Pokemon UNITE

List of Wild Pokemon and Spawn Times

Wild Pokemon Banner (Updated).png
This page contains the list of wild Pokemon in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to know about what wild Pokemon are, their spawn timings and locations, their respawn timings, and a list of wild Pokemon.

List of Wild Pokemon

Theia Sky Ruins

Pokemon UNITE - Theia Sky Ruins Map Focus Banner

Theia Sky Ruins Map and Wild Pokemon

Normal Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
AltariaAltaria Points Earned: 4 / 6
Spawn Timer: Top & Bot:
8:50, 7:20, 5:50, 4:20, 2:50, 1:20
Jungle: 8:00
Respawn Timer: Jungle Only: 90 seconds
BaltoyBaltoy Points Earned: 2
Spawn Timer: 9:45 / 9:40 / 9:00 / 8:40
Respawn Timer: 1:00
BunnelbyBunnelby Points Earned: 2 / 5
Spawn Timer: In-Lane Bunnelby: at Game Start
Aggressive Bunnelby: 9:40
Respawn Timer: Aggressive Only: 1:00
IndeedeeIndeedee Points Earned: 5 / 7
Spawn Timer: 9:45 / 9:40 / 9:15
Respawn Timer: 1:00
SwabluSwablu Points Earned: 2 / 3
Spawn Timer: Top & Bot:
8:50, 7:20, 5:50, 4:20, 2:50, 1:20
Jungle: 8:00
Respawn Timer: Jungle Only: 90 seconds
XatuXatu Points Earned: 2
Spawn Timer: Game Start
Respawn Timer: N/A

Buffed Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
AccelgorAccelgor Points Earned: 4 / 7
Spawn Timer: 9:40
Respawn Timer: 1:00
Grants the purple aura. While your Pokemon has this aura, move cooldowns are reduced for a short time.
EscavalierEscavalier Points Earned: 4 / 7
Spawn Timer: 9:40
Respawn Timer: 1:00
Grants the orange aura. While your Pokemon has this aura, basic attacks deal extra damage and decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.

Evolved Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
ClaydolClaydol Points Earned: 3 / 4
Spawn Timer: 2:00
Respawn Timer: 1:00
DiggersbyDiggersby Points Earned: 2 / 7
Spawn Timer: 2:00
Respawn Timer: N/A

Boss Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
RayquazaRayquaza Points Earned: 30 / 15
Spawn Timer: 2:00
Respawn Timer: N/A
RegiceRegice Points Earned: 20
Spawn Timer: 7:00
Respawn Timer: 3:00
RegielekiRegieleki Points Earned: 20
Spawn Timer: 7:00
Respawn Timer: 3:00
RegirockRegirock Points Earned: 20
Spawn Timer: 7:00
Respawn Timer: 3:00
RegisteelRegisteel Points Earned: 20
Spawn Timer: 7:00
Respawn Timer: 3:00

Auroma Park Wild Pokemon

Pokemon UNITE - Auroma Park Partial Banner

Auroma Park Map and Rules

Normal Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
AbraAbra Points Earned: 20-23
Spawn Timer: Game Start
Respawn Timer: N/A
AraquanidAraquanid Points Earned: 15-20
Spawn Timer: Game Start
Respawn Timer: 0:35
DewpiderDewpider Points Earned: 1-30
Spawn Timer: Only when attacking Araquanid
Respawn Timer: N/A
LedybaLedyba Points Earned: 2-3
Spawn Timer: Game Start
Respawn Timer: 0:40
SunkernSunkern Points Earned: 2-3
Spawn Timer: Game Start
Respawn Timer: 0:40
VenomothVenomoth Points Earned: 5
Spawn Timer: Game Start
Respawn Timer: 1:00

Evolved Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
LedianLedian Points Earned: 3
Spawn Timer: 1:00
Respawn Timer: 0:40
SunfloraSunflora Points Earned: 5
Spawn Timer: 1:00
Respawn Timer: 0:40

Boss Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
RegigigasRegigigas Points Earned: 30-40
Spawn Timer: 3:00
Respawn Timer: 2:00

Shivre City Wild Pokemon

Pokemon UNITE - Shivre City Partial Banner

Shivre City Map and Rules

Normal Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
Alolan MeowthAlolan Meowth Points Earned: 2
Spawn Timer: Game Start
Respawn Timer: 0:45
ElectrodeElectrode Points Earned: 10-13
Spawn Timer: 4:35
Respawn Timer: :45
SnomSnom Points Earned: 3
Spawn Timer: 4:40 - 4:45
Respawn Timer: 0:45

Evolved Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
Alolan PersianAlolan Persian Points Earned: 3
Spawn Timer: 1:00
Respawn Timer: 0:45
FrosmothFrosmoth Points Earned: 5
Spawn Timer: 1:00
Respawn Timer: 0:45

Boss Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
AvaluggAvalugg Points Earned: 30
Spawn Timer: 4:00
Respawn Timer: 1:30

Mer Stadium

Pokemon UNITE - Mer Stadium Partial Banner.png
Mer Stadium Map and Rules

Normal Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
AipomAipom Points Earned: 2 - 5
Spawn Time: Game Start
Respawn Time:1:00
AudinoAudino Points Earned: 5 - 7
Spawn Time: 4:32
Respawn Time:1:00
CorphishCorphish Points Earned: 3 - 4
Spawn Time: 4:30
Respawn Time:0:30

Buff Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
BouffalantBouffalant Points Earned: 4 - 7
Spawn Time: 4:35
Respawn Time:1:00
LudicoloLudicolo Points Earned: 4 - 7
Spawn Time: 4:35
Respawn Time:1:00

Boss Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
ZapdosZapdos Points Earned: 30 + 15 to teammates
Spawn Time: 4:00
Respawn Time:1:00

Evolved Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
AmbipomAmbipom Points Earned: 7
Spawn Time: 1:00
Respawn Time:1:00
CrawdauntCrawdaunt Points Earned: 4
Spawn Time: 1:00
Respawn Time:0:30

Remoat Stadium (Phased Out)

Pokemon UNITE - Remoat Stadium Partial Banner

Remoat Stadium Map and Rules

Normal Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
AipomAipom Points Earned: 2 - 5
Spawn Timer: 9:45
Respawn Timer: 1:00
AudinoAudino Points Earned: 5 - 7
Spawn Timer: 9:40
Respawn Timer: 1:00
CombeeCombee Points Earned: 2 - 3
Spawn Timer: 8:50
Respawn Timer: Will always respawn at specific times (7:20, 5:50, 4:20, 2:50, 1:20)
CorphishCorphish Points Earned: 3 - 4
Spawn Timer: 8:45
Respawn Timer: 1:00
LillipupLillipup Points Earned: 2 - 3
Spawn Timer: Game Start
Respawn Timer: N/A
VespiquenVespiquen Points Earned: 4 - 6
Spawn Timer: 8:50
Respawn Timer: Will always respawn at specific times (7:20, 5:50, 4:20, 2:50, 1:20)

Buffed Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
BouffalantBouffalant Points Earned: 4 - 7
Spawn Timer: 9:45
Respawn Timer: 1:00
Grants a buff that makes attacks reduce the opposing Pokemon's movement speed when they hit.
LudicoloLudicolo Points Earned: 4 - 7
Spawn Timer: 9:45
Respawn Timer: 1:00
Grants a buff that increases attack power of the Pokemon against Wild Pokemon with low HP.

Evolved Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
AmbipomAmbipom Points Earned: 7
Spawn Timer: 2:00
Respawn Timer: 1:00
CrawdauntCrawdaunt Points Earned: 4
Spawn Timer: 2:00
Respawn Timer: 1:00
HerdierHerdier Points Earned: 3
Spawn Timer: 2:00
Respawn Timer: N/A

Boss Pokemon

Pokemon Timers and Rewards
DrednawDrednaw Points Earned: 20
Spawn Timer: 7:00
Respawn Timer: 2:00
RotomRotom Points Earned: 20
Spawn Timer: 7:00
Respawn Timer: 2:00
ZapdosZapdos Points Earned: 30 + 15 to teammates
Spawn Timer: 2:00
Respawn Timer: N/A

What are Wild Pokemon?

Wild Pokemon Banner.png
Wild Pokemon are Pokemon that appear at fixed locations on the map at certain times throughout the game. Defeating Wild Pokemon gives XP and Aeos Points, as well as other benefits depending on which Wild Pokemon you defeat.

They are your main source of Aeos Points and XP in the game, apart from defeating enemy Pokemon. There are several types of Wild Pokemon in the game and they can be classified into three categories.

Wild Pokemon

Evolves When 2 Minutes Left (Translated).png
Wild Pokemon are the most common type of Pokemon sprawled across the map. They're available in plentiful numbers, and generally respawn quickly (around 30-60 seconds).

Wild Pokemon evolve during the last 2 minutes of a match, increasing in power as well as points yielded when defeated. Certain Pokemon such as Aipoms stop respawning at the last 2 minutes of the match, while other Wild Pokemon will continue to respawn but in their evolved forms.

Boss Pokemon

Boss Pokemon are bulkier and more powerful than the average Wild Pokemon. They spawn less frequently than other Wild Pokemon, and your minimap will show a 30 second countdown indicator before they spawn. However, they stop respawning at the 2 minutes of a match.

When captured, they can drastically shift the tide of battle in your favor, especially if your team defeats them multiple times. It is highly advised that you coordinate with your team to take out Boss Pokemon when the opportunity arises.

Objectives Guide: When to Target Bosses

Final Boss Pokemon

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Move During Rayquaza Fight

Unique to every map, Final Boss Pokemon are considered to be the ultimate objective when playing Pokemon UNITE. They usually spawn during the Final Stretch, the timing of which depends on which game mode you're playing: 2:00 for Standard / Ranked & 1:00 for Quick Battles.

Once defeated, they can provide a huge buff that can sometimes turn the tides of battle. It's a sought after objective, so a lot of players will boil down to its area during this time.

List of Final Boss Pokemon
Pokemon UNITE - Avalugg IconAvalugg
(Shivre City)
Pokemon UNITE - Regigigas IconRegigigas
(Auroma Park)
Rayquaza Wild Pokemon IconRayquaza
(Theia Sky Ruins)
Pokemon UNITE - Zapdos IconZapdos
(Mer Stadium)

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon Unite Logo.png

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3 Anonymousabout 2 years

March 2023 Chalandure

2 Anonymous@Game8about 3 years

Trevenant has been revealed to be the next Pokemon coming to Pokemon UNITE! Check out our page for more info: https://game8.co/games/Pokemon-UNITE/archives/353993 Also, look out for our build page going up once Trevenant is released.


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