Pokemon UNITE

Crustle Guide: Builds and Best Items

Pokemon UNITE - Crustle Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

The best guide on how to play Crustle in Pokemon UNITE for Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Check here for the best builds, Held and Battle items, movesets, as well as the latest nerfs, buffs, counters, and more!

Crustle Latest Buffs and Nerfs (5/12)

Version Patch Notes

Crustle Changes (December 5)
Rock Tomb Image
Rock Tomb
• Cooldown increased from 5s to 5.5s.
Stealth Rock Image
Stealth Rock
• Cooldown increased from 5s to 5.5s.
• Damage decreased by 8%.
X-Scissor Image
• Cooldown increased from 6s to 6.5s.
Rubble Rouser Image
Rubble Rouser
• Energy cost increased by 20%.

Stat Updates Fixed a bug where Crustle's stat may gain an unintended strength boost in certain circumstances. Melee range adjusted.

Sturdy Defense and Sp. Def. bonus increased from 5 + 1 x Level to 6 + 2 x Level (up to 10 levels).

X-Scissor Cooldown reduced from 9s to 7s (-2s). Cooldown decreased from 7s to 6s (-1s). X-Scissor +: Cooldown decreased from 6s to 5s. (-1s) Damage decreased by 10%. Cooldown increased from 6s to 6.5s.

Standard Attack Damage dealt by the boosted attack increased.

Stealth Rock Damage increased from 3,873 to 6,262 (+62%). Cooldown period reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds (-25%). Move now activates faster. Fixed a bug where stealth rock would deal increased damage at the start of the attack. Cooldown reduced from 6s to 5s. (-1s) Cooldown increased from 5s to 5.5s. Damage decreased by 8%.

Rock Tomb Damage increased from 540+270+270=1081 total to 636+325+325=1286 total (+19%). Move description changed. Increased slow effect on opponents. Cooldown increased from 5s to 5.5s.

Rubble Rouser UNITE Gauge now fills up more easily. Static cooldown reduced from 134s to 110s. (-24s) Recoil damage when receiving damage increased by 33%. Recoil damage latency decreased from 2s to 1s. (-1s) Energy cost increased by 20%.

Crustle Basic Info

Tier Rating: S Rank Icon

Role: Defender
Attack Type: Melee
Damage Type: Physical
Difficulty: Novice
"Crustle hinders its opponents using many different moves."

Pokemon Unite Tier List

Crustle Best Lanes

Top Icon.pngTop Jungle Icon.pngJungle Bot Icon.pngBottom
5 Stars.png
2 Stars.png
4 Stars.png

Tips & Strategies for Every Lane

Crustle Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Has versatile gameplay.
✔︎ Strong crowd control moves.
✔︎ Extremely mobile with Shell Smash.
✖︎ Effective use requires skill shot proficiency.
✖︎ Higher damage output at the cost of low defenses.

Best Builds for Crustle

Crustle Builds

X-Scissor (Damage) Build

X-Scissor (Damage) Build
Pokemon UNITE - Best Build Icon
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Attack: +33
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
HP: +210
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Critical-Hit Rate
Free Negative Stats:
Sp. Atk
Movement Speed
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

X-Scissor Build Explanation

This is an offensive build that utilizes the effects of Shell Smash to increase X-Scissor's damage. It can also be modified a bit to give X-Scissor a chance to deal critical-hits.

  • Attack Weight provides Crustle with a large damage boost, particularly for X-Scissor. It's also easy to stack thanks to the mobility Crustle gets from Shell Smash.
  • Weakness Policy works well with Crustle's frontline/tank gameplay, increasing its Attack as it takes hits. It also gives a decent amount of damage and HP.
  • Focus Band improves Crustle's durability through increased defenses, which is transformed into more damage when the Pokemon uses Shell Smash, and acts as a survivability tool.
  • For a different offensive approach, Scope Lens and Razor Claw can be equipped instead of the other two, giving X-Scissor a chance to deal critical-hits for each attack.
  • Eject Button gives Crustle a quick repositioning tool, which can also be used to set up X-Scissor.
  • The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 White Emblems for maximum HP and 6 Brown Emblems for additional damage. This can be achieved by equipping at least two (2) Emblems that are both White and Brown.
  • Equip Emblems that improve Attack or Critical-Hit Rate for more damage.
  • Sp. Atk and Movement Speed can be freely traded for the other stats.

X-Scissor Build Damage Test

(Level 30)
(@ Lvl 15)
(w/ Shell Smash)
(@ Lvl 15)
Weakness Policy
Attack Weight
(6 Stacks)
2894 4434

Since the build is centered on X-Scissor, equipping items that will maximize its damage is the ideal item combination. Focus Band is a core item for the build, leaving only two (2) items left for consideration.

As the results show, Weakness Policy and a fully-stacked Attack Weight will produce the best results for the build. Weakness Policy works well with Crustle's tank gameplay and Attack Weight can be stacked quickly in the early game thanks to Shell Smash.

As for alternatives, although not shown in the test, replacing both items with Scope Lens and Razor Claw would be a great option. Both items will give X-Scissor a chance to deal critical-hit for each attack, dealing more damage than any of the results.

These damage tests are conducted using the Training Dummy in Practice Mode.

(Level 30)
(@ Lvl 15)
(w/ Shell Smash)
(@ Lvl 15)
Muscle Band
Razor Claw
2287 3662
Muscle Band
Attack Weight
(6 Stacks)
2643 4017
Muscle Band
Weakness Policy
(4 Stacks)
2496 4036
Razor Claw
Attack Weight
(6 Stacks)
2643 4017
Razor Claw
Weakness Policy
(4 Stacks)
2496 4036
Weakness Policy
Attack Weight
(6 Stacks)
2894 4434

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

X-Scissor (Defensive) Build

X-Scissor (Defense) Build
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
Movement Speed: +150
HP: +690
HP Recovery: +18
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Free Negative Stats:
Sp. Atk
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

X-Scissor (Defensive) Build Explanation

This is a defensive variation for X-Scissor that's centered around trapping opponents with Rock Tomb and shoving them towards it using X-Scissor.

  • Exp. Share helps Crustle and its lane partner to level up faster, particularly in the early game. It also gives the Pokemon a decent amount of movement speed.
  • Resonant Guard gives Crustle a nice amount of HP and HP recovery, and allows Crustle to generate another shield for itself and its allies when it deals damage.
  • Focus Band improves Crustle's durability through increased defenses and acts as a survivability tool.
  • X Speed gives Crustle a nice mobility tool that essentially acts like Shell Smash due to their similar effects.
  • The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 White Emblems for maximum HP and 6 Brown Emblems for additional damage. This can be achieved by equipping at least two (2) Emblems that are both White and Brown.
  • Equip Emblems that improve Attack or HP for more damage or durability.
  • Sp. Atk and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Stealth Rock Build

Stealth Rock Build
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Attack: +42
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
Movement Speed: +150
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Free Negative Stats:
Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Stealth Rock Build Explanation

This build revolves around trapping opponents with Rock Tomb, then laying down Stealth Rock to slow and damage them.

  • Attack Weight provides Crustle with a large damage boost, maximizing its move damage.
  • Float Stone gives Crustle the mobility to move around and use Rock Tomb and Stealth Rock. It also gives a decent amount of Attack stat for more damage.
  • Focus Band improves Crustle's durability through increased defenses and acts as a survivability tool.
  • X Speed helps Crustle stack Attack Weight quickly and safely, especially during the early game. It's also a versatile mobility tool.
  • The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 White Emblems for maximum HP and 6 Brown Emblems for additional damage. This can be achieved by equipping at least two (2) Emblems that are both White and Brown.
  • Equip Emblems that improve Attack or HP for more damage or durability.
  • Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Defense, Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Stealth Rock Build Damage Test

(Level 30)
Rock Tomb
(@ Lvl 15)
Stealth Rock
(Total Damage
(@ Lvl 15)
Float Stone
Attack Weight
(6 Stacks)
1470 6662

Since the build is centered on Stealth Rock and Rock Tomb, equipping items that will maximize their damage is the ideal item combination. Focus Band is a core item for the build, leaving only two (2) items for consideration.

As the results show, Float Stone and a fully-stacked Attack Weight will generate the best results for the build. Float Stone's movement speed bonus and effect will give Crustle some mobility to move around and use Rock Tomb and Stealth Rock. It also provides a decent amount of Attack for more damage.

These damage tests are conducted using the Training Dummy in Practice Mode.

(Level 30)
Rock Tomb
(@ Lvl 15)
Stealth Rock
(Total Damage
(@ Lvl 15)
Muscle Band
Razor Claw
1334 6366
Muscle Band
Attack Weight
(6 Stacks)
1455 6631
Muscle Band
Float Stone
1350 6397
Razor Claw
Attack Weight
(6 Stacks)
1455 6631
Razor Claw
Float Stone
1350 6397
Float Stone
Attack Weight
(6 Stacks)
1470 6662

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

Crustle Best Items & Moveset

Best Held Items

Item Explanation
Exp. Share.pngExp. Share Exp. Share helps Crustle and its lane partner level up faster, especially in the early game. It also gives the Pokemon more movement speed.
Attack Weight.pngAttack Weight Attack Weight compliments Crustle's aggressive scoring playstyle, pushing for early lane pressure.
Aeos Cookie.pngAeos Cookie Aeos Cookie adds more bulk to Crustle in the form of more HP.
Score Shield.pngScore Shield Score Shield helps guard Crustle's more aggressive playstyle, complementary with using an Attack Weight.
Float Stone.pngFloat Stone Float Stone gives Crustle movement speed and damage simultaneously, giving the Pokemon some versatility.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band compliments Crustle's passive, Sturdy, allowing Crustle to survive longer in fights.
Scope Lens.pngScope Lens Scope Lens can improve X-Scissor by giving it a chance to deal critical-hit for each attack, increasing its overall damage drastically.
Razor Claw.pngRazor Claw Razor Claw works great with Shell Smash's low cooldown and usability, increasing Crustle's attack on top of the move's own effects. It also adds more critical-hit rate to X-Scissor.
Weakness Policy.pngWeakness Policy Weakness Policy is a great item that synergizes well with Crustle's innate durabiltiy thanks to its passive ability. With this, it can increase the potency of its auto-attacks.
Resonant Guard.pngResonant Guard Resonant Guard works nicely with Crustle's gameplay, giving itself and its allies a shield when it deals damage. It also gives a nice amount HP and HP recovery.

List of Held Items

Best Battle Items

Item Explanation
Goal-Getter.pngGoal-Getter Goal-Getter makes scoring goals faster and easier. Combined with Shell Smash, the item enhances scoring capabilities.
Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button is both an offensive and defensive tool for the build, allowing you to get a better position to use your moves or make an escape when things go awry.
X Speed.pngX Speed X Speed is a great item for Crustle if it doesn't learn Shell Smash, giving it similar effects in terms of mobility.
Potion.pngPotion With Crustle's high HP, Potion allows Crustle to recover a significant amount of HP so it can stay in the fight longer.

List of Battle Items

Best Moveset

Move Explanation
X-Scissor ImageX-Scissor X-Scissor deals decent damage, although not as powerful as Stealth Rock, and can put enemies in bad a position during fights.
Shell Smash ImageShell Smash Shell Smash is arguably Crustle's best move. It provides a massive boost to Crustle's damage output which improves Crustle's other moves, especially at low HP.

This moveset turns Crustle's high defenses into raw damage. Shell Smash is a versatile move that suits Crustle's frontline gameplay. It converts a percentage of Crustle's Sp. Def and Defenses into damage, which works fine with either of the other moves. It also makes Cruslte incredibly mobile and resilient to disables and debuffs, perfect for a tank. X-Scissor is Crustle's best damage move. It has the potential to deal massive damage since it can deal critical-hits, particularly if the Pokemon equips an item that increases Critical-Hit Rate. It can also stun opponents when they're shoved towards a wall, turning it into a crowd control move.

For a more support-style moveset, picking Rock Tomb and Stealth Rock equips Crustle with some decent disables, which are great in teamfights.

Which Moveset Do You Think is Best for Crustle?

Shell Smash & X-Scissor 22
Shell Smash & Stealth Rock 3
Rock Tomb & X-Scissor 10
Rock Tomb & Stealth Rock 7

Let us know why in the comments!

Previous Poll Results

Shell Smash & X-Scissor 39
Shell Smash & Stealth Rock 7
Rock Tomb & X-Scissor 6
Rock Tomb & Stealth Rock 24

How to Play Crustle

Jump to Section

Utilize Initial Moveset

Crustle has a strong initial moveset. Make sure to utilize them to gain some advantage in the early game.

Use Rock Slide to win fights, secure wild Pokemon, and defend goal zones. It can also be used to scout for enemies who might be hiding in grass.

As for Fury Cutter, utilize its damage increase effect to harass opponents out of the lane or just to secure wild Pokemon.

Related Pages
Rock Slide.pngRock Slide Fury Cutter.pngFury Cutter

Keep an Eye on Study Stacks and Utilize Them

Crustle can make itself more durable as it tanks damage thanks to its ability, Sturdy, increasing its Defense and Sp. Def. stats every time it loses a certain amount of HP. This effect can stack up to 10 times. Make sure to take advantage of this effect to tank for the team.

Sturdy: Crustle Ability Effects

Turn Defenses into Damage with Shell Smash

One effective way to utilize Sturdy stacks is to use Shell Smash. The move converts a set percentage of Crustle's Defense and Sp. Def. into Attack and Sp. Atk., increasing the Pokemon's damage output.

Shell Smash: Crustle Move Effect and Cooldown

Fight in the Frontlines

Since Crustle is a Defender, its primary gameplay revolves around fighting in the frontlines during fights to tank for its team and protect less durable allies.

Trap Opponents with Rock Tomb

Use Rock Tomb to trap opponents and set up a fight. The wall and slowing effect allows allies to easily follow up with their moves. Moreover, the move has a decent cast range, making it great against fleeing targets.

One neat trick to make Rock Tomb more effective is to use it on opponents that are near walls or tight areas. If done right, they can be completely trapped between objects and Rock Tomb..

Rock Tomb: Crustle Move Effect and Cooldown

Shove Opponents with X-Scissor

Use X-Scissor to shove opponents away from allies or towards them depending on the situation. The move also deals quite a lot of damage since it has a chance to deal critical-hits per attack, making it a great generic offensive tool. Futhermore, if possible, shove opponents towards walls to stun them; this includes Rock Tomb.

X-Scissor: Crustle Move Effect and Cooldown

Zone Out Opponents with Stealth Rock

Stealth Rock is a great zoning tool. It can be used to effectively block off an area when taking objectives, force opponents out of grass, and defend goal zones. It's also great for chasing opponents due to its cast range and slowing effect.

Stealth Rock: Crustle Move Effect and Cooldown

Prolong Fights Using Rubble Rouser

It's best to use Rubble Rouser only when Crustle's HP gets to about half or below. This is mainly because Crustle can't gain any Sturdy stacks if Rubber Rouser's shield is absorbing all the damage and the Pokemon's HP remains the same.

It's better to stack up Sturdy's effect first by allowing Crustle to soak up damage, then activating Rubble Rouser when its HP becomes very low, allowing the Pokemon to utilize the Sturdy stacks while shielded. This is especially true when using Shell Smash.

Rubble Rouser: Crustle Move Effect and Cooldown

Stay Close to Opponents to Deal Damage

Once Rubble Rouser is activated, it's best to stay close to opponents since the move deals damage overtime to enemies that are within its area of effect.

Utilize the Return Damage Mechanic

On top of the damage the move deals overtime, Rubble Rouser also deals damage to opponents that hit Crustle while the move is active. Take advantage of this mechanic by dialing up the aggression.

Progression and Leveling Guide

Top or Bottom Lane Guide

Level 1 to 4

  • Secure as many Wild Pokemon as you can and get EXP to reach level 4.
  • Once at level 5, learn either Shell Smash or Rock Tomb.
  • Continue to farm wild Pokemon and level up, defend the lane, score points, and knock out opponents.

Level 5 to 9

  • Once at level 6, learn X-Scissor if you selected Shell Smash, or Stealth Rock if you selected Rock Tomb, and start to get aggressive.
  • Continue to farm wild Pokemon, defend the lane, score points, and knock out opponents to level up.
  • Help your allies secure Regieleki and/or Regice, Registeel, or Regirock.
  • Once at level 9, learn Rubble Rouser to get all moves.

Level 10+

  • Continue to farm and level up.
  • Stick with allies to defend or push lanes, secure objectives, and win teamfights.
  • Reach at least level 13 on or before Rayquaza spawns for a full-upgraded moveset.
  • Help your allies win a team fight and secure Rayquaza.
  • After securing Rayquaza, just score points to gain the score lead, then immediately return to base and just defend the remaining goal zones until the match ends.

Crustle Combos

Rock Tomb Combos

This set of combos utilizes the trapping capabilites of Rock Tomb.

Stealth Rock Trap Combo

Stealth Rock Trap Combo
Rock Tomb IconStealth Rock IconStandard Attack Icon ~

Pokemon UNITE - Crustle Stealth Rock Trap Combo
Rock TombStealth RockStandard Attack ~
Start by cutting your opponents path and prevent them from escaping with Rock Tomb. Then thro a Stealth Rock to create a kill zone in the crevice spawned by Rock Tomb. For this to work, you need to hit Rock Tomb directly behind the opponent and then use Stealth Rock right away.

X-Scissor Trap Combo

X-Scissor Trap Combo
Rock Tomb IconX-Scissor IconStandard Attack Icon ~

Pokemon UNITE - Crustle X-Scissor Trap Combotd>
Rock TombX-ScissorStandard Attack ~
Create a wall behind the opponent, then smash them into the wall using X-Scissor to stun them. This will leave them open for more attacks from teammates or at the very least, render them unable to escape.

Ultimate Rubble Fighter Combo

Ultimate Rubble Fighter Combo
Rubble Rouser IconShell Smash IconX-Scissor IconStandard Attack Icon ~

Pokemon UNITE - Crustle Ultimate Rubble Fighter Combo
Rubble RouserShell SmashX-ScissorStandard Attack ~
This is an initiating combo that is great for brawls. Start by activating Rubble Rouser to generate a large amount of shields. Follow it up with Shell Smash to convert Crustle's defenses into offense. Then, seek out a target to fight. For a devastating entrance, use X-Scissor to stun the target in place before you start brawling.

Matchups & Counters for Crustle

Crustle Matchups

Hard Counter
Fair Matchup
AegislashAlolan NinetalesArmarougeAzumarillBlastoiseBlazikenBlisseyBuzzwoleCeruledgeChandelureCinderaceClefableComfeyDragapultDragoniteEspeonFalinksGengarGlaceonGoodraGreedentGreninjaHo-OhInteleonLaprasLeafeonMamoswineMega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo YMetagrossMewMimikyuMiraidonMr. MimePikachuPsyduckScizorSlowbroSnorlaxSuicuneSylveonTalonflameTinkatonTrevenantTsareenaTyranitarUmbreonUrshifuZacianZeraoraZoroark
Good Matchup
AbsolCharizardCramorantDarkraiDecidueyeDelphoxDodrioDuraludonEldegossGalarian RapidashGardevoirGyaradosHoopaLucarioMachampMeowscaradaSableyeWigglytuff
Matchup Notes
Hard CounterHard Counter Even MatchupEven Matchup Easy MatchupEasy Matchup
1. The chart is based on our own experience playing Crustle.
2. Pokemon within each tier are unordered
3. Any Pokemon not shown here are still under investigation.

Hard Counter with Disables or Overpower with Damage

Crustle's moves gives the Pokemon incredible versatility in terms of gameplay, making the Pokemon hard to fully counter. However, Pokemon that are able to stun or overpower Crustle with damage can definitely win against it.

Pokemon Explanation
Venusaur ImageVenusaur Rating: ★★★★★
• Can quickly deplete Cruslte's HP from afar using Solar Beam.
• Can overpower Cruslte in a fight with Petal Dance and Giga Drain.
Garchomp ImageGarchomp Rating: ★★★★
• Can win in a 1-on-1 brawl against Crustle thanks to its Boosted Attacks.
• Can displace or reach Crustle with Dragon Rush.

Even Matchups for Crustle

Taking advantage of Cruslte's versatile moveset and high durability can help it get the upper hand against these Pokemon.

Close the Gap or Force Them to Move

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Alolan Ninetales Image Armarouge Image Chandelure Image Cinderace Image Dragapult Image Espeon Image Glaceon Image Greninja Image Inteleon Image Mega Mewtwo Y Image Mew Image Miraidon Image Pikachu Image Suicune Image Sylveon Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting. They also have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Crustle. However, they are fragile and can get knocked out by Crustle fast.
• When using Shell Smash, use the move to head straight for them, then follow up with X-Scissor to knock them out.
• When using Stealth Rock, force them to relocate by trapping them first with Rock Tomb, then following up with it.
• Use Rubble Rouser to stay alive longer when Crustle's HP is low.

Disrupt Their Attacks or Combos

Aegislash Image Azumarill Image Blaziken Image Buzzwole Image Ceruledge Image Dragonite Image Falinks Image Mega Mewtwo X Image Metagross Image Scizor Image Tinkaton Image Tsareena Image Tyranitar Image Urshifu Image Zacian Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon excel in close combat and rely mostly on their attacks or combos to deal damage. They are also durable enough to tank Crustle's damage. However, they do need to go toe to toe with Crustle to defeat it, putting them in range for the Pokemon's moves.
• When using Shell Smash, activate it first to gain more damage, then disrupt their attacks or combos using X-Scissor.
• When using Stealth Rock, force them to relocate by trapping them first with Rock Tomb, then following up with it.
• Alternatively, just use Rubble Rouser when they decide to attack and fight them head on.

Tank Their Damage, Then Retaliate

High-mobility Pokemon with Burst Damage
Gengar Image Leafeon Image Talonflame Image Zeraora Image Zoroark Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon are incredibly agile and deal high burst damage. However, Crustle can tank their damage and easily retaliate thanks to Sturdy.
• When using Shell Smash, activate the move and just head straight for them, then follow up with X-Scissor.
• When using Stealth Rock, place it in their path to discourage them from approaching, or wait for them to dash in, then trap them with Rock Tomb and follow up with Stealth Rock.
• Use Rubble Rouser to stay alive longer when Crustle's HP is low.

Utilize Their Numbers

Blissey Image Clefable Image Comfey Image Mr. Mime Image Psyduck Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon usually stick with their allies and rarely venture alone. Although they themselves pose no threat to Crustle, their support capabilities makes them valuable during fights.
• Take advantage of them being in close proximity to each other by either heading straight for them using Shell Smash, then following up with X-Scissor, or trapping them with Rock Tomb, then placing Stealth Rock on their position.
• Use Rubble Rouser to stay alive longer when Crustle's HP is low.

Group Up with Allies

Highly Durable Pokemon
Blastoise Image Goodra Image Greedent Image Ho-oh Image Lapras Image Mamoswine Image Slowbro Image Snorlax Image Trevenant Image Umbreon Image
How to Beat
• Much like Crustle, these Pokemon are extremely durable, making it difficult for the Pokemon to take them down alone. With that, it's best to group up with allies to bring them down with the help of Crustle.
• When using Shell Smash, use it to stay in front of them, then push them back using X-Scissor.
• When using Stealth Rock, trap them first with Rock Tomb, then place Stealth Rock on their position.

Easy Matchups for Crustle

Crustle has enough offense that it can go toe-to-toe with these Pokemon. Once it catches them in Stealth Rock or disable them with X-Scissor, it will have a high chance of knocking these Pokemon down.

Close the Gap or Force Them to Move

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Cramorant Image Decidueye Image Delphox Image Duraludon Image Gardevoir Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting. They also have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Crustle. However, they are fragile and can get knocked out by Crustle fast.
• When using Shell Smash, use the move to head straight for them, then follow up with X-Scissor to knock them out.
• When using Stealth Rock, force them to relocate by trapping them first with Rock Tomb, then following up with it.
• Use Rubble Rouser to stay alive longer when Crustle's HP is low.

Disrupt Their Attacks or Combos

Charizard Image Gyarados Image Lucario Image Machamp Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon excel in close combat and rely mostly on their attacks or combos to deal damage. They are also durable enough to tank Crustle's damage. However, they do need to go toe to toe with Crustle to defeat it, putting them in range for the Pokemon's moves.
• When using Shell Smash, activate it first to gain more damage, then disrupt their attacks or combos using X-Scissor.
• When using Stealth Rock, force them to relocate by trapping them first with Rock Tomb, then following up with it.
• Alternatively, just use Rubble Rouser when they decide to attack and fight them head on.

Tank Their Damage, Then Retaliate

High-mobility Pokemon with Burst Damage
Absol Image Darkrai Image Dodrio Image Galarian Rapidash Image Meowscarada Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon are incredibly agile and deal high burst damage. However, Crustle can tank their damage and easily retaliate thanks to Sturdy.
• When using Shell Smash, activate the move and just head straight for them, then follow up with X-Scissor.
• When using Stealth Rock, place it in their path to discourage them from approaching, or wait for them to dash in, then trap them with Rock Tomb and follow up with Stealth Rock.
• Use Rubble Rouser to stay alive longer when Crustle's HP is low.

Utilize Their Numbers

Eldegoss Image Hoopa Image Sableye Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon usually stick with their allies and rarely venture alone. Although they themselves pose no threat to Crustle, their support capabilities makes them valuable during fights.
• Take advantage of them being in close proximity to each other by either heading straight for them using Shell Smash, then following up with X-Scissor, or trapping them with Rock Tomb, then placing Stealth Rock on their position.
• Use Rubble Rouser to stay alive longer when Crustle's HP is low.

Best Teammates for Crustle

Pokemon Explanation
Gardevoir ImageGardevoir Gengar ImageGengar Urshifu ImageUrshifu Combo-centric Damage Dealers
Pokemon whose gameplay centers on using combos can synergize well with Crustle. Crustle can use Rock Tomb and X-Scissor to block enemy movement and disable them, making it easier for them to execute their combos and finish off targets.
Dodrio ImageDodrio Sableye ImageSableye Speedy Scorers
Pokemon that can easily and aggressively score points throughout the game alongside Crustle can pressure the enemy team to rotate lanes and defend their goals or risk getting outscored. Crustle can use Shell Smash to mimic their gameplay all while staying versitile enough to join teamfights.
Pikachu ImagePikachu Snorlax ImageSnorlax Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff AoE Disablers
Pokemon with an arsenal of AoE disabling moves can benefit from Crustle's versitile moveset. They can easily land their AoE moves like Heavy Slam and Thunderbolt at enemies trapped inside Rock Tomb. They can also stun enemies and keep them inside Stealth Rock's area, dealing more damage as a result.
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Frontline Duo
Mr. Mime has great synergy with Crustle and can become an unstoppable frontline duo. Mr. Mime can Power Swap Crustle and use Psychic as they chase down targets, causing a huge burst of damage around both of them. Alternatively, Mr. Mime can use Confusion to shove enemies towards Rock Tomb's wall and keep them in place as they continuously receive damage from Stealth Rock.

Looking for teammates to synergize with you? Head over to our Friend Request Board to find other trainers to join you in your grind or just to hang out with!

Friend Request Board

Crustle Moves and Ability

Move Slot 1 (R)

Fury Cutter ImageFury Cutter
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Melee
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 3.5s
Starting Damage: 494
Damage increase per hit: 20%
Final Damage: N/A
Damage increase per hit: 20%
Slashes opposing Pokemon with claws, dealing damage to them. Hitting the same opposing Pokemon multiple times in succession with this move increases the damage dealt.
X-Scissor ImageX-Scissor
(Lv. 6)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Melee
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 6.5s
Starting Damage: 1317
First attack: 371, Second attack: 439, Third attack: 507
Final Damage: 1931
First attack: 542, Second attack: 644, Third attack: 745
Has the user dash forward with crossed claws, dealing damge to opposing Pokemon multiple times and shoving them. Leaves opposing Pokemon unable to act if they hit an object when shoved.
Upgrade: Reduces this move's cooldown.
Stealth Rock ImageStealth Rock
(Lv. 6)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Area
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 5.5s
Starting Damage: 3108
Initial damage: 255, Damage increase per instance: 10% to 15%, Number of instances: 8
Final Damage: 5758
Initial damage: 344, Damage increase per instance: 10% to 15%, Number of instances: 10
Throws many small rocks. When a rock hits an opposing Pokemon, or when the rocks have flown their full distance, a zone of many levitating rocks is created, dealing slowly-increasing damage over time to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect.
Upgrade: Increases the duration of this move's effects and decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time when this move hits.

Move Slot 2 (ZR)

Rock Slide ImageRock Slide
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Area
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 270
Final Damage: 291
Drops a large rock at the targeted area. When this move hits, it deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and leaves them unable to act for a short time.
Shell Smash ImageShell Smash
(Lv. 4)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Buff
Damage Type: Status
Cooldown: 7s
Starting Damage: N/A
Final Damage: N/A
Has the user smash its shell, converting a set percentage of Defense and Sp. Def into Attack and Sp. Atk and increasing the user's movement speed for a short time.
Upgrade: Increases this move's conversion rate.
Rock Tomb ImageRock Tomb
(Lv. 4)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Area
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 5.5s
Starting Damage: 897
Inital damage: 447 + 225, Damage when rock expires: 225
Final Damage: 1286
Inital damage: 636 + 325, Damage when rock expires: 325
Splits open the ground toward the designated area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and creating a barricade of rock. If used again, gets rid of the barricade.
Upgrade: Also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time when this move hits.

Unite Moves (ZL)

Rubble Rouser ImageRubble Rouser
(Lv. 9)
Move Type: Buff
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 134s
Starting Damage: 2120
Damage per instance: 212, Number of instances: 10
Final Damage: 2690
Damage per instance: 269, Number of instances: 10
Grants the user a shield for a short time and elaves nearby opposing Pokemon unable to act, dealing them damage over time. If the user receives damage while this move is in effect, the move deals additional hits to nearby opposing Pokemon.

Standard Attack

Standard Attack Image Standard Attack Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack. When this boosted attack hits, it deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and decreases their movement speed for a short time.

Ability (Passive)

Sturdy ImageSturdy All Evolution Stages
Every time the Pokemon loses a certain amount of HP, its Defense and Sp. Def are increased.

Crustle Stats & Evolutions

Crustle Evolutions

1st Evolution Final Evolution
(Lv. 1)
(Lv. 4)

Crustle Stats

Level HP Defense Special Defense Attack Damage
1 3300 97 67 175
2 3447 108 74 179
3 3615 120 82 183
4 4469 182 125 205
5 4692 198 136 211
6 4948 217 149 218
7 5242 239 164 226
8 5581 264 181 235
9 5971 293 201 245
10 6420 326 224 256
11 6936 364 250 269
12 7530 407 280 284
13 8213 457 314 301
14 8998 514 354 321
15 9900 580 400 344

Attack Damage is the damage of the Basic Attack as tested against the Training Dummy.

Crustle In-Game Stat Listings

Offense Endurance Mobility Scoring Support
1.5 Stars.png 4 Stars.png 1.5 Stars.png 2 Stars.png 3 Stars.png

Crustle Skins (Holowear)

CrustleShrine StyleShrine Style
Zirco Trading:
Holowear Ticket 60
Energy Rewards
Odds: 0.8%
CrustleCake StyleCake Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 2199
CrustleStarry Night StyleStarry Night Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 400
CrustleTuxedo StyleTuxedo Style

All Pokemon Skins (Holowear)

Crustle Character Spotlight

Crustle Achievements

X-Scissor Achievement

Pokemon Move
Crustle ImageCrustle X-Scissor ImageX-Scissor
In a single battle, show Pokemon from the opposing team into an obstacle 2 or more times with X-Scissor or X-Scissor+ (5/10/20 battles total)
Medals & Points Rewards
Pokemon UNITE - Beginner Achievement Medal Beginner
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png 5
Aeos Ticket IconAeos Ticket x100
Pokemon UNITE - Expert Achievement Medal Expert
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png5
Aeos Coin IconAeos Coin x300
Pokemon UNITE - Master Achievement Medal.png Master
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png10
Holowear Ticket IconHolowear Ticket x3

List of Defender Pokemon Achievements

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon Partial Banner

List of All Pokemon

All Pokemon Guides and Builds

Best Build for Each Pokemon

Pokemon Roster
Pokemon UNITE - AbsolAbsol Pokemon UNITE - AegislashAegislash Pokemon UNITE - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales Pokemon UNITE - ArmarougeArmarougue
Pokemon UNITE - AzumarillAzumarill Pokemon UNITE - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon UNITE - BlazikenBlaziken Pokemon UNITE - BlisseyBlissey
Pokemon UNITE - BuzzwoleBuzzwole Pokemon UNITE - CeruledgeCeruledge Pokemon UNITE - ChandelureChandelure Pokemon UNITE - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon UNITE - CinderaceCinderace Pokemon UNITE - ClefableClefable Pokemon UNITE - ComfeyComfey Pokemon UNITE - CramorantCramorant
Pokemon UNITE - CrustleCrustle Pokemon UNITE - DarkraiDarkrai Pokemon UNITE - DecidueyeDecidueye Pokemon UNITE - Delphox Delphox
Pokemon UNITE - Dodrio SpeedsterDodrio Pokemon UNITE - DragapultDragapult Pokemon UNITE - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon UNITE - DuraludonDuraludon
Pokemon UNITE - EldegossEldegoss Pokemon UNITE - EspeonEspeon Pokemon UNITE - Falinks  (All-Rounder)Falinks Pokemon UNITE - Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash
Pokemon UNITE - GarchompGarchomp Pokemon UNITE - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon UNITE - GengarGengar Pokemon UNITE - GlaceonGlaceon
Pokemon UNITE - GoodraGoodra Pokemon UNITE - GreedentGreedent Pokemon UNITE - GreninjaGreninja Pokemon UNITE - GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon UNITE - Ho-OhHo-Oh Pokemon UNITE - HoopaHoopa Pokemon UNITE - InteleonInteleon Pokemon UNITE - LaprasLapras
Pokemon UNITE - LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon UNITE - LucarioLucario Pokemon UNITE - MachampMachamp Pokemon UNITE - MamoswineMamoswine
Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo X Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo YMega Mewtwo Y Pokemon UNITE - MeowscaradaMeowscarada Pokemon UNITE - MetagrossMetagross
Pokemon UNITE - MewMew Pokemon UNITE - MimikyuMimikyu Pokemon UNITE - MiraidonMiraidon Pokemon UNITE - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon UNITE - PikachuPikachu Pokemon UNITE - PsyduckPsyduck Pokemon UNITE - SableyeSableye Pokemon UNITE - ScizorScizor
Pokemon UNITE - SlowbroSlowbro Pokemon UNITE - SnorlaxSnorlax Pokemon Unite - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon UNITE - SylveonSylveon
Pokemon UNITE - TalonflameTalonflame Pokemon UNITE - TinkatonTinkaton Pokemon UNITE - TsareenaTsareena Pokemon UNITE - TyranitarTyranitar
Pokemon UNITE - UmbreonUmbreon Pokemon UNITE - TrevenantTrevenant Pokemon UNITE - UrshifuUrshifu Pokemon UNITE - WigglytuffWigglytuff
Pokemon UNITE - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon UNITE - ZeraoraZeraora Pokemon UNITE - ZoroarkZoroark -

Upcoming Pokemon

Upcoming Pokemon
Alolan Raichu (No Role)Alolan Raichu
(April 2025)
Alcremie (No Role)Alcremie

Upcoming and New Pokemon

Pokemon by Role

All Pokemon Roles
Attacker IconAttackers All-Rounder IconAll-Rounders Defender IconDefenders
Speedster IconSpeedsters Supporter IconSupporters

Pokemon by Characteristics

Attack Type
Pokemon UNITE - Melee Type Partial BannerMelee Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Ranged Type Partial BannerRanged Pokemon
Pokemon UNITE - Physical Type Partial BannerPhysical Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Special Type Partial BannerSpecial Pokemon
Stat Rankings
Pokemon UNITE - HP Ranking Partial BannerHP Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Defense Ranking Partial BannerDefense Ranking
Pokemon UNITE - Special Defense Ranking Partial BannerSp. Def. Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Basic Attack Ranking Partial BannerBasic Attack Ranking


34 Anonymousover 1 year

These builds are very outdated. And far from the most accurate and not as many options as there should be. Use to love this site now feel it's trash

33 Anonymousalmost 2 years

you're basically a raidboss. Good to know.


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