Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Broth Location: How to Get and Uses

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Monster Broth is a Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Monster Broth, how to use it, and its effects.

Low Rank High Rank
Monster FluidMonster Fluid Monster BrothMonster Broth

Monster Broth Farming Tips

Monster Broth Farming Tips

Carving High Rank Nerscylla Hatchlings

The best way to farm Monster Broths is to carve Nerscylla Hatchlings since they have guaranteed Monster Broth drops in High Rank. These hatchlings can be found in areas 2, 4, and 5 in the Iceshard Cliifs.

Doing the Time to Exorcise Optional Quest

Time to Exorcise

Alternatively, players and do the Time to Exorcise optional quest to quickly gather Monster Broth. This quest requires players to defeat 12 Bulaqchis. However, this method is less efficient than Carving Nerscylla Hatchlings.

30% Chance of Obtaining Monster Broth From Target Rewards

While Monster Broth cannot be obtained from carving Bulaqchis, it has a 30% of dropping as Target Rewards after the quest is cleared.

Bulaqchi Spawn Locations

Bulaqchis can be found around areas 1 and 3 in the Windward Plains.

How to Get Monster Broth

High Rank Monster Rewards

Broken Part
Unobtainable as a Broken Part Reward.
Unobtainable as a Wound Reward.
Vespoid Vespoid [23% (Body)]
Nerscylla Hatchling Nerscylla Hatchling [100% (Body)]

Quest Rewards

Type Rank Quest Name
Assignments 4 Investigating the Frenzied Shadow
Optional 4 Time to Exorcise
Optional 4 Vespoid Capriccio
Optional 4 Flower of Eternal Rest
Optional 4 The Nerscylla's Hunting Grounds
Optional 4 Smithy's Seal of Quality
Optional 4 Dream Eaters
Optional 5 Astonishing Adaptability
Assignments 5 Thundering Flowers
Optional 5 Fur Damagings Are Dislikeworthy
Optional 5 Opposition
Optional 6 Sinister Sneer
Assignments 6 Scorching the Earth Once More

Acquire From Traders

ChaliceweedChaliceweed x1
Monster BrothMonster Broth x2

How to Use Monster Broth

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Scylla Fist IIIScylla Fist III (×3) Arachnoscale IIIArachnoscale III (×3)
Lala EumenophorLala Eumenophor (×4) Lala HarpactirsLala Harpactirs (×4)
Immane Blade IIIImmane Blade III (×3) Destructive TorporDestructive Torpor (×4)
Shell Gunberd IIIShell Gunberd III (×3) Debilitating TorporDebilitating Torpor (×4)
Cluster Hammer IIICluster Hammer III (×3) Binder MaceBinder Mace (×4)
Ner Bustergun IIINer Bustergun III (×3) Glass RoyaleGlass Royale (×4)
Stealth Glaive IIIStealth Glaive III (×3) Lala StromatopelmLala Stromatopelm (×4)
Lala AviculariLala Aviculari (×4) Blood Cry IIIBlood Cry III (×3)
Lala OrnithoctonLala Ornithocton (×4) Lala SelenocosmiLala Selenocosmi (×4)
Scaly Sword IIIScaly Sword III (×3) Lala AcanthopelmLala Acanthopelm (×4)

Used to Forge Armor

Barina Vambraces αBarina Vambraces α
Barina Vambraces α (×1)
Barina Vambraces βBarina Vambraces β
Barina Vambraces β (×1)
King Beetle Brachia αKing Beetle Brachia α
King Beetle Brachia α (×1)
Butterfly Brachia αButterfly Brachia α
Butterfly Brachia α (×1)
King Beetle Thorax αKing Beetle Thorax α
King Beetle Thorax α (×1)
Butterfly Thorax αButterfly Thorax α
Butterfly Thorax α (×1)
Vespoid Helm βVespoid Helm β
Vespoid Helm β (×3)
Nerscylla Helm βNerscylla Helm β
Nerscylla Helm β (×2)
Nerscylla Helm αNerscylla Helm α
Nerscylla Helm α (×2)
Vespoid Helm αVespoid Helm α
Vespoid Helm α (×3)
Butterfly Vertex αButterfly Vertex α
Butterfly Vertex α (×1)
King Beetle Vertex αKing Beetle Vertex α
King Beetle Vertex α (×1)
Butterfly Crura αButterfly Crura α
Butterfly Crura α (×1)
King Beetle Crura αKing Beetle Crura α
King Beetle Crura α (×1)
Gajau Boots αGajau Boots α
Gajau Boots α (×5)
Butterfly Elytra αButterfly Elytra α
Butterfly Elytra α (×1)
King Beetle Elytra αKing Beetle Elytra α
King Beetle Elytra α (×1)

Used to Forge/Upgrade Charms

Intimidator Charm IIIntimidator Charm II (×3)

Used to Upgrade Kinsects

ArkmaidenArkmaiden (×2) BonnetfilleBonnetfille (×2)
BullshroudBullshroud (×2) CancadamanCancadaman (×2)
Carnage BeetleCarnage Beetle (×2) EmpresswingEmpresswing (×2)
FiddlebrixFiddlebrix (×2) GrancatharGrancathar (×2)
LadypaviseLadypavise (×2) Monarch AlucanidMonarch Alucanid (×2)
PseudocathPseudocath (×2) WhispervespWhispervesp (×2)

Monster Broth Overview

Monster BrothMonster Broth
Description A broth made from only the thickest of a monster's juices. Quite rich.
Rarity 6 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 850z
Pouch Limit -

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