Genshin Impact

How to Get the Mondstadt: Hero's Fame Namecard

Genshin Impact - How to Get Mondstadt: Hero

Mondstadt: Hero's Fame is a Namecard in Genshin Impact. Check out how to get this Reputation Namecard and see what it looks like here!

How to Get Mondstadt: Hero's Fame

Ways to Get Mondstadt: Hero's Fame

How to Get Reach Reputation Lv. 4 (Mondstadt)
Available? Permanently Available

Increase your Mondstadt Reputation

Other Mondstadt Reputation Items
Level 4
Genshin - Mondstadt: HeroMondstadt: Hero's Fame
Level 7
Genshin - Mondstadt: Blessing IconMondstadt: Blessing
Level 8
Genshin - Wings of Azure Wind IconWings of Azure Wind

The only way to get Mondstadt: Hero's Fame is by increasing your reputation in the Mondstadt region. You can do this by completing Bounties, Requests, City Quests, and exploration milestones!

Here's a guide to increasing your reputation and a full list of each region's reputation rewards:
City Reputation System Guide

Mondstadt: Hero's Fame Showcase

Namecard Showcase

Mondstadt: Hero's Fame Showcase

How to Use Mondstadt: Hero's Fame

Change your Namecard in the Game Menu

Genshin - Pause Menu - Namecard

Pause your game, press the Pencil Button (or tilt the right analog stick using a gamepad), and select the ''Change Namecard'' option to display a different namecard on your profile.

Namecards List & Guide

Mondstadt: Hero's Fame Information

Basic Namecard Information

Mondstadt: Hero's Fame
Genshin - Mondstadt: Hero
Type Namecard
Category Reputation
Description The name of the Honorary Knight has spread far and wide among the citizenry.

Genshin Impact Namecard Guides

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List of Namecards

Other Reputation Namecards

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Genshin Impact - Mondstadt: Blessing Image Mondstadt: Blessing Genshin Impact - Mondstadt: Hero Mondstadt: Hero's Fame

Other Cosmetics

Genshin Impact - Slim Partial Banner - Cosmetics
List of Cosmetics

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