Pokemon UNITE

Scope Lens Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Scope Lens Banner

Scope Lens is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Scope Lens' stats and effects, how to get Scope Lens, and which Pokemon are best for Scope Lens!

Scope Lens Stats and Effect

Scope Lens.pngScope Lens
Held Item
Tier Ranking
S Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
Critical Hit Rate +6% Critical Hit Damage +12%
Increases damage dealt by basic attack critical hits. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more the damage increases.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Scope Lens Stats Per Level

Level 10 Critical-Hit Rate +2%, Critical-Hit Damage +4%
Level 20 Critical-Hit Rate +4%, Critical-Hit Damage +8%
Level 30 Critical-Hit Rate +6%, Critical-Hit Damage +12%

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 Critical-Hit Rate +0.4%, Critical-Hit Damage +0%
2 Critical-Hit Rate +0.4%, Critical-Hit Damage +0.8%
3 Critical-Hit Rate +0.8%, Critical-Hit Damage +0.8%
4 Critical-Hit Rate +0.8%, Critical-Hit Damage +1.6%
5 Critical-Hit Rate +1.2%, Critical-Hit Damage +1.6%
6 Critical-Hit Rate +1.2%, Critical-Hit Damage +2.4%
7 Critical-Hit Rate +1.6%, Critical-Hit Damage +2.4%
8 Critical-Hit Rate +1.6%, Critical-Hit Damage +3.2%
9 Critical-Hit Rate +2%, Critical-Hit Damage +3.2%
10 Critical-Hit Rate +2%, Critical-Hit Damage +4%
11 Critical-Hit Rate +2.4%, Critical-Hit Damage +4%
12 Critical-Hit Rate +2.4%, Critical-Hit Damage +4.8%
13 Critical-Hit Rate +2.8%, Critical-Hit Damage +4.8%
14 Critical-Hit Rate +2.8%, Critical-Hit Damage +5.6%
15 Critical-Hit Rate +3.2%, Critical-Hit Damage +5.6%
16 Critical-Hit Rate +3.2%, Critical-Hit Damage +6.4%
17 Critical-Hit Rate +3.6%, Critical-Hit Damage +6.4%
18 Critical-Hit Rate +3.6%, Critical-Hit Damage +7.2%
19 Critical-Hit Rate +4%, Critical-Hit Damage +7.2%
20 Critical-Hit Rate +4%, Critical-Hit Damage +8%
21 Critical-Hit Rate +4.4%, Critical-Hit Damage +8%
22 Critical-Hit Rate +4.4%, Critical-Hit Damage +8.8%
23 Critical-Hit Rate +4.8%, Critical-Hit Damage +8.8%
24 Critical-Hit Rate +4.8%, Critical-Hit Damage +9.6%
25 Critical-Hit Rate +5.2%, Critical-Hit Damage +9.6%
26 Critical-Hit Rate +5.2%, Critical-Hit Damage +10.4%
27 Critical-Hit Rate +5.6%, Critical-Hit Damage +10.4%
28 Critical-Hit Rate +5.6%, Critical-Hit Damage +11.2%
29 Critical-Hit Rate +6%, Critical-Hit Damage +11.2%
30 Critical-Hit Rate +6%, Critical-Hit Damage +12%

Only Affects Standard and Boosted Attacks

Generally, only standard and boosted attacks trigger critical-hits. Therefore, the critical-hit rate and critical-hit damage effects from Scope Lens only affects attacks.

How to Get Scope Lens

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Scope Lens

Absol.jpgAbsol Aegislash.jpgAegislash Azumarill.jpgAzumarill
Charizard.jpgCharizard Cinderace.jpgCinderace Decidueye.jpgDecidueye
Dragapult.jpgDragapult Dragonite.jpgDragonite Duraludon.jpgDuraludon
Garchomp.jpgGarchomp Greninja.jpgGreninja Inteleon.jpgInteleon
Machamp.jpgMachamp Scyther.jpgScyther Snorlax.jpgSnorlax
Talonflame.jpgTalonflame Tsareena.jpgTsareena Urshifu.jpgUrshifu
Zacian.jpgZacian Zeraora.jpgZeraora Zoroark.jpgZoroark

All Builds for Scope Lens

Builds that Use this Held Item
Absol Image Absol
Backstab Build
Absol Image Absol
Attack Stack Build
Absol Image Absol
Blink-Striker Build
Absol Image Absol
Full Offense Build
Aegislash Image Aegislash
Critical-Hit Build
Azumarill Image Azumarill
High Burst Build
Buzzwole Image Buzzwole
Charizard Image Charizard
Ranged DPS Build
Cinderace Image Cinderace
Carry Build
Decidueye Image Decidueye
Razor Leaf Build
Dragapult Image Dragapult
Jungle Build
Dragonite Image Dragonite
Ranged Burst Build
Duraludon Image Duraludon
Attack Damage Build
Duraludon Image Duraludon
Dragon Pulse Build
Glaceon Image Glaceon
Ice Shard Build
Greninja Image Greninja
Assassin Build
Machamp Image Machamp
Critical-Hit Build
Snorlax Image Snorlax
Offense Build
Talonflame Image Talonflame
Sniper Build
Talonflame Image Talonflame
Burst Build
Tsareena Image Tsareena
Jungle Build
Zacian Image Zacian
Metal Claw Build
Zoroark Image Zoroark
High Burst Build

Scope Lens Tests

Critical-Hit-Rate Test

Pokemon UNITE - Scope Lens Critical-Hit Rate Test

Without Scope Lens With Scope Lens
Number of Hits Until Critical-Damage 0/300 21/300

The purpose of the test was to verify if the Critical-Hit-Rate of a Level 30 Scope Lens is really 6%. The test was conducted in the Practice Area by ordering the Pokemon to attack the dummy 300 times, both with and without Scope Lens (Level 30) equipped, until a critical-hit is made. Afterwards, the Critical-Hit-Rat

  • is computed by dividing the number of attempts made until a critical-hit occured by 300.
  • As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the Critical-Hit-Rate of a Level 30 Scope Lens is indeed 6%.

    Critical-Hit-Damage Test

    Normal Damage Critical-Damage Damage Multiplier
    345 989 2.866666667

    The purpose of this test was to determine the Critical-Hit-Damage. The test was conducted in the Practice Area by comparing the normal damage dealt with the critical-damage dealt on the dummy, then computing for the increase in damage.

    As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the damage multiplier is about 2.87 times the normal damage. It also turned out that only normal attacks can cause critical-hits.

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    1 Anonymousabout 3 years

    might i suggest adding blissey to the list of pokemon who benefit from scope lens, her basic boosted attack critical hit can do over 1000 damage when it connects, and with helping hand she can reliably get boosted attacks


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