Melding Ticket and Gold Relic Ticket after the update! Look for Sekka in Suja, Peaks of Accord, as he is the only Trader that accepts Nightflower Pollen for trade.

How to Get Nightflower Pollen

Plenty Farming Time Fallow Farming Time
2100 Guild Points needed per farming run
・ 2 Nightflower Pollen every 10~15 minutes
300 Guild Points needed per farming run
・2 Nightflower Pollen every 7~10 minutes
Weapon Decoration Conversion: 20 Points each
Armor Decoration Conversion: 40 Points each
Rank 8 Artian Parts: 30 Points each

Find Ephemeral Blossom During Full Moon

Monster Hunter Wilds - Ephemeral Blossom during Full Moon

You can find Nightflower Pollen from Ephemeral Blossom in Areas 3 and 10 of Windward Plains. Players can also look around Areas 14 and 18 in Scarlet Forest.

However, Nightflower Pollen can only be harvested from Ephemeral Blossom under a Full Moon.

Weather must be Plenty or Fallow

Fallow and Plenty Periods

Ephemeral Blossom only appear in the locations above during Fallow and Plenty weather conditions. However, it is recommended to have it at Fallow for the faster method of farming.

Weather System Explained

Appearances in the Map is Unannounced

Despite the crucial conditions needed to be able to collect Nightflower Pollen, the appearance of the item or even the Ephemeral Blossom are not announced when they do make an appearance. Though, it can be searched out on the Detailed Map with a Filter on.

Geologist Skill does not increase yield

Monster Hunter Wilds - Equip the Geologist Skill

Even though Nightflower Pollen is classified as a Special Item, Geologist Lv. 2 will not trigger when collecting them.

Geologist Skill Effects

How to Farm Nightflower Pollen

# Farming Steps
1 Reach High Rank in the Main Story.
2 Save Up Lots of Guild Points.
3 Set Up Camps Near Sector 3 and 10.
4 Rest in Windward Plains Base Camp Until Evening during Fallow Season.
5 Save and Close the Game, then Open a Private Solo Lobby.
6 Wait Until Nighttime.
7 Fast Travel to Area 10 to Farm Nightflower Pollen.
8 Fast Travel to Area 3 to Farm Nightflower Pollen.
9 Repeat by Letting Time Progress.

Reach High Rank in Main Story

Defeat Zoh Shia

To be able to start farming Nightflower Pollen, players must first reach High Rank. This unlocks higher rarity materials, as Nightflower Pollen is a Rank 6 item in terms of rarity.

How to Unlock High Rank

Save Up Lots of Guild Points

Guild Points

Before setting up to farm Nightflower Pollen, make sure to have Guild Points saved up. This is going to be needed when Resting in Pop-up Camps.

It is highly recommended to have at least 300 Guild Points per farming run for the Fallow method, or 2100 Guild Points for the Plenty method.

How to Farm Guild Points

Set Up Camps Near Sector 3 and 10

Monster Hunter Wilds - Nightflower Pollen in Windward Plains

As a precaution, make sure to set up Pop-up Camps in Sector 3 and 10 of Windward Plains. This makes it so that you can fast travel between the two Camps when farming for Nightflower Pollen.

Windward Plains Map and Location Guide

Set Pop-Up Camp as Close as Possible in Sector 3

For an even faster clear, set up the Pop-up Camp as close as possible to the Flower in Sector 3. This will greatly reduce both travel time and farming time, including not having to glide down to the area.

Rest in Windward Plains Base Camp Until Evening during Fallow Season

Monster Hunter Wilds - Resting until Evening Fallow

In this method, instead of setting the weather to Plenty, have it be put into Fallow instead. This will not affect the possibility for the Ephemeral Blossoms to bloom.

Or, Rest in Windward Plains Base Camp Until Plenty Season

Set the Environment to Plenty

If farming during the Plenty season, take a Rest in the Windward Plains Base Camp. Make sure to set the Environment to Plenty.

Save and Close the Game, then Open a Private Solo Lobby

Monster Hunter Wilds - Saving, Exiting, then Starting

After setting up the Pop-up Camps in Sector 3 and 10, save your progress and close the game. Afterwards, restart the game, and open a Private Lobby with you only in it.

No Need to Exit and Restart When Doing Plenty

There is no need to do this part when farming Nightflower Pollens during the Plenty weather. Only the Fallow method makes use of restarting the game.

Wait Until Nighttime

Monster Hunter Wilds - Wait Until Nighttime

Skip the step of adjusting the moon entirely, as the Fallow weather makes the sky too cloudy to check for the moon. Instead, just wait until the sun sets and Nighttime arrives. This should take approximately 7 minutes for sunlight to fully disappear.

Wait Until the Full Moon While in Plenty

Monster Hunter Wilds - Full Moon Requirement

If going for the Plenty method, make sure to check the state of the moon up on the sky. Heading outside the Base Camp should give a good view of the moon to check what state it currently is. Though, it is harder to check during Fallow as the sky is mostly covered by clouds, making it harder to see the moon.

If it is not yet a Full Moon, take a rest in your Pop-Up Camp by spending 300 Guild Points per rest.

Rest on the Last Phase before Full Moon if on Plenty

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Monster Hunter Wilds - Moon Phase 1 Monster Hunter Wilds - Moon Phase 2 Monster Hunter Wilds - Moon Phase 3 Monster Hunter Wilds - Moon Phase 4 Monster Hunter Wilds - Moon Phase 5 Monster Hunter Wilds - Moon Phase 6Rest Monster Hunter Wilds - Full MoonFull

For the Plenty method, you have to keep track of the moon's appearance in the sky. There are seven phases of the moon, and you'll want to keep resting until you reach the 6th moon phase. On the phase before the full moon, make sure the environment is Evening and Plenty before Resting in the Pop-up Camp in Area 10.

Set Map Filter to Ephemeral Blossom

Monster Hunter Wilds - Ephemeral Blossom Found in Detailed Map

You can set filters for Ephemeral Blossoms on your map to mark them on your map. They only appear on the Detailed Map once the Full Moon appears, so make sure to track it down once it shows up!

Fast Travel to Sector 10 to Farm Nightflower Pollen

Monster Hunter Wilds - Nightflower Pollen Area 10 Location

Once the full moon is up, fast travel to the Pop-up Camp in Sector 10, then head to where the flower is.

The Ephemeral Blossom in Sector 10 can be found beside the river. As mentioned, the node for Ephemeral Blossoms will not show on the map until it blooms.

Fast Travel to Sector 3 to Farm Nightflower Pollen

After collecting the Nightflower Pollen in Area 10, fast travel to the Area 3 Pop-Up Camp, and head straight to where the flower is. If it is not yet in bloom, wait for the flower to glow as shown above.

Repeat by Letting Time Progress First

After collecting the Nightflower Pollens in Windward Plains, let the time pass first until at least the next morning first before repeating the process.

Adjust Moon Phase for Next Full Moon if in Plenty Weather

For the Plenty method, after getting both of the Nightflower Pollen locations in Windward Plains, repeat the cycle of adjusting the moon phase until it is close to Full Moon once again.

Restart the Game if the Flower Doesn't Blossom

If the Ephemeral Blossom does not flower into Nightflower Pollen despite the conditions are set, you might need to restart the game and follow the steps again. It is currently unknown whether this is a bug or a glitch, but this section will be updated should there be an update on the matter.

How to Use Nightflower Pollen

Used in Trading

Nightflower PollenNightflower Pollen x1
Gold Relic TicketGold Relic Ticket x1
Nightflower PollenNightflower Pollen x1
Gold Melding TicketGold Melding Ticket x1
Nightflower PollenNightflower Pollen x1
Hard Armor SphereHard Armor Sphere x3

Item Trading Guide

Find Sekka to Unlock Their Trade


Sekka is a Trader that is first found in Suja, Peaks of Accord. The area is can be accessed once reaching the Ruins of Wyveria.

Ruins of Wyveria Map and Location Guide

Use Nata's Trade Hub Feature

Nata Village Intermediary

Players can interact with Nata to easily access Sekka's and other trade shops. This feature is only available once they are in High Rank.

Get Gold Melding Ticket for Decorations

What is the Melding Pot

Nightflower Pollen can be traded for Gold Melding Tickets, which are used to get Weapon Decorations in the Melding Pot!

How to Use the Melding Pot

Needed to Unlock Explorer of the Eastland Achievement

Explorer of the Eastlands
Explorer of the Eastlands Trophy
Trophy: Explorer of the Eastlands Trophy Bronze
Difficulty: ★★✩✩✩
Objective: Obtained 10 different special items of Rarity 6.

Collecting a Nightflower Pollen is also a condition for unlocking the Explorer of the Eastlands achievement.

Nightflower Pollen Overview

Nightflower Pollen Nightflower Pollen
Type Special Item Rarity 6
Sell Price 800 Hold Limit -
Pollen from a flower that blooms under a full moon. It exudes an ethereal pale glow.

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11 Anonymous5 days

2 also spawn in scarlet forest. 1 at camp area 18 and the other in area 17.

10 Anonymous6 days

so we need to set the time evening, not night, right?


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