Monster Hunter Wilds

Iron Ore Mining Location and Uses

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Iron Ore is an Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). See how to get Iron Ore, how to use it, and its effects.

Iron Ore Farming Route

Best Farmed in Low Rank Windward Plains

Windward Plains Iron Ore Farming Route

  1. Mine the surrounding outcrops near Lookout Hill, then mine the one at the end of the river.
  2. Fast travel to Mineral Cave, mine the nearby outcrops, then get to the cliff at Area 5. Jump down and glide with your Seikret. Then proceed to get the Area 6 and 2 outcrops.
  3. Mine the outcrops in the Underground Water Vein.
  4. Fast travel to the Bone desert and mine all the outcrops on Area 17.

Iron Ores are mined from Mining Outcrops on all Low Rank locations. However, it's best to farm Iron Ore in Windward Plains due to how many mining nodes there are in the location. Iron Ore can also be obtained in High Rank Windward Plains and Scarlet Forest.

It's recommended to have three levels of Geologist equipped to maximize efficiency when farming.

Windward Plains Map and Location Guide

How to Get Iron Ore

Mined From Mining Outcrops

Mining Outcrops

Locale Areas
Monster Hunter Wilds - Windward Plains IconWindward Plains
Windward Plains 1 Windward Plains 2 Windward Plains 3 Windward Plains 4 Windward Plains 7 Windward Plains 9 Windward Plains 10 Windward Plains 17
Monster Hunter Wilds - Scarlet Forest Icon Scarlet Forest
Scarlet Forest 8 Scarlet Forest 12 Scarlet Forest 13
Monster Hunter Wilds - Oilwell Basin Icon Oilwell Basin
Oilwell Basin 4 Oilwell Basin 6 Oilwell Basin 7 Oilwell Basin 13 Oilwell Basin 14 Oilwell Basin 17
Monster Hunter Wilds - Iceshard Cliffs Icon Iceshard Cliffs
Iceshard Cliffs 3 Iceshard Cliffs 6 Iceshard Cliffs 8 Iceshard Cliffs 16 Iceshard Cliffs 18 Iceshard Cliffs 20
Monster Hunter Wilds - Ruins of Wyveria Icon Ruins of Wyveria
Wyveria 1 Wyveria 5 Wyveria 7 Wyveria 8 Wyveria 11 Wyveria 15

Bypass Mining Outcrop Cooldown with Optional Quests

Mining Outcrops normally have a 15 minute cooldown which can be bypassed by starting an Optional Quest in Windward Plains, harvesting the Mining Outcrops, and then selecting "Return from Quest" in the menu.

List of Optional Quests

Quest Rewards

Type Rank Quest Name
Assignments 1 Hot on Their Tails
Assignments 1 A Stage of Rose and Thorn
Assignments 1 Drive Off the Congalala
Assignments 1 Pinnacle of the Pack
Assignments 1 Balahara of the Sandsea
Optional 1 The Desert is Demanding
Optional 1 Buggin' in the Scarlet Forest
Optional 1 A Sharp Sort
Optional 1 Fire Starter
Optional 1 Every Rose...
Optional 1 Tussle in Pink
Optional 1 Sand Sea Surges
Optional 1 Forest Outlaw

Iron Ore Mining Outcrops Interactive Map

To search for a specific item or material, press the magnifying glass icon on the bottom right. Select from the dropdown button to see other levels and areas


Windward Plains 1

List of Mining Outcrop Farming Locations for Iron Ore

Scarlet Forest

Oilwell Basin

Iceshard Cliffs

Ruins of Wyveria

How to Use Iron Ore

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Hope Bow IIHope Bow II (×2) Hope Strongarm IIHope Strongarm II (×2)
Hope Daggers IIHope Daggers II (×2) Hope Blade IIHope Blade II (×2)
Hope Gunlance IIHope Gunlance II (×2) Hope Hammer IIHope Hammer II (×2)
Hope Cannon IIHope Cannon II (×2) Hope Horn IIHope Horn II (×2)
Hope Glaive IIHope Glaive II (×2) Hope Lance IIHope Lance II (×2)
Hope Rifle IIHope Rifle II (×2) Hope Edge IIHope Edge II (×2)
Hope Axe IIHope Axe II (×2) Hope Sword IIHope Sword II (×2)

Used to Forge Armor

Alloy VambracesAlloy Vambraces
Alloy Vambraces (×1)
Alloy MailAlloy Mail
Alloy Mail (×1)
Quematrice HelmQuematrice Helm
Quematrice Helm (×1)
Alloy HelmAlloy Helm
Alloy Helm (×1)
Hope Mask αHope Mask α
Hope Mask α (×1)
Hope Coil αHope Coil α
Hope Coil α (×1)

Used to Forge/Upgrade Charms

Fire Charm IFire Charm I (×2) Guard Charm IGuard Charm I (×2)
Impact Charm IImpact Charm I (×2) Intimidator Charm IIntimidator Charm I (×2)
Extension Charm IExtension Charm I (×2) Bleed Charm IBleed Charm I (×2)

Iron Ore Overview

Iron OreIron Ore
Description Ore that can be smelted into a multi-purpose metal.
Rarity 4 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 60z
Pouch Limit -

Monster Hunter Wilds Related Guides

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## Item Guides
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