Pokemon UNITE

Accelgor: Spawn Time, Buff, and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Accelgor Banner.png

Accelgor is a Wild Pokemon that provides a buff in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to know what buff Accelgor gives, its spawn time, spawn locations, how to effectively take the buff, and more!

Accelgor Wild Pokemon Information

Pokemon UNITE - Accelgor Icon Points Generated:
4 / 7 pts
Wild Pokemon Type:
Effects / Description Grants the purple aura. While your Pokemon has this aura, move cooldowns are reduced for a short time.
Spawn Time / Conditions 9:40
Respawn Timer 1:00
Map Availability Theia Sky Ruins

Accelgor Spawn Details

Accelgor Detailed Spawn Location

Theia Sky Ruins

See Full Image
Red IndicatorRed Spawns at the start of the game.

Accelgor Spawn Times

Spawn Time / Details 9:40

Accelgor Respawn Details

Respawn Time / Details 1:00

Accelgor Buffs and Rewards

Aeos Energy 4 - 7
Bonus Effect Defeating it grants a buff that reduces the cooldowns of your Pokemon's moves.
(10% cooldown reduction)
Buff Duration 70 seconds / 1m 10s

When you defeat Accelgor, a Purple aura will be visible around your Pokemon, indicating that Accelgor's effect is active and will disappear when it expires.

Accelgor's points increases to 7 during the last 2:00 minutes of the game.

Is Beating Accelgor Worth It?

Players should definitely take out Accelgor every time it spawns, or at least when they come across it, especially for junglers. The 10% cooldown reduction you get from its buff will help you clear out wild Pokemon faster, speeding up your leveling and giving you faster access to more powerful moves.

Accelgor Strategy Tips

How to Take Accelgor

Pokemon UNITE - Charge Up Move Gives You Openings

Accelgor will channel its special attack facing your direction once you attack it. Once you see it channeling, take advantage of that time window to get some attacks in and avoid the move. However, if your Pokemon has moves that can stun targets, you can simply use it to stop Accelgor from channeling the move.

If you're using a ranged Pokemon, you can go behind the wall and attack it from there, making it easier to avoid its move and preventing it from attacking you.

When to Take Accelgor

Pokemon UNITE - Take Accelgor Whenever It is Up.png

Defeat Accelgor as soon as it spawns to get its buff, especially if you're a jungler. Doing so gives you a decent amount of EXP and makes taking wild Pokemon camps easier because of the buff.

Steal Accelgor from the Enemy Jungle

If you see an opportunity to steal Accelgor from the enemy jungle, don't hesitate to do so. Not only will you gain EXP and Aeos Energy, you'll also deny the enemy Jungler the buff and slow their farming progress.

Accelgor Moves

Melee Attack

Accelgor has melee attacks that deal decent damage, especially during the early game. Be sure to defeat it as quickly as you can to minimize the damage you take.

Bug Buzz

Accelgor has a strong, wind blast attack that looks a lot like Bug Buzz. It deals a considerable amount damage and pushes you back when it hits. When pushed to the wall across Accelgor's camp, your Pokemon can get stuck and take the full damage of this move.

You can easily dodge this attack by moving away from where Accelgor is facing when it channels the move. The move's area of effect is denoted by a red cone.

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