Pokemon UNITE

Fluffy Tail Effect and How to Get

Battle Item - Fluffy Tail Banner.png
This page is about the Battle Item Fluffy Tail in the game Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn more about the Battle Item's effects and how to get them in the game!

Fluffy Tail Latest Buffs and Nerfs (09/27)

Version Patch Notes

Fluffy Tail.pngFluffy Tail • Cooldown decreased from 25s to 22s. Damage boost increased from 1.5x boost to ~2.6x boost (physical) and ~4.8x boost (special) (+73%/+220%). Fixed a bug where Fluffy Tail could be used for other than Wild Pokemon. Cooldown decreased from 25s to 22s.

Fluffy Tail Stats and Effect

Fluffy Tail.pngFluffy Tail
Battle Item
Tier Ranking
C Rank.png
Prevents wild Pokemon from acting and increases their damage taken by 1.5 times.

Battle Item Tier List: Best Items to Use

Fluffy Tail Damage Ratio

After the August 18 Patch Update, the damage multiplier now varies depending on the Pokemon using it. The damage bonus does not apply to player-controlled Pokemon.

How to Get Fluffy Tail

Obtain by Increasing Trainer Level

Trainer Level Unlocked at Level 10

Trainer Level: How to Raise Fast

Best Pokemon for Fluffy Tail

This item is currently not recommended for any Pokemon.

When to Use Fluffy Tail

Fighting Boss Pokemon

The damage bonus from Fluffy Tails is helpful when fighting Boss Pokemon. It can also leave them stunned for a while, giving you a window to bombard it with damage without fear of retaliation.

Wild Pokemon Guide

Whenever Available

Fluffy Tail has a relatively short cooldown time. It's best to keep using it while taking down wild Pokemon whenever it's ready to use in order to farm efficiently.

Fluffy Tail Effect Test

Damage Test (August 18 Patch Update)

Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales
Without Fluffy Tail With Fluffy Tail Multiplier
204 981 (204 + 777) About 4.8 times
Venusaur ImageVenusaur
Without Fluffy Tail With Fluffy Tail Multiplier
206 989 (206 + 783) About 4.8 times
Lucario ImageLucario
Without Fluffy Tail With Fluffy Tail Multiplier
306 848 (320 + 528) About 2.65 times
Snorlax ImageSnorlax
Without Fluffy Tail With Fluffy Tail Multiplier
291 752 (291 + 461) About 2.6 times
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime
Without Fluffy Tail With Fluffy Tail Multiplier
247 798 (247 + 551) About 3.2 times

The purpose of this test was to determine how much increase in the damage multiplier has been made by the August 18 Patch Update. The test was conducted by equipping Fluffy Tail to different Pokemon, activating it, then noting the damage multiplier for each Pokemon.

Damage Multiplier Increased About 1.14

Lucario's Damage Multiplier Comparision
Before the Patch After the Patch
1.5139 2.65

As a result of the test, based from Lucario's data, the damage multiplier seems to have increased by about 1.14. It is also found the damage multiplier varies depending on the Pokemon. Furthermore, it can be inferred that the reason for Pokemon like Venusaur and Alolan Ninetales having a high damage multiplier is because of their Special damage type.

Fluffy Tail Patch Note Updates

Fluffy Tail Stat Changes Damage boost increased from 1.5x boost to ~2.6x boost (physical) and ~4.8x boost (special) (+73%/+220%). Fixed a bug where Fluffy Tail could be used for other than Wild Pokemon. Cooldown decreased from 25s to 22s.

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13 Anonymous3 months

Well, its good for boss rush

12 Anonymousabout 1 year

WHO. ON. EARTH. uses fluffy tail. I tried it and OH MAN. it sucked. my three go to battle items are x attack, eject button, and x speed. I'm sorry but fluffy tail is not bad, its Dogwater.


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