Pokemon UNITE

Potion Effect and How to Get

Battle Item - Potion Banner.png
This page is about the Battle Item Potion in the game Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn more about the Battle Item's effects and how to get them in the game!

Potion Latest Buffs and Nerfs (11/10)

November 10 Patch Notes (11/10)

Potion.pngPotion Increased the amount of health recovered from 15% → ~20%

Potion Changes Health recovery increased from 15% to ~20% Pokemon's maximum health.

Potion Stats and Effect

Battle Item
Tier Ranking
A Rank.png
Heal your Pokemon for around ~20% of its maximum health.

Battle Item Tier List: Best Items to Use

Potion Heal Amount

Potion heals your Pokemon for 20% of its maximum health, or around 1/4 of its HP bar.

How to Get Potion

Obtain by Increasing Trainer Level

Trainer Level Unlocked at Level 4

Trainer Level: How to Raise Fast

Best Pokemon for Potion

Blastoise.jpgBlastoise Blissey.jpgBlissey Crustle.jpgCrustle
Goodra.jpgGoodra Greedent.jpgGreedent Lapras.jpgLapras
Mamoswine.jpgMamoswine Metagross.jpgMetagross Slowbro.jpgSlowbro
Snorlax.jpgSnorlax Sylveon.jpgSylveon Trevenant.jpgTrevenant

When to Use Potion

Quick Burst of Healing

Generally, you can use Potion whenever you need it for any reason. Since it has a low cooldown, don't hesitate to use it to quickly recover HP.

Stand on Allied Goal Zones

One trick you can do to recover HP quickly is to use Potion while you're getting healed by an allied goal zone.

In the Heat of a Battle

Using Potion when you're in the heat of a battle can increase your chances of surviving or winning. The suddent burst of healing may just enough to turn a fight into your favor.

Potion Heal Test

Heal Test

1 Pokemon UNITE - Practice Options Stats.pngSelect Stats from the practice options.
2 Pokemon UNITE - Practice Area Stat.pngYour HP is displayed.
3 Pokemon UNITE - Potion Healing.pngFind out the amount of heal per level.

The amount of heal was verified by examining the ratio of the HP to be recovered and the HP to be recovered for each Pokemon, which is displayed when the setting of the practice field is set to Status.


Snorlax Potion Recovery Test
Level HP Heal Amount Percent
1 3300 820 25%
2 3535 867 24%
3 3793 918 24%
4 4077 975 24%
5 4389 1037 24%
6 4733 1106 23%
7 5111 1182 23%
8 5528 1265 23%
9 5987 1357 23%
10 6493 1458 22%
11 7050 1570 22%
12 7663 1692 22%
13 8338 1827 22%
14 9081 1976 22%
15 9899 2139 22%


Gardevoir Potion Recovery Test
Level HP Heal Amount Percent
1 3456 800 23%
2 3510 809 23%
3 3574 819 23%
4 3651 832 23%
5 3931 848 22%
6 4043 897 22%
7 4177 920 22%
8 4338 947 22%
9 4905 979 20%
10 5136 1080 21%
11 5414 1126 21%
12 5747 1181 21%
13 6146 1248 20%
14 6625 1328 20%
15 7200 1424 20%

Potion Heal Test Result

As a result of the test, it was found that the heal amount of Potion was around 20% up to 25% of the Pokemon's maximum HP. It may be possible that other Pokemon have different recovery values for each level, but it is safe to assume that the base value is at 20%.

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Battle Items

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List of Battle Items


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