Pokemon UNITE

Goodra Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

The best guide on how to play Goodra in Pokemon UNITE for Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Check here for the best builds, Held and Battle items, movesets, as well as the latest nerfs, buffs, counters, matchups, and more!

Goodra Pokemon Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Page Navigation BannerGoodra Release Date Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Guide Top NavigationGoodra Guide

Goodra Latest Nerfs & Buffs (1/16)

Version Patch Notes

Goodra Changes (January 16, 2025)
Gooey Image
• Movement speed reduction increased from 8% to 10%.
Muddy Water Image
Muddy Water
• Damage reduction rate increased from 10% to 15%.
Acid Spray Image
Acid Spray
• Throw duration increased from 0.6s to 1s.

Gooey Effect duration bug fix. Attack speed reduction effect increased from 30% to 50%. (+20%) Movement speed reduction increased from 8% to 10%.

Dragon Pulse A base amount of HP recovery was added for Dragon Pulse. Cooldown decreased from 7.5s to 6s. (-1.5s)

Right as Rain Unite Move charge rate increased by 20%.

Acid Spray Fixed a bug where the acid did not spread even if the follow up charge attack hit the opponent affected by the acid. Movement speed reduction increased from 40% to 80% (15% reduction every 0.5 seconds). (+40%) Cooldown reduced from 8s to 7.5s. Throw duration increased from 0.6s to 1s.

Power Whip Fixed a bug where some Pokemon were pulled even when they were not hit by Power Whip. Movement speed reduction increased from 50% to 80% (15% reduction every 0.5 seconds). (+30%) Cooldown reduced from 8s to 7.5s.

Muddy Water Damage reduction rate increased from 10% to 15%.

Goodra Basic Info

Tier Rating: A Rank Icon

Role: Defender
Attack Type: Melee
Damage Type: Special
Difficulty: Intermediate
"Soak up damage and tank hits for your teammates with the gooey Pokemon!"

Pokemon Unite Tier List

Goodra Best Lanes

Top Icon.pngTop Jungle Icon.pngJungle Bot Icon.pngBottom
5 Stars.png
1 Star.png
5 Stars.png

Tips & Strategies for Every Lane

Goodra Price and Cost

Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Price.png

Goodra Price and Cost
Pokemon UNITE - Goodra UNITE License IconUNITE License: Goodra
Aeos Coin Icon 12,000
Aeos Gems 575

As of March 23, 2023, Goodra is now purchasable for 12,000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems! This comes one week after Goodra was first released and was only available to purchase with Aeos Gems.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ High durability and sustain.
✔︎ Has cooldown reduction mechanics.
✔︎ Can inflict slows passively.
✔︎ Has melee and ranged attacks.
✖︎ Slow scaling.
✖︎ Very susceptible to crowd control.

Best Builds for Goodra

Goodra Builds

Dragon Pulse Build

Dragon Pulse Build
Pokemon UNITE - Best Build Icon
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Sp. Atk: +69
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
HP: +210
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Sp. Atk
Free Negative Stats:
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Dragon Pulse Build Explanation

Build Explanation
This build is centered on keeping Goodra alive for as long as possible by using the healing effect of Dragon Pulse. The Pokemon can use either the dash from Acid Spray or pull mechanic from Power Whip to set up Dragon Pulse. Goodra can also utilize the healing from Right as Rain for emergency situations to prolong its life.
· Choice Specs gives Goodra a decent amount of Sp. Atk. and increases its minimum move damage.
· Slick Spoon adds more Sp. Atk. and gives Goodra Sp. Def. penetration, raising its damage output further. It also gives a nice amount of HP for more durability.
· Focus Band gives Goodra the durability and survivability it needs to constantly perform its combo.
· Potion gives Goodra another source of sustain should it be necessary.
· The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 White Emblems to add more bulk and 6 Green Emblems for more damage.
· This can be achieved by equipping at least two (2) Emblems that are both White and Green.
· Equip Emblems that improve Sp. Atk or HP to balance Goodra's offense and defense.
· Attack, and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Dragon Pulse Damage Test

(@Lvl 30)
Dragon Pulse
(@ Lvl 15)
Acid Spray
(@ Lvl 15)
Choice Specs
(Includes effect)
Slick Spoon
1724 958

Since the build is centered on Dragon Pulse, equipping items that will maximize its damage is the ideal item combination. Focus Band is a core item for the build, leaving only two (2) items for consideration.

As the results show, Choice Specs and Slick Spoon will produce the best results for the build. The bonus HP from Slick Spoon is also benefitial for the build since Dragon Pulse's healing is based on Goodra's missing HP.

These damage tests are conducted in Practice Mode with Goodra as the Training Partner. The Pokemon is set to level 15 and has no items equipped. The results are taken by substracting the Pokemon's max HP and its HP after taking damage.

The numbers in bold are the highest result for a specific test.
(@Lvl 30)
Dragon Pulse
(@ Lvl 15)
Acid Spray
(@ Lvl 15)
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
(Includes effect)
1643 949
Wise Glasses
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 stacks)
1616 825
Wise Glasses
Slick Spoon
1624 858
Wise Glasses
Shell Bell
1464 747
Choice Specs
(Includes effect)
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 stacks)
1721 960
Choice Specs
(Includes effect)
Slick Spoon
1724 958
Choice Specs
(Includes effect)
Shell Bell
1556 864
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 stacks)
Slick Spoon
1696 867
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 stacks)
Shell Bell
1532 783
Slick Spoon
Shell Bell
1540 786

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

Muddy Water Build

Muddy Water Build
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Sp. Atk: +30
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
Movement Speed: +150
HP: +450
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Free Negative Stats:
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Muddy Water Build Explanation

Build Explanation
This build utilizes the Sp. Def. and Defense increase of Muddy Water to make Goodra as durable as possible and uses Power Whip to control enemy movement. However, Acid Spray can also work with the build, giving Goodra some mobility.
· Slick Spoon allows Goodra to ignore a portion of its targets' Sp. Def, translating to more damage dealt, particularly for its moves. It also provides the Pokemon with a decent amount of Sp. Atk. for additional damage and HP for more durability.
· Exp. Share helps Goodra and its lane partiner to level up faster in early game. It also boosts the Pokemon's HP and movement speed.
· Focus Band improves Goodra's overall durability through increased defenses and provides survivability.
· X Speed gives Goodra extra mobility to get close to targets and use Muddy Water.
· The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 White Emblems to add more bulk and 6 Green Emblems for more damage.
· This can be achieved by equipping at least two (2) Emblems that are both White and Green.
· Equip Emblems that improve HP to maximize Goodra's durability.
· Attack, and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Muddy Water Build Damage Test

(@Lvl 30)
Muddy Water
(@ Lvl 15)
Power Whip
(@ Lvl 15)
Slick Spoon 756 550

Since the build is centered on Muddy Water and being as durable as possible, equipping items that will maximize Muddy Water's damage and improve Goodra's durability is the ideal item combination. Focus Band and Exp. Share are core items for the build, leaving only one (1) item for consideration.

Out of all the items tested, Slick Spoon will be the best for the build. The item produced the second highest results but also gives Goodra additional HP for durability, satisfying the build's demands.

These damage tests are conducted in Practice Mode with Goodra as the Training Partner. The Pokemon is set to level 15 and has no items equipped. The results are taken by substracting the Pokemon's max HP and its HP after taking damage.

The numbers in bold are the highest result for a specific test.
(@Lvl 30)
Muddy Water
(@ Lvl 15)
Power Whip
(@ Lvl 15)
Wise Glasses 718 523
Choice Specs
(Includes effect)
833 644
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 Stacks)
752 548
Slick Spoon 756 550

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

Goodra Best Items & Moveset

Best Held Items

Item Explanation
Exp. Share.pngExp. Share Exp. Share helps Goodra level up faster in the early game and learn both of its primary moves. It also gives a decent amount of HP and movement speed.
Buddy Barrier.pngBuddy Barrier Buddy Barrier adds more bulk on top of Goodra's innate HP. It also has great synergy with Right as Rain.
Energy Amplifier.pngEnergy Amplifier Energy Amplifier has great synergy with Goodra's Right as Rain, giving the Pokemon a large damage boost for its ranged attacks.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band improves Goodra's durability through increased defenses and gives the Pokemon a survivability tool.
Choice Specs.pngChoice Specs Choice Specs improves Goodra's move damage by increasing their minimum damage.
Slick Spoon.pngSlick Spoon Slick Spoon increases Goodra's Sp. Atk. and HP, which is perfect for an Sp. Atk. Defender. Its Sp. Def. penetration effect also synergizes well with Dragon Pulse.

List of Held Items

Best Battle Items

Item Explanation
Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button gives Goodra an instant repositioning tool for general purposes. It's also a decent tool to set up Muddy Water.
X Speed.pngX Speed X Speed improves Goodra's overall mobility and is useful for various situations.
Potion.pngPotion Potion provides Goodra with an active source of healing that can be used while fighting.

List of Battle Items

Best Moveset

Move Explanation
Dragon Pulse ImageDragon Pulse Dragon Pulse gives Goodra damage and sustain in one move. It can also be used to secure objectives.
Acid Spray ImageAcid Spray Acid Spray is capable of slowing down marked enemies and stunning them while also serving as a mobility tool for Goodra.

Goodra does a great job at staying in teamfights longer due to the sustain and healing it gets from Dragon Pulse. Meanwhile, Acid Spray is the best move to use for setting up Dragon Pulse because it slows enemies first and if the second activation hits, it disables enemies by throwing them.

Goodra is sturdy enough to tank damage and these moves turn it into an aggressive frontliner that's also a safe teamfight initiator since Acid Spray serves as both a ranged attack and a mobility tool, while Dragon Pulse provides the damage. Applying Gooey on enemies is the key to utilizing Dragon Pulse's healing.

Alternatively, Muddy Water's Sp. Def. and Defense increase coupled with its damage reduction effect not only makes Goodra more durable, it also weakens opponents' damage output. Moreover, it's extremely spammable due to its low cooldown, which can be reduced even more with Goodra's Boosted Attack. Power Whip gives Goodra a reliable crowd control tool, constantly slowing enemies or pulling them in. This allows Goodra to stay close to enemies and hit them with Muddy Water.

Which Moveset Do You Think is Best for Goodra?

Muddy Water & Power Whip 188
Muddy Water & Acid Spray 42
Dragon Pulse & Power Whip 146
Dragon Pulse & Acid Spray 327

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

How to Play Goodra

Jump to Section

Slow Enemies Down with Gooey

Pokemon UNITE - Slow Enemies with Gooey

Goodra's passive ability Gooey, activates once Goodra takes damage. It splashes goo around nearby enemies and slow them down, so timing your usage of Tackle lets Goodra temporarily disable an enemy while also slowing them down.

Maximize Goodra's usage of Bubble and Tackle while also utilizing the slow effect of Gooey to push lanes during early game.

Synergizes Well with Supporter Pokemon

It is also worth noting that Goodra synergizes well with Supporter Pokemon allies, especially Comfey since it provides more sustainability with its healing abilities.

With Comfey as Goodra's partner, Goodra can brave the frontlines and soak in more damage and assist its allies to secure objectives and push lanes.

Hide in Tall Grass to Recover Health

Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Healing with Gooey
Another effect of Gooey is HP recovery and only activates when Goodra hides in tall grass. This is useful when Goodra needs to heal itself on the go and stay longer to assist its allies secure objectives and push lanes.

Farm Wild Pokemon to Level Up Quickly

Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Farming for Levels

During early game, choose Tackle as your first move in order to farm wild Pokemon quickly and reach level 5 to learn its upgraded damaging move.

Combined with the slow effect of Gooey, Tackle disables an enemy that gets hit, allowing Goodra and its allies to overwhelm an isolated target quickly.

Gain a Shield and Slow Enemies with Bubble

Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Gain a Shield with Bubble

Using Bubble allows Goodra to gain a shield that pops quickly when used twice. Dash towards a crowd of enemies with Tackle, then activate Bubble. Pop the bubble to hit surrounding enemies and slow them down.

This combo is useful for taking down wild Pokemon or when chasing an isolated enemy.

Soak Damage and Apply Debuffs on Enemies

Pokemon UNITE - Soak Damage and Apply Debuffs on Enemies

Goodra is equipped with self-sustaining abilities that lets it stay in fights longer while also applying slow or damage down on its enemies.

Chain these moves in order to stall enemy progression and assist your allies in scoring and securing objectives.

Apply Damage Downs with Muddy Water

Goodra can apply damage downs to enemies by simply going near them and using Muddy Water. The slow effect of Gooey and damage downs from Muddy Water also stacks, so utilize this strategy to your advantage, especially during teamfights or securing objectives.

Recover Health with Dragon Pulse

Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Healing with Gooey

When using Dragon Pulse, Goodra recovers its HP if the move hits enemies that are afflicted with Gooey. This move is perfect for playing defensively, since Goodra can safely attack its enemies from a ranged distance.

However, if your allies are retreating from a teamfight, it's best to stick with them and play defensively.

Stay in Teamfights Longer With Self-Sustaining Moves

Pokemon UNITE - Stay in Teamfights Longer With Self-Sustaining Moves

Goodra is a Defender Pokemon that is equipped with movesets that lets it stay in fights longer. Thanks to the effects of Gooey, Goodra can regain health by simply hiding in tall grass. Another health recovering move is Right as Rain, which is Goodra's Unite Move that heals itself when used, and all attacks are boosted while the Unite Move is in effect.

These moves are extremely important when it comes to securing Rayquaza, so make sure to have Right as Rain ready for use when the objective spawns. Avoid getting cornered and hard disablers, then use your Unite Move to heal yourself once the enemy team's Unite Moves are already on cooldown.

Pull Enemies Close with Power Whip

Pokemon UNITE - Goodra pulls Snorlax with Power Whip

Power Whip allows Goodra to pull enemies closer to where it stands. This move is perfect for chasing down retreating enemies, as it also slows them down. This move creates opportunities for Goodra and its allies to focus down on enemies and push lanes quickly.

Disable and Hinder Enemy Movement with Acid Spray

Pokemon UNITE - Disable and Hinder Enemy Movement with Acid Spray

Goodra's Acid Spray is another damaging move that slows down an enemy when it hits. After marking its target, Goodra can charge towards any direction it pleases. If this move hits the marked target, Goodra throws the enemy upwards and delays enemy movement for a short time.

This move is useful when Goodra is either disengaging from a fight, or chasing an enemy. When facing enemies that are tough or has high defense, fight them within an allied goal zone to stall for time.

Recover Health with Right as Rain

Another health recovering move is Right as Rain, which is Goodra's Unite Move that heals itself when used, and all attacks are boosted while the Unite Move is in effect.

This move is extremely important when it comes to securing Rayquaza, so make sure to have Right as Rain ready for use when the objective spawns. Avoid getting cornered and hard disablers, then use your Unite Move to heal yourself once the enemy team's Unite Moves are already on cooldown.

Utilize the Boosted Attack Effect

Pokemon UNITE - Goodra Right as Rain with Boosted Attack

Once Right as Rain is activated, Goodra gains a boosted attack effect which can be utilized by using combos. Chaining abilities like Acid Spray to slow enemies down with Dragon Pulse's damage and health recovery when it hits an enemy under the Gooey effect allows Goodra to effectively overwhelm enemies.

Be Extremely Wary of Crowd Control

Goodra relies heavily on boosted attacks to hasten its move's cooldown and deal damage, so be extremely wary of crowd control attacks from opponents. Always be mindful of activating Goodra's UNITE Move, Right as Rain, because Goodra is not unstoppable during its effect duration.

We suggest using anti-crowd control items like Full Heal and X Speed to help Goodra mitigate the hindrance effects.

Goodra Progression and Leveling Guide

Top or Bottom Lane Guide

Level 1 to 5

  • Secure as many Wild Pokemon as you can and get EXP to reach level 5.
  • Once at level 5, learn either Muddy Water or Dragon Pulse.
  • Continue to farm wild Pokemon and level up, defend the lane, score points, and knock out opponents.

Level 6 to 9

  • Once at level 8, learn either Power Whip or Acid Spray, and start to get aggressive.
  • Continue to farm wild Pokemon, defend the lane, score points, and knock out opponents to level up.
  • Help your allies secure Regieleki and/or Regice, Registeel, or Regirock.
  • Once at level 9, learn Right as Rain to get all moves.

Level 10+

  • Continue to farm and level up.
  • Stick with allies to defend or push lanes, secure objectives, and win teamfights.
  • Reach at least level 13 on or before Rayquaza spawns for a full-upgraded moveset.
  • Help your allies win a team fight and secure Rayquaza.
  • After securing Rayquaza, just score points to gain the score lead, then immediately return to base and just defend the remaining goal zones until the match ends.

Goodra Combos

Dragon Pulse Combos

These combos are ways to set up Dragon Pulse and deal a decent amount of damage.

Gooey Beam Combo

Gooey Beam Combo
Acid Spray IconAcid Spray Icon (Dash) ► Dragon Pulse Icon

Initiate the combo by using Acid Spray at a target. If the target is close enough to Goodra, use Acid Spray again and dash towards it, then immediately use Dragon Pulse while it's disabled. If the target is further from the dash's range, get close to it first before following through.

Vine Blast Combo

Vine Blast Combo
Power Whip IconDragon Pulse Icon

Use Power Whip to pull in enemies closer to Goodra, then blast them quickly with Dragon Pulse.
Using Power Whip while hiding in grass can be a good way to use the combo.

Muddy Water Combos

These combos ensure that Muddy Water hits opponents and trigger its Sp. Def. and Defense increase effect.

Fly Trap Combo

Fly Trap Combo
Power Whip IconMuddy Water Icon

Start the combo by pulling opponents closer to Goodra using Power Whip, then use Muddy Water immediately afterwards.
The combo can be used infinitely by utilizing Goodra's Boosted Attacks to reduce both moves' cooldowns. Also, using Power Whip while hiding in grass can be a good way to use the combo.

Dash and Splash Combo

Dash and Splash Combo
Acid Spray IconAcid Spray Icon (Dash) ► Muddy Water Icon

This is a variation of the previous combo and has Goodra dash towards a single target instead of pulling opponents. Mark a target with Acid Spray, then use the move's dash to close in on the target. Once Goodra is in range, use Muddy Water immediately. If the target is too far from Acid Spray's dash, get in close first before dashing or find a closer target.

Matchups & Counters for Goodra

Goodra Matchups

Hard Counter
Alolan NinetalesBuzzwoleCinderaceGarchompGlaceonInteleonMamoswineMega Mewtwo YTrevenant
Fair Matchup
AbsolAegislashArmarougeAzumarillBlastoiseBlazikenBlisseyCeruledgeCharizardClefableComfeyCrustleDarkraiDelphoxDodrioDragapultDragoniteDuraludonEldegossEspeonFalinksGalarian RapidashGardevoirGengarGreedentGreninjaGyaradosHo-OhLaprasLeafeonLucarioMachampMega Mewtwo XMeowscaradaMetagrossMewMimikyuMiraidonMr. MimePikachuPsyduckSableyeScizorSlowbroSnorlaxSuicuneSylveonTalonflameTinkatonTsareenaTyranitarUmbreonUrshifuVenusaurWigglytuffZacianZeraoraZoroark
Good Matchup
Matchup Notes
Hard CounterHard Counter Even MatchupEven Matchup Easy MatchupEasy Matchup
1. The chart is based on our own experience playing Goodra.
2. Pokemon within each tier are unordered
3. Any Pokemon not shown here are still under investigation.

Hard Counter with Disables or by Kiting

Although Goodra has high durability and multiple means of healing itself, its frontline gameplay can be easily exploited. Since Goodra needs to get close to its opponents to use Muddy Water or Dragon Pulse constantly, Pokemon that can stun it or kite it with ranged attacks will prevent it from performing its gameplay effectively.

Best Counters

Pokemon Explanation
Inteleon ImageInteleon Rating: ★★★★★
• Can kite Goodra and deal high amounts of damage using its critical-hit attacks and moves.
• Can easily reposition using Fell Stinger or Acrobatics to keep Goodra at bay.
Buzzwole ImageBuzzwole Rating: ★★★★
• Can toss Goodra around and prevent it from spamming its moves using Smack Down, and Superpower or Leech Life.
Mamoswine ImageMamoswine Rating: ★★★★
• Can constanly freeze Goodra using its moves and Boosted Attacks.

Even Matchups for Goodra

Goodra can soak a lot of damage while dealing a decent amount to opponents. Outlasting these Pokemon during fights is the best way for Goodra to get the upper hand against them.

Close the Gap

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Armarouge Image Delphox Image Dragapult Image Duraludon Image Espeon Image Gardevoir Image Greninja Image Mew Image Miraidon Image Pikachu Image Suicune Image Sylveon Image Venusaur Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting. They also have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Goodra. However, they can be defeated once Goodra gets close.
• Use Power Whip to drag them close to Goodra, or use Acid Spray's second activation to get close to them, then keep using Muddy Water or Dragon Pulse to bring them down.
• Utilize the slow from Goodra's Boosted Attacks to make it easier for the Pokemon to stay on top of them.

Weaken Them with Muddy Water or Keep Healing Using Dragon Pulse

Aegislash Image Azumarill Image Blaziken Image Ceruledge Image Charizard Image Dragonite Image Falinks Image Gyarados Image Lucario Image Machamp Image Mega Mewtwo X Image Metagross Image Tinkaton Image Tsareena Image Tyranitar Image Urshifu Image Zacian Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon excel in close combat and rely mostly on their attacks or combos to deal damage. They are also durable enough to tank Goodra's damage. However, they do need to go toe to toe with Goodra to defeat it, putting them in range of Goodra's moves.
• When using Muddy Water, just keep using it to weaken their damage and deal damage.
• When using Dragon Pulse, just make sure to hit them with the center of the beam to keep healing Goodra while also dealing damage.
• Use Power Whip or Acid Spray for additional damage and as a way to set up Muddy Water or Dragon Pulse.
• If necessary, use Right as Rain for extra healing and kite them with Boosted Attacks.

Dodge Their Burst Damage Attempt

High-Mobility Pokemon with Burst Damage
Absol Image Darkrai Image Dodrio Image Galarian Rapidash Image Gengar Image Leafeon Image Meowscarada Image Talonflame Image Zoroark Image Zeraora Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon are highly mobile and can deal tons of damage quickly. However, they can be vulnerable if they miss their burst attempt. Although Goodra can tank a lot of their damage, it can be forced to play defensively.
• Dodge their moves and wait for an opening, or try to catch them with Power Whip, Dragon Pulse or Muddy Water on their attempt.

Take Them Out First

Blissey Image Clefable Image Comfey Image Eldegoss Image Mr. Mime Image Psyduck Image Sableye Image Wigglytuff Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon usually stick with their allies and rarely venture alone. Although they themselves pose no threat to Goodra, their support capabilities makes them valuable during fights.
• It's best to take them out first using any of Goodra's moves and attacks to remove their team's support.

Group Up with Allies

Highly Durable Pokemon
Blastoise Image Crustle Image Greedent Image Ho-oh Image Lapras Image Slowbro Image Snorlax Image Umbreon Image
How to Beat
• Much like Goodra, these Pokemon are extremely durable, making it difficult for Goodra to take them down alone. With that, it's best to group up with allies to bring them down with the help of Goodra.
• Use Power Whip or Acid Spray to keep them at bay, then follow up with Muddy Water or Dragon Pulse to help in depleting their HP.

Easy Matchups for Goodra

Pokemon that have little to no means of escaping Goodra's slow and can easily fall to Muddy Water or Dragon Pulse are easy matchups for the Pokemon.

Close the Gap

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Cramorant Image Decidueye Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting. They also have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Goodra. However, they can be defeated once Goodra gets close.
• Use Power Whip to drag them close to Goodra, or use Acid Spray's second activation to get close to them, then keep using Muddy Water or Dragon Pulse to bring them down.
• Utilize the slow from Goodra's Boosted Attacks to make it easier for the Pokemon to stay on top of them.

Take Them Out First

Hoopa Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon usually stick with their allies and rarely venture alone. Although they themselves pose no threat to Goodra, their support capabilities makes them valuable during fights.
• It's best to take them out first using any of Goodra's moves and attacks to remove their team's support.

Best Teammates for Goodra

Pokemon Explanation
Slowbro ImageSlowbro Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff Pokemon with Strong Disables
Goodra works well with allies that ere equipped with disabling and hindrance abilities. These ally Pokemon can inflict annoying debuffs, stall enemies, and stun them for a short period of time.
Gengar ImageGengar Talonflame ImageTalonflame Pokemon with High Burst Damage
Goodra will be able to take down enemies faster if it has allies that have bursty damaging attacks. These ally Pokemon are equipped with powerful attacks that they can unleash from a safe distance and help Goodra in pushing lanes and dominating goal zones.
Machamp ImageMachamp Urshifu ImageUrshifu Aggressive Frontliners
Aside from bursty damage dealers, Goodra can also use a helping hand from its All-Rounder allies. These ally Pokemon are equipped with hard-hitting combos that can soak up damage, overwhelm enemies with a few hits, and possibly stun or disable them from setting up their attacks.
Comfey ImageComfey Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Dedicated Supporters
While Goodra is strong enough to soak damage and fight enemies alone, these supporter allies can buff, heal, or shield Goodra on the go, especially when pushing lanes and swiftly securing objectives.

Looking for teammates to synergize with you? Head over to our Friend Request Board to find other trainers to join you in your grind or just to hang out with!

Friend Request Board

Goodra Moves

Move Slot 1 (R)

Bubble ImageBubble
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Area
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 310
Final Damage: 419
Has the user cover itself in a bubble, granting it a shield for a short time. When the shield's effect duration ends or this move is used again, the bubble shield pops, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokemon and decreasing their movement speed.
Muddy Water ImageMuddy Water
(Lv. 5)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Area
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 4.5s
Starting Damage: 568
Defense increase per stack: 80, Sp. Def. increase per stack: 80, Damage reduction: 7% to 10%
Final Damage: 887
Defense increase stack: 202, Sp. Def. increase stack: 202, Damage reduction: 7% to 10%
Has the user splash muddy water around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and applying an effect to them that decreases the amount of damage they deal for a short time. If the user deals damage to opposing Pokemon with this move, the user's Defense and Sp. Def. are increased for a short time. This effect can stack up to four times.
Upgrade: Further increases the user's Defense and Sp. Def when this move deals damage to opposing Pokemon.
Dragon Pulse ImageDragon Pulse
(Lv. 5)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Recovery
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 786
Damage per instance (Center): 318, Damage per instance (Side): 191, HP Healed per instance: 12% of Missing HP, Number of instances: 4
Final Damage: 1239
Damage per instance (Center): 606, Damage per instance (Side): 363, HP Healed per instance: 15% of Missing HP, Number of instances: 4
Has the user unleash a shock wave in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits. If the center of the shock wave hits opposing Pokemon, it deals increased damage to them and restores the user's HP. HP is also restored when this move deals damage to opposing Pokemon that have a Gooey slowing effect applied to them.
Upgrade: Restores more HP if the center of the shock wave hits opposing Pokemon that have a Gooey slowing effect applied to them.

Move Slot 2 (ZR)

Tackle ImageTackle
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Hindrance
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 10s
Starting Damage: 310
Final Damage: 419
Has the user charge at an opposing Pokemon, dealing damage and throwing it. If this move hits, the user bounces back a short distance.
Power Whip ImagePower Whip
(Lv. 8)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Hindrance
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 7.5s
Starting Damage: 568
Final Damage: 887
Has the user lash out with its horns in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed. If this move hits distant opposing Pokemon, those Pokemon are pulled toward the user.
Upgrade: Also applies a Gooey slowing effect when this move hits.
Acid Spray ImageAcid Spray
(Lv. 8)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Hindrance
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 7.5s
Starting Damage: 786
Initial damage: 262, Charge damage: 524 (262 x 2)
Final Damage: 1239
Initial damage: 413, Charge damage: 826 (413 x 2)
Has the user spit acidic fluid at an opposing Pokemon, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in an area of effect centered on the Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed. If this move is used again, the user charges in the designated direction and deals damage to opposing Pokemon it hits. If this charge hits an opposing Pokemon that has been marked by acidic fluid, that Pokemon is thrown, and damage is also dealt to nearby opposing Pokemon.
Upgrade: Also applies a Gooey slowing effect to opposing Pokemon that receive damage from either the acidic fluid or the charge.

Unite Moves (ZL)

Right as Rain ImageRight as Rain
(Lv. 9)
Move Type: Buff
Damage Type: Status
Cooldown: 88s
Starting Damage: N/A
Final Damage: N/A
Causes rain to fall around the user, gradually restoring the user's HP. When this move is active, all of the user's basic attacks become boosted attacks.

Standard Attack

Standard Attack Image Standard Attack Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, applying a Gooey slowing effect to opposing Pokemon it hits. Boosted attacks can be either used in melee or ranged distance, with Pokemon in melee range receiving bonus damage proportional to its HP.

Ability (Passive)

Gooey ImageGooey
Goodra IconGoodra

When the Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a set chance it will spread slime around itself. The slime deals damage to opposing Pokemon and applies a Gooey slowing effect for them for a short time. The Gooey slowing effect decreases movement speed and can stack up to four (4) times per opposing Pokemon. When the Pokemon with this Ability enters tall grass, it continually recovers HP for 3 seconds or until it leaves the tall grass. Goodra will continue recovering HP when it re-enters grass during the active duration. This HP recovery effect goes on a 12-second cooldown after it's triggered. It will also cancel when Goodra receives damage or attacks an opponent.

Health Recovery is Proportional to Missing Health

After doing multiple tests, it seems that Goodra's health recovery from Gooey is proportional to the missing health. The more health missing, the more healing Goodra will receive!

The tests were conducted with a Level 15 Goodra with 10,250 Health.

Goodra's Health (in %)
Up ArrowMissing Health
Up ArrowTotal Health Gained
9.89% 9236 3104
15.01% 8711 2981
29.26% 7251 2652
30.91% 7082 2537
57.91% 4314 2013
79.40% 2111 1519

Health Items Influence the Healing

Knowing that missing health is one of the factors for Gooey's health regen, health items that influences Goodra's max health will also have an effect on the healing! Higher max health would mean a bigger missing health, so the healing is increased!

Goodra Stats & Evolutions

Goodra Evolutions

1st Evolution 2nd Evolution Final Evolution
(Lv. 1)
(Lv. 5)
(Lv. 8)

Goodra Stats

Level HP Defense Special Defense Attack Damage
1 3225 100 100 150
2 3319 107 106 152
3 3432 116 113 155
4 3568 126 121 158
5 4060 163 151 169
6 4256 178 163 174
7 4491 196 177 179
8 5430 268 234 201
9 5769 294 255 209
10 6175 325 280 218
11 6662 362 310 229
12 7247 406 345 242
13 7948 459 388 258
14 8790 523 439 277
15 9800 600 500 300

Attack Damage is the damage of the Basic Attack as tested against the Training Dummy.

Goodra In-Game Stat Listings

Offense Endurance Mobility Scoring Support
2.5 Stars.png 4 Stars.png 2.5 Stars.png 2.5 Stars.png 2 Stars.png

Goodra Skins (Holowear)

GoodraOrange Unite StyleOrange Unite Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 350
GoodraPurple Unite StylePurple Unite Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 350
GoodraPerformer StylePerformer Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 1050
GoodraHoliday StyleHoliday Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 2199
GoodraSweet StyleSweet Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 1290

All Pokemon Skins (Holowear)

Goodra Character Spotlight

Goodra Achievements

Power Whip Achievement

Power Whip
Pokemon Move
Goodra ImageGoodra Power Whip ImagePower Whip
Pull 2 or more Pokemon from the opposing team toward you using Power Whip or Power Whip+ (10/20/40 times total)
Medals & Points Rewards
Pokemon UNITE - Beginner Achievement Medal Beginner
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png 5
Aeos Ticket IconAeos Ticket x100
Pokemon UNITE - Expert Achievement Medal Expert
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png5
Aeos Coin IconAeos Coin x300
Pokemon UNITE - Master Achievement Medal.png Master
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png10
Holowear Ticket IconHolowear Ticket x3

List of Defender Pokemon Achievements

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon Partial Banner

List of All Pokemon

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Best Build for Each Pokemon

Pokemon Roster
Pokemon UNITE - AbsolAbsol Pokemon UNITE - AegislashAegislash Pokemon UNITE - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales Pokemon UNITE - ArmarougeArmarougue
Pokemon UNITE - AzumarillAzumarill Pokemon UNITE - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon UNITE - BlazikenBlaziken Pokemon UNITE - BlisseyBlissey
Pokemon UNITE - BuzzwoleBuzzwole Pokemon UNITE - CeruledgeCeruledge Pokemon UNITE - ChandelureChandelure Pokemon UNITE - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon UNITE - CinderaceCinderace Pokemon UNITE - ClefableClefable Pokemon UNITE - ComfeyComfey Pokemon UNITE - CramorantCramorant
Pokemon UNITE - CrustleCrustle Pokemon UNITE - DarkraiDarkrai Pokemon UNITE - DecidueyeDecidueye Pokemon UNITE - Delphox Delphox
Pokemon UNITE - Dodrio SpeedsterDodrio Pokemon UNITE - DragapultDragapult Pokemon UNITE - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon UNITE - DuraludonDuraludon
Pokemon UNITE - EldegossEldegoss Pokemon UNITE - EspeonEspeon Pokemon UNITE - Falinks  (All-Rounder)Falinks Pokemon UNITE - Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash
Pokemon UNITE - GarchompGarchomp Pokemon UNITE - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon UNITE - GengarGengar Pokemon UNITE - GlaceonGlaceon
Pokemon UNITE - GoodraGoodra Pokemon UNITE - GreedentGreedent Pokemon UNITE - GreninjaGreninja Pokemon UNITE - GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon UNITE - Ho-OhHo-Oh Pokemon UNITE - HoopaHoopa Pokemon UNITE - InteleonInteleon Pokemon UNITE - LaprasLapras
Pokemon UNITE - LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon UNITE - LucarioLucario Pokemon UNITE - MachampMachamp Pokemon UNITE - MamoswineMamoswine
Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo X Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo YMega Mewtwo Y Pokemon UNITE - MeowscaradaMeowscarada Pokemon UNITE - MetagrossMetagross
Pokemon UNITE - MewMew Pokemon UNITE - MimikyuMimikyu Pokemon UNITE - MiraidonMiraidon Pokemon UNITE - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon UNITE - PikachuPikachu Pokemon UNITE - PsyduckPsyduck Pokemon UNITE - SableyeSableye Pokemon UNITE - ScizorScizor
Pokemon UNITE - SlowbroSlowbro Pokemon UNITE - SnorlaxSnorlax Pokemon Unite - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon UNITE - SylveonSylveon
Pokemon UNITE - TalonflameTalonflame Pokemon UNITE - TinkatonTinkaton Pokemon UNITE - TsareenaTsareena Pokemon UNITE - TyranitarTyranitar
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Pokemon UNITE - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon UNITE - ZeraoraZeraora Pokemon UNITE - ZoroarkZoroark -

Upcoming Pokemon

Upcoming Pokemon
Alolan Raichu (No Role)Alolan Raichu
(April 2025)
Alcremie (No Role)Alcremie

Upcoming and New Pokemon

Pokemon by Role

All Pokemon Roles
Attacker IconAttackers All-Rounder IconAll-Rounders Defender IconDefenders
Speedster IconSpeedsters Supporter IconSupporters

Pokemon by Characteristics

Attack Type
Pokemon UNITE - Melee Type Partial BannerMelee Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Ranged Type Partial BannerRanged Pokemon
Pokemon UNITE - Physical Type Partial BannerPhysical Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Special Type Partial BannerSpecial Pokemon
Stat Rankings
Pokemon UNITE - HP Ranking Partial BannerHP Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Defense Ranking Partial BannerDefense Ranking
Pokemon UNITE - Special Defense Ranking Partial BannerSp. Def. Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Basic Attack Ranking Partial BannerBasic Attack Ranking


30 Silersun5 months

I did it as a giggle in a regular game (pretty sure it was bots) and while Goodra WANTS to hit levels sooner, his clear is just not that fast. And he does have okay gank potential, but you'd have to run movement speed out of combat. As much as I personally would love it to work, Goodra just has too slow of a clear, due to both being a defender AND magic damage. Goodra wants to be in lane against other pokemon to get the full benefit of his moveset.

29 Anonymousabout 1 year

Dragon pulse also heals goodra which with power whip demolishes my opponents


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