Pokemon UNITE

Boost Emblems Guide: How to Use and Upgrade

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems Banner

Boost Emblems are a new system implemented in Pokemon UNITE that adds bonus stats to your Pokemon! Read on to learn how to get Boost Emblems, what the different Boost Emblem effects are, and how to upgrade them!

Boost Emblem Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems Guide Navigation BannerBoost Emblem Guide Pokemon UNITE - List of All Boost Emblems Navigation BannerList of All Boost Emblems
Pokemon UNITE - Best Boost Emblems Navigation Banner Best Boost Emblems

How to Get Boost Emblems

Get Emblems Through Energy Rewards

How to Get Boost Emblems in Energy Rewards
1 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Go to Energy Rewards
In the main menu, go to the Energy Rewards.
2 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select Exchange 1 time
In the Boost Emblems tab, select either Exchange 1 time or Exchange 5 times.

Note: You can get one (1) free exchange per day for either Fashion Items or Boost Emblems.

The main way to get boost Emblems is to spend Aeos Energy in the Energy Rewards system for a random emblem. You can do this by completing matches to receive energy and fill up your energy energy Tank. Each time you fill an energy tank to 100, you will be able to roll for an emblem!

How to Get Aeos Energy

Boost Emblem Drop Rates

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblem Grades

Grade Drop Rate
Bronze 88%
Silver 10%
Gold 2%

There are three (3) grades of Boost Emblems: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each grade has a drop rate, referring to the chance of obtaining it as an energy reward in the Energy Rewards Gacha. The higher the grade, the lower the drop rate becomes.

Energy Rewards Gacha: Items and Drop Rates

Maximum of 30 Boost Emblems Per Day

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Maximum Boost Emblem Rewards Per Day

Since Aeos Energy is needed to get Boost Emblems, players can only receive a maximum of 30 Boost Emblems per day.

Server Reset Time: When Do Events Reset?

Get Emblems Through Pokemon Points

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Get Through Battle Points

You can also get Boost Emblems by accumulating a certain amount Pokemon Points. Like Trainer Rewards for leveling up, you can redeem the extra Boost Emblems through the Season Points Tab in the Battle Points menu.

Pokemon Points: Battle Ribbons Explained

How to Use Boost Emblems

Create Custom Loadouts

How to Create Emblem Loadouts
1 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Go to Pokemon Boost Emblems
In the trainer menu, go to Pokemon Boost Emblems.
2 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Go to Configure Boost Emblems Tab
Go to the Configure Boost Emblems tab.
3 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblem Select the Plus Icon
Select the + icon to add a Boost Emblem.
4 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select an Emblem
Select the Boost Emblem you want to use, then select Equip.

Maximum of 10 Emblems per Loadout

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Maximum of 10 Emblems per Loadout

Players can equip a maximum of ten (10) Boost Emblems per Custom Loadout. Note that you are not required to fill all the slots to use the loadout.

Want to know which Boost Emblems are essential for any loadout? Check out our guide below!

Best Boost Emblems

3 Loadouts are Free

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select a Loadout to Rename.png

Each player is provided with three (3) free Emblem loadouts. This means that you can create different kinds of emblem combinations immediately!

Purchase Additional Loadouts

In Version released on September 2, 2022, players can now purchase additional Boost Emblem loadouts for 5800 Aeos Coins or 290 Aeos Gems.

Renaming a Loadout

You can also rename a loadout to make it more personalized. You can edit a loadout name by doing the following:

How to Use Another Loadout
1 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select the Loadout Name.png
In the Configure Boost Emblems tab, select the name of the loadout found just under the loadout wheel.
2 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select a Loadout to Rename.png
Select a loadout you want to rename.
3 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select Change Loudout Name.png
Select Change Loudout Name.
4 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select the Name Field.png
Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Type a Name.png
Select name input field, then give the loadout a name.
5 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select Ok (1).png
Select Ok to finish renaming.

Equip Recommended Loadouts

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Recommended Loadouts.png

Alternatively, if you want to save time building your own Boost Emblem loadouts, you can let the game work with the Emblems you have and build you a loadout based on a specific stat direction. Simply select the Recommended Loadout option in the Configure Boost Emblems screen, then choose a stat to prioritize.

Your loadout can sometimes have empty slots either because you have less than 10 Emblems or you don't have the Emblems the game wants to use. Just fill them on your own or leave them as it is.

Equip Boost Emblems In-Game

How to Equip Boost Emblems In-Game
1 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Go to Battle Prep
While in Battle Prep, select Edit in the Pokemon Boost Emblems section.
2 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select a Custom Loadout
Choose a Custom Loadout.
2.1 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select Details to View a Custom Loadout
Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - View a Custom Loadout
You can check the details of each Custom Loudout by selecting them and choosing Details.

How to NOT Equip Any Emblem Loadout

As of Version released on September 2, 2022, Pokemon UNITE gave players the option to not equip any loadout at all. This used to be impossible before the patch!

You can do this in Battle Prep while picking Emblem Loadouts for your chosen Pokemon.

How to Remove Boost Emblems

How to Remove Emblems from Loadouts
1 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select an Emblem to Remove.png
In the Configure Boost Emblems screen, select an Emblem you want to remove from the loadout.
2 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select Remove (New).png
Select Remove.

Boost Emblem Color Effects

Each Color Affects Different Stats

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Colors

Color Stat
Pokemon UNITE - Green Color Emblem Sp. Atk.
Pokemon UNITE - Yellow Color Emblem Movement Speed when out of combat
Pokemon UNITE - Red Color Emblem Attack Speed
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Color Emblem Defense
Pokemon UNITE - White Color Emblem HP
Pokemon UNITE - Black Color Emblem Move Cooldown Reduction
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Color Emblem Attack
Pokemon UNITE - Purple Color Emblem Sp. Def
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Color Emblem Hindrance Effect Duration
Pokemon UNITE - Navy Icon Increased UNITE Move Charge Rate
Pokemon UNITE - Gray Emblem Icon Reduced received damage

Emblems also contain a color. Each color is connected to a specific stat in the game. If the Emblem has two (2) colors, it will also have two (2) effects.

Multiple Color Combination Effects

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Emblem Colors

Color Quantity Special Effect
Pokemon UNITE - Green Color Emblem x2 +1% Sp. Atk.
x4 +2% Sp. Atk.
x6 +4% Sp. Atk.
Pokemon UNITE - Yellow Color Emblem x3 +4% movement speed when out of combat
x5 +6% movement speed when out of combat
x7 +12% movement speed when out of combat
Pokemon UNITE - Red Color Emblem x3 +2% attack speed
x5 +4% attack speed
x7 +8% attack speed
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Color Emblem x2 +2% Defense
x4 +4% Defense
x6 +8% Defense
Pokemon UNITE - White Color Emblem x2 +1% HP
x4 +2% HP
x6 +4% HP
Pokemon UNITE - Black Color Emblem x3 +1% move cooldown reduction
x5 +2% move cooldown reduction
x7 +4% move cooldown reduction
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Color Emblem x2 +1% Attack
x4 +2% Attack
x6 +4% Attack
Pokemon UNITE - Purple Color Emblem x2 +2% Sp. Def
x4 +4% Sp. Def
x6 +8% Sp. Def
Pokemon UNITE - Pink Color Emblem x3 -4% hindrance effect duration
x5 -8% hindrance effect duration
x7 -16% hindrance effect duration
Pokemon UNITE - Navy Icon x3 -1% Unite Move Gauge Charge Rate
x5 -2% Unite Move Gauge Charge Rate
x7 -4% Unite Move Gauge Charge Rate
Pokemon UNITE - Gray Emblem Icon x3 -3 received damage
x5 -6 received damage
x7 -12 received damage

Equipping a certain number of Emblems with the same color will add a special effect on top of the Emblem's base effect, boosting their respective stat.

Duplicate Emblems Count as One

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Duplicate Emblems.png

Owning multiple emblems with the same Pokemon on them, even if they have different grades, will only be counted as one in the total number of color-specific emblems in the loadout. This means you need to equip Emblems with different Pokemon on them to be counted in the tally. However, the Emblems' base stats will still take effect.

In the image shown above, even if there are three (3) Brown Emblems in the loadout, only one of the two (2) Bronze Machamp Emblems and the Silver Machoke Emblem were included in the total number of Brown Emblems.

How to Upgrade Boost Emblems

Needs 3 Same Emblems and 100 Aeos Coins

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Needs 100 Aeos Coins to Upgrade

Upgrade Requirements
BronzeSilver • Bronze Emblems x3
Aeos Coins Aeos Coins x100
SilverGold • Silver Emblems x3
Aeos Coins Aeos Coins x100

To upgrade Boost Emblems, you need three (3) Emblems of the same icon and grade and 100 Aeos Coins.

Merging is not Always Successful

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Merging

Grade Success Rate
Bronze → Silver 100%
Silver → Gold 40%

Upgrading an Emblem is not always successful. If it fails, you will lose the 100 Aeos Coins but not the Emblems.

Highlight an Emblem to Check Amount

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Emblem Amount Indicator

When you highlight an Emblem, you can check how many of that Emblem you have and see if you can merge them on the bottom right of the screen. This saves you time from scanning your entire collection just to know if you have enough to upgrade an Emblem.

Upgrade Icon Indicator

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Emblem is Ready for Upgrade

A green arrow will appear on an Emblem that indicates it's ready to be upgraded.

How to Upgrade Emblems

How to Upgrade Boost Emblems
1 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Go to Pokemon Boost Emblems
In the trainer menu, go to Pokemon Boost Emblems.
2 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Go to Emblem Dex
Go to the Emblem Dex tab (if you're not there).
3 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Select Merge.png
Select the Emblem you want to upgrade, then choose either Merge (Silver) or Merge (Gold).
4 Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Finish Upgrading
Confirm the upgrade by choosing Select.

List of All Boost Emblems

Pokemon UNITE - List of All Boost Emblems Top Image

There are over 252 unique Boost Emblems found in Pokemon UNITE, each with its own Pokemon, grade, effects, and color. Check out our guide below for the full list of Boost Emblems!

List of All Boost Emblems

Boost Emblems by Color

Emblems By Color
Red Emblem IconRed Blue Emblem IconBlue Green Emblem IconGreen Yellow Emblem IconYellow
Brown Emblem IconBrown Purple Emblem IconPurple Pink Emblem IconPink White Emblem IconWhite
Black Emblem IconBlack Navy Emblem IconNavy Pokemon UNITE - Gray Boost Emblem IconGray

Boost Emblems by Stats

Emblems by Stats
HP Attack Sp. Atk
Defense Sp. Def Movement Speed
Critical-Hit Rate Cooldown

What are Boost Emblems?

New Gacha System

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems - Boost Emblem Rewards

Boost Emblems is a new Energy Rewards gacha system in Pokemon UNITE. It was implemented on July 21, 2022 as part of Pokemon UNITE's 1st Anniversary celebration.

UNITE 1st Anniversary: New Updates and Features

Manipulates Stats

Pokemon UNITE - Boost Emblems -Manipulates Stats

Boost Emblem Stats
Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def
HP Speed Critical-Hit Rate -

Each Emblem increases one stat and decreases another. They can also be upgraded to a higher grade, Gold being the highest, improving their effects.

All Pokemon Stat Values and Effects

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23 Anonymous3 months

The emblem system in this game is messed up....

22 Anonymousabout 1 year

What am i to do with all the excess boost emblems? I keep getting emblems i already have multible in bronze, silver and gold but still lack others. Would be great if you couldnt get unneccesary emblems or would be able to sell or reroll emblems you dont need.


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