Pokemon UNITE

Leftovers Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Leftovers Banner

Leftovers is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Leftovers' stats and effects, how to get Leftovers, and which Pokemon are best for Leftovers!

Leftovers Latest Buffs and Nerfs (11/13)

Version Patch Notes

Leftovers.pngLeftovers • HP recovery per second increased from 1-1.5-2% of maximum HP to 2-3-4% (Held Item level 1-10-20). Effect cooldown decreased from 8s to 5s (-3s). HP recovery per second increased from 1-1.5-2% of maximum HP to 2-3-4% (Held Item level 1-10-20).

Leftovers Stats and Effect

Held Item
Tier Ranking
C Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
HP + 360 HP Regen +9
When the Pokemon is not in combat, it recovers (2/3/4)% of its max HP every second.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Leftovers Stats Per Level

Level 10 HP +120, HP Recovery +3
Level 20 HP +240, HP Recovery +6
Level 30 HP +360, HP Recovery +9

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 HP +24, HP Recovery +0
2 HP +24, HP Recovery +0.6
3 HP +48, HP Recovery +0.6
4 HP +48, HP Recovery +1.2
5 HP +72, HP Recovery +1.2
6 HP +72, HP Recovery +1.8
7 HP +96, HP Recovery +1.8
8 HP +96, HP Recovery +2.4
9 HP +120, HP Recovery +2.4
10 HP +120, HP Recovery +3
11 HP +144, HP Recovery +3
12 HP +144, HP Recovery +3.6
13 HP +168, HP Recovery +3.6
14 HP +168, HP Recovery +4.2
15 HP +192, HP Recovery +4.2
16 HP +192, HP Recovery +4.8
17 HP +216, HP Recovery +4.8
18 HP +216, HP Recovery +5.4
19 HP +240, HP Recovery +5.4
20 HP +240, HP Recovery +6
21 HP +264, HP Recovery +6
22 HP +264, HP Recovery +6.6
23 HP +288, HP Recovery +6.6
24 HP +288, HP Recovery +7.2
25 HP +312, HP Recovery +7.2
26 HP +312, HP Recovery +7.8
27 HP +336, HP Recovery +7.8
28 HP +336, HP Recovery +8.4
29 HP +360, HP Recovery +8.4
30 HP +360, HP Recovery +9

Activates 5 Seconds After Last Attack

Leftovers' heal effect will activate 5 seconds following the last attack that hit or damage received and can fully heal the Pokemon if uninterrupted.

Attacking Stops the Effect

Pokemon UNITE - Leftovers Attacking While Active Test

Attacking while the effect is active stops the effect immediately. With this in mind, it is best to avoid any form of combat while the effect is active to maximize the heal effect.

Missed Attacks Don't Count as Combat

Leftovers will heal continuously until the Pokemon uses a move that hits a wild or enemy Pokemon. So long as an move doesn't hit a wild or enemy Pokemon it is not considered combat.

Using Moves Won't Stop the Effect

Pokemon UNITE - Leftovers Using Moves While Active Test

Using a move does not stop the effect while it's active. However, if a move hits an enemy, then it breaks the effect.

How to Get Leftovers

Available from the Start

Leftovers is available from the start of the game.

Best Pokemon for Leftovers

This item is currently not recommended for any Pokemon.

All Builds for Leftovers

Builds that Use this Held Item
Sableye Image Sableye
Scouting Build

Leftovers Effect Test

Activation Time Test

Last Time Damage Was Dealt Heal Effect Start and Amount
Pokemon UNITE - Leftovers Effect Start Test (0).png
Pokemon UNITE - Leftovers Effect Start Test (1).png

The purpose of this test was to determine how long it takes before the effect of Leftovers activates. The test was conducted by having Dreadnaw deal damage to the controlled Pokemon, then measuring the time it takes for the effect to activate.

After testing, we found that it takes about 7 seconds after the last attack for the effect to activate. Even if a Pokemon is facing the item bearer, the effect will still start if the bearer is not attacked for 7 seconds. Furthermore, Pokemon can recover to the maximum HP when they stay completely away from combat. Therefore, the best tactic is to hide inside grass areas, recover to full HP, then get back to the fight.

Attacking While Effect is Active Test

Pokemon UNITE - Leftovers Attacking While Active Test

The purpose of this test was to determine if attacking while the healing effect is active stops the effect. The test was conducted by attacking a target while the effect of Leftovers is active, then see if it stops.

After testing, we found that attacking while the effect is active stops the effect immediately. With this in mind, it is best to avoid any form of combat while the effect is active to maximize the heal effect.

Using Moves While Effect is Active

Pokemon UNITE - Leftovers Using Moves While Active Test

We also tested if using a move also stops the effect while it's active. For this test, we simply had to use a move while the effect is active, and see if it stops.

After testing, we found that using a move does not stop the effect while it's active. However, if a move hits an enemy, then it breaks the effect. With this, using dash moves while the effect is active and escaping enemies ensures the prolonged healing, just make sure you don't hit enemies with it.

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10 UNITE Walkthrough Team@Game812 months

Hi! Thank you for pointing this out. We've updated the page with the correct stats.

9 Slowpoke12 months

Maxed Leftover gives 360 HP & 9 HP/s now. But the Update still says it gives 240 HP & 9 HP/s. It 4% HP/s out of combat. Which is helpful to . Because of the 5 second cooldown many players are using it to recover health by hiding in grass. New update made health recovery much easier as in 20 seconds 60% Health will recover by itself. Yes it might not be the best Held Item but it is useful now than before.


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