Pokemon UNITE

Targeting and Aim Assist: How to Aim Well

Targeting and Aim Assist Banner Top Image
This is guide on how to target and aim well in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn what settings can help you target properly, what type of aim assist to use, and more!

Best Settings to Use for Targeting

Advanced Attack Controls

Attack Controls.png

The Advanced Controls option gives you additional control over your basic attacks. It assigns the A Button Switch.png button to target opponents and the B Button Switch.png button to target wild Pokemon. This allows players to avoid accidentally targeting wild Pokemon in the middle of important fights.

Move Aim Snaps to Nearby Targets

Move Aim Snaps.png
Turning on Move Aim Snaps to Nearby Targets will make your moves target the closest enemy automatically. This allows you to use your moves while not worrying too much on targeting!

Lock-On Icon

Lock-On Icon Wheel.png
Turning on Lock-On Icon will give you an extra menu for choosing which opponent to target. When fights get too cluttered with animations and effects, Lock-On Icon will be helpful for focusing down specific opponents during intense clashes.

Camera Follows Moves

Camer Follow (On)
Turning on Camera Follows Moves lets you extend the range view while aiming with your moves. This gives you a bit more information on where your move will hit.

Pokemon UNITE Aim Assist

Types of Aim Assist
Checkmark.png Smart Assist
Checkmark.pngSensitivity Assist
Checkmark.png Aim Assist Off

Turning on aim assist can help you target opponents with ease, and can even prevent you from missing them entirely. The game has three different kinds of aim assist, each with its own way of helping the player compensate for lack of precision.

Smart Assist

Pokemon UNITE - Aiming Setting Smart Assist

Smart Assist lets you 'snap' to targets when your aim is close to them. This makes aiming down moves a lot quicker while making you less prone to missing targets!

Great for Beginners

New players should take advantage of Smart Assist if they have a hard time lining up their shots. This is a good way to slowly getting used to playing the game and learning how to aim their moves.

Smart Assist Settings

Setting Description
Valid Angle
(Directional Moves)
Increase/Decrease assist range when aiming Directional Moves.
Invalid Angle
(Directional Moves)
Increase/Decrease assist range when defocusing Directional Moves
Valid Distance
(Ground-Targeted Moves)
Increase/Decrease assist range when aiming Ranged Moves
Invalid Distance
(Ground-Targeted Moves)
Increase/Decrease assist range when aiming Ranged Moves

Players can set how large the threshold is before the aim instantly locks to a target. The higher the value, the less distance to the target you need before it instantly locks on.

Sensitivity Assist

Pokemon UNITE - Aiming Setting Standard Aim Assist

Sensitivity Assist makes your aim slow down as it approaches the target. This prevents your aim to accidentally go past the target, which can help you line up your shots perfectly!

Standard Aim Assist

Sensitivity Assist has less of an impact in aiming compared to Smart Assist. This is suitable for players who want to get the benefit of aim assist while having a small amount of freedom in aiming.

Sensitivity Assist Settings

Setting Description
Valid Distance
(Ground-Targeted Moves)
Increase/Decrease assist range when aiming Directional Moves
Invalid Distance
(Ground-Targeted Moves)
Increase/Decrease assist range when defocusing Directional Moves
Aim Assist Sensitivity Increase/Decrease assist speed

Players can change how far the aim must be before the assist will take effect. Moreover, the Aim Assist Sensitivity option allows you to set how fast or slow your aim will be when it is approaching the target.

Aim Assist Off

Pokemon UNITE - Aiming Setting Aim Assist Off

it is recommended that you turn off aim assist if you want to have maximum control in aiming your moves. With this setting, you can use moves even without a target!

Note: Be sure to turn off the Move Aim Snaps to Nearby Targets setting if you want to have absolutely no aim assist!

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