Pokemon UNITE

Volt Switch: Zeraora Move Effect and Cooldown

Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora Volt Switch Top Image

Volt Switch is a Move learned by Zeraora in Pokemon UNITE. Learn the effects of Volt Switch, as well as its damage at each level, cooldown time, level to learn and upgrade, status effects it inflicts, and all Pokemon builds using Volt Switch.

Volt Switch Effects and Stats

Volt Switch Basic Information

Volt Switch ImageVolt Switch
Level Learned Lv. 5 (Upgrade: Lv. 11)
Move Slot Slot 1 (R) - Replaces Agility
Move Type Dash
Damage Type Physical
Status Effects Attack Speed Up
Cooldown 8s
Damage (Starting / Final)
Starting Level Damage: 1040
First Dash damage: 416, Second Dash damage: 624
Final Level Damage: 2269
First Dash: 905, 2nd Dash: 1364
All Moves by Damage Dealt

Volt Switch Effect

Volt Switch In-Game.jpg

Has the user perform a high-speed dash, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits and increasing the user's basic attack speed for a short time. Using this move within a set period of time will allow the user to immediately dash back to where it originally used the move.

Recast Lasts for 3 Seconds

Volt Switch has a 3-second time window for its second activation.

Attack Speed Effect Lasts for 3 Seconds

Volt Switch's attack speed increase lasts for 3 seconds each time it's activated.

How to Use Volt Switch


Volt Switch - Hit and Run

If you wish to opt for an assassin playstyle, Volt Switch is definitely the best choice. Its mobility is similar to Agility but it gains another property. Using the ability again will return Zeraora to his original position.

This makes it a great hit-and-run tool, but beware of enemies that will try to predict your return. Make sure to keep an eye on your original position to know whether its safe to return or just stay in your current position.

Steal Berries from Enemy's SIde

Volt Switch - Steal Berries

Much like other dash moves, you can use Volt Switch to steal the yellow berries from the enemy's side. However, the unique trick that Volt Switch has is that it allows you to go back to your original position when you cast it the second time, enabling you to avoid a lot of damage.

If you have Eject Button equipped, you can do two variations of stealing berries.

Long DIstance Steal

Volt Switch - Long Distance Steal

This first variation allows you to steal berries from a hidden or safer position. You can only theoretically steal one berry using this trick. However, if you're fast enough, you can steal both berries.

Volt Switch from a safe distance, preferably inside grass, then use Eject Button towards the berry. Once you get the berry, immediately Volt Switch back to your original position.

Double Berry Steal

Volt Switch - Double Berry Steal

This second variation allows you to steal the two berries behind the enemy's goal. The downside of this trick is you sacrifice a safer distance for a double heal

Volt Switch forward when near one of the berries. Once you get the first berry, immediately use Eject Button towards the second berry to get it, then Volt Switch back to your original position.

Volt Switch Patch History Damage increased from 1500 to 1883 (+26%). Damage increased by 20%. Level learned changed from Level 6 to Level 5. Volt Switch +: Level learned changed from Level 12 to Level 11.

Updates and Patch Notes

Related Pokemon Builds

Pokemon UNITE Zeraora Banner

Check out the builds of the Pokemon related to this move in the link below:

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Moves Focus Banner.png

List of Moves and Effects

All Zeraora Moves

Move 1 (R) Move 2 (ZR)
Volt Switch Image Volt Switch
Unite Move (ZL)

Moves by Classification

All Move Lists


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