Monster Hunter Wilds

How to Get and Use Antimite Mass

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Antimite Mass is a Special Item in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Antimite Mass, how to use it, and its effects.

How to Get Antimite Mass

Harvestable During Giant Hopper Crystal Emergence Event

Giant Hopper Crystal Emergence Active Event

Players can obtain Antimite Mass by harvesting them from Giant Hopper Crystals, which only appear during a Giant Hopper Crystal Emergence event.

Players can use the Filter View map feature to mark Giant Hopper Crystals as their destination and use the auto-path feature once the event is active.

Only Available in the Oilwell Basin During Plenty or Fallow Weather

Area Weather
Oilwell Basin Map Plenty/Fallow

The Giant Hopper Crystal Emergence event only happens in the weathers and area above. As such, players should aim to have these conditions when looking for Antimite Mass.

List of Maps and Locations

Rest at the Camp to Refresh Events

Rest Menu

If players have trouble encountering the event, they can repeatedly Rest at camps to reset the active and forecasted environmental events. Resting costs 300 Guild Points each time, so players should earn as many Guild Points before attempting this method.

How to Farm Guild Points

Watch Out for the Event in the Environmental Summary

Giant Hopper Crystal Emergence Forecast

Players can also check the Environmental Overview's Forecast tab and find for Giant Hopper Crystal Emergence events. If the event is listed and is about to occur, they can wait for it to start instead of reseting the events.

How to Use Antimite Mass

Used in Trading

Antimite MassAntimite Mass x1
Turbid ShrimpTurbid Shrimp x2
Antimite MassAntimite Mass x1
Nu Udra Cerebrospinal FluidNu Udra Cerebrospinal Fluid x1

Item Trading Guide

Use Nata's Trade Hub Feature

Nata Village Intermediary

Once in High Rank, players can also interact with Nata to conveniently access Dogard's trade shop.

Needed to Unlock Explorer of the Eastland Achievement

Explorer of the Eastlands
Explorer of the Eastlands Trophy
Trophy: Explorer of the Eastlands Trophy Bronze
Difficulty: ★★✩✩✩
Objective: Obtained 10 different special items of Rarity 6.

Obtaining an Antimite Mass is also a pre-requisite for unlocking the Explorer of the Eastlands achievement.

Antimite Mass Overview

Antimite Mass Antimite Mass
Type Special Item Rarity 6
Sell Price 500 Hold Limit -
A hulking antimite formation that produces strange reactions not yet understood by science.

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