Pokemon UNITE

Focus Band Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Focus Band Banner

Focus Band is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Focus Band's stats and effects, how to get Focus Band, and which Pokemon are best for Focus Band!

Focus Band Latest Buffs and Nerfs (11/13)

Version Patch Notes

Focus Band.pngFocus Band • HP recovery reduced from 8-11-14% of missing HP to 6-9-12% of missing HP (Held Item level 1-10-20). HP recovery reduced from 8-11-14% of missing HP to 6-9-12% of missing HP (Held Item level 1-10-20).

Focus Band Stats and Effect

Focus Band.pngFocus Band
Held Item
Tier Ranking
S Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
Defense +30 Sp Defense +30
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers (6/9/12)% of the HP it has lost.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Focus Band Stats Per Level

Level 10 Defense +10, Sp. Defense +10
Level 20 Defense +20, Sp. Defense +20
Level 30 Defense +30, Sp. Defense +30

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 Defense +2, Sp. Defense +0
2 Defense +2, Sp. Defense +2
3 Defense +4, Sp. Defense +2
4 Defense +4, Sp. Defense +4
5 Defense +6, Sp. Defense +4
6 Defense +6, Sp. Defense +6
7 Defense +8, Sp. Defense +6
8 Defense +8, Sp. Defense +8
9 Defense +10, Sp. Defense +8
10 Defense +10, Sp. Defense +10
11 Defense +12, Sp. Defense +10
12 Defense +12, Sp. Defense +12
13 Defense +14, Sp. Defense +12
14 Defense +14, Sp. Defense +14
15 Defense +16, Sp. Defense +14
16 Defense +16, Sp. Defense +16
17 Defense +18, Sp. Defense +16
18 Defense +18, Sp. Defense +18
19 Defense +20, Sp. Defense +18
20 Defense +20, Sp. Defense +20
21 Defense +22, Sp. Defense +20
22 Defense +22, Sp. Defense +22
23 Defense +24, Sp. Defense +22
24 Defense +24, Sp. Defense +24
25 Defense +26, Sp. Defense +24
26 Defense +26, Sp. Defense +26
27 Defense +28, Sp. Defense +26
28 Defense +28, Sp. Defense +28
29 Defense +30, Sp. Defense +28
30 Defense +30, Sp. Defense +30

Effect Triggers when HP Falls Below 25%

The Focus Band triggers when a Pokemon is about 25% HP or below . Furthermore, getting attacked while the effect is activated does not remove or stop the healing.

80 Seconds Cooldown

After the effect has triggered, it will take around 80 seconds for it to activate again.

How to Get Focus Band

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Focus Band

Absol.jpgAbsol Aegislash.jpgAegislash Alolan Ninetales.jpgAlolan Ninetales
Azumarill.jpgAzumarill Blastoise.jpgBlastoise Blaziken.jpgBlaziken
Blissey.jpgBlissey Buzzwole.jpgBuzzwole Charizard.jpgCharizard
Crustle.jpgCrustle Decidueye.jpgDecidueye Dodrio.jpgDodrio
Dragapult.jpgDragapult Dragonite.jpgDragonite Duraludon.jpgDuraludon
Eldegoss.jpgEldegoss Espeon.jpgEspeon Garchomp.jpgGarchomp
Goodra.jpgGoodra Greedent.jpgGreedent Greninja.jpgGreninja
Hoopa.jpgHoopa Lapras.jpgLapras Lucario.jpgLucario
Machamp.jpgMachamp Mamoswine.jpgMamoswine Mega Mewtwo X.jpgMega Mewtwo X
Mimikyu.jpgMimikyu Mr. Mime.jpgMr. Mime Sableye.jpgSableye
Scizor.jpgScizor Slowbro.jpgSlowbro Snorlax.jpgSnorlax
Sylveon.jpgSylveon Talonflame.jpgTalonflame Trevenant.jpgTrevenant
Tsareena.jpgTsareena Tyranitar.jpgTyranitar Umbreon.jpgUmbreon
Urshifu.jpgUrshifu Venusaur.jpgVenusaur Wigglytuff.jpgWigglytuff
Zacian.jpgZacian Zeraora.jpgZeraora Zoroark.jpgZoroark

Generally, Focus Band is best used by Pokemon who likes to dive into the middle of a fight, or who can act as a frontliner for the team like Defenders and All-Rounders. Since the heal is based on a percentage of the HP lost, Pokemon with a large max HP can benefit from Focus Band the most.

All Builds for Focus Band

Builds that Use this Held Item
Azumarill Image Azumarill
Whirlpool Build
Blastoise Image Blastoise
Disruptor Build
Blissey Image Blissey
Full Support Build
Buzzwole Image Buzzwole
Superpower Build
Buzzwole Image Buzzwole
Leech Life Build
Cramorant Image Cramorant
Mobility Build
Crustle Image Crustle
Stealth Rock Build
Crustle Image Crustle
X-Scissor Build
Crustle Image Crustle
Tank Build
Dragonite Image Dragonite
Hyper Beam Build
Dragonite Image Dragonite
Outrage Build
Duraludon Image Duraludon
Flash Cannon Build
Eldegoss Image Eldegoss
Offense Build
Garchomp Image Garchomp
Defensive Build
Garchomp Image Garchomp
Boosted Attack Build
Garchomp Image Garchomp
Initiator Build
Goodra Image Goodra
Muddy Water Build
Goodra Image Goodra
Dragon Pulse Build
Greedent Image Greedent
Belch Build
Greedent Image Greedent
Scorer Build
Greninja Image Greninja
Ranged Build
Hoopa Image Hoopa
Hyperspace Hole Build
Hoopa Image Hoopa
Trick Build
Lapras Image Lapras
Perish Song Build
Lapras Image Lapras
Water Pulse Build
Lapras Image Lapras
Boosted Attack Build
Machamp Image Machamp
Brawler Build
Mamoswine Image Mamoswine
Item Stacker Build
Mamoswine Image Mamoswine
Tank Build
Mamoswine Image Mamoswine
Disabler Build
Mr. Mime Image Mr. Mime
Blocker Build
Scizor Image Scizor
Scizor Build
Slowbro Image Slowbro
Scald Soaker Build
Slowbro Image Slowbro
Support Build
Snorlax Image Snorlax
Flail Build
Snorlax Image Snorlax
Tank Build
Sylveon Image Sylveon
Sustain Build
Trevenant Image Trevenant
Pain Split Build
Trevenant Image Trevenant
Crowd Control Build
Tsareena Image Tsareena
Stomp Build
Tsareena Image Tsareena
Triple Axel Build
Tyranitar Image Tyranitar
Ancient Power Build
Tyranitar Image Tyranitar
Sand Tomb Build
Umbreon Image Umbreon
Mean Look Build
Umbreon Image Umbreon
Foul Play Build
Urshifu Image Urshifu
Single Strike Build
Venusaur Image Venusaur
Petal Dance Build
Wigglytuff Image Wigglytuff
Damage Dealer Build
Zeraora Image Zeraora
Discharge Build

Focus Band Test

HP Threshold Test

The purpose of this test was to determine how low must a Pokemon's HP get to trigger the Focus Band heal effect. The HP threshold test was conducted by using the dummy in Practice Area to display the current HP of the Pokemon, then getting hit by Rotom until the heal effect from Focus Band is activated.

Activates at Around 25% of Pokemon's Max HP

When Charizard's HP reached 1596, which is around 25% of it's max HP, Focus Band automatically activates. In a real match where stats cannot be viewed, players can manage their HP by dividing the health bar into 4 (estimated) sections, making it 25% each section. When the health bar drops lower than half, this should be an indicator that the heal effect is near activation. At this point, players should start to be extra cautious when starting or joining fights.

Effect Does not Stop when Hit

The test also confirms that getting attacked while the Focus Band heal effect is activated does not remove or stop it. With this info, Focus Band provides decent sustain and survivability during fights.

Cooldown Test

Pokemon UNITE - Focus Band Cooldown Test.png

The purpose of this test was to determine how long before the heal effect from Focus Band can activate again after it triggers initially. The cooldown test was conducted by getting the heal effect from Focus Band activated, then noting how long the timer at the bottom right hand of the screen will last.

80 Seconds Cooldown

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the cooldown time is about 80 seconds. Consequently, the Focus Band heal effect can only be triggered a maximum of 7 times per battle. This is due to the fact that a match only lasts for 10 minutes, and considering that players tend to spend the first 1 to 2 minutes just defeating Wild Pokemon to level up and get points.

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3 Anonymousover 3 years

On lvl 30 Cooldown is 90s

2 Anonymousover 3 years

Could you test the item at lvl 30?


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