Monster Hunter Wilds

Nerscylla Claw+ Location: How to Get and Uses

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Nerscylla Claw+ is a Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Nerscylla Claw+, how to use it, and its effects.

How to Get Nerscylla Claw+

Hunt High Rank Nerscylla

Monster Weakness
Type: Temnoceran
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
First Encounter: Hopes of Home
Description: Nerscylla are large Temnocerans that use their large claws to strike at prey and is often accompanied by its hatchlings.

Nerscylla Claw+ has a 15% chance to drop as a target reward from a High Rank Nerscylla. It also has a 20% chance to drop from carving it. It is highly recommended to slay the monster instead of capturing it so the player will have 3 extra chances to get a Nerscylla Claw+ from carving it. Low Rank Nerscylla does not drop Nerscylla Claw+.

Nerscylla is susceptible to Fire and Ice elemental damage, so it is highly recommended to equip a weapon with one of the mentioned elemental damages when going to hunt it.

Break Nerscylla's Left Claw

Nerscylla Claw+ is a guaranteed drop when the player breaks Nerscylla's left claw, so it is recommended to target that part. However, Nerscylla's claws can deflect attacks when hit. It is recommended to attack the claws from its flank or the rear instead so the player is less likely to hit the deflective part of the claw.

Nerscylla Weakness and Drops

The Nerscylla's Hunting Grounds Optional Quest

When going to hunt Nerscylla, it is recommended to take The Nerscylla's Hunting Grounds optional quest. This will guarantee Nerscylla spawning in the Iceshard Cliffs and the player will have a chance to get the Nerscylla Claw+ drop from the quest rewards.

High Rank Monster Rewards

Broken Part
Nerscylla Nerscylla [100% (Left Claw)]
Unobtainable as a Wound Reward.
Nerscylla Nerscylla [20% (Body)]

Quest Rewards

Type Rank Quest Name
Assignments 4 Investigating the Frenzied Shadow
Optional 4 The Nerscylla's Hunting Grounds

How to Use Nerscylla Claw+

Used to Forge Weapons

Immane Blade IIImmane Blade II (x6)

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Scylla Fist IIScylla Fist II (×3) Arachnoscale IIArachnoscale II (×3)
Immane Blade IIImmane Blade II (×3) Shell Gunberd IIShell Gunberd II (×3)
Cluster Hammer IICluster Hammer II (×3) Ner Bustergun IINer Bustergun II (×3)
Stealth Glaive IIStealth Glaive II (×3) Blood Cry IIBlood Cry II (×3)
Scaly Sword IIScaly Sword II (×3)

Used to Forge Armor

Nerscylla Vambraces αNerscylla Vambraces α
Nerscylla Vambraces α (×3)
Nerscylla Vambraces βNerscylla Vambraces β
Nerscylla Vambraces β (×3)
Nerscylla Mail αNerscylla Mail α
Nerscylla Mail α (×2)
Nerscylla Mail βNerscylla Mail β
Nerscylla Mail β (×2)
Nerscylla Coil αNerscylla Coil α
Nerscylla Coil α (×2)
Nerscylla Coil βNerscylla Coil β
Nerscylla Coil β (×2)

Used to Forge Palico Equipment

Felyne Nerscylla Wedge αFelyne Nerscylla Wedge α (×1)

Used to Forge/Upgrade Charms

Mighty Charm IMighty Charm I (×6) Chain Charm IChain Charm I (×4)
Sleep Charm IIISleep Charm III (×4)

Nerscylla Claw+ Overview

Nerscylla Claw+Nerscylla Claw+
Description This keen Nerscylla claw lashes out from the shadows to claim an ever-growing list of victims.
Rarity 6 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 1650z
Pouch Limit -

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