Pokemon UNITE

Zeraora Guide: Builds and Best Items

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

The best guide on how to play Zeraora in Pokemon UNITE for Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Check here for the best builds, Held and Battle items, movesets, as well as the latest nerfs, buffs, counters, matchups, how to get Zeraora, and more!

How to Get Zeraora License

Win 32 Battles to Complete the Zeraora Mission!

With the release of the mobile version, there is a new mission that will allow you to unlock Zeraora. This mission will require you to play and win 32 UNITE battles to get a free Zeraora License!

If you already have a Zeraora License from playing before the Mobile Release, you will instead be compensated with 8000 Aeos Coins! This is a sweet deal so try finishing this event whether you have Zeraora or not!

Zeraora Mission

Zeraora Latest Nerfs & Buffs (3/18)

Version Patch Notes

Zeraora Changes
Stat Buff • Basic attack speed increased to 0-7.7% (Lv.1–15).
Wild Charge Image
Wild Charge
• Cooldown reduced from 9s to 8s.

Stat Updates Basic attack speed increased to 0-7.7% (Lv.1–15).

Plasma Gale Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased from 2819 to 2485 (-12%). Damage to opposing Pokemon decreased from 2485 to 1975. (-20.5%) Move is now learned at Lv. 9

Wild Charge Fixed a bug where KO-ing Pokemon will interrupt the move. Camera action adjusted. Bugfix Cooldown reduced from 12 to 8. Damage reduction while in Wild Charge effect increased. Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon increased from 3068 to 3396 (+11%). Cooldown decreased from 12s to 11s. Upgraded Version (+): Fixed a bug that causes more damage that expected when hitting multiple Pokemon. Fixed a bug where the increase in the number of attacks due to sparks has been disabled. Level learned changed from Level 8 to Level 7. Damage reduced by 5%. Cooldown increased from 9s to 10s. (+1s). Wild Charge +: Level learned changed from Level 14 to Level 13. Damage reduced by 5%.Cooldown increased from 9s to 10s. (+1s) Damage increased by 13%. Fixed an issue where Wild Charge+ damage remained in the location where it was activated. Cooldown reduced from 10s to 9s. Cooldown reduced from 9s to 8s.

Spark Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased 1545 → 1230 (-23%) Adjusted controls. Time in between cast lengthened! Spark Auto attacks now count towards Wild Charge bonus hits. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where standard attack charges would sometimes not trigger after using this move. Level learned changed from Level 6 to Level 5. Spark +: Level learned changed from Level 12 to Level 11. Cooldown reduced from 10s to 9s.

Volt Switch Damage increased from 1500 to 1883 (+26%). Level learned changed from Level 6 to Level 5. Volt Switch +: Level learned changed from Level 12 to Level 11. Damage increased by 20%.

Slash Number of hits reduced, first hit damage increased. Total damage increased from 972 to 1006 (+3.4%)

Discharge Damage to opposing Pokemon decreased from 3608 to 3024. (-16.9%), Shield effect decreased Shield effect strengthened. Damage increased from 3024 to 3232 . Cooldown reduced from 12s to 10s Level learned changed from Level 8 to Level 7. Cooldown reduced from 10s to 8s. (-2s). Discharge +: Level learned changed from Level 14 to Level 13. Cooldown reduced from 10s to 8s. (-2s) Shield amount increased by 15%.

Volt Absorb Fixed a bug where the effect of Volt Absorb was activated after being KO'd.

Zeraora Basic Info

Tier Rating: A Rank Icon

Role: Speedster
Attack Type: Melee
Damage Type: Physical
Difficulty: Expert
"Zeraora can close the distance between itself and its opponents as fast as lightning, dealing massive amounts of damage all at once."

Pokemon Unite Tier List

Zeraora Best Lanes

Top Icon.pngTop Jungle Icon.pngJungle Bot Icon.pngBottom
2 Stars.png
5 Stars.png
4 Stars.png

Tips & Strategies for Every Lane

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Excellent combination of Dash and Attack moves.
✔︎ Has two playstyles depending on enemy team.
✖︎ Needs to scale to mid-game to shine.
✖︎ Moves take a long time to learn.
✖︎ Can get easily picked off when its momentum gets stopped.

Best Builds for Zeraora

Zeraora Builds

Discharge Build

Discharge Build
Pokemon UNITE - Best Build Icon
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Attack: +33
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
HP: +210
Pokemon UNITE - Jungle Recommendation Yes Jungle
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Free Negative Stats:
Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Discharge Build Explanation

Build Explanation
This build is centered on dealing high AoE damage using Discharge with Volt Switch being the complimentary move to set it up.
· Attack Weight increases Zeraora's overall damage output, particularly for Discharge.
· Weakness Policy further boosts Zeraora's damage whenever it takes hits, and it synergizes well with Volt Absorb's effect.
· Focus Band improves Zeraora's defenses and gives it a healing tool. It also goes well with Volt Absorb's effect.
· However, Muscle Band can be a replacement for Attack Weight, improving Zeraora's attacks through increased damage and attack speed.
· Shedinja Doll allows Zeraora to avoid all damage and hindrances for a short time while still being able to deal damage via Discharge. It's also useful for buying some time while waiting for its moves to cooldown.
· Full Heal can also work for the build, giving Zeraora a tool to purge off stuns and debuffs when needed.
· The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 Brown Emblems for more damage and 6 White Emblems additional HP.
· This can be achieved by equipping at least two (2) Emblems that are both Brown and White.
· Equip Emblems that improve Attack or HP to balance out Zeraora's offense and defense.
· Sp. Atk., Sp. Def., and Defense can be freely traded for the other stats.

Discharge Build Damage Test

(@ Lvl 30)
Focus Band
(@ Lvl 15)
Volt Switch
(@ Lvl 15)
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
(w/ Volt Absorb)
(w/ Volt Absorb)

Since the build is centered on Discharge and Volt Switch, equipping items that will maximize their damage is the ideal item combination.

As the results show, a fully-stacked Attack Weight and Weakness Policy will produce the highest damage for both moves.

As for alternatives, replacing Attack Weight with Muscle Band would be the best option. It scored the second best results but also improves Zeraora's attacks, which will be benefitial in the long run.

These damage tests are conducted using the Training Dummy in Practice Mode. The results are taken from the Total Damage data.

(@ Lvl 30)
Focus Band
(@ Lvl 15)
Volt Switch
(@ Lvl 15)
Muscle Band
Razor Claw
3328 2335
Muscle Band
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
3576 2500
Muscle Band
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
(w/ Volt Absorb)
(w/ Volt Absorb)
Razor Claw
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
3576 2500
Razor Claw
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
(w/ Volt Absorb)
(w/ Volt Absorb)
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
(w/ Volt Absorb)
(w/ Volt Absorb)

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

Wild Charge Build

Wild Charge Build
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Attack: +33
Attack Speed: +7.50%
Cooldown: -4.50%
Unite Move Charge Rate: +6%
Pokemon UNITE - Jungle Recommendation Yes Jungle
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Free Negative Stats:
Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Wild Charge Build Explanation

Build Explanation
This build revolves around bursting down a target using Wild Charge with the help of Spark to maximize the number of attacks.
· Muscle Band improves Zeraora's attacks through increased damage and attack speed.
· Attack Weight increases Zeraora's overall damage output, particularly for Wild Charge.
· Energy Amplifier further boosts Zeraora's damage whenever it uses Plasma Gale. It also reduces its move cooldowns.
· However, Razor Claw can be a replacement for Muscle Band, giving Zeraora's attacks a slow effect whenever it uses a move and increased critical-hit rate.
· Full Heal allows Zeraora to purge stuns and debuffs and perform its combos continuously.
· Shedinja Doll can also work with the build, allowing Zeraora to buy some time while waiting for its moves to cooldown.
· The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 7 Black Emblems to minimize move cooldowns and 3 Emblems of any color.
· Equip Emblems that improve Attack or HP to balance out Zeraora's offense and defense.
· Sp. Atk., Sp. Def., and Defense can be freely traded for the other stats.

Wild Charge Buid Damage Test

(@ Lvl 30)
Wild Charge
(@ Lvl 15)
(6 Slashes)
(@ Lvl 15)
(No attacks)
Muscle Band
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
Energy Amplifier
(Includes effect)
8176 1656

Since the build is centered on mainly Wild Charge, equipping items that will maximize its damage is the ideal item combination.

As the results show, Muscle Band or Razor Claw, Energy Amplifier, and a fully-stacked Attack Weight will produce the highest Wild Charge damage output.

These damage tests are conducted using the Training Dummy in Practice Mode. The results are taken from the Total Damage data.

(@ Lvl 30)
Wild Charge
(@ Lvl 15)
(6 Slashes)
(@ Lvl 15)
(No attacks)
Muscle Band
Razor Claw
(Includes effect)
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
6756 1392
Muscle Band
Razor Claw
Energy Amplifier
(Includes effect)
7547 1533
Muscle Band
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
Energy Amplifier
(Includes effect)
8176 1656
Razor Claw
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
Energy Amplifier
(Includes effect)
8176 1656

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

Zeraora Best Items & Moveset

Best Held Items

Item Explanation
Attack Weight.pngAttack Weight Attack Weight increases Zeraora's Attack stat for each goal scored. This allows it to further amplify Zeraora's damage output.
Energy Amplifier.pngEnergy Amplifier Energy Amplifier gives Zeraora a large damage boost whenever it uses Plasma Gale. It also gives decent move cooldown reductions.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band improves Zeraora's overall durability through increased defenses, and gives it a healing tool that goes well wit Volt Absorb.
Muscle Band.pngMuscle Band Muscle Band provides bonus damage for Zeraora's Standard Attacks. It also increases the Pokemon's attack speed, allowing it to get hits faster.
Razor Claw.pngRazor Claw Razor Claw increases Zeraora's Attack and critical hit chance. It also works great with Spark since the time window between each leap is enough time for Razor Claw's damage bonus to cooldown.
Weakness Policy.pngWeakness Policy Weakness Policy boosts Zeraora's Attack and HP stats. It also synergizes well with Volt Absorb, giving Zeraora increased damage.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Equip

Best Battle Items

Item Explanation
Full Heal.pngFull Heal Full Heal allows Zeraora to purge off disables, enabling the Pokemon to perform its combos smoothly.
Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button gives Zeraora more reach on top of its excellent assortment of dash moves
X Attack.pngX Attack X Attack improves Zeraora's burst potential through increased overall damage and faster attack speed..
Shedinja Doll.pngShedinja Doll Shedinja Doll suits Zeraora's diving gameplay, enabling it to avoid all damage for a short duration and buy time for its moves to cooldown when needed.

Battle Item Tier List

Best Moveset

Move Explanation
Discharge ImageDischarge Discharge allows Zeraora to deal continuous damage damage across a wide range. It is great for both pressuring grouped enemies and securing Wild Pokemon.
Volt Switch ImageVolt Switch Volt Switch is a quick and easy dash move that allows Zeraora easily engage and disengage from combat.

This moveset gives Zeraora more presence during teamfights and is simpler and quicker to execute. Discharge deals tons of AoE damage that also grants Zeraora a shield if it hits an opponent, making it the better choice for teamfights. Volt Switch gives Zeraora a quick and reliable mobility tool to set up Discharge.

Discharge and Wild Charge are Zeraora's primary damage moves. Each move has its pros and cons, although the purpose of both moves are still for bursting down targets.

When going for Discharge, Zeraora can deal a decent amount of damage in an area around it, making it great for teamfights. However, it does put the Pokemon at great risk whenever it uses the move since the Pokemon needs to stay on top of targets for the entire duration to maximize its damage, otherwise, the move will be wasted completely.

As for Wild Charge, it deals significantly more damage compared to Discharge but is generally only effective against a single target. In addition, for the move to deal its maximum damage, Zeraora must always use Spark or Volt Switch first to increase the number of attacks it performs during Wild Charge.

On the other hand, Volt Switch and Spark are Zeraora's complimentary dash moves. Although both moves can theoretically be paired with either of the other moves, there is a benefit from having a specific pair.

Volt Switch naturally works better with Discharge since Zeraora can quickly get in and out of fights with the move, giving the Pokemon a quick escape tool when needed. It also allows Zeraora to easily pull opponents that are stunned, which is virtually impossible to execute using Spark.

As for Spark, it's best paired with Wild Charge since it can maximize the number of attacks Zeraora does when using the move. It also enables Zeraora to stay on top of its target easier compared to Volt Switch thanks to its multiple activation and pounce mechanics.

Which Moveset Do You Think Is Best For Zeraora?

Spark & Discharge 8
Spark & Wild Charge 27
Volt Switch & Discharge 49
Volt Switch & Wild Charge 8

Let us know why in the comments!

Previous Poll Result

Spark & Discharge 48
Spark & Wild Charge 22
Volt Switch & Discharge 66
Volt Switch & Wild Charge 14

How to Play Zeraora

Jump to Section

Jungler Role is Essential

When picking path to take at the start of the match, taking the Jungle area is highly recommended. It allows Zeraora to farm Wild Pokemon spawns uncontested so it can get to its strong moves as fast as possible. Thanks to its powerful dash moves, it also opens up strong gank opportunities as the game progresses.

Jungle Guide and Best Junglers

Cancel Buff Pokemon Charge Attack with Slash

To get the best flow for farming Wild Pokemon in the jungle, Use Slash to cancel Accelgor and Escavalier charge attack while the gauge is filling up to save you time from avoiding it or getting hit.

Slash: Zeraora Move Effect and Cooldown

Focus on Farming Until Level 8

Zeraora's power spikes are massive when it finally learns its damaging move at level 8. Unless they over extend, make sure to avoid directly fighting opponents and focus on getting EXP to reach higher levels. Doing this will give you access to Zeraora's powerful moveset like Spark and Discharge, which will be extremely powerful as you transition to the mid game. Try to aim for these power spikes before fighting for objectives and joining teamfights.

Gank Over Extending Opponents

During the early game, Slash is a strong single target burst move and you are likely stronger than laners due to your solo EXP in the Jungle. Jump in with Agility and quickly follow it up with Slash for a quick burst and possibly a kill.

Choose Moves According to Enemy Composition

Zeraora has two playstyles that can change your approach to teamfights. Evaluate the enemy composition first at the start of the game to know the best skill path to take.

Play as an Assassin for Easy Matchups

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Knocking Down a Target with Wild Charge

The Assassin playstyle excels at dealing heavy damage to a single target before weaving out of the fight. The moves it uses are Spark and Wild Charge. This combination of moves is best used against enemy team comps with low HP Pokemon and is especially good for targeting attackers like Decidueye and Pikachu.

Wild Charge: Zeraora Move Effect and Cooldown

Play as an AoE Damage Dealer for Bulky Targets

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Dealing AoE Damage with Discharge.png

Going for the AOE move Discharge is perfect if the enemy team doesn't have a burst attacker or DPS that will instantly pressure you down after entering the fight. It is also great against a team with several disables as your Discharge still works even when Zeraora is stunned!

Discharge: Zeraora Move Effect and Cooldown

Lead the Fight Against Objectives

Another good thing to look out for are Boss Pokemon. Use you arsenal of dash moves to get to objectives spawns quickly and initiate the fight. you should have access to Fluffy Tail to make taking objectives like Regieleki or the Regi variants much easier. Overall, it is best that you intitiate the fight to capture objectives as much as possible to convince you team to follow suit.

Objectives Guide (Remoat Island): When to Target Bosses

Maximize your Dash Moves

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Dashing with Volt Sqwitch

Zeraora's Dash Moves are not just traversal moves, they can also be used for offensive plays. Volt Switch deals damage when enemies are caught in the path, so using it in melee range can be helpful in a pinch if you need extra damage and attack speed. On the other hand, Spark can hone in on targets if a standard attack is used while in the air. Use this to get in melee and auto attack range with your targets!

Moreover, they have unique synergy with your other moves, enhancing your effectiveness in combat.

Pull Enemies with Volt Switch and Discharge

Volt Switch and Discharge have an interesting interaction. Since Discharge pulls enemies towards you when it ends, you can use Volt Switch to pull them at a greater distance, allowing you to isolate targets and set up kills. To achieve this, Volt Switch in and use Discharge. With the right timing, use Volt Switch again as Discharge ends to pull enemies towards your initial position. This is a hard trick to pull off, but it's incredibly effective.

Volt Switch: Zeraora Move Effect and Cooldown

Increase Wild Charge Slashses with Spark

You can increase Wild Charge's slashes by 1 each time you use Spark for a total of 6 slashes, dealing more damage and prolonging your untargetable state. Given this, consume all Spark charges first before using Wild Charge for maximum damage.

Although using Volt Switch can also increase the number of slashes, Spark is the best option since it gives more slashes and acts as a better setup to Wild Charge.

Spark: Zeraora Move Effect and Cooldown

Invade Enemy Jungle Against Weaker Matchups

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Counter Jungling

Being a Jungler with high mobility, you can invade the enemy central area to get free kills and even steal their camp to deny them EXP! This is especially true when you learn Spark as you are extremely hard to catch, which can make enemy speedsters like Gengar have a hard time catching up to you!

For the best counter-jungle, try to communicate to your team with quick chats that you are infiltrating the enemy's jungle camps so that they can adapt to it by defending goal zones or in near the base for the most value.

Use Plasma Gale for Massive Burst Damage

When diving a target, don't hesitate to use Plasma Gale to initiate and chip away its HP. You can also use it to secure kills instead since its a Sure-Hit move. For the best value, try to target it on grouped enemies to take advantage of the AoE blast!

Plasma Gale: Zeraora Move Effect and Cooldown

Fight While Inside the Electric Zone

When Plasma Gale hits its target, it leaves a circular electric zone at the target's position. Staying inside this zone increases your basic attack range and damage. You should take advantage of this effect and attack enemies who are inside the zone.

Progression and Leveling Guide

Top or Bottom Lane Guide

Level 1 to 5

  • Secure as many Wild Pokemon as you can and get EXP to reach level 5.
  • Once at level 5, learn either Volt Switch or Spark.
  • Continue to farm wild Pokemon and level up, defend the lane, score points, and knock out opponents.

Level 6 to 9

  • Once at level 7, learn either Discharge or Wild Charge, and start to get aggressive.
  • Continue to farm wild Pokemon, defend the lane, score points, and knock out opponents to level up.
  • Help your allies secure Regieleki and/or Regice, Registeel, or Regirock.
  • Once at level 9, learn Plasma Gale to get all moves.

Level 10+

  • Continue to farm and level up.
  • Stick with allies to defend or push lanes, secure objectives, and win teamfights.
  • Reach at least level 13 on or before Rayquaza spawns for a full-upgraded moveset.
  • Help your allies win a team fight and secure Rayquaza.
  • After securing Rayquaza, just score points to gain the score lead, then immediately return to base and just defend the remaining goal zones until the match ends.

Jungle Guide

Level 1 to 5

  • Clear the first wave of jungle camps and level up to level 5 with the help of Thunder Shock and Thunder Wave.
  • Once at level 5, learn either Volt Switch or Spark.
  • Help the top or bottom lane by securing the Altaria and Swablu camps, knocking out opponents, and scoring points.

Level 6 to 9

  • Clear the second wave of jungle camps to reach level 7 and get either Discharge or Wild Charge.
  • At the 8:00 minute mark, go to the center of the map and secure the Altaria and Swablu camps.
  • At the 7:20 minute mark, go to the bottom lane and help secure the Altaria and Swablu camps, knock out opponents, and score points.
  • Once at level 9, learn Plasma Gale.
  • At the 7:00 minute mark, help allies secure Regice, Registeel, or Regirock.
  • Afterwards, try to secure Regieleki on the top lane if it's still there.

Level 10+

  • Stick with allies to defend or push lanes, secure objectives, and win teamfights.
  • Reach at least level 13 on or before Rayquaza spawns for a fully-upgraded moveset.
  • Help your allies win a team fight and secure Rayquaza.
  • After securing Rayquaza, just score points to gain the score lead, then immediately return to base and just defend the remaining goal zones until the match ends.

Zeraora Combos

Quick Slash Combo

Quick Slash Combo
Agility IconSlash IconStandard Attack Icon ~

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Quick Slash Combo
AgilitySlashStandard Attack ~
This is Zeraora's bread and butter combo for clearing jungle camps as well as ganking lanes. Agility allows Zeraora to position near his targets and Slash damages and knocks the target up. If followed up, this can easily result in a kill in the early game.

Assassin Combo

Assassin Combo
Spark Icon + Standard Attack Icon x3 ► Wild Charge Icon

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Assassin Combo
Spark + Standard Attack x3 ► Wild Charge
This is your main assassination combo. Spark gives Zeraora great mobility, which you can use to get quick hits and pressure a target. Once you get a couple of attacks in, activate Wild Charge before the target can respond. If done correctly, Wild Charge can deal a barrage of damage to a target while making Zeraora invincible for much longer.

Discharge Pull Combo

Discharge Pull Combo
Volt Switch IconDischarge IconStandard Attack Icon x3 ► Volt Switch IconStandard Attack Icon ~

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Discharge Pull Combo
Volt SwitchDischargeStandard Attack x3 ► Volt SwitchStandard Attack ~
This combo needs good timing and may need a bit of practice to get use to. Volt Switch is a double reposition ability that can make you jump on a location then return to your previous location when used again. Once you get close to the target with the move, activate Discharge and continusly deal Standard Attack damage to start the combo. You need to time your boosted attack to land before Discharge explodes before activating Volt Switch again. If timed correctly, you will be able to pull enemies with you when you go back to your previous position.

Ultimate Plasma Gale Burst Combo

Ultimate Plasma Gale Burst Combo
Spark Icon + Standard Attack Icon x3 ► Plasma Gale IconWild Charge Icon

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Ultimate Plasma Gale Combo
Spark + Standard Attack x3 ► Plasma GaleWild Charge
This is a quick in and out, burst combo great for hectic team fights where enemies are grouped. Start by moving around the battlefield and deal quick damage, alternating between Spark and Standard Attacks. Before activating Wild Charge, use Plasma Gale for wide AoE damage. You can then activate Wild Charge targeting a low HP target so you can alternate between enemies.

Matchups & Counters for Zeraora

Zeraora Matchups

Hard Counter
Alolan NinetalesBlastoiseBuzzwoleClefableMachampMega Mewtwo XMimikyuSlowbroSnorlaxTrevenantUmbreonUrshifuWigglytuffZacian
Fair Matchup
AbsolAegislashBlazikenCeruledgeCharizardCinderaceCrustleDarkraiDodrioDragapultDragoniteFalinksGalarian RapidashGengarGoodraGreedentGyaradosHo-OhLaprasLeafeonLucarioMamoswineMega Mewtwo YMeowscaradaMetagrossMr. MimeScizorSuicuneTalonflameTinkatonTsareenaTyranitarVenusaurZoroark
Good Matchup
Matchup Notes
Hard CounterHard Counter Even MatchupEven Matchup Easy MatchupEasy Matchup
1. The chart is based on our own experience playing Zeraora.
2. Pokemon within each tier are unordered
3. Any Pokemon not shown here are still under investigation.

Hard Counter with Disabling Moves

Zeraora relies on quickly dashing in fights, bursting down targets with Wild Charge or Discharge, then dashing out. Pokemon that can quickly disable Zeraora and disrupt its combos are the ideal counters.

Hard Counters

Pokemon Explanation
Blastoise ImageBlastoise Rating: ★★★★★
• Has innately high defenses.
• Can disrupt Zeraora's momentum with Surf, Hydro Pump, and Hydro Typhoon.
Rapid Spin and Water Spout combo can pressure Zeraora's HP.
Buzzwole ImageBuzzwole Rating: ★★★★★
• Has enough durability to survive Zeraora's damage.
• Can disrupt Zeraora's combos with Leech Life or Superpower, and Smack Down.
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales Rating: ★★★★
• Can disrupt Zeraora's assault and burst it down with Avalanche and Blizzard.

Even Matchups for Zeraora

Utilizing Zeraora's mobility and high burst damage moves in a strategic manner can help it get the upper hand against these Pokemon. However, missing a move will most likely result in a loss for Zeraora.

Get Close and Burst Down Quickly

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Cinderace Image Dragapult Image Mega Mewtwo Y Image Suicune Image Venusaur Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting and have means to do so. They also have high damage potential that can knock out Zeraora quickly. However, they are fragile and can easily fall to Zeraora's combos.
• Quickly close the gap with Volt Switch or Spark, then burst them down with Wild Charge or Discharge.
• Alternatively, use Plasma Gale immediately after jumping in to add more burst damage.
• Retreat if Zeraora misses.

Avoid Prolonged Fights

Aegislash Image Blaziken Image Ceruledge Image Charizard Image Dragonite Image Falinks Image Gyarados Image Lucario Image Metagross Image Scizor Image Tinkaton Image Tsareena Image Tyranitar Image
How to Beat
• All-Rounders rely mostly on their attacks or combos to deal damage. They are also durable enough to soak Zeraora's damage and will most likely win in a one-on-one brawl. However, Zeraora is more mobile than them and can dash in and out without taking too much damage from them.
• Pressure their HP first by dashing in with Volt Switch or Spark, hitting them with Wild Charge or Discharge, then dashing out.
• When their HP falls to half or less, do the same thing but finish them off this time.
• Alternatively, Zeraora can use Plasma Gale to finish them off if their HP is low enough after doing a combo.

Dodge and Retaliate

High-mobility Pokemon with Burst Damage
Absol Image Darkrai Image Dodrio Image Galarian Rapidash Image Gengar Image Leafeon Image Meowscarada Image Talonflame Image Zoroark Image
How to Beat
• Much like Zeraora, these Pokemon are incredibly agile and deal high burst damage. However, they become vulnerable when they miss their burst damage attempt.
• Dodge their attempt with Volt Switch or Spark, then retaliate with Wild Charge or Discharge.
• Alternatively, use Plasma Gale immediately after jumping in to add more burst damage.

Group Up with Allies

Highly Durable Pokemon
Goodra Image Greedent Image Ho-oh Image Lapras Image Mamoswine Image Mr. Mime Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon are extremely durable and are not the ideal targets for Zeraora to take on alone. With that, it's best to group up with allies to bring them down with the help of Zeraora.

Easy Matchups for Zeraora

Easy matchups are Pokemon that easily fall to Zeraora's burst combo and have little to no ways of defending themselves.

Get Close and Burst Down Quickly

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Armarouge Image Chandelure Image Cramorant Image Decidueye Image Delphox Image Duraludon Image Espeon Image Gardevoir Image Glaceon Image Greninja Image Inteleon Image Mew Image Miraidon Image Pikachu Image [ Sylveon Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon are typically found in the backlines during fights, providing damage from a distance. They also have high damage potential that can knock out Zeraora quickly. However, they are fragile and can easily fall to Zeraora's combos.
• Quickly close the gap with Volt Switch or Spark, then burst them down with Wild Charge or Discharge.
• Alternatively, use Plasma Gale immediately after jumping in to add more burst damage.

Take Them Out First

Blissey Image Comfey Image Eldegoss Image Hoopa Image Psyduck Image Sableye Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon usually stick with their allies and rarely venture alone. Although they themselves pose no threat to Zeraora, their support capabilities makes them valuable during fights.
• Utilize Zeraora's burst damage combos to quickly take them out first.

Utilize Superior Mobility

Brawlers with Little to No Mobility
Azumarill Image Garchomp Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon excel in close combat but have little to no mobility that allows them to get away from Zeraora.
• Pressure their HP first by dashing in with Volt Switch or Spark, hitting them with Wild Charge or Discharge, then dashing out.
• When their HP falls to half or less, do the same thing but finish them off this time.
• Alternatively, Zeraora can use Plasma Gale to finish them off if their HP is low enough after doing a combo.

Best Teammates for Zeraora

Pokemon Explanation
Pikachu ImagePikachu Slowbro ImageSlowbro Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff Disablers
Pokemon with disabling moves can help Zeraora become a more effective assassin. Their AoE disabling moves like Thunderbolt and Sing are a great way to set up Discharge, keeping enemies in place for its duration and ensuring the move deals maximum damage. On the other hand, a move like Slowbeam can isolate any target and allow Zeraora to shred it using Wild Charge.
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Snorlax ImageSnorlax Tsareena ImageTsareena Frontliners
Although Zeraora can charge the frontlines, it can only do so if it's generally safe to dash in. This is where frontliners come in. They can give Zeraora room to safely dash in and out of the frontlines by taking the enemy's attention away from the Pokemon and direct it towards themselves. They can also use moves like Heavy Slam and Confusion to set up Zeraora's combos.

Looking for teammates to synergize with you? Head over to our Friend Request Board to find other trainers to join you in your grind or just to hang out with!

Friend Request Board

Zeraora Moves

Move Slot 1 (R)

Agility ImageAgility
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Dash
Damage Type: Status
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: N/A
Final Damage: N/A
Has the user perform a quick dash and increases the user's basic attack speed for a short time afterward.
Spark ImageSpark
(Lv. 5)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Dash
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 9s
Starting Damage: 615
Damage per leap: 205, Number of leaps: 3
Final Damage: 1230
Damage per leap: 410, Number of leaps: 3
Has the user leap at an opposing Pokemon while electricity charged, dealing damage to them. If the user uses its basic attack before reaching it's target Pokemon, the user will instead leap at the closest opposing Pokemon dealing damage to it. This move can be used three times before it goes on cooldown.
Upgrade: Also restores the user's HP if the user performs a basic attack before reaching its target Pokemon.
Volt Switch ImageVolt Switch
(Lv. 5)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Dash
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 8s
Starting Damage: 1040
First Dash damage: 416, Second Dash damage: 624
Final Damage: 2269
First Dash: 905, 2nd Dash: 1364
Has the user perform a high-speed dash, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits and increasing the user's basic attack speed for a short time. Using this move within a set period of time will allow the user to immediately dash back to where it originally used the move.
Upgrade: Increase this move's damage and further increses basic attack speed.

Move Slot 2 (ZR)

Slash ImageSlash
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Melee
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 8.5s
Starting Damage: 903
Damage per slash: 301, Number of slashes: 3
Final Damage: 1200
Damage per slash: 400, Number of slashes: 3
Has the user pounce at an opposing Pokemon and attack with sharp claws. This move's final attack throws opposing Pokemon.
Wild Charge ImageWild Charge
(Lv. 7)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Melee
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 8s
Starting Damage: 2139 (3 attacks)
Initial attack damage: 1070, Succeeding attack damage: 535, Min/Max attacks: 3 / 6
Final Damage: 3467 (3 attacks)
Initial attack damage: 1734, Succeeding attack damage: 867, Min/Max attacks: 3 / 6
Lunge in a chosen direction. If this Move hits a Pokemon, the user becomes untargetable and unleashes a series of hits at the target, dealing heavy damage but also dealing some damage to itself. Using Volt Switch, Spark, or a boosted attack before using this Move increases the number of hits made by this Move.
Upgrade: This Move also deals damage to enemies around the main target when it hits.
Discharge ImageDischarge
(Lv. 7)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Melee
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 12s
Starting Damage: 1936
Damage per pulse: 242, Final pulse damage: 484, Number of pulses: 7
Final Damage: 3232
Damage per pulse: 404, Final pulse damage: 808, Number of pulses: 7
Creates a field of electricity that surrounds you, damaging nearby enemies and granting a shield if it hits an enemy. Hitting a paralyzed Pokemon with this skill pulls them towards you and damages them again.
Upgrade: Slows enemies hit by this Move for a short time.

Unite Moves (ZL)

Plasma Gale ImagePlasma Gale
(Lv. 9)
Move Type: Sure Hit
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 112s
Starting Damage: 1336
Final Damage: 1979
Unleashes a blast of lightning, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and throwing them. This also creates a zone of plasma that paralyzes opposing Pokemon caught inside it and increases the user's basic attack range and dealt while the user is inside it.

Standard Attack

Standard Attack Image Standard Attack Every third attack becomes boosted, dealing more damage, paralyzing the target and restores some of Zeraora's HP.

Ability (Passive)

Volt Absorb ImageVolt Absorb
Zeraora IconZeraora

The Pokemon gains an electric charge whenever it receives damage, converting a portion of that damage into additional Attack.

Zeraora Stats & Evolutions

Zeraora Evolutions

This Pokemon does not evolve.

Zeraora Stats

Level HP Defense Special Defense Attack Damage
1 3002 60 40 159
2 3120 69 46 176
3 3250 78 52 195
4 3393 88 59 216
5 3550 99 67 239
6 3723 112 75 265
7 3913 126 84 293
8 4122 141 94 324
9 4353 158 105 358
10 4607 176 117 396
11 4887 196 131 437
12 5195 218 146 483
13 5534 243 162 533
14 5908 270 180 588
15 6319 300 200 649

Attack Damage is the damage of the Basic Attack as tested against the Training Dummy.

Zeraora In-Game Stats Listing

Offense Endurance Mobility Scoring Support
3.5 Stars.png 1.5 Stars.png 4 Stars.png 3 Stars.png 0.5 Stars.png

Zeraora Skins (Holowear)

ZeraoraSpace StyleSpace Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 400
ZeraoraTraining StyleTraining Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 400 / Holowear Ticket 18
ZeraoraPower Plant StylePower Plant Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 1200
ZeraoraFrontier StyleFrontier Style
ZeraoraBand StyleBand Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 2199
ZeraoraFashionable StyleFashionable Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 1050

All Pokemon Skins (Holowear)

Zeraora Character Spotlight

Zeraora Achievements

Discharge Achievement

Pokemon Move
Zeraora ImageZeraora Discharge ImageDischarge
In a single batle, pull in 2 or more Pokemon from the opposing team with Discharge or Discharg+ (5/10/20 battles total)
Medals & Points Rewards
Pokemon UNITE - Beginner Achievement Medal Beginner
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png 5
Aeos Ticket IconAeos Ticket x100
Pokemon UNITE - Expert Achievement Medal Expert
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png5
Aeos Coin IconAeos Coin x300
Pokemon UNITE - Master Achievement Medal.png Master
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png10
Holowear Ticket IconHolowear Ticket x3

List of Speedster Pokemon Achievements

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon Partial Banner

List of All Pokemon

All Pokemon Guides and Builds

Best Build for Each Pokemon

Pokemon Roster
Pokemon UNITE - AbsolAbsol Pokemon UNITE - AegislashAegislash Pokemon UNITE - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales Pokemon UNITE - ArmarougeArmarougue
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Pokemon UNITE - CrustleCrustle Pokemon UNITE - DarkraiDarkrai Pokemon UNITE - DecidueyeDecidueye Pokemon UNITE - Delphox Delphox
Pokemon UNITE - Dodrio SpeedsterDodrio Pokemon UNITE - DragapultDragapult Pokemon UNITE - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon UNITE - DuraludonDuraludon
Pokemon UNITE - EldegossEldegoss Pokemon UNITE - EspeonEspeon Pokemon UNITE - Falinks  (All-Rounder)Falinks Pokemon UNITE - Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash
Pokemon UNITE - GarchompGarchomp Pokemon UNITE - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon UNITE - GengarGengar Pokemon UNITE - GlaceonGlaceon
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Pokemon UNITE - Ho-OhHo-Oh Pokemon UNITE - HoopaHoopa Pokemon UNITE - InteleonInteleon Pokemon UNITE - LaprasLapras
Pokemon UNITE - LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon UNITE - LucarioLucario Pokemon UNITE - MachampMachamp Pokemon UNITE - MamoswineMamoswine
Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo X Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo YMega Mewtwo Y Pokemon UNITE - MeowscaradaMeowscarada Pokemon UNITE - MetagrossMetagross
Pokemon UNITE - MewMew Pokemon UNITE - MimikyuMimikyu Pokemon UNITE - MiraidonMiraidon Pokemon UNITE - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon UNITE - PikachuPikachu Pokemon UNITE - PsyduckPsyduck Pokemon UNITE - SableyeSableye Pokemon UNITE - ScizorScizor
Pokemon UNITE - SlowbroSlowbro Pokemon UNITE - SnorlaxSnorlax Pokemon Unite - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon UNITE - SylveonSylveon
Pokemon UNITE - TalonflameTalonflame Pokemon UNITE - TinkatonTinkaton Pokemon UNITE - TsareenaTsareena Pokemon UNITE - TyranitarTyranitar
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Pokemon UNITE - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon UNITE - ZeraoraZeraora Pokemon UNITE - ZoroarkZoroark -

Upcoming Pokemon

Upcoming Pokemon
Alolan Raichu (No Role)Alolan Raichu
(April 2025)
Alcremie (No Role)Alcremie

Upcoming and New Pokemon

Pokemon by Role

All Pokemon Roles
Attacker IconAttackers All-Rounder IconAll-Rounders Defender IconDefenders
Speedster IconSpeedsters Supporter IconSupporters

Pokemon by Characteristics

Attack Type
Pokemon UNITE - Melee Type Partial BannerMelee Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Ranged Type Partial BannerRanged Pokemon
Pokemon UNITE - Physical Type Partial BannerPhysical Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Special Type Partial BannerSpecial Pokemon
Stat Rankings
Pokemon UNITE - HP Ranking Partial BannerHP Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Defense Ranking Partial BannerDefense Ranking
Pokemon UNITE - Special Defense Ranking Partial BannerSp. Def. Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Basic Attack Ranking Partial BannerBasic Attack Ranking


54 Anonymous3 months

I hace gotten 24 kos with disharge zeraora your verry good lets see if i can beat you

53 Anonymous3 months

I hace usted zeraora like 1 millones times and i agree with the Best build


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