Season 13 of the Battle Pass in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile brings new Trainer Outfits and Holowear! Read on to know when Season 13 will end, all the rewards for every level, all missions, and more!
In addition to getting 25 free Battle Pass Levels, you are also going to be rewarded with an exclusive Dark Hero Style: Buzzwole Sticker when you purchase the Premium Pass Plus instead of the usual Premium Pass!
Is the Battle Pass Premium Worth It?
Paid Battle Pass is worth it if you're a fan of either Scizor or Buzzwole because you're gonna get their special, limited edition Holowears! In addition, you're also going to get additional rewards if you reach past level 100!
If you're going to ask us, Premium Pass is worth it enough to buy. On the contrary though, we do not think the extra rewards provided by the Premium Pass Plus is enough to make the extra splurge worth it. Yes, you can get 25 free levels but that's easy enough to get if you play Pokemon UNITE regularly.
Pokemon UNITE Battle Pass Prize Box
Still No Battle Pass Prize Box in Season 13
In Season 13, it looks like Pokemon UNITE has phased out the Battle Pass Prize Box and instead opted on giving away additional Trainer Skins for levels above 100. We are not sure if Pokemon UNITE will bring back the Prize Box in the future, but we'll update you if they do!
Prize Box Rewards
Everytime you receive a battle pass prize box, you may use them to roll for various items in-game. Here are the list of items you can get as well as their respective drop rates:
Daily missions are reset every day at 5 pm PST. This will end the missions from the previous day.
The following are the possible mission types and their rewards for Daily Missions:
All Daily Missions Types
BP Points
Log in a total of 1 day
Block a total of 1 goal
Win 1 battle
Make a total of 5 assists
Knock out a total of 3 opposing Pokemon
Defeat either Regice, Registeel, Regirock, or Drednaw a total of 1 time
Defeat a total of 20 wild Pokemon
Defeat either Regieleki or Rotom a total of 1 time
Participate in 1 battle
Participate in a ranked match 1 time
Participate in 1 battle with a friend
Participate in 1 quick battle
Score a total of 100 points
Score a total of 3 goals
Use the superjump springboard a total of 2 times
Use a Unite Move 2 times
Exchange energy for energy rewards 2 times
Use quick chat 1 time
Pick up a total of 2 Sitrus Berries to restore HP
We are currently compiling all daily missions everyday! Stay tuned for more updates!
Weekly Missions
Missions are reset every Sunday at 5PM PST. This will end the missions from the previous week, but rewards for completed missions can still be claimed.
Week 10
The following are mission types and their rewards for the tenth week of Season 13:
BP Points
Participate in 1 quick battle
Knock out a total of 6 opposing Pokemon
Block a total of 3 goals
Exchange energy for energy rewards 3 times
Participate in 1 battle with a friend
Participate in 3 battles with Pokemon of different roles
Participate in a ranked match 1 time
Defeat either Rayquaza or Articuno a total of 1 time
Participate in 5 battles with the following role: Attacker
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