Monster Hunter Wilds

Honey Hunter Skill Effects

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Honey Hunter is a Group Skill under the Neopteron Alert group that increases Honey gathered in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). Learn the effects of Honey Hunter, how much Honey is added to gathering, and armor sets with Honey Hunter.

Honey Hunter Skill Effect

Neopteron Alert 3-Piece Skill

Honey Hunter Skill
Increases the amount of honey you gain from gathering points.
Group Neopteron Alert
Armor Pieces Required 3

Neopteron Alert Set Skill Effects

Gathering Honey while you have the Honey Hunter skill equipped will activate Honey Hunter, increasing the Honey gathered from 2 to 3-5 for that action.

Increases Honey Gathered

The amount of Honey gained between 3-5 is random while Honey Hunter is active.

Honey Hunter is a great Group Skill for farming Honey, particularly in the Windward Plains at Plenty where some areas can have 4 Honey gathering points near each other in a cluster. These clusters can be found southeast of Area 8 near a Pop-Up Camp site, and in a passage west of Area 8/south of the Base Camp.

This can potentially increase the amount of Honey earned in a cluster of 4 Honey gathering points from 8 to 12-20 (+4 to +12 more) depending on how consistent the values are.

Honey Location: How to Get and Uses

Equipment with Honey Hunter Skill

Armor Sets

Set Male Armor Female Armor
Bulaqchi Set
Vespoid Set
Lala Barina Set
Comaqchi Set
Nerscylla Set
Bulaqchi α Set
Vespoid α Set
Comaqchi α Set
Lala Barina α Set
Nerscylla α Set

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