Genshin Impact

The Kabukimono's Finale Archon Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - The Kabukimono
The Kabukimono's Finale is the third part of Genshin Impact's Interlude Chapter Act 3 Archon Quest. See how to unlock the quest, its walkthrough, and its rewards here!

Interlude Chapter Act 3 Archon Quest Guides
The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call A Dance of Destruction
The Kabukimono's Finale As Though Morning Dew
How to Rename Scaramouche/Wanderer

How to Unlock The Kabukimono's Finale

Complete the Previous Quest

Genshin - Scramouche Interlude Chapter Archon Quest

To unlock the Interlude Chapter Act 3, you need to complete Chapter 3 Act 5, Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises Archon Quest and Kazuha's Story Quest Act I.

You also need to complete the Sub Quest before this, the A Dance of Destruction Archon Quest!

Chapter 3: Act 5 Archon Quest Guide

The Kabukimono's Finale Walkthrough

Return to the Sanctuary of Surasthana

Genshin - Kabukimono
Head back to the Sanctuary of Surasthana and talk to Aqaba and Sawada once more. Review their theses to view whatever changes they have made, and relay all the information you have learned during your trip to Inazuma.

Talk to Nahida

Genshin - Kabukimono
After conversing with the scholars, enter the Sanctuary of Surasthana and speak to Nahida.

Watch the cutscenes that will ensue about the allegory of Scaramouche's story.

Go to the Grand Bazaar

Genshin - Kabukimono
Paimon will suggest a walk around the Grand Bazaar to get something to eat.

Head over to the Grand Bazaar to encounter a familiar face.

Follow "Scaramouche"

Genshin - Kabukimono

"Scaramouche" will make his way outside of the Grand Bazaar. Follow him, and he'll eventually catch on to you.

Convince him to talk to Nahida at the Sanctuary of Surasthana.

Return to Nahida

Genshin - Kabukimono

Make your way to the Sanctuary of Surasthana with the Wanderer and deliver him to Nahida and watch the cutscenes that will follow.

Enter the Reminiscent Drift Domain

Genshin - Kabukimono

Head inside the Reminiscent Drift Domain and you will browse through the Balladeer's past in the form of memories. A new memory will play as you reach each destination beacon.

Explore the Shakkei Pavilion Memory

Genshin - The Kabukimono

Now, it's time to explore Scaramouche's memories. After the first memory, head westward and spot a hole in the floor. Drop down to it and press forward. Open the chest straight ahead and continue downwards.

You should be in an empty room. Look behind you and spot an entrance to the left of the wall. Enter it and move onward. Along the way, you will come across a chest on some Electro charged floor panels. Grab it, and proceed to the next memory on the floor below.

Proceed to the Next Memory

Genshin - The Kabukimono

The next part of Scaramouche's memory will play. Afterwards, head north, being wary of the Electro darts along the hallway. Time it right, then proceed to the next area.

Electro floor panels and Electro darts will litter the hallway here. Watch for the timing, and proceed to the are with the Fatui Skirmishers. Defeat them, and open the chest to the east of the room hidden behind some wooden screens before proceeding further.

Continue to the Third Memory

Genshin - The Kabukimono

A rather familiar memory will play once you set foot in the next area. After this cutscene, you will need to defeat a Fatui Mirror Maiden, Electro Cicin Mage, Fatui Agent, and a Fatui Skirmisher. Lay waste to them in order to proceed.

View the Final Memory

Genshin - The Kabukimono
One final memory will be revealed to the Wanderer. Simply view the cutscene and proceed to the the next area northward, and another cutscene will ensue.

Defeat the Balladeer Boss

Genshin - Kabukimono

Once the cutscene concludes, defeat the Shouki no Kami Boss in its first phase only using the Wanderer alone.

Exit the Domain

Genshin - Kabukimono

Once the boss has been defeated, head out of the domain and return to Nahida in the Sanctuary of Surasthana. Watch through more cutscenes that will play.

Rename the Wanderer

Genshin - Kabukimono

Since he bears no name, you will be given an option to rename the Wanderer!

Do so, and you will obtain the item "An Appelative Stroke", which will let you rename the Wanderer for only one more time.

Guide to Renaming the Wanderer

Exit the Sanctuary of Surasthana

Genshin - Kabukimono

After giving the Wanderer a new name, complete the dialogues, watch through the final set of cutscenes, and the quest will conclude!

The Kabukimono's Finale Quest Information

Part of the Scaramouche Interlude Chapter

Genshin Impact - Inversion of Genesis Quest Guide

The Kabukimono's Finale is part of the Interlude Chapter Act 3 - Inversion of Genesis Archon Quest. It is the third part of a series of quests that culminate in the entirety of the story!

Interlude Chapter: Act 3 Archon Quest Guide

The Kabukimono's Finale Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Quest Rewards
Genshin - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP x1125 Genshin - Mora Image Mora x49200
Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x5 Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x9

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Inversion of Genesis Image

List of All Archon Quests

Other Interlude Chapter: Act III Guides

All Interlude Chapter: Act III Quests
1 The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call
2 A Dance of Destruction
3 The Kabukimono's Finale
4 As Though Morning Dew

Complete Story Walkthrough

Genshin - Story Walkthrough Banner

Prologue Chapter
1 The Outlander Who Caught the Wind 2 For a Tomorrow Without Tears
3 The Song of the Dragon and Freedom
Chapter 1
1 Of The Land Amidsth Monoliths 2 Farewell, the Archaic Lord
3 A New Star Approaches - Prelude: Bough Keeper: Dainsleif
4 We Will Be Reunited
Chapter 2
0 Prologue: Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves 1 The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia
2 Stillness, Sublimination of Shadow 3 Omnipresence Over Mortals
4 Requiem of the Echoing Depths
Interlude Chapter
1 The Crane Returns on the Wind 2 Perilous Trail
3 Inversion of Genesis
Chapter 3
1 Through Mists of Smoke and Forests Dark 2 The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings
3 Dreams, Emptiness, and Deception 4 King Deshret and the Three Magi
5 Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises 6 Caribert
List of Temples
Temple of the Falcon Temple of the Wolf
Temple of the Lion
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