Pokemon UNITE

How to Update the Trainer Card

Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Banner
This is a guide on how to update the Trainer Card in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn how to add information on your Trainer Card, how to edit your Unite Snapshot and background, and more!

How to Update Trainer Card

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Menu

You can access the Trainer Info by going to the Trainer Menu in the Main Menu and then selecting your Trainer Card Icon. After going to the Trainer Info, press R on the Nintendo Switch or tap on the Trainer Card again for mobile to flip it.

Add Favorite Areas

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Favorite Areas
Use this to display your favorite lanes to take during UNITE battles. You can choose Top Path, Central Area, Bottom Path, or you can leave it blank. You can pick up to two favorite areas to put on your Trainer Card.

Pokemon UNITE Areas
Top IconTop Jungle IconCentral Bot IconBottom

Add Active Online Times

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Online Times
Use this to show other trainers online what time you are active. You can choose Daily, Weekdays, Weekends, or you can leave it blank. You can pick up to one active online time to display on your Trainer Card. You can use this info to let other players know when you are usually available to play online with!
How to Play Online Multiplayer

How to Edit Unite Snapshot

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Snapshot Screen

Aside from updating your Trainer Card, you can also edit how your Unite Snapshot looks! Simply flip the Trainer Card to your Unite Snapshot by pressing the L button, then press the X button or tap the Edit button to update your Unite Snapshot.

Edit Trainer

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Snapshot Zoom

This option changes your trainer's expression, pose and how your trainer appears in the Unite Snapshot. Below are ways you can edit your trainer:

Option Use
Expression Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Snapshot Expression
Changes your trainer's facial expression.
Pose Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card  Snapshot Pose 2
Changes your trainer's Pose
Zoom Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Snapshot Zoom
Arranges how close or far your trainer is in the frame.
Placement Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Snapshot Placement
Moves your trainer's position in the frame.
Rotate Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Snapshot Rotate
Rotates your trainer.

Add Stickers

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Snapshot Stickers

This option adds stickers to your Unite Snapshot. Select a sticker you want to add then use the Right Analog or drag the sticker to where you want it in the frame. To remove a sticker, select it and press the X button.

Pokemon Stickers

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Snapshot Pokemon Sticker

Pokemon Stickers are placed in front of your trainer. Press the to filter all your available stickers. You can only add up to one Pokemon sticker, so choose your favorite!

Icon Stickers

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Snapshot Stickers

Icon Stickers are placed behind your trainer. You can only add up to three icon stickers.

Change the Background

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Snapshot Background

This option changes your Unite Snapshot's background pattern and color. Currently, there are only four design options to choose from.

Change the Frame

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Snapshot Frame

This option changes your Unite Snapshot's frame design and color. Currently, there are only four frame options to choose from.

Update Fashion

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Snapshot Fashion update

If your trainer has fashion items equipped, you can update your Unite Snapshot to reflect the clothes you are wearing! Below are the steps to update the Unite Snapshot in all versions.

How to Change Your Appearance

Nintendo Switch Version

How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Switch
1 In the Main Menu, Press ZL to access the sidebar. Then, select your Trainer Card.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Switch - Select Trainer Card
2 Press X in the menu.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Switch - Press X
3 Press X to update trainer fashion.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Switch - Press X to Update
4 Select Update Fashion.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Switch - Select Update Fashion

Mobile Version

How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Mobile
1 Tap your Trainer Icon in the upper-left corner in the Main Menu. Then, tap your Trainer Card.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Mobile - Tap Trainer Card
2 Tap Edit in the menu.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Mobile - Tap Edit
3 Tap the refresh icon.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Mobile - Tap Refresh Icon
4 Tap Select.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Update Trainer Card Fashion on Mobile - Tap Select

Add Labels

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card - Labels

This is a new feature added in the Update. Labels tell other players about your Battle Style, Play Style, and Nature. You can only have up to 4 labels.

Battle Style Labels

Pokemon UNITE - Labels - Battle Style

Battle Style labels refer to how you act during a match. They tell other players whether you're offensive, defensive, strategic, or brave.

Battle Style Labels
Offensive Defensive Strategic Brave

Play Style Labels

Pokemon UNITE - Labels - Play Style

Play Style labels refer to your general attitute towards playing the game. They tell other players whether you're casual, competitive, friend seeking, collection loving.

Play Style Labels
Casual Competitive Friend Seeking Collection Loving


Pokemon UNITE - Labels - Nature

Nature labels refer to your personality as a gamer. They tell other players whether you're jolly, docile, relaxed, hardy, or calm.

Nature Labels
Jolly Docile Relaxed
Hardy Calm

How to Add and Edit Labels in Nintendo Switch

How to Add and Edit Labels
1 Press the ZL button in the main menu and select your trainer card.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Add Labels - Go to Trainer Info Menu
2 In the Profile tab, press the Y button to add or edit your labels.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Add Labels - Press Y Button
3 Choose from a category, then select/deselect a label by pressing the A button.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Add Labels - Select Label
4 Press the X button to save your labels.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Add Labels - Press X to Save

How to Add and Edit Labels in Mobile

How to Add and Edit Labels
1 Go to the trainer menu and tap the your trainer card.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Add Labels - Tap Trainer Card
2 In the Profile tab, tap the + symbol.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Add Labels - Tap the + Button
3 Choose from a category, then select/deselect a label by tapping the labels.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Add Labels - Tap Label
4 Tap the Save button when you're done.
Pokemon UNITE - How to Add Labels - Tap Save

What is the Trainer Card

Shows Your Trainer's Information

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Info

Side Info
Front Trainer ID
Trainer Name
Flame Number
Trainer Avatar
Back Highest Rank Achieved
Current Rank
Favorite Areas
Active Online Times

Your Trainer Card shows some of your information to other players when they view your profile, from Trainer avatar to what time you are usually online! Use this to see a player's preferred time to play so you will know when to invite them to a match.

How to Add and Invite Friends

Shows Your Trainer Fashion

Pokemon UNITE - Unite Snapshot Loading Screen

Your Trainer Card can be updated to show off your Trainer avatar's fashion in the Unite Snapshot! You can even add stickers, poses, and the background for more customization to express yourself. Other players can view your Unite Snapshot during loading screens before battle. Go wild and show off your trainer!

Fashion List: All Trainer Skins and Clothing

Shows your Trainer ID

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer ID
Your trainer card also shows your Trainer ID. This is used to add or invite friends to matches online. Take note of your friends' trainer IDs so you can invite them to your Squad!

How to Add and Invite Friends

What is the Trainer Card Flame?

Total Battles + Commendation

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Card Flame Icon

From our tests, the flame count increases only from the total number of battles played plus the amount of commendations you get from other players after the match.

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon UNITE - Game Mechanics Partial Banner

List of Game Mechanics

Game Modes and Rules

Game Modes and Rules
Game Modes Explanation banner.pngGame Modes Explanation Match Types Explanation banner.pngMatch Types Explanation
Unite Battle Guide.pngUnite Battle Guide Ranked Match Guide.pngRanked Match Guide
Quick Battle.pngQuick Battle Guide How to Use Training Mode.pngHow to Use Training Mode
Fair Play Points Guide.pngFair Play Points Guide Can Players Use the Same Pokemon.pngCan Players Use the Same Pokemon?
Pokemon UNITE - Tournament Mode Partial Banner.pngTournament Mode Guide Pokemon UNITE - Custom Battle Partial Banner.pngCustom Battle Guide
Pokemon UNITE - Draft Pick Guide Partial Banner.pngDraft Pick Guide Pokemon UNITE - Full Fury Battle Partial BannerFull-Fury Battles Guide

Gameplay Manual Guides

Gameplay Manual Guides
List of Status Effects.pngList of Status Effects Stats Explanation.pngStats Explanation
How to Upgrade Items.pngHow to Upgrade Items Unite Moves Guide.pngUnite Moves Guide
List of Berries and Effects.pngList of Berries and Effects How to Surrender.pngHow To Surrender
Recall Guide and Best Timing.pngRecall Guide and Best Timing Super Jump Guide.pngSuper Jump Guide
Visision Guide.pngVision Guide: How Does Vision Work? Evolution How to Evolve and Timing.pngEvolution: How to Evolve and Timing
Character Creation Guide.pngCharacter Creation Guide Free Rotation Guide.pngFree Rotation Guide
Microtransactions Guide.pngMicrotransactions Guide Attack Vs. Special Attack.pngAttack Vs. Special Attack
Badge Guide and Explanation.pngBadge Guide and Explanation How to Check Team Score.pngHow to Check Team Score
How to Check Leaderboard.pngHow to Check Leaderboard Tutorial Missions Access and Rewards.pngTutorial Missions: Access and Rewards
How to Increase Movement Speed.pngHow to Increase Movement Speed Critical Hit Guide.pngCritical Hit Guide
How to Use Quick Chat and Pings.pngHow to Use Quick Chat and Pings How to Use the Camera.pngHow to Use the Camera
How to Cancel Moves.pngHow to Cancel Moves Invincibility Guide.pngInvincibility Guide
Move Types and When to Use.pngMove Types and When to Use Grass Guide How Does Grass Work.pngGrass Guide: How Does Grass Work?
Boosted Attacks Guide.pngBoosted Attacks Guide How to Recover HP.pngHow to Recover HP
How to Check Player Levels and Kills.pngHow to Check Player Levels and Kills List of Hidden Mechanics Partial Banner.pngList of Hidden Mechanics
How to Chat with Friends Partial BannerHow to Chat with Friends Pokemon UNITE - Pokemon Points and Battle Ribbons Partial Banner.pngPokemon Points and Battle Ribbons
Pokemon UNITE - Season Points and Rewards Partial BannerSeason Points and Rewards Pokemon UNITE - Prize Machine Partial BannerPrize Machine

Game Setup Guides

Game Setup Guides
List of Controls.pngList of Controls List of Settings.pngList of Settings
How to Change Your Name.pngHow to Change Your Name How to Change Your Gender.pngHow to Change Your Gender
How to Play Online Multiplayer.pngHow to Play Online Multiplayer How to Add Friends.pngHow to Add Friends
Language Settings.pngLanguage Settings How to Use Voice Chat and Best Apps.pngHow to Use Voice Chat and Best Apps
Do You Need Nintendo Online.pngDo You Need Nintendo Online? Server Reset Time.pngServer Reset Time
How to Create a New Account.pngHow to Create a New Account Can You Delete an Account.pngCan You Delete an Account?
Player Count and Limit.pngPlayer Count and Limit Can You Play Offline.pngCan You Play Offline?
How to Reduce Lag.pngHow to Reduce Lag What Happens When You Go AFK.pngWhat Happens When You Go AFK
How to Play with Bots.pngHow to Play with Bots How to Check Match History.pngHow to Check Match History
Battle Screen and Menus Explanation.pngBattle Screen and Menus Explanation Spectator Mode.pngSpectator Mode
How to Update the Trainer Card.pngHow to Update the Trainer Card Squads Guide.pngSquads Guide
Friendship Points Guide Partial BannerFriendship Points Guide -


6 Anonymousover 2 years

For anyone that's wondering, mobile can see the "Favorite Areas" and "Active Online Times" options on the back as well. And when you click "Edit" you are able to see a drag down show up but not able to click them. This is because they only allow you to edit these options on switch. They favor switches a bit rather than mobile players since this was meant to played on switch.

5 Anonymous@Game8almost 3 years

Hi! Thank you for your comment. To show the Trainer Card, tap on the box that shows the Pokemon being used during the loading screen. It only works for real people (players) and does not work on bots, unlike in Nintendo Switch.


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