Pokemon UNITE

Held Item Tier List: Best Held Items to Upgrade (March 2025)

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This is Game8's tier list for the best held items in Pokemon UNITE. Check here for our current rankings on the best Held Items as of March 2025, which Items are the best to buy and upgrade, and the best Held Items for each Pokemon and role!

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Held Item Tier List (March 2025)

S Rank Icon
Exp. Share Image Focus Band Image Wise Glasses Image Scope Lens Image Muscle Band Image Choice Specs Image Weakness Policy Image Slick Spoon Image Resonant Guard Image
A Rank Icon
Attack Weight Image Buddy Barrier Image Float Stone Image Energy Amplifier Image Razor Claw Image Curse Incense Image Curse Bangle Image Charging Charm Image
B Rank Icon
Assault Vest Image Sp. Atk. Specs Image Aeos Cookie Image Shell Bell Image Rapid-Fre Scarf Image Drain Crown Image Rescue Hood Image
C Rank Icon
Rocky Helmet Image Score Shield Image Leftovers Image

Tier List Update (April 2024)

Update Date Item Summary
4/4 Curse Bangle.pngCurse Bangle
Up Arrow.png to A tier

• Curse Bangle has found its place in a lot of Attack-type Pokemon builds as a viable substitute. However, it's still quite a niche item.
4/4 Curse Incense.pngCurse Incense
Up Arrow.png to A tier

• Much like Curse Bangle, Curse Incense has also found its place in a lot of Sp. Atk.-type Pokemon builds as a viable substitute, but is a niche item compared to the likes of Slick Spoon.

Held Item Tier List Explanations

S Tier Held Items

Item Summary
Exp. Share.pngExp. Share Exp Share is a solid item that grants comfortable stats such as HP and Movement Speed. Its a great item to have when laning since it makes leveling up for you and your lane partner faster.
Choice Specs.pngChoice Specs Choice Specs is a solid SP. Atk item that gives additional damage to every move you deal to an enemy. It allows normal Sp. Attack Pokemon to contribute more damage with every move hit. Running it with Pokemon with a high Sp. Attack stat will ensure high damage output.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band is a great item to bolster overall survivability. This item grants you Defense and Special Defense, and a burst of health regeneration whenever your HP falls too low. It is extremely effective on All-Rounders and Defenders who cannot get bursted down easily to maximize its critical HP regen effect.
Muscle Band.pngMuscle Band Muscle Band gives the Pokemon extra Attack and Attack Speed. It also grants the wearer further damage boosts based on the target's current HP, making it extremely useful against tanky targets like Defenders. This item is recommended for Attack stat Pokemon that have fast Standard Attacks.
Resonant Guard.pngResonant Guard Resonant Guard is a great defensive and recovery item that increases the Pokemon's HP and HP regeneration. The item works particularly well with Defenders and All-Rounders since it grants Pokemon a shield whenever they deal damage, which suits their gameplay perfectly.
Scope Lens.pngScope Lens Currently, Scope Lens is the only item that gives a boost to Critical Rate and Critical Damage. This is an amazing item for most physical stat Attackers or Speedsters that rely on burst damage to compensate for their lack of defenses.
Slick Spoon.pngSlick Spoon Slick Spoon synergizes well with Sp. Atk. damage dealers. It allows Pokemon to ignore a percentage of their target's Sp. Def., increasing the damage they deal. The item also increases a Pokemon's Sp. Atk. and HP, which is a great combination for fragile Sp. Atk. Pokemon.
Weakness Policy.pngWeakness Policy Weakness Policy is the go-to item for All-Rounders or Physical and Melee Pokemon in general. Not only does the item give extra HP for extra survivability, but it also allows the wearer to get some extra attack stat each time it takes a hit!
Wise Glasses.pngWise Glasses Wise Glasses is a straightforward but effective item for boosting Special Damage and is a must-have for Special Attack type Pokemon. Having a high Sp. Attack stat means more move damage and stronger heal effects for certain Pokemon.

A Tier Held Items

Item Summary
Attack Weight.pngAttack Weight Attack Weight is a held item that increases your Attack Damage whenever you score a goal, making it incredibly useful for physical damage dealers that can convert the extra stats into damage. However, this item's effectiveness is held back by how often the wearer can score goals.
Buddy Barrier.pngBuddy Barrier Buddy Barrier is a defensive Held Item that grants large amounts of shields for its wearer and a low-HP ally whenever the wearer activates its Unite Move. Its effect is so impactful that it feels like having a second battle item. This is a particularly powerful pickup for Pokemon who utilize their Unite Moves to get into the frontlines of a fight so they can stay alive longer while also providing some support to their other allies.
Charging Charm.pngCharging Charm Charging Charm is a unique offensive item that allows Pokemon to deal bonus damage on their attacks and moves after charging it by attacking or moving. It works particularly well with Attack-type Attackers, Speedster, and All-Rounder, giving them additional burst damage. However, it's quite a niche item due to the stats it gives and how its effect work.
Curse Bangle.pngCurse Bangle Curse Bangle is a good damage item alternative for Attack type Pokemon. It gives a high amount of Attack stat, and its effect is great against Pokemon with high sustainability. However, given just how few high-sustainabiity Pokemon there are in the roster, it falls under a niche item.
Curse Incense.pngCurse Incense Curse Incense is a good damage item alternative for Sp. Atk. type Pokemon. It gives a high amount of Sp. Atk. stat, and its effect is great against Pokemon with high sustainability. However, just like the Curse Bangle, it's a niche item.
Energy Amplifier.pngEnergy Amplifier Energy Amplifier is a great item for bolstering damage through correct Unite Move usage. Having that extra firepower will be beneficial, especially when the Pokemon's Unite Move deals AoE damage. The cooldown reduction from the item is also a nice bonus, allowing you to activate your moves more frequently.
Razor Claw.pngRazor Claw Razor Claw provides solid Attack and Critical Hit Rate. It also grants the wearer a damage bonus to its next standard attack if a move is used beforehand, so it's a particularly useful item for Pokemon who can chain low cooldown skills and standard attacks together.

B Tier Held Items

Item Summary
Aeos Cookie.pngAeos Cookie Aeos Cookie is a Held Item that rewards you with increased HP every time you score a goal. While having a large HP can be a very powerful asset, the item does not translate well with most Pokemon when score-related strategies focus on increasing damage instead of durability.
Assault Vest.pngAssault Vest Assault Vest is a solid defensive Held Item that helps you withstand attacks from Special Attack type Pokemon that have burst moves. Aside from granting wearers Sp. Def and HP, this item also grants a shield that nullifies a certain amount of Special Damage as well.
Drain Crown.pngDrain Crown Drain Crown is a solid item that not only increases Attack and HP, but also provides inherent lifesteal to a Pokemon! It allows Attack-type Pokemon that relies on auto-attacks to survive duels and long-term battles. Since health increases in proportion to damage dealt, slotting in critical-hit rate increasing items together with this item makes it work wonders!
Float Stone.pngFloat Stone Float Stone is a nice pickup for Physical Damage dealers who prefer to roam and play around the vast central area map. Although the item doesn't offer any stats or effects that would be useful in a team fight, the consistent significant movement speed increase alone can be worth running, especially for playstyles that revolve around high mobility.
Rapid-Fire Scarf.pngRapid-Fire Scarf Rapid-Fire Scarf provides a much needed boost to all Pokemon that relies heavily on auto-attacks to deal significant damage. It stacks with X Attack for even more attack speed, and synergizes well with Drain Crown for a high-sustain build for these turret Pokemon!
Rescue Hood.pngRescue Hood Rescue Hood is a great item for Pokemon who can heal and shield allies. It amplifies all healing and shielding a Pokemon provides to its team. It also increases a Pokemon's Sp. Def. and Defense stats, improving their durability.
Shell Bell.pngShell Bell Shell Bell is a good utility item for Special Damage Pokemon. Aside from boosts to Cooldown Reduction and Special Attack, this item also grants the Pokemon the ability to recover HP whenever it hit targets with Special Damage moves.
Sp. Atk. Specs.pngSp. Atk. Specs Sp. Atk. Specs is a great item for scaling Special Damage into the later stages of a match. It remains a key item for builds that have you max out an Sp. Attack Pokemon's moves - may it be for damage, healing, shield, etc.

C Tier Held Items

Item Summary
Leftovers.pngLeftovers Leftovers is a straightforward item that grants you passive HP regeneration when out of combat. While nice at the start, this Held Item starts to lose its appeal as you unlock better and more efficient alternatives later on.
Rocky Helmet.pngRocky Helmet Rocky Helmet is an amazing tank item that allows the wearer to counter damage. It falls lower on our tier list due to its effect needing an instant burst amount of damage instead of gradually making its return damage non-existent. However, its stat boosts are still great and can be useful for durable Pokemon that can make use of it.
Score Shield.pngScore Shield Score Shield is a niche item that can be extremely useful for certain playstyles, particularly in aggressive goal scoring. It is also an effective item for diving if your team is sieging the enemy goal post as you can score a goal in the middle of a fight to dodge attacks and recover HP. However, because of the nerf it received in the Update, it has become easier for any Pokemon to shred through its shield and stop the user from scoring.

Best Held Items for Each Pokemon


Pokemon Best Held Items
Aegislash ImageAegislash
Azumarill ImageAzumarill
Blaziken ImageBlaziken
Buzzwole ImageBuzzwole
Ceruledge ImageCeruledge
Charizard ImageCharizard
Dragonite ImageDragonite
Falinks ImageFalinks
Garchomp ImageGarchomp
Gyarados ImageGyarados
Lucario ImageLucario
Machamp ImageMachamp
Mega Mewtwo X ImageMega Mewtwo X
Metagross ImageMetagross
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu
Scizor ImageScizor
Suicune ImageSuicune
Tinkaton ImageTinkaton
Tsareena ImageTsareena
Tyranitar ImageTyranitar
Urshifu ImageUrshifu
Zacian ImageZacian


Pokemon Best Held Items
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales
Armarouge ImageArmarouge
Chandelure ImageChandelure
Cinderace ImageCinderace
Cramorant ImageCramorant
Decidueye ImageDecidueye
Delphox ImageDelphox
Dragapult ImageDragapult
Duraludon ImageDuraludon
Espeon ImageEspeon
Gardevoir ImageGardevoir
Glaceon ImageGlaceon
Greninja ImageGreninja
Inteleon ImageInteleon
Mega Mewtwo Y ImageMega Mewtwo Y
Mew ImageMew
Miraidon ImageMiraidon
Pikachu ImagePikachu
Sylveon ImageSylveon
Venusaur ImageVenusaur


Pokemon Best Held Items
Blastoise ImageBlastoise
Crustle ImageCrustle
Goodra ImageGoodra
Greedent ImageGreedent
Ho-oh ImageHo-oh
Lapras ImageLapras
Mamoswine ImageMamoswine
Slowbro ImageSlowbro
Snorlax ImageSnorlax
Trevenant ImageTrevenant
Umbreon ImageUmbreon


Pokemon Best Held Items
Absol ImageAbsol
Darkrai ImageDarkrai
Dodrio ImageDodrio
Galarian Rapidash ImageGalarian Rapidash
Gengar ImageGengar
Leafeon ImageLeafeon
Meowscarada ImageMeowscarada
Talonflame ImageTalonflame
Zeraora ImageZeraora
Zoroark ImageZoroark


Pokemon Best Held Items
Blissey ImageBlissey
Clefable ImageClefable
Comfey ImageComfey
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss
Hoopa ImageHoopa
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime
Psyduck ImagePsyduck
Sableye ImageSableye
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff

Best Held Items for Each Role

Attackers Speedsters All-Rounders
Defenders Supporters


Item Summary
Attack Weight.pngAttack Weight Attack Weight is a solid pickup for Physical Damage Attackers such as Cinderace. This held item improves your attack everytime you score a goal, allowing you to scale well into the late game.
Charging Charm.pngCharging Charm Charging Charm works particularly well with Attack-type Attackers. Their fast attack speed allows them to quickly charge the item, which then allows them to deal bonus damage frequently.
Choice Specs.pngChoice Specs Choice Specs works similar to Wise Glasses but with the added bonus of increasing your moves' damage output by a flat amount. This is perfect for Sp. Atk. Attackers like Gardevoir, Pikachu, and Venusaur.
Drain Crown.pngDrain Crown Attackers that relies heavily on auto-attacks can significantly increase their overall survivability with the Drain Crown. Use this on attackers like Cinderace and Decidueye so they can go toe-to-toe in battles!
Energy Amplifier.pngEnergy Amplifier Energy Amplifier increases overall damage whenever you activate your Unite Move. This is great for players who use their Unite Move with great timing and positioning.
Float Stone.pngFloat Stone Float Stone is a solid pick up for Physical Damage Attackers such as Cinderace and Greninja.
Muscle Band.pngMuscle Band Muscle Band is an effective item to further boost Standard Attack damage. This item is especially useful against tanky targets such as Defenders.
Rapid-Fire Scarf.pngRapid-Fire Scarf Rapid-Fire Scarf inherently boosts Attack Speed at certain intervals. Auto-attack based Attackers can significantly increase their overall DPS with this item, and pairing it with X Attack increases it even more!
Scope Lens.pngScope Lens Scope Lens significantly increases the Pokemon's damage output through Critical Hits.
Shell Bell.pngShell Bell Shell Bell is a very versatile item which bolsters a Pokemon's Special Damage moves by increasing their damage, reducing their cooldown, and healing you for a certain amount whenever they hit.
Slick Spoon.pngSlick Spoon Slick Spoon is particularly useful for fragile Sp. Atk. damage dealers like Gardevoir. It increases a Pokemon's HP and Sp. Atk. and allows them to ignore a portion of their opponent's Sp. Def., increasing the damage they deal.
Sp. Atk. Specs.pngSp. Atk. Specs Sp. Atk. Specs lets your Special Damage scale even higher whenever you score a goal. This is great for Pokemon such as Alolan Ninetales and Pikachu.
Wise Glasses.pngWise Glasses Wise Glasses is a straightforward held item that increases your Special Damage by a certain amount.

Attacker Guide: How to Play Attackers


Item Summary
Attack Weight.pngAttack Weight Attack Weight is a solid pickup for Physical Damage Speedsters such as Absol and Zeraora. This held item improves your attack everytime you score a goal, allowing you to scale well into the late game.
Charging Charm.pngCharging Charm Charging Charm suits a Speedster's mobility and high burst damage. They can quickly charge the item by moving swiftly in and out of battle, which then improves their burst damage.
Energy Amplifier.pngEnergy Amplifier Energy Amplifier increases overall damage whenever you activate your Unite Move. This is great for players who use their Unite Move with great timing and positioning.
Float Stone.pngFloat Stone Float Stone is a solid pick up to bolster Physical Damage. The added movement speed is also great for Speedsters since they prefer to start in the jungle and gank lanes afterward.
Muscle Band.pngMuscle Band Muscle Band is an effective item to further boost basic attack damage. This item is especially useful against tanky targets such as Defenders.
Razor Claw.pngRazor Claw Razor Claw is another damage item suitable for Speedsters. The bonus attack damage after using a move fits a Speedster's aggressive playstyle, not to mention its 2-second cooldown. Also, the movement speed reduction is perfect for Speedsters since all of them are melee.
Scope Lens.pngScope Lens Scope Lens significantly increases phsyical Pokemon's damage via Critical Rate and Damage.
Shell Bell.pngShell Bell Shell Bell is a very versatile item which bolsters a Pokemon's Special Damage moves by increasing their damage, reducing their cooldown, and healing you for a certain amount whenever they hit.

Speedster Guide: How to Play Speedsters


Item Summary
Assault Vest.pngAssault Vest Assault Vest is a solid defensive pickup. This held item grants you a shield that negates a certain amount of Special Damage.
Energy Amplifier.pngEnergy Amplifier Energy Amplifier is a great pickup for boosting damage via proper Unite Move usage and timing. This is especially effective for All-Rounders who can activate their Unite Moves twice like Machamp and Charizard.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band is a great defensive pickup to increase overall survivability in the middle of fights, a place where All-Rounders want to be.
Muscle Band.pngMuscle Band Muscle Band is an effective item to further boost basic attack damage. This item is especially useful against tanky targets such as Defenders.
Resonant Guard.pngResonant Guard Resonant Guard is a great defensive item for All-Rounders. It boosts their HP and HP regeneration and grants them a shield whenever they damage opponents, which suits their frontline gameplay perfectly.
Scope Lens.pngScope Lens Scope Lens significantly increases phsyical Pokemon's damage via Critical Rate and Damage.
Weakness Policy.pngWeakness Policy Weakness Policy enhances an All-Rounder's playstyle of tanking and doing damage simultaneously via its stacking damage increase. It's quite easy for an All-Rounder to stack the damage increase since they like to be in the middle of fights to soak damage.

All-Rounder Guide: How to Play All-Rounders


Item Summary
Assault Vest.pngAssault Vest Assault Vest bolsters your Special Defense, which is great for tanking the front lines against pokemon such as Gengar and Alolan Ninetales.
Buddy Barrier.pngBuddy Barrier Buddy Barrier is a solid pickup for improving your HP. The main reason to get this item is for its special effect, which grants you and a low-HP ally a massive shield upon activating an Unite Move.
Exp. Share.pngExp. Share Exp. Share is a niche pickup, but one that can be useful in certain scenarios and matchups. Aside from the HP and movement boosts, you also gain passive exp gain whenever you're the lowest on the team in terms of level. This allows you to funnel all of the last hits to your Attackers instead, which can lead to lane domination early on.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band is a nice pickup that improves overall survivability. This held item also grants you a sudden burst of HP regeneration whenever you fall too low.
Resonant Guard.pngResonant Guard Resonant Guard compliments Defenders' tank gameplay perfectly. It grants them a shield whenever they damage opponents, making them more durable during fights.
Rocky Helmet.pngRocky Helmet One of the best pickups for Defenders. Rocky Helmet bolsters your defense and lets you reflect damage after you receive a certain amount, making you an even tougher target to take down.
Score Shield.pngScore Shield Another niche pickup, Score Shield makes your goal attempts uninterruptible. This can be extremely useful for certain scenarios and close matches.

Defender Guide: How to Play Defenders


Item Summary
Assault Vest.pngAssault Vest Assault Vest grants you a barrier that negates a certain amount of Special Damage, improving overall survivability.
Buddy Barrier.pngBuddy Barrier Buddy Barrier grants you and a low-HP ally a massive shield whenever you pop a Unite Move. This is extremely useful for keeping yourselves alive in dire situations and can be the difference between victory and defeat.
Exp. Share.pngExp. Share Exp. Share is a decent pickup with great stats for Supporters. Its special effect lets Supporters funnel exp towards their teammates instead, which usually leads to a smooth and dominant laning phase.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band is another solid item that improves overall survivability. Its special effect grants you a burst of HP regeneration once you drop too much HP, potentially giving you enough time to turn things around for you and your team.
Rescue Hood.pngRescue Hood Rescue Hood works particularly well with Supporters that can heal and shield allies. It makes all their healing and shielding moves more effective by amplifying their effects, resulting to more HP recovered and a bigger shield. It also makes them more durable since the item increases a Pokemon's Sp. Def. and Defense stats, which is always a welcome bonus.
Shell Bell.pngShell Bell Shell Bell is another great pickup for Supporters because it improves Special Damage, reduces move cooldowns, and lets them regenerate HP whenever their moves hit a target.
Wise Glasses.pngWise Glasses Wise Glasses is a straightforward item that increases Special Damage. This is a great pickup for Supporters since they primarily deal Special Damage.

Supporter Guide: How to Play Supporters

Tier List Criteria

Full Criteria

Item Stats Effect Impact Accessibility Rank Usage

Each of these factors determine the Held Item's place within the tier list. Read on to learn what they refer to exactly:

  • Item Stats: We looked at the Held Item's basic stats and how efficient they are within the current metagame.
  • Effect Impact: Determines the overall power level of the Held Item's special effect and its scaling — How powerful is this effect overall and how does instrumental it is for a Pokemon's success?
  • Accessibility: Determines how useful the Held Item is across multiple Pokemon, regardless of role.
  • Rank Usage: We gauged the Held Item's performance in high-ranked matches to get a better glimpse at its overall effect in high-level scenarios and play.

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32 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Wow this tier list is outdated, do not use this list, just read the goddamn ability descriptions in game and look at example sets

25 Anonymous Moabout 2 years

Agreed 👍 too nich


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