Pokemon UNITE

Best Farming Routes for Jungle, Top, and Bottom

Best Farming route.png

This is a guide on the best farming routes for lanes in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn the farming routes and timings so you can have the best start possible!

Best Top Lane Farming Route

Unlike the Bottom Lane, any of the Regi-trio will not be present in this lane. This will make farming EXP a bit slower, so it is best to defeat every wild Pokemon you come across.

Top Lane Guide

Defeat the Bunnelby Along the Lane

Pokemon UNITE - Bunnelby Gives Early Game EXP.png

Bunnelby: Spawn Time and Information

From the start of your base, defeat the Bunnelby as you make your way to the first Goal Zone. There are four Bunnelbys present in this lane - two along the path and two behind the first allied Goal Zone. Note that the Bunnelbys will move when they are attacked.

Defeat the Two Extra Bunnelbys

Pokemon UNITE - New Bunnelby

There will be two extra Bunnelbys in front of the Top Lane Goal Zone. It is best to start with the one located at the top part, then go down to finish the last Bunnelby. This way, you will be near the Baltoy - which is your next target.

Defeat Baltoy

Baltoy: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Take the Contested Baltoy

There is an extra Baltoy near the Jungle area entrance. While being greedy for exp. is great, you might clash with an opponent when contesting the Baltoy. When you do manage to capture the Baltoy, you will have a slight EXP advantage over the opponent. The amount may not be game-changing, but every little advantage counts!

Defeat the Swablus and Altaria

Altaria: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Altaria Spawns with Swablue

The Swablus and Altaria will appear in the middle of the lane when the match time reaches 8:50. Your opponents will most likely try and contest them. So, it is best to use moves that have an AoE so you can kite the Swablus.

Defeat Indeedees at the Sides of the Lane

Indeedee: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Farm Side Spawns Indeedee

When the first Goal Zone in a lane is destroyed, additional Indeedees will start spawning at the sides of each lane, as well as where the Goal Zone used to be. Defeating the Indeedee will grant you 6 points and that's much more exp. than what the Baltoys and Bunnelbys give combined, so make sure to take them out when you can!

Defeat Regieleki

Regieleki: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Clefable Leading the Charge Against Regieleki

When the game reaches its 7:00 mark, make sure to take on Regieleki as it spawns and defeat it asap. Defeating Regieleki lets pushing lanes easier as it heads towards an enemy goal zone and makes it defenseless for 25 seconds.

Best Jungle Farming Route

Farming wild Pokemon in the Jungle area will be relatively easier compared to the lanes, since you don't have to worry much about player interaction. Speedster and All-Rounder are great roles for farming the jungle as they can easily maneuver around the area and learn powerful moves that can be useful later.

Jungle Guide

Defeat Xatu First

Xatu: Spawn Time and Information

Starting from your base, your first target should be the Xatu located in the jungle. If defeated at level 1, the attacker will gain 2 levels instantly. Xatu also moves up to where Escavalier will spawn - which will be your next target.

Defeat Escavalier

Escavalier: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Take Escavalier as soon as it is up

Escavalier will spawn just as you are about to defeat Lilipup. When you defeat Escavalier, you will get an orange buff that increases the damage you deal towards wild Pokemon with low HP.

Defeat Accelgor

Accelgor: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Take Accelgor Whenever It is Up.png

Immediately go down to fight Accelgor, and gain the purple buff. It will be easier to beat thanks to Escavalier's buff. Make sure to dodge its charge attacks to avoid unnecessary damage.

Ambush a Lane

While you wait for the wild Pokemon to respawn, you can proceed to a lane to initiate a gank on unsuspecting opponents. When transitioning from the jungle area, it is best to alert your allies which lane you are entering. Do this by using the Quick Chat system so they can get into position!

Use Jump Pads for Quick Movement

Top Jump Pad Bottom Jump Pad

You can use the mini jump pads to to quickly get to a lane. They will send you to the middle entrance of the jungle area. Make sure to use the tall grass before to entering the lane so you can catch opponents off guard!

Steal Wild Pokemon from Enemy Side

Pokemon UNITE - Crustle Stealing Wild Pokemon with Rock Slide

When lanes aren't too heated or if you've cleared your side of the jungle quickly, you can stretch out to the middle part of the jungle (Rayquaza area) and continue farming by stealing the Claydol on the enemy's side. You can also consume the enemy's Green Berry for an extra boost in movement speed to move around faster and slow the enemy jungler's progress down.

Best Bottom Lane Farming Route

The Bottom Lane will have slightly more Wild Pokemon compared to the Top Lane. This means that it is faster to gain EXP in this lane.

Bottom Lane Guide

Defeat the Bunnelby Along the Lane

Bunnelby: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Bunnelby Gives Early Game EXP.png

From the start of your base, defeat the Aipoms as you make your way to the first Goal Zone. There are four Aipoms present in this lane - two along the path and two in front the first allied Goal Zone. Note that the Aipoms will move when they are attacked.

Defeat the Two Extra Bunnelbys

Pokemon UNITE - Two Extra Bunnelbys

Two extra Bunnelbys will spawn near the bottom lane's goal zone (Regice, Regirock, or Registeel territory). Take them down for a little bit of extra points and exp.

Defeat the Swablus and Altaria

Altaria: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Altaria Spawns with Swablu

The Swablus and Altaria will appear in the middle of the lane when the match time reaches 8:50. Your opponents will most likely try and contest them. So, it is best to use moves that have an AoE so you can kite the Swablus.

Defeat Indeedees at the Sides of the Lane

Indeedee: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Farm Side Spawns Indeedee

When the first Goal Zone in a lane is destroyed, additional Indeedees will start spawning at the sides of each lane, as well as where the Goal Zone used to be. Defeating the Indeedee will grant you 6 points and that's much more exp. than what the Baltoys and Bunnelbys give combined, so make sure to take them out when you can!

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