Pokemon UNITE

Low Elo Tier List: Best Pokemon for Low Ranks

Pokemon UNITE - Low Elo Tier List: Best Pokemon for Low Ranks

Are you stuck climbing the Low Elo ranks? Check out this official Game8 Pokemon Low Elo Tier List for Pokemon UNITE! Know which Pokemon is best used for climbing the lower ranks and blasting your way to Master Rank!

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Low Elo Tier List

SS Tier Icon
Mega Mewtwo X Image Mega Mewtwo Y Image Armarouge Image Venusaur Image Pikachu Image
S Rank Icon
Tsareena Image Espeon Image Delphox Image Umbreon Image Mimikyu Image Eldegoss Image Cinderace Image Snorlax Image Slowbro Image
A Rank Icon
Galarian Rapidash Image Zacian Image Suicune Image Tinkaton Image Ho-oh Image Ceruledge Image Miraidon Image Metagross Image Meowscarada Image Leafeon Image Chandelure Image Lapras Image Dragapult Image Scizor Image Azumarill Image Dragonite Image Decidueye Image Sylveon Image Charizard Image Talonflame Image Machamp Image Alolan Ninetales Image Absol Image Blastoise Image
B Rank Icon
Urshifu Image Buzzwole Image Psyduck Image Darkrai Image Blaziken Image Inteleon Image Goodra Image Zoroark Image Clefable Image Dodrio Image Mew Image Glaceon Image Duraludon Image Trevenant Image Lucario Image Mamoswine Image Gengar Image Wigglytuff Image Crustle Image Zeraora Image Gardevoir Image Mr. Mime Image
C Rank Icon
Greedent Image Aegislash Image Hoopa Image Tyranitar Image Sableye Image Comfey Image Gyarados Image Falinks Image Blissey Image Greninja Image Cramorant Image Garchomp Image

Tier List Evaluation Complete!

Pokemon UNITE - Suicune Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

With the release of Suicune, the tier list evaluation is now complete!

Suicune Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Beginner - Expert Tier List

This tier list covers Low Elo (Lower Ranks) which are the Beginner to Expert Rank. We have carefully considered each strength and weakness of all the Pokemon present in the game as of writing, and have determined the best ones to play to reach Veteran rank or higher.

Got some experience blasting through the ranks? Suggestions and opinions are more than welcome in the comments below!

Low Elo Tier List Comments

Low Elo Tier List Updates
(January 2025)

New Pokemon Tier Placement

Update Date Pokemon Summary
3/3 Suicune ImageSuicune
Enters in A Tier

• Although Suicune can definitely carry a game by itself, the Pokemon does require a moderate level of understanding and skill level to play effectively, reducing its favorability as a low-elo pick but is nonetheless a viable one.

Tier List Explanations

SS Tier

Pokemon Tier Best Lane
Armarouge ImageArmarouge SS Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Blazing Blaster
Armarouge's strong and easy-to-use crowd control moves definitely fits in low-elo games. It also has great scaling, allowing it to get stronger as the game progresses.
Mega Mewtwo X ImageMega Mewtwo X SS Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Physical Mega Evolution
Mega Mewtwo X is simple enough for low-elo players to master but is extremely powerful. Despite Mega gauge being a special mechanic and the central feature of the Pokemon, it's simpler to manage compared to exisiting special mechanics since the only way to trigger it is by attacking opponents, which is something that just happens naturally in games. The Pokemon also doesn't have any timings to account for and just relies on the natural progression of the game to get stronger. It's definitely a Pokemon that can easily dominate low-elo games.
Mega Mewtwo Y ImageMega Mewtwo Y SS Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Psychic Mega Evolution
Mega Mewtwo Y is simple enough for low-elo players to master but is extremely powerful. Much like Mega Mewtwo X, its Mega gauge is simpler to manage compared to exisiting special mechanics since the only way to trigger it is by attacking opponents, which is something that just happens naturally in games. Although much fragile than Mega Mewtwo X, its damage and rapid-fire attack speed is something that low-elo players will definitely love.
Pikachu ImagePikachu SS Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Lightning Strikes Twice
Pikachu is one of the easiest Attackers to use in the game! Its moves are easy to hit in succession since it's all auto-hit instead of targeting. Moreover, its UNITE move is the fastest to recharge in the entire roster, allowing you to consistently get bursts of strength when you need to.
Venusaur ImageVenusaur SS Rank Icon Top
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Set Beams to Kill
Venusaur is a powerful Attacker with a versatile kit. From high sustain and AoE damage with Petal Dance + Giga Drain, to long-ranged sniping with Solar Beam, the Pokemon gives you a lot of value.


Pokemon Tier Best Lane
Cinderace ImageCinderace S Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Fireball Glass Cannon
Cinderace excels in Low Elo due to his ability to keep a safe distance with its mobility moves. While its move combinations can take a while to get used to, its fast Standard Attacks can make up for any misses you might do.
Delphox ImageDelphox S Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Tornadoes of Fire!
Delphox can deal massive Sp. Atk. area and single-target damage from a long range. It's great at teamfights thanks to its fast-recharging Unite Move, Fanciful Fireworks. However, its low durability, lack of mobility, and weak early game are hurdles players must learn to get use to first.
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss S Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Shields For Everyone
Eldegoss excels at keeping its teammates alive with AoE shields. It is efficient at this task, and the player that keeps their allies alive can win the game more easily. Unfortunately, your best play is your only play so if you need to make aggressive plays on the map, Eldegoss will not be able to do so.
Espeon ImageEspeon S Rank Icon Jungle / Bot
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Psychic Takedown
Espeon can deal high burst Sp. Atk damage both at single targets and in an area. Its Unite Move, Psychic Solare, is a great crowd control move with a large AoE, making it extremely useful during teamfights. However, Espeon's lack of mobility and low defenses makes it an easy target against more mobile Pokemon.
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu S Rank Icon Top / Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
A Sneaky Shadow
Mimikyu can be a fun Pokemon to play for low-elo players. Even if the Pokemon's strength comes from its various mechanics, they don't require any special method to trigger and will trigger simply by playing the game normally, eliminating the hassle of thinking too much. It also doesn't have any glaring weaknesses that can be exploited by low-elo habits. The Pokemon is definitely an All-Rounder that is simple enough to use and excel in low-elo games.
Slowbro ImageSlowbro S Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Isolating Dueler
Slowbro has the ability to semi-permanently immobilize a key target's with Telekinesis and Slowbeam. This makes team fights essentially become 4v4 where you can take out the enemy's key player. Unfortunately, these key team fights rarely happen in low rank and allies may even ignore the enemy you're locking down which can lead to a frustrating ranked game experience. Otherwise, a great pick to use in an organized team.
Snorlax ImageSnorlax S Rank Icon Top
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Snorlax can either be a good frontline for defense or dish out damage with a Flail + Yawn combo. Low-Elo players will find Snorlax as a defensive and offensive powerhouse with its high durability and hard-hitting moves.
Tsareena ImageTsareena S Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Kicks that Kill
Tsareena has one of the best move kit synergy in the game thanks to its passive ability, Queenly Majesty. It does not require constant support and can carry games by itself with a lower mastery ceiling compared to other All-Rounder Pokemon. If you are looking for a Pokemon with a straightforward, spammable kit, look no further than Tsareena!
Umbreon ImageUmbreon S Rank Icon Top / Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Multi-functional Defender
Umbreon's versatility and ease of use allows it to perform well in Low Elo games. Its kit encourages aggressive plays and is simple enough to execute, which fits exactly the demands of Low Elo players. It also fits in any team composition without comprimises.


Pokemon Tier Best Lane
Absol ImageAbsol A Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Critical Strikes King
Absol boasts high mobility with moves like Night Slash and Sucker Punch that can strike enemies in a fell swoop. But, what separates this Pokemon from the rest is the amount of Critical Strike damage output it deals with. Not to mention how straightforward its moves are. Low Elo players can take advantage and just stomp enemies in their way.
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales A Rank Icon Top
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Freezing Combos
Alolan Ninetales is a strong Pokemon that can devastate team fights and out-of-position enemies with ease. It can easily apply disables to these enemies for easier takedowns. It is a strong pick but quite a difficult set up your moves when your allies are not cooperative enough.
Azumarill ImageAzumarill A Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Azumarill is a well-balanced Pokemon capable of dealing high critical-hit damage to a single target as well as tanking a bit of damage. Its jungling capabilities are surprisingly great since jungle camps only contain one Pokemon, allowing Azumarill to deal with critical hits 100% of the time and clear them quickly compared to other Pokemon. However, it does not perform well in team fights since enemies tend to stay close to each other, preventing Azumarill to deal with critical hits.
Blastoise ImageBlastoise A Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
A Spinning Tank
Blastoise offers great durability and high Sp. Attack damage. Although its moves are powerful enough to carry the game, Low-Elo player may find Blastoise's long move cooldowns too off-putting, especially if they miss the target.
Ceruledge ImageCeruledge A Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
A Complex Combatant
Ceruledge's moves contain mechanics and effects that must be taken into account for them to be effective in battle. However, low-elo players can still get used to them and eventually learn how they work. Ceruledge's basic attacks are also enough to make an impact in low-elo games, particularly due to the specific effect of Weak Armor. Moreover, Ceruledge can fit in any team composition since it can go in any lane.
Chandelure ImageChandelure A Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Light the Way
Chandelure's high offense stat makes it a suitable low-elo Pokemon. However, it can only perform to its full potential if players understand its special mechanics, otherwise, the Pokemon might not stand out.
Charizard ImageCharizard A Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Burns the Brightest
Charizard is a sturdy All-Rounder that also packs a punch. Its kit is easy to learn while also being effective, having a mix of disables and direct damage. Although it has a slow start, it will be worth the wait when you finally evolve and learn Seismic Slam!
Decidueye ImageDecidueye A Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Novice
The Sharpshooter
With a balanced offensive kit, Decidueye excels in getting free hits with its Standard Attack and quickly melting the opponent's HP. However, it lacks the mobility to escape in the middle of fights. Relying heavily on the Eject Button or a Supporter / Defender to survive fights.
Dragapult ImageDragapult A Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Sneak and Destroy
Dragapult is a Attacker with unique mechanics that relies on its attacks to knock out targets. It can deal area damage with its Boosted Attacks all while having a fast attack speed, making it a traditional attack damage carry Pokemon. Moreover, it has stealth and damage amplification via Phantom Force, and it has the first ever charge-based Unite Move, Dreep and Destroy, which works great with items like Energy Amplifier and Buddy Barrier. However, such mechanics might be overlooked in Low Elo games, which prevents the Pokemon from performing to its peak level. On top of this, Dragapult's attack damage will be underwhelming for Low Elo players considering it's built as a damage dealer.
Dragonite ImageDragonite A Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
To The Skies!
Thanks to its passive ability, Multiscale, Dragonite is sturdier than most All-Rounders in the roster. Its Standard Attacks also have a chance to stun, which is huge when picking fights solo. Its Draco Impact has a forgiving cooldown compared to other Unite Moves, not to mention being almost universal, making stealing objectives easier.
Galarian Rapidash ImageGalarian Rapidash A Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
A Strong Niche Pick
Galarian Rapidash requires a more-than-average level of understanding and skill level to play effective, which may put off low-elo players, but is nevertheless still a viable pick.
The Pokemon's kit contains mechanics that is quite uncommon for low-elo players and requires attention to fully utilize the moves, such as Fairy Wind's multiple activations, Pastel Veil's distance-based gauge, and Triad Blitz's dash attacks. However, Galarian Rapidash can still be played with a decent level of effectiveness by low-elo players with some practice.
Ho-oh ImageHo-oh A Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Life Giver
Ho-Oh's high durability and high damage potential allows it to perform just fine in low elo games despite having a kit that's quite complex and tricky to use properly. It's also strong from the early game and scales well into the late game, so it won't have an issue with power loss.
Lapras ImageLapras A Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Lapras Express
Lapras can suit the needs of Low-elo players. It's effective right from the start and just gets stronger as the game progresses, allowing Low-elo players to worry less about leveling up and focus more on fighting. However, its kit does contain special mechanics for players to consider to fully utilize it, which may get overlooked and undermine the Pokemon's potential.
Leafeon ImageLeafeon A Rank Icon Any Lane
Difficulty to Use: Intermidiate
Solar-powered Eevee
Leafeon's scaling, high mobility, and high damage are traits that suit the demands of low-elo players. However, its kit has important mechanics that require attention to squeeze every bit of damage and additional effects from them, which is a red flag for low-elo players.
Machamp ImageMachamp A Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Unstoppable Force
Machamp is a strong single-target destroyer that can take out key targets in team fights. The move Submission makes it unstoppable as well as the boost in stats from its Unite move. Nothing can hinder Machamp from reaching its target.
Meowscarada ImageMeowscarada A Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Powerful Paws
Meowscarada can excel in low-elo game. Although it has a wide array of mechanics to account for, the amount of damage the Pokemon can deal and how easy it is to use makes it somewhat suitable for low-elo games.
Metagross ImageMetagross A Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
A Resilient Robot
Although Metagross' gameplay has some complexity, there won't be any significant performance issues for the Pokemon in low elo games. Metagross can be a great pick for low elo players who want to try a new Pokemon that's slightly complex than what they're used to but is not too complicated to use. The Pokemon's damage potential and versatility is well suited for low elo games.
Miraidon ImageMiraidon A Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Skill-Intensive Attacker
Miraidon's kit and gameplay requires a high level of skill to pull off properly, which may dissuade low-elo players from picking the Pokemon. Its moves can be difficult to aim and control, particularly Charge Beam, Electro Dirft, and Bright Future Meteor Storm, and their effectiveness comes mainly from their mechanics. Failure to trigger and utilize these various mechanics will undermine Miraidon's potential.
Scizor ImageScizor A Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Scizor's unique ability to evolve into another Pokemon with different stats and gameplay is something that would be fun for Low Elo players to experiment with. However, neither evolution offers something that other Pokemon don't already do, making Scizor merely an alternative pick rather than the star of the game.
Suicune ImageSuicune A Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
A Strong Mid-skill Spellcaster
Suicune is a strong pick but requires some degree of understanding and skill level to play the Pokemon to its full potential.
Icy Wind requires precise placement due to its small area of effect. Whirlpool has a second activation that may be ignored by low-elo players or not used properly. Additionally, its passive contains various effects that are central to the Pokemon's gameplay, which may be quite hard for low-elo players to remember and manage while playing. Nevertheless, Suicune can easily dominate low-elo games with its high offense alone.
Sylveon ImageSylveon A Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Hyper Damage
While dealing a good amount of damage, the targeting of Sylveons moves is either random or locks you in animation. If you aim Hyper Voice incorrectly, you will be stuck attacking in the wrong direction for a short while. Learning to properly use its skills will be rewarding, but will take a while.
Talonflame ImageTalonflame A Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Focused Hunter
Talonflame is one of the burstier Speedsters in the game. It can deal high amounts of damage before the enemy Pokemon can even blink. Abusing this in low ranks where players do not pay attention too much to enemy positions makes Talonflame a great low-rank hyper-carry as long as it stays a safe distance.
Tinkaton ImageTinkaton A Rank Icon Top / Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Pint-sized Strength
Tinkaton's gameplay suits that of low-elo games as the Pokemon just becomes stronger as it fights opponents due to its ability, Mold Breaker. It's also easy enough to master and will do well in matches.
Zacian ImageZacian A Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
The Royal Hound
Although Zacian is definitely a powerful Pokemon, the skills and knowledge players must have to use the Pokemon to its full potential might be off-putting for low-elo players. Fortunately, the Pokemon's attacks does more than enough damage to rip through virtually any Pokemon, especially in low-elo games.


Pokemon Tier Best Lane
Blaziken ImageBlaziken B Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Scorching Striker
Blaziken is a high-risk-high-reward Pokemon. Its combo-heavy and mechanic-based gameplay requires high skill and understanding, making it a demanding Pokemon to master and play to its full potential. Although it has great potential, the Pokemon is naturally unsuitable for low-elo players.
Buzzwole ImageBuzzwole B Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
True Heavyweight
Buzzwole is a momentum-based All-Rounder that can take on groups of enemies with its combos. However, its core gameplay of Muscle Gauge management, precise positioning, and proper use of its moves and ability may be too demanding for Low Elo players. Failing to keep track of any of them results in a waste of the Pokemon's potential.
Clefable ImageClefable B Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Waggle to Win
Clefable has argubly the best healing move in the game thanks to Moonlight. It has a large AoE, and its healing scales with Clefable's Sp. Atk., allowing more room for amplification. However, considering that low-elo players usually pick damage delears instead of supporters, Clefable might not be to their liking.
Crustle ImageCrustle B Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Killer Defense
Unlike other Defenders, Crustle is focused more on dealing damage to enemies and zoning them out of the fight. It cannot, however, win a match by itself and still relies heavily on teammates. Additionally, its moves are rather hard to target and Low-Elo players may find it difficult to use Shell Smash or Rock Tomb to their full effect.
Darkrai ImageDarkrai B Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
A Dark Entity
Darkrai's kit contains special mechanics and effects that need attention in order to play the Pokemon to its full potential. This makes the Pokemon quite a bad pick for low-elo games.
Dodrio ImageDodrio B Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Puts the Speed in Speedster
Dodrio can put pressure on the enemy team by constantly roaming around the map and scoring points, forcing them to keep an eye on their goals or fall behind on points. However, this specialized gameplay may be off-putting for Low Elo players since they're focused more on fighting than anything else. Moreover, even if they choose to play it traditionally, they'll find it hard to win fights since they need to continuosly fill up the Sprint Gauge before using Dodrio's moves to maximize their damage and effect.
Duraludon ImageDuraludon B Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Titan-Level Threat
Duraludon dishes a ton of AoE burst damage that can win games. Its mechanics are also pretty easy to grasp so it is definitely a great, powerful Pokemon to start with. Its best move, Dragon Pulse, is AoE and not a skill shot so a player can aim the move without much effort.
Gardevoir ImageGardevoir B Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Psychic Prowess
Gardevoir is a strong attacker that relies on proper positioning and precision to deal damage to enemies from afar. Its strong team fighting move, Fairy Singularity, allows it to win fights easily by obliterating groups of enemies. Unfortunately, organized team fights rarely happen in low ranks and its lack-luster farming ability makes it a mediocre pick in Low-Elo.
Gengar ImageGengar B Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Beware the Shadows
Gengar is an effective sing-target assassin that can sustain itself with HP recovery when it hits a target with its moves. Although its variety of combos can easily delete targets in an instant, you will need proper aim and timing to pull it off, which may be difficult if you are just learning the ropes.
Glaceon ImageGlaceon B Rank Icon Bot/Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Piercing Ice Shards
Glaceon's ice crystals can shred through even the toughest Pokemon. However, since its effectiveness relies solely on the amount of ice crystals it has, Low-Elo players may forget to max them out first before using Glaceon's moves.
Goodra ImageGoodra B Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Slime Away!
Goodra fits the Defender role just as well as other more prominent Defenders. However, Goodra's kit contains mechanics that can be easily overlooked by Low-elo players, preventing them from using the Pokemon to its full potential. Also, Goodra's relatively slow scaling may be off-putting to Low-elo players considering there are better alternatives like Snorlax.
Inteleon ImageInteleon B Rank Icon Bot/Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Sneaky Sniper
Inteleon's high, late-game damage output certainly suits low elo games. However, its complex mechanics and gameplay makes the Pokemon hard to pick up and play to its full potential, which is off putting for low elo players.
Lucario ImageLucario B Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Power Up!
Lucario is the definition of a strong Pokemon. It is durable, it has high damage output, and it has mobility. However, because of its move mechanics, Lucario is one of the more difficult to play Pokemon and may not be suitable for low elo players. It is best to master other All-Rounders first before trying Lucario out.
Mew ImageMew B Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Improvise, Adapt, Win
Mew is a highly versitile Pokemon thanks to its ability to change its moves on the fly, allowing it to adapt to all kinds of situations it finds itself. However, its gameplay does require a high skill ceiling compared to other Pokemon if it's to live up to its potential. This might be off-putting and too demanding for Low Elo players.
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime B Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Undercover Damage Dealer
Mr. Mime is a Supporter Pokemon that can alter the battlefield to generate advantage for the team. It makes use of the environment and its wall abilities to land nukes and stun enemies at the same time. This requires high mastery of the Pokemon and is quite difficult to pull off for the uninitiated.
Psyduck ImagePsyduck B Rank Icon Top/Bottom
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Psychic Support
Although Psyduck's arsenal of crowd control moves are effective, they do contain mechanics and effects that need to be taken into account to maximize their use. This makes Psyduck not necessarily suitable for low-elo games.
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff B Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Tanky Supporter
Wigglytuff's gameplay revolves around disabling the enemy team in multiple ways to open them up for easy take downs. Even with its tankiness and good amount of crowd control, these will not be properly utilized in Lower Elo solo climbing. You will still be dependent on your teammates to capitalize on the advantage you give them, which may not always happen.
Urshifu ImageUrshifu B Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Iron Fist
Urshifu's effectiveness in combat relies mostly on the player's mechanical skill rather than the Pokemon's innate strength. Its combos need to be performed in the correct order and manner for players to achieve Urshifu's full potential. While it does well enough on its own, it can only do so if the player puts more effort than usual, which can be off-putting for Low Elo players.
Trevenant ImageTrevenant B Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
High Sustain and Durability
Trevenant can sustain itself through HP recovery, which makes it a hard Poekmon to knock down. However, its moves are also tricky to balance early on and you have to learn its move combos for it to become effective. Though it may find use in higher elo matches, in the lower elo he is negligible to enemy Pokemon that can go past its defenses and kill squishier Pokemon.
Zeraora ImageZeraora B Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Dangerously Fast
Zeraora is a capable Speedster that can deal quick damage thanks to its highly mobile kit. However, its moves are generally hard to work with as it is prone to missing, leaving you vulnerable as a result. With its slow move upgrades combined with a slow early game, you will have to be an experienced Zeraora player to utilize its strengths to their fullest.
Zoroark ImageZoroark B Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Destructive Combos
Low-elo players may find Zoroark's dependence on combo gameplay to be hard to execute as it mostly spells doom every time you miss. Still, you may find strength in its arsenal of dash moves, which gives you plenty of ways to get around enemies and even the map itself. Plus, its unite move, Nightfall Daze is the least complex unite move among the Speedster lineup.


Pokemon Tier Best Lane
Aegislash ImageAegislash C Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Slice Through Anything
Aegislash introduces new mechanics that are very much different from the current Pokemon UNITE meta-game. The addition of a new boosted attack and the new forme switching mechanic between Shield Forme and Blade Forme could be hard to grasp for newer players. Aegislash is definitely a Pokemon for more experienced players in the game.
Blissey ImageBlissey C Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Pocket Support
Blissey is a full-fledged support Pokemon that excels in providing heals and buffs to its allies. In low elo, players are rarely able to make use of said buffs. Combined with Blissey's low damage output, you're better off picking another Pokemon if you want to carry the team.
Comfey ImageComfey C Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Novice
Over-attachment Problems
Comfey revolves around attaching itself to an ally and keeping them topped up with healing or shields, while at the same time hitting them with disabling moves.

Comfey introduced a very new mechanic, but it is also Comfey's biggest problem in the lower ranks. Since it relies heavily on teammates, its capability to carry is close to none - even worse than the likes of other Supporters like Blissey and Eldegoss.
Cramorant ImageCramorant C Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Gatling Gulp!
Controlling Cramorant will need you to get the hang of proper positioning and good targeting of its crowd control skills. In the right hands, Cramorant's disables will open opportunities for easy take down - that is, if your teammates can capitalize on it. Moreover, its lack of proper mobility moves may always leave you pinned down if you are not careful enough.
Falinks ImageFalinks C Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Expert
A Complex Combatant
Falinks' kit contains multiple mechanics that significantly impact the Pokemon's effectiveness while fighting, particularly its formations. Such mechanics might be confusing for low-elo players. Playing the Pokemon to the highest level requires solid understanding of its mechanics and top-notch skill from players, making it unsuitable for low-elo games.
Garchomp ImageGarchomp C Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
More Bite than Bark
Garchomp has insane potential when it gets to fully evolve and learn its move upgrades. However, the Pokemon still suffers from a weak early game that makes it an easy target. While it is a powerful Pokemon overall, it may need a lot of effort just to stabilize, and low-elo is a difficult place for that.
Greninja ImageGreninja C Rank Icon Any
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Complex Ninja Skills
Greninja has good escape moves, amazing damage, and strong fighting power. The only issue in the Low Ranks is ease of use, as its kit needs you to have extensive knowledge of the map as well as placement when fighting. An inexperienced trainer will have difficulty maneuvering through fights and fumble their moves.
Greedent ImageGreedent C Rank Icon Top/Bot
Difficulty to Use: Expert
Cheeky Damager
Greedent's moves are focused around disrupting the enemy with Covet while pressuring their HP. They combos have a steep learning curve to master so this Pokemon is not recommended for Low Elo play in general. As a Defender, Greedent excels in zoning out enemies rather than defending or healing its teammates.
Gyarados ImageGyarados C Rank Icon Top / Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
From Flailing Carp to Flying Dragon
Gyarados is not suitable for low elo games. Its evolution mechanic will confuse low elo players since Gyarados doesn't simply evolve by leveling up, unlike other Pokemon. Also, it can be a tedious task for low elo players to fill up the effort gauge as they have to first figure out what actions will fill it, which is just an extra task that they wouldn't want to undertake. Moreover, Gyarados' primary moves are tricky to use, which is very off putting to low elo players.
Hoopa ImageHoopa C Rank Icon Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Unbound Power
Hoopa is a different kind of Supporter Pokemon where it utilizes its teleport mechanic to generate an advantage for the team. However, this playstyle demands a coordinated team to become usable. Though using Shadow Ball and Trick is a viable option, this move combination is not as effective in terms of damage to carry the team.
Sableye ImageSableye C Rank Icon Top / Bot
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
Scion of Chaos
Sableye offers a lot of stuns and slows for the whole team to take advantage. Moves like Confuse Ray and Feint Attack open up many ways for you to support the team by causing havoc. Moreover, its invisibility gameplay via Prankster allows you to maneuver around the battlefield undetected. Unfortunately, Sableye's playstyle is not easy to get used to because of its unique moveset. Expect to have trouble dealing damage and getting your shots on point to take full advantage of your moves' effect, especially if you in an uncoordinated team.
Tyranitar ImageTyranitar C Rank Icon Jungle
Difficulty to Use: Intermediate
The Tyrant
Although Tyranitar can deal massive damage, it can only do so once it reaches level 9 since that's the only time when it gets all its moves. Because of this, it struggles hard and is a vulnerable target in the early game. If it is unable to reach level 9 before or when the first boss Pokemon spawn, it won't have much of an impact in the late game.

Tier List Criteria

Full Criteria

Ease of Use Ability to Abuse Low Rank Habits Effectiveness in Solo Carrying

Each of these factors determines the Pokemon's place within the tier list. Read on to learn what they refer to exactly:

  • Ease-Of-Use: When two things perform at roughly the same power level, the one that's easier to use is always better. This is especially true in low ranks where people may not be mechanically skilled enough to play high difficulty Pokemon so they are placed lower in this tier list.
  • Ability to Abuse Low Rank Habits. What separates the Low Elo from High-Elo one are the players themselves. Low ranked players are less likely to cooperate, rotate for objectives, and even lack the skill to play their Pokemon effectively. Using Pokemon that can punish these bad habits are valued highly.
  • Effectiveness in Solo Carrying. As solid teamwork may be hard to come by in the lower ranks, it is often better to rely on solo carrying games. Pokemon that can win fights alone or have a huge impact even by playing alone is rated higher.

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33 Anonymous7 months

Wait, this is AI?

32 Anonymousabout 1 year

L tierlist get some people to do this not ai


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