Genshin Impact

Labyrinth Warriors Stage 1 Challenge Guide | The Ominous Demesne

Genshin Impact - Labyrinth Warriors Stage 1 Challenge Guide - The Ominous Demesne
The Ominous Demesne is the first stage of the Labyrinth Warriors event in Genshin Impact. See a full map of the Stage 1 Domain floors and rooms, the best characters and Shikifuda to bring, and other information on Stage 1 in this event guide!

Labyrinth Warriors Event Guide
Genshin - Shiki TaishouStage 1 Genshin - Shiki TaishouStage 2 Genshin - Shiki TaishouStage 3
Genshin - Shiki TaishouStage 4 Genshin - Shiki TaishouStage 5

The Ominous Demesne Domain Map

Labyrinth Warriors Stage 1 Map

Floor 1 Rooms Floor 2 Rooms
Map Markers and Meanings
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Gate Mechanism Gate: Starting Point
Genshin - Decisive Emplacement Decisive: Final Objectives / Summons the Boss
Genshin - Arrayed Emplacement Arrayed: Summons Enemies
Genshin - Ferocious Emplacement Ferocious: Summons Enemies
Genshin - Curative Emplacement Curative: Heals / Revives / Switches Teams
Genshin - Charm Emplacement Charm: Draws a Charm
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Treasure Chest Chest: Contains a Treasure Chest

How to Complete The Ominous Demesne Challenge

Recommended Party for Stage 1

Recommended Party
Genshin - Xiao Xiao · Provides Elemental Resonance with Kazuha.
· Deals the most damage as main DPS.
Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha · Provides Elemental Resonance with Xiao.
· Gathers enemies and provides crowd control with his Elemental Skill.
Genshin - Albedo Albedo · Provides Elemental Resonance with Zhongli.
· Elemental Skill gives supplemental damage and shields through Crystallize Reactions.
Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli · Provides Elemental Resonance with Albedo.
· Elemental Skill provides a shield and additional damage.

Go for Crowd Control and Shield Up!

To combat various mobs that have different elements, use neutral elements like Geo and Anemo against them! Zhongli protects allies with his shield, Kazuha pulls the crowd in a single area, and Albedo would buff Xiao as he deals damage.

Alternative Characters

Alternative Characters
Jean Jean Venti Venti Sucrose Sucrose Ningguang Ningguang

Free to Play Party for Stage 1

Free-to-Play Party
Genshin - Noelle Noelle · Provides Elemental Resonance with Traveler (Geo).
· Provides shield and healing
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling · Provides the Elemental Reaction Melt with Kaeya.
· Elemental Burst deals continuous AoE damage.
Genshin - Kaeya Kaeya · Provides the Elemental Reaction Melt with Xiangling.
· Elemental Burst deals continuous AoE damage.
Genshin - Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo) · Provides Elemental Resonance with Noelle.
· Elemental Skill provides shields through Crystallize Reactions and gives additional damage.

Best Character Teams Guide

Best Shikifuda for Stage 1

Shikifuda Shikifuda's Effects
Genshin - Shikifuda - Strixwind SummoningStrixwind Summoning Summons a Strixwind Spirit that will continuously pull surrounding opponents. The spirit will remain on the field for 6s.
When the Strixwind Spirit is destroyed or its duration ends, it will explode and unleash a shockwave that deals AoE Anemo DMG and launches opponents.
Only one Strixwind Spirit can exist at a time.
Genshin - Shikifuda - Seal of Fierce FlameSeal of Fierce Flame Creates a Flame Barrier. When you are within the barrier, your active character deals 60% increased DMG and takes 20% increased DMG. The barrier lasts for 12s. Only one Flame Barrier can exist at any one time.
Genshin - Shikifuda - Seal of Flashing LightningSeal of Flashing Lightning Creates a Lightning Barrier. Within it, your active character has 10% decreased CD for their Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts. Additionally, all party members will regenerate 4 Energy every 3s. The barrier lasts for 12s.
Only one Lightning Barrier can exist at any one time.

Tips for Completing Stage 1

Use Anemo and AoE Elemental Skills or Bursts

Genshin - Use Anemo and AoE Elemental Skills or Bursts
The domain contains many enemies that can be affected or interrupted by AoE Anemo Elemental Skills or Bursts. You can use this to your advantage to control the crowd and unleash an AoE Elemental Burst while the enemies are afloat.

Bring a Healer and a Shield Character

Genshin - Bring a Healer or a Shield Character
During the event, characters can get damaged not just by the enemies but also the wall mechanisms that shoot electro arrows, exploding bombs, floorboards with balethunder, curses, and traps. You also can't use gadget or access your inventory so having a healer and a shield character with you can help mitigate the damage!

Avoid Curses by Getting Close to Walls

Genshin - Avoid Curses by Climbing
The curses can be distinguished by the glowing floor around them. You need to stay close to the walls while you walk on the halls to avoid them! There will also be elevated parts of the halls you can climb and walk around in.

The Ominous Demesne Enemies

Stage 1 Boss and Enemy List

Possible Enemies
Genshin Impact - Pyro Slime ImageGenshin Impact - Large Pyro Slime ImageGenshin Impact - Cryo Slime ImageGenshin Impact - Electro Slime ImageGenshin Impact - Large Electro Slime ImageGenshin Impact - Pyro Hilichurl Shooter ImageGenshin Impact - Stonehide Lawachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Hilichurl Fighter ImageGenshin Impact - Hilichurl Berserker ImageGenshin Impact - Hilichurl Grenadier ImageGenshin Impact - Cryo Hilichurl Shooter ImageGenshin Impact - Wooden Shield Hilichurl Guard ImageGenshin Impact - Electro Hilichurl Shooter ImageGenshin Impact - Geo Samachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Hydro Samachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Dendro Samachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Anemo Samachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Blazing Axe Mitachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Fatui Pyro Agent ImageGenshin Impact - Fatui Electro Cicin Mage ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Pyro Potioneer ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Seaman ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Marksman ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Handyman ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Hydro Potioneer ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Scout ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Gravedigger ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Cryo Potioneer ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Crusher ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Electro Potioneer ImageGenshin Impact - Treasure Hoarders - Pugilist ImageGenshin Impact - Geovishap Hatchling ImageGenshin Impact - Cryo Samachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Geovishap ImageGenshin Impact - Hilichurl ImageGenshin Impact - Mirror Maiden ImageGenshin Impact - Electro Samachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Electro Whopperflower ImageGenshin Impact - Crackling Axe Mitachurl ImageGenshin Impact - Ruin Scout ImageGenshin Impact - Ruin Defender ImageGenshin Impact - Ruin Destroyer ImageGenshin Impact - Ruin Cruiser ImageGenshin Impact - Hydro Specter ImageGenshin Impact - Geo Specter ImageGenshin Impact - Anemo Specter ImageGenshin Impact - Rockfond Rifthound Whelp ImageGenshin Impact - Rockfond Rifthound ImageGenshin Impact - Thundercraven Rifthound Whelp ImageGenshin Impact - Thundercraven Rifthound Image Genshin Impact - Kairagi: Dancing Thunder Image Genshin Impact - Kairagi: Fiery Might Image Genshin Impact - Nobushi: Hitsukeban Image Genshin Impact - Nobushi: Jintouban Image Genshin Impact - Nobushi: Kikouban Image

Stage 1 Boss Quirks

Boss Quirks
Floor 1 The Enemy Leader will have the following Attendants that will provide them with buffs: Ruin Cruisers. Each Attendant will increase the Leader's Element RES and Physical RES by 10%. The Attendants will restore the Leader's HP every 12s, with each attendant restoring 5% HP. When there are no Attendants, the Leader will lose the aforementioned enhancement and restoration effects.
Floor 2 Ruin Graders have incredible regenerative capabilities. When their HP falls under 30%, they will recover an immense amount of HP after 10s. This effect can be triggered can be triggered a maximum of once by each Ruin Grader.

The Ominous Demesne Rewards

Labyrinth Warriors Stage 1 Trials

Trial Objectives Rewards
Activate the Arrayed Emplacement and complete the challenge.
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Aged Token x40
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Damaged Shikifuda x60
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Battered Shikifuda x60 - x80
Activate the Ferocious Emplacement and complete the Serious challenge.
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Aged Token x80
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Damaged Shikifuda x120
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Battered Shikifuda x80 - x100
Activate the Ferocious Emplacement and complete the Dire challenge.
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Aged Token x120
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Damaged Shikifuda x180
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Battered Shikifuda x100 - x120
Activate the Decisive Emplacement and complete the challenge.
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Aged Token x300
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Damaged Shikifuda x450
Genshin - Labyrinth Warriors - Battered Shikifuda x180 - x270

Labyrinth Warriors Event Information

What is the Labyrinth Warriors Event?

Genshin - Shiki Taishou in Labyrinth Warriors

Domain Event with a Story

During the Labyrinth Warriors event, you will undergo trials with Shiki Taishou in Inazuma's Mystic Onmyou Event Domain. The Labyrinth Warriors event also comes with a rich story, featuring Xinyan and Childe!
Labyrinth Warriors Event Guide

Unlock via the Tricky Situation Quest

Genshin Impact - A Tricky Situation World Quest Guide

The first stage of the event can only be unlocked when you complete the A Tricky Situation Event Quest! View the complete quest guide for it here:
View A Tricky Situation Quest Guide

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Labyrinth Warriors Event Guide
Labyrinth Warriors Event Guide

Labyrinth Warriors Stage Guides

Labyrinth Warrior Guides
1 The Ominous Demesne
Unlock Quest: A Tricky Situation
2 The Brutal Divergence
Unlock Quest: Pushing On
3 The Vengeful Wood
Unlock Quest: Away with Obsessions and Falsehood
4 The Echoes of Extinction
Unlock Quest: Path of the Taishou
5 The Rending Absolution

Other Event Guides

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All Genshin Impact Events

Genshin Impact - List of Events

List of Events

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