Pokemon UNITE

Assault Vest Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Assault Vest Banner

Assault Vest is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Assault Vest's stats and effects, how to get Assault Vest, and which Pokemon are best for Assault Vest!

Assault Vest Latest Nerfs & Buffs (11/21)

Version Patch Notes

Assault Vest.pngAssault Vest • Shield amount increased from 9%/12%/15% to 10%/15%/20% (Lvl. 1, 10, 20) Effect cooldown decreased from 8 to 6s (-2s). Sp. Defense stat increased from 42 (Level 30) to 51 (Level 30). Shield amount increased from 9%/12%/15% to 10%/15%/20% (Lvl. 1, 10, 20)

Assault Vest Stats and Effect

Assault Vest.pngAssault Vest
Held Item
Tier Ranking
B Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
HP + 270 Sp Defense +51
When the Pokemon is not in combat, it is granted a shield that nullifies Sp. Atk damage equal to (10/15/20)% of its max HP.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Assault Vest Stats Per Level

Level 10 HP +90, Sp. Defense +17
Level 20 HP +180, Sp. Defense +34
Level 30 HP +270, Sp. Defense +51

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 HP +18, Sp. Defense +0
2 HP +18, Sp. Defense +3.4
3 HP +36, Sp. Defense +3.4
4 HP +36, Sp. Defense +6.8
5 HP +54, Sp. Defense +6.8
6 HP +54, Sp. Defense +10.2
7 HP +72, Sp. Defense +10.2
8 HP +72, Sp. Defense +13.6
9 HP +90, Sp. Defense +13.6
10 HP +90, Sp. Defense +17
11 HP +108, Sp. Defense +17
12 HP +108, Sp. Defense +20.4
13 HP +126, Sp. Defense +20.4
14 HP +126, Sp. Defense +23.8
15 HP +144, Sp. Defense +23.8
16 HP +144, Sp. Defense +27.2
17 HP +162, Sp. Defense +27.2
18 HP +162, Sp. Defense +30.6
19 HP +180, Sp. Defense +30.6
20 HP +180, Sp. Defense +34
21 HP +198, Sp. Defense +34
22 HP +198, Sp. Defense +37.4
23 HP +216, Sp. Defense +37.4
24 HP +216, Sp. Defense +40.8
25 HP +234, Sp. Defense +40.8
26 HP +234, Sp. Defense +44.2
27 HP +252, Sp. Defense +44.2
28 HP +252, Sp. Defense +47.6
29 HP +270, Sp. Defense +47.6
30 HP +270, Sp. Defense +51

Activates in 6 Seconds After Combat

Assualt Vest - Snorlax
Assault Vest's bonus shield effect will activate around 6 seconds after leaving combat. Also, when the shield is activated, it will not wear off until it is broken by an opponent's special attack.

Shield Only Works for Special Attacks

Pokemon UNITE - Assualt Vest Greedent Getting Hit by a Shadow Ball

Note that the bonus shield can only prevent the damage from an opponent's Special Attack. It does not prevent you from taking damage from any Standard Attack.

Want to know the difference between Standard Attacks and Special Attacks? Check out our guide!

Standard Attack Vs. Special Attack

Does Not Recover in Base

Even if you return to base, the bonus shield will not recover the damage it sustained. So, if you want to return the shield to its maximum strength again, you have to let your opponent's Special Attack destroy it, then get out from combat and reactivate Assualt Vest.

Stacks with Shields from Other Sources

Assault Vest Test - Assault Vest with Goal Zone Shield

The shield from Assault Vest can stack on top of shields from moves like Cotton Guard, and other held items like Score Shield. It even works with the shield you get from your own goal zones. This means that you can double or even triple your shield, making you incredibly hard to take down.

How to Get Assault Vest

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Assault Vest

This item is currently not recommended for any Pokemon.

All Builds for Assault Vest

There are currently no builds that uses this item.

Assault Vest Effect Test

Out of Combat Test

Since Assault Vest's effect activates after combat, we conducted a mock battle to confirm how many seconds the shield will come out from the moment you defeat the opponent.

Looking at the test above, the shields reactivate around 6 seconds after Shadow Ball's effect fully disappeared.

Shield Stack Test

The purpose of this test was to determine if the Sp. Atk. Shield from Assault Vest stacks with other sources of shields, whether it is Sp. Atk. or another type. The test took note of 3 instances of shields for each source of shield: (1) the shield generated from Assault Vest only, (2) the shield generated from the other source only, and (3) the shield generated from both Assault Vest and the other source.

Cotton Guard Test

Condition Reference
Assault Vest Only
Cotton Guard Only
Assault Vest
Cotton Guard

Starlight Recital Test

Condition Reference
Assault Vest Only
Starlight Recital Only
Assault Vest
Starlight Recital

Goal Zone Shield Test

Condition Reference
Assault Vest Only
Goal Zone Shield Only
Assault Vest
Goal Zone Shield

Buddy Barrier Test

Condition Reference
Assault Vest Only
Buddy Barrier Only
Assault Vest
Buddy Barrier

Score Shield Test

Condition Reference
Assault Vest Only Score Shield Test - Assault Vest - Assault Vest Only
Score Shield Only Score Shield Test - Assault Vest - Score Shiled Only
Assault Vest
Score Shield
Score Shield Test - Assault Vest - Assault Vest and Score Shield

Shields can Stack

As a result of the tests, although hard to see in the images, it is confirmed that the Sp. Atk. Shield from Assault Vest stacks with other sources of shields. With this in mind, it is possible to be shielded from various sources of damage, which is useful for Pokemon who like to dive into fights.

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