Pokemon UNITE

Shell Bell Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Shell Bell Banner

Shell Bell is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Shell Bell's stats and effects, how to get Shell Bell, and which Pokemon are best for Shell Bell!

Shell Bell Latest Nerfs & Buffs (9/5)

Version Patch Notes

Effect Buff HP Recovery on Move Hit:
• Level 1-9: increased by about 15%.
• Level 10-19: increased by about 20%.
• Level 20-30: increased by about 33%. HP Recovery on Move Hit: Level 1-9: increased by about 15%. Level 10-19: increased by about 20%. Level 20-30: increased by about 33%.

Shell Bell Stats and Effect

Shell Bell.pngShell Bell
Held Item
Tier Ranking
B Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
Sp Attack + 24 Cooldown - 4.5%
Recovers a minimum of (45/60/75) HP when a move hits an enemy. You will recover more HP if your Sp Attack stat is higher.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Shell Bell Stats Per Level

Level 10 Sp. Attack +8, Cooldown -1.5%
Level 20 Sp. Attack +16, Cooldown -3%
Level 30 Sp. Attack +24, Cooldown -4.5%

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 Sp. Attack +1.6, Cooldown -0%
2 Sp. Attack +1.6, Cooldown -0.3%
3 Sp. Attack +3.2, Cooldown -0.3%
4 Sp. Attack +3.2, Cooldown -0.6%
5 Sp. Attack +4.8, Cooldown -0.6%
6 Sp. Attack +4.8, Cooldown -0.9%
7 Sp. Attack +6.4, Cooldown -0.9%
8 Sp. Attack +6.4, Cooldown -1.2%
9 Sp. Attack +8, Cooldown -1.2%
10 Sp. Attack +8, Cooldown -1.5%
11 Sp. Attack +9.6, Cooldown -1.5%
12 Sp. Attack +9.6, Cooldown -1.8%
13 Sp. Attack +11.2, Cooldown -1.8%
14 Sp. Attack +11.2, Cooldown -2.1%
15 Sp. Attack +12.8, Cooldown -2.1%
16 Sp. Attack +12.8, Cooldown -2.4%
17 Sp. Attack +14.4, Cooldown -2.4%
18 Sp. Attack +14.4, Cooldown -2.7%
19 Sp. Attack +16, Cooldown -2.7%
20 Sp. Attack +16, Cooldown -3%
21 Sp. Attack +17.6, Cooldown -3%
22 Sp. Attack +17.6, Cooldown -3.3%
23 Sp. Attack +19.2, Cooldown -3.3%
24 Sp. Attack +19.2, Cooldown -3.6%
25 Sp. Attack +20.8, Cooldown -3.6%
26 Sp. Attack +20.8, Cooldown -3.9%
27 Sp. Attack +22.4, Cooldown -3.9%
28 Sp. Attack +22.4, Cooldown -4.2%
29 Sp. Attack +24, Cooldown -4.2%
30 Sp. Attack +24, Cooldown -4.5%

Heals 10 Seconds After Last Move Hits

shell bell 2
The healing effect of Shell Bell has a 10-second cooldown time after every successful move hit. Note that this will also take effect even if your health is full. So, if you want to take advantage of the healing effect from Shell Bell, be sure to take damage before using it.

Multi-Hit Moves Heal Only Once

Because of the 10-second cooldown, Shell Bell's healing effect only applies once per move, even if it hits multiple targets. This is also true for using Unite moves on multiple enemies in an area.

Healing Scales with Sp. Attack

Shell Bell's healing isn't based on a portion of the damage you deal, but rather a portion of your Sp. Attack stat. The more Sp. Attack stat your Pokemon has, the higher healing it will get!

Attack Vs. Special Attack

Effect Works on Wild Pokemon

shell bell 1
The healing effect also works when using your moves on Wild Pokemon. Take advantage of this to easily recover HP while you go out and farm!

How to Get Shell Bell

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Shell Bell

Chandelure.jpgChandelure Cramorant.jpgCramorant Delphox.jpgDelphox
Gardevoir.jpgGardevoir Gengar.jpgGengar Mew.jpgMew
Pikachu.jpgPikachu Slowbro.jpgSlowbro Venusaur.jpgVenusaur

All Builds for Shell Bell

Builds that Use this Held Item
Clefable Image Clefable
Draining Kiss Build
Gengar Image Gengar
Sludge-Hex Build
Glaceon Image Glaceon
Icy Wind Build
Sylveon Image Sylveon
Sustain Build

Shell Bell Test

Heal Cooldown Test

The purpose of this test was to determine the cooldown of Shell Bell's heal effect after it is triggered. The cooldown test was conducted by removing the move cooldown in the practice options, then continuously hitting Drednaw with an Electroball every second until the heal is activated again

10 Seconds Cooldown


As a result of the test, it is confirmed that Shell Bell's heal cooldown is about 10 seconds.

Move Type Test

The purpose of this test was to determine if the move type has any effect on Shell Bell's heal. The move type test was conducted by using different move types on the dummy, and see if there was any variation on the Shell Bell's heal effect.

Activation Varies by Move Type

Attack Image

As a result of the test, each move type triggered Shell Bell's heal, except for Recovery. However, Hindrance and Buff move types have cases where 2 moves of the same type resulted differently where one move triggered the heal while the other did not.

List of Moves by Move Type

Special Cases

Heal No Heal
Hindrance Hindrance
Buff Buff

As shown in the table above, when Pikachu's Thunderbolt (Hindrance), was used on the dummy, it triggered Shell Bell's heal. On the other hand, when Snorlax's Block (Hindrance), was used on the dummy, it did not trigger the heal. The same scenario occurred when Crustle's Rubble Rouser was used, it triggered the heal, while his Shell Smash (Buff) did not.

Heal Only Triggers When a Move Damages an Enemy

After extensive testing on all move types with Shell Bell, it is confirmed that what the item's effect description meant by '...when a move hits an enemy' is specifically that a move has to damage the target to trigger its heal effect. Consequently, move types do not affect the Shell Bell heal but depend on the actual move itself.

Unite Move Test

The purpose of this test was to determine if the heal from Shell Bell gets triggered by a Unite Move. The test was conducted in the Practice Area by ordering the Pokemon to cast its Unite Move against Drednaw, and see if it gets healed by Shell Bell.

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that Unite Moves also trigger the Shell Bell heal when it hits an enemy.

Unite Moves Guide: How to Use

Boosted Attack Test

The purpose of this test was to determine if the heal from Shell Bell gets triggered by a Pokemon's final attack. The test was conducted in the Practice Area by ordering the Pokemon to attack Drednaw until it lands its final attack.

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the Boosted Attacks do not trigger Shell Bell's heal.

Boosted Attacks Guide: How to Use

Shielded Target Test

Shell Bell Test - Shielded Target.gif

The purpose of this test was to determine if the heal from Shell Bell triggers if the target is shielded. The test was conducted in the Practice Area by ordering the Pokemon to cast a move on the shielded target and see if it triggers the heal.

Activates when Hitting Shielded Targets

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the heal from Shell Bell still triggers even if the target is shielded. Given this info, even though players are discouraged from expending a move on shielded targets, the heal from Shell Bell could be useful in certain situations.

Full HP Test

The purpose of this test was to determine if the heal from Shell Bell triggers if the Pokemon has full HP. The test was conducted in the Practice Area by ordering the Pokemon with full HP to cast a move on the dummy, and see if the heal from Shell Bell gets triggered.

Activates Even with Full Health

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the heal from Shell Bell does not trigger when the Pokemon has full HP. It is important to note that only the heal effect itself does not trigger at full HP, the item still goes on a 10-second cooldown when a move hits, whether they heal triggers or not.

Cooldown Reduction Test

No Held Items Equipped With Energy Amplifier and Shell Bell

Cooldown: 11 seconds

Cooldown: 10 seconds

The purpose of this test was to determine if the cooldown reduction from Shell Bell (-4.5% reduction) stacks with the cooldown reduction from Energy Amplifier (-4.5% reduction). By multiplying the original cooldown time of Feint, which is 11 seconds, by the combined cooldown reduction from both items (-9% or 0.09), the result is 0.99 seconds. Subtracting that with the original cooldown time results in results in approximately 10 seconds. With this calculation, it is confirmed that the cooldown reduction from Shell Bell stacks with the cooldown reduction from other items like Energy Amplifier.

Energy Amplifier Effect and How to Get

Increased Healing from X Attack Sp. Atk. Bonus Test

Without X Attack With X Attack
Healing is 536 Healing is 628
Healing increased by about 17%.

The purpose of this test was to determine if the healing effect from Shell Bell increases when X Attack is activated since it increases the Sp. Atk.. The test was conducted in Practice Area by ordering the Pokemon to cast a move on the dummy with and without X Attack activated, and note if there is an increase in the recovered HP. The healing from Shell Bell (Level 30) without X Attack activated was 536. When X Attack was activated, the healing increased to 628, about a 17% increase.

Heal Amount Scales Up

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the healing from Shell Bell increases when X Attack is activated. Pikachu is one of the ideal Pokemon to pick that can maximize this interaction. Having the bonus attack and special attack from X Attack, the enhanced healing from Shell Bell, and Pikachu's low cooldown moves increases not only its kill potential but also its sustainability within the 8-second duration of X Attack.

X Attack Effect and How to Get

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12 Anonymousover 2 years

How much heal (what %) do we get based on our spl attack stat for example 900 spl attack vs 400 spl attack stats how much heal do we get (exact %) ?

11 kewlboiabout 3 years

i meant the cooldown of course


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