Pokemon UNITE

Exp. Share Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Exp Share Banner

Exp. Share is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Exp. Share's stats and effects, how to get Exp. Share, and which Pokemon are best for Exp. Share!

Exp. Share Latest Buffs and Nerfs (12/1)

Version Patch Notes
(December 1 Update)

Exp. Share.pngExp. Share • Fixed a bug where when a nearby teammate knocks out a wild Pokemon, the Pokemon holding Exp. Share will gain a little bit more EXP. This effect is now always active. Changed text to: While the Pokemon has the fewest Exp. Points on the team, it gains (2/3/4) Exp. Points per second. In addition, when a nearby teammate defeats a wild Pokemon, that teammate gains slightly more Exp. Points. Passive EXP gain increased from 2/3/4 to 3/4/5 Fixed a bug where when a nearby teammate knocks out a wild Pokemon, the Pokemon holding Exp. Share will gain a little bit more EXP. This effect is now always active.

Exp. Share Stats and Effect

Exp. Share.pngExp. Share
Held Item
Tier Ranking
S Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
HP + 240 Movement Speed + 150
While the Pokemon has the fewest Exp. Points on the team, it gains (3/4/5) Exp. Points per second. In addition, when a nearby teammate defeats a wild Pokemon, that teammate gains slightly more Exp. Points.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Exp. Share Stats Per Level

Level 10 HP +80, Movement Speed +50
Level 20 HP +160, Movement Speed +100
Level 30 HP +240, Movement Speed +150

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 HP +16, Movement Speed +0
2 HP +16, Movement Speed +10
3 HP +32, Movement Speed +10
4 HP +32, Movement Speed +20
5 HP +48, Movement Speed +20
6 HP +48, Movement Speed +30
7 HP +64, Movement Speed +30
8 HP +64, Movement Speed +40
9 HP +80, Movement Speed +40
10 HP +80, Movement Speed +50
11 HP +96, Movement Speed +50
12 HP +96, Movement Speed +60
13 HP +112, Movement Speed +60
14 HP +112, Movement Speed +70
15 HP +128, Movement Speed +70
16 HP +128, Movement Speed +80
17 HP +144, Movement Speed +80
18 HP +144, Movement Speed +90
19 HP +160, Movement Speed +90
20 HP +160, Movement Speed +100
21 HP +176, Movement Speed +100
22 HP +176, Movement Speed +110
23 HP +192, Movement Speed +110
24 HP +192, Movement Speed +120
25 HP +208, Movement Speed +120
26 HP +208, Movement Speed +130
27 HP +224, Movement Speed +130
28 HP +224, Movement Speed +140
29 HP +240, Movement Speed +140
30 HP +240, Movement Speed +150

In-Game Indicator

Exp. Share Indicator

When you equip Exp Share, a Blue Light Bulb will appear on top of your Pokemon's Health Bar. This indicates that Exp. Share's bonus effect is active.

Get Experience Points for One Aipom in About 10 seconds

Idle Exp Share - Idle (1)9:54 Exp Share - Idle (2)9:42
Aipom Exp Share - Before HuntingBefore Hunting Exp Share - After HuntingAfter Hunting
Experience points when hunting Aipom is about 12 seconds for Exp Share (12 seconds at level 1)

Standing idle for about 10 seconds equipped with Exp Share gives the same amount of experience points as one Aipom.

Prevents Leveling Up If the Next Level Is an Evolution Level

Exp. Share prevents the bearer from leveling up if the next level is when the Pokemon evolves. However, this only occurs when gaining experience while being idle. Gaining experience the normal way like being near an ally when they defeat a wild Pokemon allows the bearer to level up. Pokemon who don't evolve like Pikachu are still able to level up continuously throughout the match.

Evolution: How to Evolve and Timing

Works If there are Two Exp. Share in the Team

If two allied Pokemon with Exp. Share are the same level, but are lower than the rest of the team, both Pokemon get the passive experience points.

How to Get Exp. Share

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Exp. Share

Alolan Ninetales.jpgAlolan Ninetales Blissey.jpgBlissey Clefable.jpgClefable
Comfey.jpgComfey Eldegoss.jpgEldegoss Hoopa.jpgHoopa
Mr. Mime.jpgMr. Mime Sableye.jpgSableye Slowbro.jpgSlowbro

Generally, it is best to equip Exp. Share to Supporter type Pokemon because of the likelihood of them being the lowest level in the team. However, Pokemon who are not Supporters can benefit mainly on the bonus movement speed the item gives.

List of Supporters: All Supporter Builds

All Builds for Exp. Share

Builds that Use this Held Item
Blissey Image Blissey
Double Egg Build
Blissey Image Blissey
Full Support Build
Clefable Image Clefable
Full Support Build
Comfey Image Comfey
Disabler Build
Comfey Image Comfey
Healer Build
Eldegoss Image Eldegoss
Utility Build
Hoopa Image Hoopa
Utility Build
Hoopa Image Hoopa
Support Build
Mew Image Mew
Support-Focused Build
Mr. Mime Image Mr. Mime
Support Build
Sableye Image Sableye
Scouting Build
Slowbro Image Slowbro
Support Build
Trevenant Image Trevenant
Tank-Supporter Build
Wigglytuff Image Wigglytuff
Singing Support Build

Exp. Share Test

Experience Rate Test

Condition Image
Idle W/ Exp. Share
Idle W/o Exp. Share

The purpose of this test was to determine the rate of experience points given by Exp. Share. The test was verified by equipping Exp. Share (Level 1) and staying idle while teammates are regularly leveling up.

Get Experience Points for One Aipom in About 10 seconds

As a result of the test, the Pokemon with Exp. Share was able to reach Level 4 18 seconds faster than the Pokemon without Exp. Share! You can get the experience points of one Aipom in about 10 seconds.

Same Level Test

Experience Rate Comparision of With and Without Exp Share
No matter how long the Pokemon waited, it remained at the same level.

The purpose of this test was to determine if the effects of the Exp. Share persists if there are two Pokemon with the same (lowest) level in the team. The test was conducted by having two level 1 Pokemon on the same team go idle, and see if the effects of Exp. Share activates or not.

Only Activates When There Is One Lowest Level

As a result of the test, it was found that even if you are at the lowest level in the team, you will not be able to receive the automatic experience value of Exp. Share if your allies also have the lowest level Pokemon.

Two Exp. Share Test

Exp Share - Two Exp Share Test

The purpose of this test was to determine if two Pokemon with Exp. Share in the same team will receive the passive bonus experience. The test was conducted by having two allied Pokemon with Exp. Share go idle, and see if both of them will get the passive experience or not. Both Pokemon are the same level, but are lower than the rest of the team.

Works with Two Exp. Share in the Team

As a result of the test, it was found that if two Pokemon on the same team have Exp. Share, have the same level, but are the lowest level in the team, both Pokemon gets the passive experience points from the item.

The 'Same Level Test' is still Correct

Although this test seems contrary to the findings of the Same Level Test, it is important to note that the result of this test can only happen if both Pokemon have Exp. Share. The findings of the Same Level Test is still correct because that test was conducted with only one Pokemon having Exp. Share equipped.

Evolution Level Test

The purpose of this test was to verify if Exp. Share prevents Pokemon from leveling up if the next level is their evolution. The test was conducted with two separate friendly matches with all bot controlled allies and enemies. The first test was conducted by remaining idle for the entire match using Pikachu, a Pokemon that does not evolve in Pokemon UNITE, noting each time it levels up. The second test was conducted in the same manner but instead using Slowbro, a Pokemon that evolves at level 4.

Pikachu Test

Time and Level Image
Match Start
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Match End
Level 9
Pikachu was able to level up continuously. Its level at the end of the match was Level 9.

Slowbro Test

Time and Level Image
Match Start
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Match End
Level 3
Slowbro stopped leveling up at level 3 since the next level is its evolution. Its level at the end of the match was Level 3.

Only Prevents Pokemon With Evolutions from Leveling Up

As a result of both tests, it is confirmed that Exp. Share prevents Pokemon from leveling up if the next level is their evolution. Pokemon that does not evolve in the game are still able to level up continuously.

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10 Anonymousover 2 years

Does the extra XP for the ally killing the pokemon only happen if the XP share holder is the lowest level on the team? or is that part of the items effects active all the time?

9 Anonymousover 3 years

I'm not sure if it's stated here, but does the exp. share bonus for the pokemon without exp. share stack? For example, say we have 3 pokemon in a lane together, two are equipped with exp. share and the last one (refer as pokemon X) without it; and that the exp. share bonus is an additional 50%. Would pokemon X then gain 150%, 175% or 200% of the exp?


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