Pokemon UNITE

How to Quit a Match: What Happens When You Go AFK

Pokemon UNITE - What Happens When You AFK banner

Ever wonder what happens to a player who's AFK? This is a guide on what happens when you go AFK in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn about the drawbacks of being AFK, how to control an AFK Pokemon, how to quit the match, and more!

What Happens when You Go AFK?

Lose Fair Play Points

Pokemon UNITE - Fair Play Points Low

Idle Time Penalty
1:00 → 1:59 -2 points
2:00 → End -5 points

Idling in battle will decrease your Fair Play Points, even if your team wins. The longer you are idle, the more Fair Play points you will lose. Decreasing your points low enough will prevent you from getting extra rewards, or even a ban from playing Standard or Ranked matches.

Fair Play Points: How to Get and Lose

Risk of Getting Reported as Malicious

Pokemon UNITE - Report Idle
After the match, you can report idling players that you deem detrimental throughout the entire match. The game recognizes that they have been idling and will instantly deduct 10 Fair Play Points, and can increase if multiple players reports them.

Leaves your Team at a Disadvantage

Pokemon UNITE - Team fight

Players who go AFK ruins the entire game for everyone, especially during Rank Matches where everyone is expected to play their best. A handicapped team will always lose the game because they can easily be overwhelmed by a number advantage. This will result into a boring match.

How to Control an AFK Pokemon

Pokemon UNITE - Snorlax Idling

When the game detects that a player does not have Pokemon UNITE active on their screen anymore, the game will treat the player as having left the game. One of their teammates will get a chance to give instructions to the Pokemon left behind.

Give AFK Pokemon Instructions

Pokemon UNITE - Control the CPU prompt
The player with the most points gets to decide what the AFK Pokemon gets to do for the duration of the match. A prompt will show up after 1 minute with two choices - Battle with Me! or Stay at the Base.

Battle with Me

If the player chooses to have the AFK Pokemon to battle with them, it will start following the player at all times. It will use its moves, basic attacks, and score goals when there is an opening.

Stay at the base

Choosing this option will make the AFK Pokemon stay at the base until the end of the match. Pick this if you think the Pokemon left behind will become a liability if it goes back to battle.

AFK Pokemon will Mimic what you Do

Pokemon UNITE - Clash

The AI controlled Pokemon is smart enough to know how to use moves when needed, and score when you are inside an enemy Goal Zone. However, this also means that, when you get knocked down, the AI will automatically recall back to base and wait for you to respawn.

Cannot Control with Quick Chat and Pings

Pokemon UNITE - Quick Chat In-Game

Keep in mind that the AFK Pokemon will always stay with the team member it is accompanying. Using quick chats or pings will not influence it in any way.

How to Use Quick Chat and Pings

Player Returning to the Game

Pokemon UNITE - Escorting the AI

When the AFK player re-launches the game while the match is still in progress, the CPU controlled Pokemon will first try to return to the base by walking. The player will still receive a deduction on their Fair Play Points after the match.

How to Quit a Match

Pokemon UNITE - Surrender Vote

When you play a match with real players, even with only friends, there will be no option for you to quit. The only way to leave a match early is surrendering, which can only be initiated when the match time hits 5:00. Take note that surrendering is a team decision that must accumulate five votes to take effect.

How to Surrender

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Game Setup Guides

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