Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Aloy Rating and Best BuildsComment

Showing 1-20 of 101 entries


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    101 Anonymous14 daysReport

    Is she worth it?

    100 Anonymous26 daysReport

    you're the one with low taste. Not only that but you seem to have a shitty character too. Imagine hating on others because they like a character that you don't like. Pathetic, really. Grow up. 😘💅🏾

    99 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Just a thought, but I'm thinking Xilonen can find herself a solid spot in Aloy's team since she's more flexible in comparison to Kazuha. Crystalize doesn't have an element priority like Swirl does, so I'm thinking we can have Xilonen in here and put Kazuha on substitute spot

    98 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    D tier, really? Tsk, I'm really disappointed in this site. She's at least an A tier. Right guys? Am I right or am I right?

    97 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Guys, Aloy rerun when? I've got primogems all saved up and ready for her and her weapon. Pumped up here!

    96 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Most forgotten cheek clapping character

    95 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Who do you think will be the next collaboration character to be added? I bet it’s cloud from final fantasy.

    94 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    at least you’re admitting you have low taste 💅🏽

    93 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Ally is useless

    92 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    maybe.. I don't know, because they like her? Not everyone hates on her and not everyone needs big pp dmg. if built well with a good team, she can be pretty good.

    91 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    I hope we'll get constellations at some point!!

    90 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    speak for yourself. I use and like her. Ever heard of, you know, different tastes?

    89 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Why would you even want her, I'm pretty sure not a single player uses her

    88 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Are we ever gonna get her for the ppl who missed her?

    87 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Aloy's Genshin VA is Giselle Fernandez.

    86 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Is there a typo? pretty sure she's a 3star like amber

    85 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Echoes Set and Rust are well built for best Aloy Normal attack build, just look at her Elemental skill with coil normal attack bonuses.

    84 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I'd go Aloy Talent 9-9-9 if you have fun and spare time building her. I'd never thought she is the best Abyss Herald killer in luring the Ice Bombs range enabling Aloy Ice attacks to shred hydro shields.

    83 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Aloy and Yoimiya are similar in terms of normal rapid attack firing and bow element infusions. Normal attacks for fast-dps are better use for Aloy despite its low Normal attack. Unlike other bow users with different but slow firing stances. But her only downside is the Burst Cooldown, while she has very fast energy recharge rate in full charge. Now for her Pros: her Ice Bombs debuffs enemies attack while stacking coil buffs as normal attack dmg. And her I-Frame relies on easy Burst skill.

    82 SIMΩMEGAalmost 2 yearsReport


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