Pokemon UNITE

List of HP Emblems

Pokemon UNITE - HP Emblems Banner.png

Pokemon Boost Emblems is a mechanic added to Pokemon UNITE to augment the stats of your Pokemon. Read on to see the list of all HP emblems, as well as their corresponding colors and stats!

List of HP Boost Emblems

This list runs down down all emblems with positive HP stats!

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Red Boost Emblem IconCharmander HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Red Boost Emblem IconCharmeleon HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - Red Boost Emblem IconCharizard HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - White Boost Emblem IconPidgey HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - White Boost Emblem IconPidgeotto HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - White Boost Emblem IconPidgeot HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Purple Boost Emblem IconNidoran (F) HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - Purple Boost Emblem IconNidorina HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - Purple Boost Emblem IconNidoqueen HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Boost Emblem IconClefairy HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Boost Emblem IconClefable HP +30
Movement Speed -21
HP +40
Movement Speed -28
HP +50
Movement Speed -35
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Boost Emblem IconJigglypuff HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Boost Emblem IconWigglytuff HP +30
Movement Speed -21
HP +40
Movement Speed -28
HP +50
Movement Speed -35
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconOddish HP +30
Movement Speed -21
HP +40
Movement Speed -28
HP +50
Movement Speed -35
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconGloom HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconVileplume HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconVenonat HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconVenomoth HP +30
Critical-Hit Rate -0.30%
HP +40
Critical-Hit Rate -0.50%
HP +50
Critical-Hit Rate -0.60%
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconMankey HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconPrimeape HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconSeel HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconDewgong HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Black Boost Emblem IconGrimer HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Black Boost Emblem IconMuk HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconRhyhorn HP +30
Movement Speed -21
HP +40
Movement Speed -28
HP +50
Movement Speed -35
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconRhydon HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - White Boost Emblem IconChansey HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - White Boost Emblem IconKangaskhan HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconGoldeen HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconSeaking HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconLapras HP +30
Movement Speed -21
HP +40
Movement Speed -28
HP +50
Movement Speed -35
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconVaporeon HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Yellow Boost Emblem IconZapdos HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Navy Boost Emblem IconDratini HP +30
Movement Speed -21
HP +40
Movement Speed -28
HP +50
Movement Speed -35
Pokemon UNITE - Navy Boost Emblem IconDragonair HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Navy Boost Emblem IconDragonite HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - Yellow Boost Emblem IconChinchou HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Boost Emblem IconCleffa HP +30
Defense - 3
HP +40
Defense - 4
HP +50
Defense - 5
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Boost Emblem IconIgglybuff HP +30
Defense -3
HP +40
Defense -4
HP +50
Defense -5
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Boost Emblem IconMarill HP +30
Movement Speed -21
HP +40
Movement Speed -28
HP +50
Movement Speed -35
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconAzumarill HP +30
Movement Speed - 21
HP +40
Movement Speed - 28
HP +50
Movement Speed - 35
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconSunkern HP +30
Defense - 3
HP +40
Defense - 4
HP +50
Defense - 5
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconSunflora HP +30
Sp. Def - 3
HP +40
Sp. Def - 4
HP +50
Sp. Def - 5
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconWooper HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconQuagsire HP +30
Sp. Def - 3
HP +40
Sp. Def - 4
HP +50
Sp. Def - 5
Pokemon UNITE - Purple Boost Emblem IconGiragarig HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - White Boost Emblem IconDunsparce HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Black Boost Emblem IconQwilfish HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconHeracross HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconSwinub HP +30
Sp. Def - 3
HP +40
Sp. Def - 4
HP +50
Sp. Def - 5
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconPiloswine HP +30
Critical-Hit Rate - 0.30%
HP +40
Critical-Hit Rate - 0.50%
HP +50
Critical-Hit Rate - 0.60%
Pokemon UNITE - Red Boost Emblem IconHoundour HP +1.2
Attack -30
HP +1.6
Attack -40
HP +2
Attack -50
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconTyrogue HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - White Boost Emblem IconBlissey HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Yellow Boost Emblem IconRaikou HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Red Boost Emblem IconEntei HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconSuicune HP +30
Attack -1.2
HP +40
Attack -1.6
HP +50
Attack -2
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconLarvitar HP +30
Sp. Def -3
HP +40
Sp. Def -4
HP +50
Sp. Def -5
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconPupitar HP +30
Movement Speed -21
HP +40
Movement Speed -28
HP +50
Movement Speed -35
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconTyranitar HP +30
Critical-Hit Rate - 0.30%
HP +40
Critical-Hit Rate - 0.50%
HP +50
Critical-Hit Rate - 0.60%

Some Emblems Are Still Missing

Our entire team is currently hard at work pulling for Emblems each day.

If you want to help us fill in some of the missing stats on the table, please do so in the comments down below! (Do provide screenshots though!)

Let us know in the comments section!

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems Partial Banner

Boost Emblem Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems Guide Navigation BannerBoost Emblem Guide Pokemon UNITE - List of All Boost Emblems Navigation BannerList of All Boost Emblems
Pokemon UNITE - Best Boost Emblems Navigation Banner Best Boost Emblems Pokemon UNITE - Platinum Boost Emblems PartialPlatinum Boost Emblems

Boost Emblems by Color

Emblems By Color
Red Emblem IconRed Blue Emblem IconBlue Green Emblem IconGreen Yellow Emblem IconYellow
Brown Emblem IconBrown Purple Emblem IconPurple Pink Emblem IconPink White Emblem IconWhite
Black Emblem IconBlack Navy Emblem IconNavy Pokemon UNITE - Gray Boost Emblem IconGray

Boost Emblems by Stats

Emblems by Stats
HP Attack Sp. Atk
Defense Sp. Def Movement Speed
Critical-Hit Rate Cooldown


1 Anonymousover 2 years

Just got Mewtwo Silver. HP: -40, Cooldown: -0.5%


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