Pokemon UNITE

Best Boost Emblems

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Boost Emblems are equipped by Pokemon to gain extra stats. Read on to learn the best Boost Emblem builds, the best Boost Emblems use for each stat, and which ones to look out for!

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Best Boost Emblem Builds

All builds below use Gold emblems by default to show the max benefits. Using lower grades will still work for the build.
Sp. Atk. Caster Build Sp. Atk. and HP Build Attack and HP Build Attack-type Critical-Hit Build

Sp. Atk. Caster Build

Emblem Loadout
Tyranitar IconTyranitar Venonat IconVenonat Lugia IconLugia Qwilfish IconQwilfish Muk IconMuk
Grimer IconGrimer Vileplume IconVileplume Venomoth IconVenomoth Beedrill IconBeedrill Butterfree IconButterfree
Colors Effect
Black IconBlack x7
Green IconGreen x6
White IconWhite x2
Brown IconBrown x1
HP: +300
Sp. Atk.: +1.5
Defense: +5
Attack: - 11
Sp. Def.: -2
Critical-Hit Rate: -1.2%

This build utilizes emblems that are both Green and Black and focuses on improving the efficiency of a Pokemon's moves by increasing their damage and reducing their cooldowns. It also provides a decent amount of HP for some durability with minimal trade offs. The build is best used by Sp. Atk-type Attackers like Pikachu and Venusaur.

Sp. Atk. and HP Build

Emblem Loadout
Vileplume IconVileplume Tyranitar IconTyranitar Chansey IconChansey Blissey IconBlissey Zapdos IconZapdos
Lugia IconLugia Jumpluff IconJumpluff Butterfree IconButterfree Venonat IconVenonat Venomoth IconVenomoth
Colors Effect
Green IconGreen x6
White IconWhite x6
Black IconBlack x3
Yellow IconYellow x1
Brown IconBrown x1
HP: +350
Sp. Atk.: +4.5
Movement Speed: +35
Attack: -15
Critical-Hit Rate: -1.2%

This build provides a great mix of damage and durability through Sp. Atk. and HP with minimal downsides. It also gives a bit of movement speed for mobility. The build works best for Sp. Atk.-type Defenders like Lapras.

Attack and HP Build

Emblem Loadout
Primeape IconPrimeape Nidoqueen IconNidoqueen Smeargle IconSmeargle Dunsparce IconDunsparce Kangaskhan IconKangaskhan
Pidgeot IconPidgeot Ho-Oh IconHo-Oh Aerodactyl IconAerodactyl Marowak IconMarowak Machamp IconMachamp
Colors Effect
Brown IconBrown x6
White IconWhite x6
Purple IconPurple x1
HP: +300
Attack: +7
Movement Speed: +35
Sp. Atk.: -28.5
Defense: -5

This build provides a great mix of damage and durability through Attack and HP with minimal trade offs. The key emblems for the build is Aerodactyl and Ho-oh since they're the only emblems that are both Brown and White, allowing 6 White colors in the loadout. The build is generally great for Attack-type All-Rounders like Machamp and Tsareena but can definitely work nicely with any Attack-type Pokemon.

Attack-type Critical-Hit Build

Emblem Loadout
Sandshrew IconSandshrew Sandslash IconSandslash Kabutops IconKabutops Machamp IconMachamp Marowak IconMarowak
Nidoking IconNidoking Meowth IconMeowth Persian IconPersian Aipom IconAipom Sentret IconSentret
Colors Effect
Brown IconBrown x6
White IconWhite x4
Attack: +6
Critical-Hit Rate: +4.2% Negative:
Sp. Atk.: -12
Defense: -20
Sp. Def.: -10

This build trades defenses for better critical-hit rate. It also improves a Pokemon's Attack and HP for more damage and some durability to make up for the lower defenses. The build is best used by Attack-type Pokemon that also relies on critical-hits like Absol.

Best Boost Emblems for Physical Attacks

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Gold MachampMachamp Gold FearowFearow Gold KabutopsKabutops
Gold NidoqueenNidoqueen Gyarados Emblem GoldGyarados AerodactylAerodactyl

Machamp Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconMachamp Attack +1.2
Sp. Atk -1.8
Attack +1.6
Sp. Atk -2.4
Attack +2
Sp. Atk -3

The Machamp emblem gives Pokemon a flat increase to Attack with a potential to add more thanks to its Brown color. Since this emblem is mostly used on Attack-type Pokemon, the Sp. Atk. penalty is irrelevant, making it a free stat. This emblem is an essential addition to any Attack-based loadout.

Fearow Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - White Boost Emblem IconFearow Attack +1.2
Sp. Atk -1.8
Attack +1.6
Sp. Atk -2.4
Attack +2
Sp. Atk -3

The Fearow emblem is great for balancing damage and durability. It gives Pokemon a flat increase to Attack while having the potential to also provide durability via HP due to its White color. It works great for All-Rounders like Lucario and Tsareena.

However, the Tauros emblem can be a great alternative since it gives the same stats.

Kabutops Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconKabutops Critical-Hit Rate +0.30%
Sp. Atk -1.8
Critical-Hit Rate +0.50%
Sp. Atk -2.4
Critical-Hit Rate +0.60%
Sp. Atk -3

So far, the Kabutops emblem is the best emblem that offers critical-hit rate without too much downside. Since Sp. Atk. moves cannot deal critical hits, the penalty to Sp. Attack stat can be negated entirely when the emblem is equipped by an Attack-type Pokemon. Because of this, hard-hitters like Absol and Cinderace will greatly benefit from this emblem. Aside from the Brown color, it also has an extra Blue color that can potentially add more defense to the Pokemon!

However, the Sandslash emblem is a great alternative since it offers the same stats, but it does only have Brown as its color.

Nidoqueen Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Purple Boost Emblem IconNidoqueen HP +30
Sp. Atk -1.8
HP +40
Sp. Atk -2.4
HP +50
Sp. Atk -3

The Nidoqueen emblem is a great offense and defense emblem for frontline Pokemon. It gives a flat increase in HP while having both Purple and Brown colors, making the emblem best suited for Attack-type All-Rounders like Lucario or Tsareena who are susceptible to being overwhelmed by Sp. Attacks.

Gyarados Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconGyarados Attack +1.2
Sp. Atk -1.8
Attack +1.6
Sp. Atk -2.4
Attack +2
Sp. Atk -3

The Gyarados emblem offers the best combination of stats and colors for an Attack-type Pokemon. It gives a flat increase to Attack and has the potential to improve a Pokemon's durability through HP and Defense thanks to its Blue and White colors. It also trades off Sp. Attack, which is a free stat for Attack Pokemon.

Aerodactyl Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Brown Boost Emblem IconAerodactyl Movement Speed +21
Defense -3
Movement Speed +28
Defense -4
Movement Speed +35
Defense -5

The Aerodactyl emblem gives well-rounded stats. It provides a flat increase to Movement Speed while having the potential to also improve a Pokemon's Attack and HP thanks to its Brown and White colors. It's best used in loadouts for high-intensity Attackers like Cinderace and Greninja.

Best Boost Emblems for Special Attacks

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03 Gold VenusaurVenusaur 09 Gold BlastoiseBlastoise 49 Gold VenomothVenomoth
12 Gold ButterfreeButterfree 103 - ExeggutorExeggutor 144 - ArticunoArticuno

Venusaur Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconVenusaur Sp. Atk +1.8
Attack -1.2
Sp. Atk +2.4
Attack -1.6
Sp. Atk +3
Attack -2

The Venusaur emblem is essential for any Sp. Atk.-type Pokemon. It provides a flat increase to Sp. Atk. and has the potential to give even more due to its Green color. Since its trade off is Attack, it doesn't weaken the Pokemon in any way.

Blastoise Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconBlastoise Sp. Atk +1.8
Critical-Hit Rate -0.30%
Sp. Atk +2.4
Critical-Hit Rate -0.50%
Sp. Atk +3
Critical-Hit Rate -0.60%

The Blastoise emblem gives a good balance of damage and durability. It gives a flat increase to Sp. Atk. with the potential to also improve a Pokemon's Defense thanks to its Blue color. Although it trades off Critical-Hit Rate, it won't matter much since there is a minimal amount of Sp. Atk.-type Pokemon who can deal critical-hits in the roster.

Venomoth Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconVenomoth HP +30
Critical-Hit Rate -0.30%
HP +40
Critical-Hit Rate -0.50%
HP +50
Critical-Hit Rate -0.60%

The Venomoth emblem offers a unique blend of benefits. It improves a Pokemon's durability through HP, and it has the potential to also improve its moves' efficiency through increased damage and reduced cooldowns thanks to its Green and Black colors. It's one of the best emblems to include when trying to max out on Green and Black colors.

Butterfree Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconButterfree Defense +3
Attack -1.2
Defense +4
Attack -1.6
Defense +5
Attack -2

The Butterfree emblem is one of the best emblems for balancing the damage and durability of Sp. Atk.-type Pokemon. Although it doesn't give much in terms of a flat amount, it does have the potential to provide a large boost to a Pokemon's Sp. Atk. and HP thanks to its Green and White color combination.

Exeggutor Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Green Boost Emblem IconExeggutor Sp. Atk +1.8
Movement Speed -21
Sp. Atk +2.4
Movement Speed -28
Sp. Atk +3
Movement Speed -35

The Exeggutor emblem also balances the damage and durability of Sp. Atk.-type Pokemon but does have quite a downside. It gives a flat amount of Sp. Atk. and has the potential to further increase it while improving a Pokemon's Sp. Def. simultaneously. However, since it reduces a Pokemon's Movement Speed, it's best used only by Pokemon who usually stay at the backlines like Pikachu and Gardevoir, making it a niche emblem.

Articuno Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconArticuno Sp. Atk +1.8
Attack -1.2
Sp. Atk +2.4
Attack -1.6
Sp. Atk +3
Attack -2

The Articuno emblem is great for adding more durability to the Pokemon with some damage. While it only gives minimal Sp. Atk., it does have the potential to greatly improve a Pokemon's durability through increased Defense stat and HP thanks to its Blue and White color combination.

Best Boost Emblems for Defense

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Gold SlowbroSlowbro Gold TentacruelTentacruel Gold StarmieStarmie

Slowbro Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconSlowbro Defense +3
Movement Speed -21
Defense +4
Movement Speed -28
Defense +5
Movement Speed -35

The Slowbro emblem has the best combination of defensive colors while also providing decent stat bonuses. It is a great addition for tanky, front-line Pokemon like Snorlax or Crustle that have ways to work around the movement speed penalty with their moves.

Tentacruel Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconTentacruel Sp. Def +3
Critical-Hit Rate -0.30%
Sp. Def +4
Critical-Hit Rate -0.50%
Sp. Def +5
Critical-Hit Rate -0.60%

The Tentacruel emblem gives a unique mix of defense and utility. Aside from providing a flat amount of Sp. Def. with pontentially greater Defense stat due to its Blue color, it also offers utility in the form of cooldown reduction for a Pokemon's moves thanks to its Black color.

Starmie Boost Emblem

Emblem Color Bronze Silver Gold
Pokemon UNITE - Blue Boost Emblem IconStarmie Movement Speed +21
Attack -1.2
Movement Speed +28
Attack -1.6
Movement Speed +35
Attack -2

The Starmie emblem is generally great for defensive loadouts. It gives a decent amount of Movement Speed and has the potential to provide a large durability boost against Physical and Special Attacks thanks to its Blue and Purple color combination. Although it might seem that the emblem isn't recommended for Attack-type Pokemon, its minimal penalty becomes insignificant to the overall benefit of the emblem.

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

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Boost Emblems by Color

Emblems By Color
Red Emblem IconRed Blue Emblem IconBlue Green Emblem IconGreen Yellow Emblem IconYellow
Brown Emblem IconBrown Purple Emblem IconPurple Pink Emblem IconPink White Emblem IconWhite
Black Emblem IconBlack Navy Emblem IconNavy Pokemon UNITE - Gray Boost Emblem IconGray

Boost Emblems by Stats

Emblems by Stats
HP Attack Sp. Atk
Defense Sp. Def Movement Speed
Critical-Hit Rate Cooldown


16 Anonymous5 months

In the Attack Type Crit Build I spent like ten minutes trying to copy it… only to realize there literally isn’t a Aipom emblem it doesn’t exist in the game or in the emblem list here… Did y’all build the emblem picture yourselves?

15 NH UNDERDOGG7 months

I think this build will do people way better for the high crit build you got up there I have Positive Hp: 50 Attack:3 Speed:35 Crit:3% NEGATIVE Spark:16.5 Defense:10 Spdef:5


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