Pokemon UNITE

Battle Item Tier List: Best Items to Use (January 2025)

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This is a tier list of Battle Items in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to know the best Battle Items as of March 2025 and why you should take them into battle!

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Battle Item Tier List (March 2025)

S Rank Icon
Eject Button Image X Speed Image
A Rank Icon
Full Heal Image Potion Image Shedinja Doll Image X Attack Image
B Rank Icon
Goal Hacker Image Slow Smoke Image
C Rank Icon
Fluffy Tail Image Goal-Getter Image

List of Battle Items

Battle Item Tier List Updates

Update Date Item Summary
09/30 Goal Hacker.pngGoal Hacker
Enters B Tier

・Goal Hacker's effect can be used offensively or defensively. However, it's a niche item since Supporters will mostly be the only ones that can actually use the item.

Battle Item Tier List Explanation

S Tier Battle Items

Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button is easily one of the best battle items in Pokemon UNITE. The ability to instantly teleport short distances lends itself to a variety of useful applications. It's a powerful tool for closing the distance and starting a fight with your combos, or a nifty escape tool if you get yourself in a bind. The amount of plays you can pull off with this item is limitless, and is what makes the Eject Button a S Tier Battle Item.
X Speed.pngX Speed X Speed improves your Movement Speed and negates Slow effects on your Pokemon. It's a nice item for low-level trainers because it improves a Pokemon's overall mobility, allowing them to move out of harm's way or close in for an easy kill. It's also a great low-cooldown alternative to Eject Button with slightly more applications.

A Tier Battle Items

Potion.pngPotion Potion recieved a significant buff to its healing effect in the Version update and so it jumps to A Tier. It is still apparent, however, that regaining HP isn't exactly a problem due to the presence of Yellow Berries and Supporters which can bolster your survivability through heals and shields. But still, this battle item is a viable choice for tanks out there as it can now heal 20-25% of your maximum health instantly!
Full Heal.pngFull Heal Full Heal is another incredible battle item that offers significant improvements in survivability for Pokemon across the board. This battle item grants you the ability to cleanse negative Status Effects and allow you to completely ignore them for a certain duration. The item is particularly useful against enemies that rely on inflicting a lot of status ailments such as Gengar or Alolan Ninetales.
With the buff on Slow Smoke that now hinders both movement speed and attack speed, clearing hindrances is fairly important now. Hence, we decided to move Full Heal to A Tier.
Shedinja Doll.pngShedinja Doll Shedinja Doll is a great defensive battle item but can easily be exploited by opponents. It's effective in avoiding all damage and debuffs thrown at the Pokemon for a short duration. However, after the effect is gone, the Pokemon becomes an easy target for follow ups. In other words, the item's effect unintentionally sets up for the enemy team. Moreover, the item isn't verstatile enough to be used in various sitautions, only in certain scenarios and for certain Pokemon.
X Attack.pngX Attack A Battle Item commonly utilized by Speedsters and Attackers, X Attack gives Pokemon significant boosts in Attack and Special Attack for a certain duration. This gives damage dealers a crucial window to dish out their dps to the fullest. The extra damage boost might just be what the Pokemon needs to send an enemy's HP from full to zero.
With the recent update in Update which gives X Attack users an additional increase in normal attack speed, X Attack is a must have for Pokemon that relies on normal attacks for damage!

B Tier Battle Items

Goal Hacker.pngGoal Hacker Goal Hacker either strengthens a goal's shielding and healing effects or nullifies them depending on whether it's used on an allied goal zone or an opponent goal zone. Although its effects are great for pushing or defending goal zones, its long cooldown and niche usage makes it mostly an unviable tool during matches.
Slow Smoke.pngSlow Smoke Slow Smoke Slows enemy targets within its effect radius. It has a fairly decent cooldown and the radius is good enough.
With the nerf it received in the Update, increasing its cooldown and decreasing its effect, coupled with X Speed's growth in popularity, Slow Smoke isn't a viable item in the current meta.

C Tier Battle Items

Goal-Getter.pngGoal-Getter Goal-Getter has found usage in past tournaments, especially when teams run a scoring-focused team comp. However, with the reemergence of the objective-based gameplay, securing Zapdos has become the most effecitve way for winning games due to its effect on goal zones, making Goal-Getter practically obsolete.
Fluffy Tail.pngFluffy Tail Fluffy Tail is a battle item that grants more efficiency when clearing Wild Pokemon in the map. The additional damage it gives allows you to quickly take camps and objectives before enemies can respawn and re-enter fights. It's also a great way to secure Zapdos during the late game but it is not great for stealing due to its minimal range. However, the usage on this item has dwindled down in the current meta because of the recent buff on X Attack - now increasing both attack speed and damage.

Best Battle Items for Each Role

Attackers Speedsters All-Rounders
Defenders Supporters


Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button is a great utility pick for Attackers. Since they are fragile, it is important for them to have a way to get out of a bad situation fast, or reposition to get a better spot and deal damage from a distance.
X Speed.pngX Speed One of Attackers' weaknesses is their lack of mobility. X Speed is a direct remedy to this issue, giving them a burst of speed and immunity from slows for a short duration.
X Attack.pngX Attack Attackers deal a great mix of Special and Physical damage, especially in the late game. X Attack provides a constant and effective damage boost for Attackers, enabling them to dish out ridiculous amounts of damage in a single move or attack.
Full Heal.pngFull Heal Attackers deal great damage but are frail by nature; and having an enemy land an immobilizing skill on them is usually the equivalent of a death sentence as the enemy team focuses damage on them. Full Heal ensures that you can slip away from pesky stuns and immobilzing effects to live and fight another day.

Attacker Guide: How to Play Attackers


Fluffy Tail.pngFluffy Tail Speedsters are usually positioned in the jungle (central) area, clearing wild Pokemon, and soaking up solo EXP to level up as fast as possible. Fluffy Tail hastens this process even more, enabling them to gank lanes quicker, and score points.
X Attack.pngX Attack X Attack helps Speedsters the same way it does with Attackers, providing a constant and effective damage boost throughout the match.
Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button provides everything Speedsters need to perform their role properly. It enables them to move quickly around the map to gank lanes, get out of a bad situation, sneak a goal when possible, and chase down fleeing enemies to secure a kill.
Goal-Getter.pngGoal-Getter Goal-Getter provides an extra boost towards the Speedster's scoring capabilities. Use this to drastically decrease the scoring time for clutch plays!

Speedster Guide: How to Play Speedsters


Eject Button.pngEject Button All-Rounders are usually the first ones to initiate a fight, or dive into the middle of one. They are only effective once they are at melee range of the enemy. Eject Button provides exactly what they need to initiate fights, and get close to enemies to deal damage.
X Attack.pngX Attack All-Rounders have the highest Physical damage among the other roles. X Attack improves their kill potential even more, especially during the early stages of the game. It also allows them to carry the team in the late game by dealing huge amounts of Physical damage.
X Speed.pngX Speed Although All-Rounders don't have an issue with mobility, increasing it improves their effectiveness in battles.
Slow Smoke.pngSlow Smoke Slow Smoke is a great utility tool, especially for melee All-Rounders. It can slow enemies down so you can maintain range. Additionally, you can also use it to stop enemies from pursuing you.

All-Rounder Guide: How to Play All-Rounders


Eject Button.pngEject Button A Defender's job is to soak up majority of the damage from the enemy, and provide crowd control for the team. Eject Button enables them to jump in to set up kills, and position themselves to draw the enemy's attention.
Potion.pngPotion Potion gives the Defender extra sturdiness as it soaks up damage. Since the HP recovery from Potion scales with the Pokemon's HP, having high HP means that you can recover more HP than usual!
Full Heal.pngFull Heal Full Heal protects you from the enemy team's disables so you can land yours properly. It is also gives you extra protection from debuffs.

Defender Guide: How to Play Defenders


Eject Button.pngEject Button A Supporter's usefulness in battle lies on its ability to provide constant healing and shielding to its allies. However, since they are fragile, they are most likely targeted first. Eject Button provides them the means of escaping dangerous situations, and a way to quickly save allies.
X Speed.pngX Speed X Speed gives the Supporter extra mobility to maneuver around the battlefield and get to their teammates. Compared to Eject Button, X Speed gives you consistent bonus to movement speed without the long cooldown.
Goal Hacker.pngGoal Hacker Goal Hacker gives Supporters an additional tool for pushing or defending goal zones.
Potion.pngPotion Potion gives you more survivability so that you can sustain yourself in the middle of a clash.

Supporter Guide: How to Play Supporters

Best Battle Items for Each Pokemon


Pokemon Best Battle Items
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales
Armarouge ImageArmarouge
Chandelure ImageChandelure
Cinderace ImageCinderace
Cramorant ImageCramorant
Decidueye ImageDecidueye
Delphox ImageDelphox
Dragapult ImageDragapult
Duraludon ImageDuraludon
Espeon ImageEspeon
Gardevoir ImageGardevoir
Glaceon ImageGlaceon
Greninja ImageGreninja
Inteleon ImageInteleon
Mega Mewtwo Y ImageMega Mewtwo Y
Mew ImageMew
Miraidon ImageMiraidon
Pikachu ImagePikachu
Sylveon ImageSylveon
Venusaur ImageVenusaur


Pokemon Best Battle Items
Absol ImageAbsol
Darkrai ImageDarkrai
Dodrio ImageDodrio
Galarian Rapidash ImageGalarian Rapidash
Gengar ImageGengar
Leafeon ImageLeafeon
Meowscarada ImageMeowscarada
Talonflame ImageTalonflame
Zeraora ImageZeraora
Zoroark ImageZoroark


Pokemon Best Battle Items
Aegislash ImageAegislash
Azumarill ImageAzumarill
Blaziken ImageBlaziken
Buzzwole ImageBuzzwole
Ceruledge ImageCeruledge
Charizard ImageCharizard
Dragonite ImageDragonite
Falinks ImageFalinks
Garchomp ImageGarchomp
Gyarados ImageGyarados
Lucario ImageLucario
Machamp ImageMachamp
Mega Mewtwo X ImageMega Mewtwo X
Metagross ImageMetagross
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu
Scizor ImageScizor
Suicune ImageSuicune
Tinkaton ImageTinkaton
Tsareena ImageTsareena
Tyranitar ImageTyranitar
Urshifu ImageUrshifu
Zacian ImageZacian


Pokemon Best Battle Items
Blastoise ImageBlastoise
Crustle ImageCrustle
Goodra ImageGoodra
Greedent ImageGreedent
Ho-oh ImageHo-oh
Lapras ImageLapras
Mamoswine ImageMamoswine
Slowbro ImageSlowbro
Snorlax ImageSnorlax
Trevenant ImageTrevenant
Umbreon ImageUmbreon


Pokemon Best Battle Items
Blissey ImageBlissey
Clefable ImageClefable
Comfey ImageComfey
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss
Hoopa ImageHoopa
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime
Psyduck ImagePsyduck
Sableye ImageSableye
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff

How to Unlock Battle Items

Unlock Battle Items.png
Battle Items are unlocked as you increase your Trainer Level. Check out our guide below on how to quickly increase your trainer level in Pokemon UNITE:

Trainer Level: How to Raise Fast

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25 Anonymous9 months

Isn’t slow smoke good for supporters?

24 Yg. Jgh11 months

In panic parade the best item from delibird is recovery bomb.


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