Pokemon UNITE

Item Enhancers: How to Get and Use

How to Farm Item Enhancers

Item Enhancers are the only items in Pokemon UNITE that can upgrade held items! To learn how to farm Item Enhancers, what Item Enhancers are, and more, read on!

Item Upgrade Guides
Item Enhancer ArticleHow to Farm Item Enhancers Upgrade Item Enhancer ArticleHow to Upgrade Held Items Super Item Enhancers PlainSuper Item Enhancers Guide

How to Farm Item Enhancers

Check IconPurchase with Aeos Tickets
Check IconPurchase with Aeos Gems
Check IconRaise Trainer Level
Check IconLevel Up Battle Pass
Check IconComplete Event Challenges
Check IconPlay Energy Rewards Gacha

Purchase with Aeos Tickets

Item Enhancer Shop

Shop Aeos Emprorium
Aeos Ticket Aeos Ticket x 10

The main way to get Item Enhancers is by purchasing them using Aeos Tickets in the in-game store. They can be bought in the Aeos Emporium in the Items section for 10 Aeos Tickets each.

How to Farm Aeos Tickets

Purchased with Aeos Gems

Item Enhancers Gems

When the player does not have enough Aeos Tickets to buy the Item Enhancer, an option to purchase with Aeos Gems will appear. This allows the player to buy Item Enhancers at a rate of 1 Aeos Gem per 10 Aeos Tickets, or effectively 1 Aeos Gem per Item Enhancer.

This effectively grants players the opportunity to increase their Pokemon's stats significantly with high leveled Held Items by simply paying real money. this aspect is widely seen as the Pay to Win aspect within Pokemon UNITE.

Is Pokemon UNITE Pay to Win?

Raise Trainer Level

Item Enhancer Trainer Level

Level Reward Battle Points per Level
50 Item Enhancers50 Item Enhancers
50 Item Enhancers50 Item Enhancers
50 Item Enhancers50 Item Enhancers
80 Item Enhancers80 Item Enhancers
80 Item Enhancers80 Item Enhancers
80 Item Enhancers80 Item Enhancers
80 Item Enhancers80 Item Enhancers
80 Item Enhancers80 Item Enhancers
80 Item Enhancers80 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers
100 Item Enhancers100 Item Enhancers

Item Enhancers can be received through the Trainer Level Up Rewards by leveling up your trainer. Reaching the highest level, level 40, will net you a total of 1,130 Item Enhancers. Play Unite battles to increase your trainer's level and get rewards!
Trainer Level: How to Raise Fast

Level Up Battle Pass

Item Enhancer Battle Pass

Free Battle Pass
Item Enhancer 405 total
Premium Battle Pass
Item Enhancer 465 total

You can also receive Item Enhancers as a reward for completing daily missions in the Battle Pass. Simply take note of the challenges in the missions tab and play UNITE battles to increase your Battle Pass level!

Note that some Item Enhancers will be locked unless you purchase the Premium Battle Pass. Buying the Premium Battle Pass will allow you to get a total of 465 Item Enhancers compared to 405 of the free version.

Battle Pass Guide

Can Also Receive Aeos Tickets

Aeos Tickets Battle Pass

Free Battle Pass
Aeos Ticket 2250 Aeos Tickets total =
Item Enhancer 225
Premium Battle Pass
Aeos Ticket 7050 Aeos Tickets total =
Item Enhancer 705

Aside from Item Enhancers, players can also get Aeos Tickets from the Battle Pass Rewards. You can use them to buy additional Item Enhancers from the shop!

Like with the Item Enhancers before, buying the Premium Battle Pass will allow you to receive more Aeos Tickets compared to the free version. However, Aeos tickets are more abundant in the Premium version with a total of 7050 Aeos Tickets, compared to the 2250 Aeos Tickets from free version.

Complete Event Challenges

Item Enhancers Events
You can also get additional Item Enhancers by completing in-game challenges. Additionally, some events will also reward you with Aeos Tickets, which you can use to buy Item Enhancers in the shop. You can view all available challenges and rewards in the Events tab in the main menu.

Note that some events can expire when it reaches a certain date. Try to finish most of them before they refresh so you can get the most out of its rewards!

List of All Events

Play Energy Rewards Gacha

Item Enhancer Gacha

Offer Rate 20%

Item Enhancers can also be received as a random Energy Reward by spending Aeos Energy at the Energy Machine. Item Enhancers have an offer rate of 20%. Note that you will need at least 100 Aeos Energy to use the Energy Reward System.

How to Farm Aeos Energy

What are Item Enhancers?

Item Enhancer Details
Item Enhancers are items that are used to upgrade Held Items, increasing their effectiveness in battle. They can be bought in the Aeos Emporium.

Best Held Items to Upgrade

Item Enhancers Required Per Level

Level Amount Required
Item Enhancer x 82
Item Enhancer x 485
Item Enhancer x 2020

Note that upgrading a Held Item's level will also increase its next Item Enhancer cost. As you can see from the table above, the cost to upgrade an item from level 21 to 30 significantly increases.

It is recommended that you only use your Item Enhancers on Held Items that you regularly use, and only upgrading it until level 20. Upgrading beyond that will surely be a grind, unless you spend real money.

How to Upgrade Items

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Item Pages
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Held Items

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List of Held Items

Battle Items

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PokemoN UNITE - Shedinja Doll IconShedinja Doll Pokemon UNITE - Slow SmokeSlow Smoke Pokemon UNITE - X AttackX Attack
Pokemon UNITE - X SpeedX Speed -

List of Battle Items


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