Pokemon UNITE

Energy Amplifier Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Energy Amplifier Banner

Energy Amplifier is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Energy Amplifier's stats and effects, how to get Energy Amplifier, and which Pokemon are best for Energy Amplifier!

Energy Amplifier Stats and Effect

Energy Amplifier.pngEnergy Amplifier
Held Item
Tier Ranking
A Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
Unite Move Charge Rate + 6% Cooldown - 4.5%
After the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, the damage the Pokemon deals is increased by (7/14/21)% for a short time.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Effect Lasts for 4 Seconds

With Energy Amplifier
Damage: 2318
Without Energy Amplifier
Damage: 1916

Energy Amplifier is a buff item that increases your Pokemon's damage for 4 seconds after using your Unite Move. The bonus damage affects both your Pokemon's moves and Standard Attacks when it is in effect.

Energy Amplifier Stats Per Level

Level 10 Unite Move Charge Rate +2%, Cooldown -1.5%
Level 20 Unite Move Charge Rate +4%, Cooldown -3%
Level 30 Unite Move Charge Rate +6%, Cooldown -4.5%

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 Unite Move Charge Rate +0.4%, Cooldown -0%
2 Unite Move Charge Rate +0.4%, Cooldown -0.3%
3 Unite Move Charge Rate +0.8%, Cooldown -0.3%
4 Unite Move Charge Rate +0.8%, Cooldown -0.6%
5 Unite Move Charge Rate +1.2%, Cooldown -0.6%
6 Unite Move Charge Rate +1.2%, Cooldown -0.9%
7 Unite Move Charge Rate +1.6%, Cooldown -0.9%
8 Unite Move Charge Rate +1.6%, Cooldown -1.2%
9 Unite Move Charge Rate +2%, Cooldown -1.2%
10 Unite Move Charge Rate +2%, Cooldown -1.5%
11 Unite Move Charge Rate +2.4%, Cooldown -1.5%
12 Unite Move Charge Rate +2.4%, Cooldown -1.8%
13 Unite Move Charge Rate +2.8%, Cooldown -1.8%
14 Unite Move Charge Rate +2.8%, Cooldown -2.1%
15 Unite Move Charge Rate +3.2%, Cooldown -2.1%
16 Unite Move Charge Rate +3.2%, Cooldown -2.4%
17 Unite Move Charge Rate +3.6%, Cooldown -2.4%
18 Unite Move Charge Rate +3.6%, Cooldown -2.7%
19 Unite Move Charge Rate +4%, Cooldown -2.7%
20 Unite Move Charge Rate +4%, Cooldown -3%
21 Unite Move Charge Rate +4.4%, Cooldown -3%
22 Unite Move Charge Rate +4.4%, Cooldown -3.3%
23 Unite Move Charge Rate +4.8%, Cooldown -3.3%
24 Unite Move Charge Rate +4.8%, Cooldown -3.6%
25 Unite Move Charge Rate +5.2%, Cooldown -3.6%
26 Unite Move Charge Rate +5.2%, Cooldown -3.9%
27 Unite Move Charge Rate +5.6%, Cooldown -3.9%
28 Unite Move Charge Rate +5.6%, Cooldown -4.2%
29 Unite Move Charge Rate +6%, Cooldown -4.2%
30 Unite Move Charge Rate +6%, Cooldown -4.5%

How to Get Energy Amplifier

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Energy Amplifier

Alolan Ninetales.jpgAlolan Ninetales Azumarill.jpgAzumarill Chandelure.jpgChandelure
Charizard.jpgCharizard Comfey.jpgComfey Cramorant.jpgCramorant
Delphox.jpgDelphox Dragapult.jpgDragapult Espeon.jpgEspeon
Gardevoir.jpgGardevoir Glaceon.jpgGlaceon Greedent.jpgGreedent
Hoopa.jpgHoopa Inteleon.jpgInteleon Leafeon.jpgLeafeon
Pikachu.jpgPikachu Snorlax.jpgSnorlax Tyranitar.jpgTyranitar
Venusaur.jpgVenusaur Zeraora.jpgZeraora

Energy Amplifier's effects activate whenever you cast your Unite Move, so Pokemon that are capable of using their Unite Moves repeatedly and in quick successions such as Machamp and Charizard are great users of this item. Cramorant is also particularly good with this item as it turns the first 4 seconds of its Gatling Gulp Missile into an HP shredding machine.

All Builds for Energy Amplifier

Builds that Use this Held Item
Azumarill Image Azumarill
Full Offense Build
Blastoise Image Blastoise
Disruptor Build
Charizard Image Charizard
Seismic Slam Build
Cinderace Image Cinderace
Damage Stack Build
Cramorant Image Cramorant
AoE Disabler Build
Delphox Image Delphox
Flame Charge Build
Delphox Image Delphox
Double Fire Build
Dragapult Image Dragapult
High Offense Build
Glaceon Image Glaceon
Icicle Spear Build
Glaceon Image Glaceon
Icy Wind Build
Glaceon Image Glaceon
Ice Shard Build
Hoopa Image Hoopa
Support Build
Leafeon Image Leafeon
Solar Blade Build
Leafeon Image Leafeon
Double Leaf Build
Lucario Image Lucario
Damage Amplification Build
Pikachu Image Pikachu
CDR Build
Scizor Image Scizor
Scyther Wingbeat Burst Build
Snorlax Image Snorlax
Disabler Build
Sylveon Image Sylveon
CDR Build
Tyranitar Image Tyranitar
Jungle Rampage Build
Urshifu Image Urshifu
Full Offense Build
Venusaur Image Venusaur
Petal Dance Build
Venusaur Image Venusaur
Solar Beam Build
Zeraora Image Zeraora
Wild Charge Build

Energy Amplifier Test

Effect Duration Test

The purpose of this test was to determine how long the effect lasts from the moment the unite move is used until the effect is gone. After activating Pikachu's Unite move, we then proceeded to attack the doll with Standard Attacks and noted the damage increase until the effect disappears.

Time: 7:29
Attack Damage: 350
Time: 7:25
Attack Damage: 290

Effect Lasts for 4 Seconds

It is confirmed that the duration of the effect is about 4 seconds after the Unite Move is activated. Be sure to quickly follow up with Standard Attacks so you can deal extra damage!

Charge Rate Test

The purpose of this test was to compare the unite move recharge time with and without Energy Amplifier (Level 30) equipped. Here, we took note of the cooldown of Pikachu's Unite Move at the start of the match.

3 to 4 Seconds Faster Charge Rate

With Energy Amplifier Without Energy Amplifier
Fully Charged at 8:38 Fully Charged at 8:34

After testing, it is confirmed that the recharge time was about 3 to 4 seconds faster with the item equipped than without it. The slight difference looks to be negligible, considering the charge gets filled up each time you defeat an opponent, score goals, or farm Wild Pokemon. It may not be worth running the item solely for this effect, especially if the item is at low levels.

Cooldown Reduction Test

No Held Items Equipped With Energy Amplifier and Shell Bell

Cooldown: 11 seconds

Cooldown: 10 seconds

The purpose of this test was to determine if the cooldown reduction from Shell Bell (-4.5% reduction) stacks with the cooldown reduction from Energy Amplifier (-4.5% reduction). By multiplying the original cooldown time of Feint, which is 11 seconds, by the combined cooldown reduction from both items (-9% or 0.09), the result is 0.99 seconds. Subtracting that with the original cooldown time results in results in approximately 10 seconds. With this calculation, it is confirmed that the cooldown reduction from Shell Bell stacks with the cooldown reduction from other items like Energy Amplifier.

Shell Bell Effect and How to Get

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12 Anonymousover 1 year

I was wondering the same thing

11 Future Blaziken Mainover 1 year

Will this work with Blaziken? He's the only Pokemon with a Unite Move that you can actually spam every 5 seconds. And will Buddy Barrier also work? Cuz if it does, he going to be so broken with that AoE Party Shield every 5 seconds.


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