Pokemon UNITE

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Submissions: 217
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217 Anonymous24 daysReport

Add Nincada but let it evolve into more of a defender Shedinja or speedster Ninjask. Same abilities, maybe Shedinja shadow ball or protect and substitute and thunderbolt, Ninjask with extreme speed or bug buzz and quick attack and double team. Nincada with tackle and harden, evolves at level 4 or 5. Unite move for Shedinja is Defensive Fortress, erects a barrier around nearest goal zone. Ninjask can hit everyone on the map by moving incredibly fast with Speedy Strike.

216 Anonymous25 daysReport

What about doing something from Cammuravi in Xenoblade 3? Each attack is stronger but at the cost of your own health.

215 Arcanine kit26 daysReport

Arcanine would be cool! Maybe a Speedster with Flame body ability, increases every other fire-type attack cooldown. Flame charge, wild charge, crunch, giga impact.

214 Anonymous27 daysReport

How would you guys feel if they added Arcanine to unite? And what do you think the kit would be?

213 Delphox has another combo4 monthsReport

You could use mystical fire then quickly use flame charge to reposition while mystical fire is still casting

212 Anonymous4 monthsReport

whats aneffective way to use slowbro?

211 bc-pro6 monthsReport

Meowscarada should go to mid then bottom lane Best move set:Shawdow claw and trailblaze Second best move set:flower trick and double team Held items:Razor claw,muscle band and scope lens Battle item:shedninja doll Btw I used meowscarada on my alt Hope my build helps!

210 bc-pro6 monthsReport

Can u also friend me?

209 bc-pro6 monthsReport

Btw use meowscaradas unite move is good for stealing and for multiple enemies

208 bc-pro6 monthsReport

Meowscarada should go to mid then bottom lane Best move set:Shawdow claw and trailblaze Second best move set:flower trick and double team Held items:Razor claw,muscle band and scope lens Battle item:shedninja doll Btw I used meowscarada on my alt Hope my build helps!

207 Anonymous 6 monthsReport

Recently I’ve been wanting to get meowscarada but I have no idea how speedsters work or what their route is etc. Would anyone be willing to tell me how they work, the route, a good build so on and so on. It doesn’t have to be all of these so any help is appreciated! :D

206 Anonymous8 monthsReport

Cinderace or dragapult?

205 Anonymous8 monthsReport

you press the down button on the left joycon

204 Anonymous9 monthsReport

Oh wait wrong board oops, sorry.

203 Anonymous9 monthsReport

Trying to rank up a bit and it gets a little boring on my own, if anyone wants to add me and help my ID is GRPT2XF. Oh and I main Sylveon and some others.

202 Anonymous9 monthsReport

I play on mobile but if you push every button maybe one will detach you?

201 Anonymous 9 monthsReport

I’ve tried Comfey before but when I attach myself to an ally with Floral Healing or Sweet Kiss, I can’t detach myself later. People say it’s the D-Pad on a Nintendo but I don’t have it because I use a Nintendo joycon. How do I detach myself with Comfey?

198 UNITE Walkthrough Team@Game8about 1 yearReport

Hello! Limited licenses are stored in your Item Box and are categorized as Consumable Items, which means you have to activate them manually in order to play as the Pokemon. Go to Item Box -> Consumable Items, then select the Limited license you want to use and choose 'Use'. Note that Limited Licenses can't be used in Ranked Matches. We hope we answered your question.

197 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

I play since 4 days and because of the campaigns for new play I should get to test a lot of Pokémon with limited licenses. But I never get them. It worked on day one but since then I try to claim them and nothing happens, they are no where. Can someone help me? It's really frustrating that I couldn't try out the Zacian.

196 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

How about using Muscle band, Float stone, Curse bangle? Isn't that better without stacking and flat damage boost?

195 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

yup mewtwo needs a nerf

194 Just helping rnover 1 yearReport

Which pokemon would you like to know how to face off against?

193 viber08over 1 yearReport

no cinderace tryanitar are best i know as i play with mewtwo

192 viber08over 1 yearReport

it is muscle band spoon

191 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

Hi I use muscle band + razor claw with x speed zacian Please tell in detail how to deal with different pokemons

190 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

when next boss rush is going to start

189 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

no you can beat them with quick ranged attackers

188 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

Nerf both mewtwos

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