Pokemon UNITE

Psyduck Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Pokemon UNITE - Psyduck Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

The best guide on how to play Psyduck in Pokemon UNITE for Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Check here for Psyduck best build, its price, cost, and role, Held and Battle items, moveset and skills, as well as the latest nerfs, buffs, counters, matchups, and more!

Psyduck Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Psyduck Release Date Navigation Banner.pngRelease Date Pokemon UNITE - Psyduck Navigation Banner.pngBuilds & Guide
Pokemon UNITE - Psyduck Commemorative Challenge Event Navigation Partial Banner.pngCommemorative Challenge
Pokemon UNITE - Psyduck Event Pass Missions Navigation Banner.pngEvent Pass Missions
Get Psyduck Unite License here:
Commemorative Event Pass

Psyduck Latest Nerfs & Buffs (2/6)

Version Patch Notes

Psyduck Changes (February 6)
Surf Image
• Damage reduced by 15%.
Psychic Image
• Damage reduced by 10%.

Surf Damage decreased by 15%. Damage reduced by 15%.

Swift Swim Headache gauge effect decreased by 25%. Movement speed buff decreased from 70% to 40% (Decreased by 10% every 0.5s).

Disable Cooldown increased from 6s to 7s. Damage decreased by 20%. Cooldown extension effect decreased from 3s to 2s. Damage decreased by 15%. Number of bounces reduced from 5 to 4 times (Headache effect from 8 to 6 times). Number of bounces on the same target decreased from 2 to 1 time (Headache effect from 3 to 2 times). Cooldown increased from 7s to 8s.

Psychic Maximum range increased from 8m to 9m. Pulling time increased from 0.55s to 0.85s. Movement speed reduction effect on self reduced from 40% to 10%. Damage reduced by 10%.

Full-Power Psy-ay-ay! Damage reduction effect decreased from 30% to 25%.

Psyduck Basic Info

Tier Rating: S Rank Icon

Role: Supporter
Attack Type: Ranged
Damage Type: Special
Difficulty: Novice
"Harness the mysterious power and unleash psychic energy on the battlefield with this psychic Supporter!"

Pokemon Unite Tier List

Psyduck Best Lanes

Top Icon.pngTop Jungle Icon.pngJungle Bot Icon.pngBottom
4 Stars.png
1 Star.png
5 Stars.png

Tips & Strategies for Every Lane

Psyduck Price and Cost

Pokemon UNITE - Psyduck Unite License.pngUNITE License: Psyduck
Aeos Coin Icon 12,000
Aeos Gems 790

As of November 28, 2024, Psyduck is now purchasable for 12000 Aeos Coins or 790 Aeos Gems! This comes about two (2) weeks after it Psyduck was first released and was only obtainable via the Commemorative Event Pass.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Lots of crowd control
✔︎ Early scaling
✔︎ High durability (for a Supporter)
✖︎ Low attack damage

Best Builds for Psyduck

Psyduck Builds

Surf-Psychic Build

Surf-Psychic Build
Pokemon UNITE - Best Build Icon
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
Movement Speed: +150
HP: +690
HP Recovery: +18
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Sp. Atk
Free Negative Stats:
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Surf-Psychic Build

This is a semi-tank build that revolves around using Surf to disable opponents and Psychic to pull them. It's important to take note that Psyduck can use Psychic during Surf, allowing the Pokemon to easily stun the target with the wave from Surf.

  • Exp. Share is a staple support item during the laning phase. It provides Psyduck with a decent amount of HP and Movement speed.
  • Focus Band improves Psyduck's durability via increased defenses and gives it a survivability tool.
  • Resonant Guard allows Psyduck to generate shield for its allies whenever it deals damage and gives a nice amount of HP and HP Recovery.
  • Aeos Cookiecan be a replacement for Slick Spoon for a purely tank build.
  • Eject Button gives Psyduck a reliable repositioning tool that can also be used during Surf.
  • X Speed can also work just as well for the build.
  • The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 Green Emblems for more damage and 6 White Emblems for more HP. This can be achieved by equipping at least three (2) Emblems that are both Green and White.
  • Equip Emblems that improve Sp. Atk. or HP to further boost Psyduck's damage and durability, respectively.
  • Attack, and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Disable-Beam Build

Disable-Beam Build
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Sp. Atk: +30
Movement Speed: +150
HP: +900
HP Recovery: +18
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Sp. Atk
Free Negative Stats:
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Disable-Beam Build

This is a support build utilizing the disruptive effect of Disable and the extra damage from Bubble Beam. They key to this build is taking advantage of the moves' long cast range to provide support for Psyduck's allies during fights, allowing the Pokemon to stay at a safe distance.

  • Exp. Share is a staple support item during the laning phase. It provides Psyduck with a decent amount of HP and Movement speed.
  • Resonant Guard allows Psyduck to generate shields for its allies whenever it deals damage and gives a nice amount of HP and HP Recovery.
  • Slick Spoon gives Psyduck Sp. Atk. and HP, which are vital stats for the Pokemon. It also allows Psyduck to ignore a portion of its target's Sp. Def., increasing the damage it deals to them.
  • Curse Incense can be a replacement for Slick Spoon for more damage or Shell Bell for more cooldown reduction and a bit of healing.
  • Eject Button gives Psyduck a reliable repositioning tool in case it gets out of position.
  • X Speed can also work just as well for the build.
  • The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 Green Emblems for more damage and 7 Black Emblems for cooldown reduction. This can be achieved by equipping at least three (3) Emblems that are both Green and Black.
  • Equip Emblems that improve Sp. Atk. or HP to further boost Psyduck's damage and durability, respectively.
  • Attack, and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Psyduck Best Items & Moveset

Best Held Items

Item Explanation
Exp. Share.pngExp. Share Exp. Share is a staple item for Supporters such as Psyduck for better laning. It provides a decent amount of HP and Movement speed that solves a Supporter's common weaknesses.
Aeos Cookie.pngAeos Cookie Aeos Cookie can further improve Psyduck's durability via a hefty amount of HP boost.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band improves Psyduck's durability via increased defenses and acts as a survivability tool, which goes well with its Swift Swim Ability.
Shell Bell.pngShell Bell Shell Bell gives Psyduck Sp. Atk., cooldown reduction, and the ability to recover HP when it uses a move.
Slick Spoon.pngSlick Spoon Slick Spoon provides Psyduck with a nice amount Sp. Atk. and HP, which are vital stats for the Pokemon, and allows it to ignore a portion of its target's Sp. Def, resulting to more damage.
Curse Incense.pngCurse Incense Curse Incense provides Psyduck with a decent amount of Sp. Atk. and allows the Pokemon to reduce a target's HP recovery.
Resonant Guard.pngResonant Guard Resonant Guard gives Psyduck HP and HP Recovery and allows Psyduck to generate shields for its allies, which is useful during teamfights.

Held Item Tier List

Best Battle Items

Item Explanation
Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button gives Psyduck a reliable repositioning tool that can also be used during Surf.
X Speed.pngX Speed X Speed greatly improves Psyduck's mobility via increased Movement Speed, which can be useful in certain situations.
Potion.pngPotion Potion provides Psyduck a means of sustaining HP given how it needs to take damage for its Headache gauge.

Battle Item Tier List

Best Moveset

Move Explanation
Surf ImageSurf Surf is a great crowd control move that also deals a decent amount of damage. It becomes even more powerful when Psyduck's Headache gauge fills up.
Psychic ImagePsychic Psychic allows Psyduck to isolate a target by shoving it towards any direction. It's also a great setup for its other moves.

This moveset gives Psyduck two strong crowd control moves. Surf can slow and shove opponents and reduce their damage. It can also increase allies' movement speed if they touch a wave. The move becomes a strong damage move when the Headache gauge fills up. Psychic can isolate targets and displace them, allowing Psyduck to easily setup fights.

Which Moveset Do You Think is Best for Psyduck?

Surf & Psychic 23
Surf & Disable 37
Bubble Beam & Psychic 5
Bubble Beam & Disable 7

Let us know why in the comments!

How to Play Psyduck

Utilize Early Scaling

Psyduck gets both of its primary moves at level 4 and level 6. Try to reach level 6 as fast as possible and utilize this early scaling to put pressure on the lane. Even at level 4 Psyduck can start to apply pressure on opponents, especially if they're late bloomers.

Utilize the Headache Gauge

When Psyduck or nearby ally Pokemon takes damage, Psyduck's Headache guage fills up. Once the gauge is full, Psyduck triggers a mysterious power, shoving nearby opposing Pokemon as a result and boosting its moves and their cooldowns.

The shove effect can be useful during teamfights as it's another form of crowd control. Make sure to also use the boosted version of Psyduck's moves to deal more damage.

Get to Safety When the Effect Expires

After the effects of the Headache gauge expires, Psyduck won't be able to perform anything other than move, so it's best to get to a safe position when the effect wears off as the Pokemon will become very vulnerable.

Set Up Surf with Psychic

One way to make hitting Surf easier is by using Psychic first. By using Psychic first, Psyduck can tether a target and pull it towards it and set up Surf.

Use Psychic first and make sure to hit the target. Once Psyduck is tethered, pull the target, then immediately follow up with Surf.

Pump Up Damage with Bubble Beam

Aside from simply dealing damage, Bubble Beam attaches bubbles on the targets it hits. When allied Pokemon deal damage to opponents that have bubbles attached to them, the bubbles burst, dealing damage and slowing the target.

Bubble Beam's effects can make picking off targets faster for Psyduck's allies, which is extremely effective during teamfights. Moreover, it's best to hit as many opponents as possible when using Bubble Beam to maximize its effectiveness.

Disrupt Opponents with Disable

Disable bounces to nearby enemies, dealing damage and prolonging their move cooldowns. This move can be extremely disruptive during fights as opponents are forced to scatter to avoid getting hit.

Additionally, having the opponents' move cooldowns increased gives Psyduck and its allies more time to push the offense as the opponents are waiting for their move to go off cooldown.

Weaken the Opponents' Damage with Full-Power Psy-ay-ay!

Psyduck's Unite Move, Full-Power Psy-ay-ay!, unleashes waves of mysterious power around Psyduck, dealing damage and reducing the amount of damage opponents deal. The move's damage reduction effect is a powerful effect during teamfights as it essentially gives Psyduck and its allies a huge damage advantage.

It's best to save Full-Power Psy-ay-ay! for important teamfights, such as when trying to get Rayquaza or Zapdos.

Utilize the Headache Gauge Increase

After using Full-Power Psy-ay-ay!, Psyduck's Headache gauge greatly increases, so if Psyduck's gauge becomes full because of this effect, make sure to utilize it.

Psyduck Progression and Leveling Guide

Top and Bottom Guide

Level 1 to 4

  • Learn Confusion to quickly clear out the Bunnelbies in the lane.
  • Keep farming wild Pokemon in the lane to reach level 4 and learn Surf or Bubble Beam.
  • At bottom lane, prioritize taking Indeedees for more exp.
  • Try to get early kills or score when possible but don't overextend.

Level 5 to 8

  • Upon reaching level 6, pair Psychic with Surf and Disable with Bubble Beam and start to get aggressive.
  • Keep hunting Wild Pokemon to gain more EXP from farming Altaria and Swablus.
  • Help allies secure Regice, Registeel, or Regirock when it spawns at bottom lane, otherwise secure Regieleki at top lane.
  • Upon reaching level 8, learn Full-Power Psy-ay-ay!.

Level 9+

  • Roam around and assist allies in hunting down targets, securing objectives, and pushing lanes.
  • Reach level 13 before or when Rayquaza spawns for a fully-upgraded moveset
  • Make sure to have Full-Power Psy-ay-ay! available when Rayquaza spawns.
  • Help allies win a teamfight and secure Rayquaza.

Psyduck Combos

Main Combos

These are combos that Psyduck can use during fights to disrupt its opponents.

Psy-Surf Combo

Psy-Surf Combo
Psychic IconSurf IconPsychic Icon (Pull) ► Surf Icon

PsychicSurfPsychic (Pull) ► Surf
Start the combo using Psychic, making sure to hit the target. Once the target is tethered, use Surf to shoot one wave towards it. Afterwards, use Psychic again to pull the target towards Psyduck, then immediately follow up with another Surf.

Psy-Beam Combo

Psy-Beam Combo
Psychic IconPsychic Icon (Pull) ► Bubble Beam Icon

PsychicPsychic (Pull) ► Bubble Beam
Start the combo using Psychic, making sure to hit the target. Once the target is tethered, pull it towards Psyduck, then follow up with Bubble Beam. Afterwards, burst the bubbles attached to the target for more damage and a stun.

Matchups & Counters for Psyduck

Psyduck Matchups

Hard Counter
AbsolAlolan NinetalesArmarougeBlazikenBuzzwoleCeruledgeCinderaceDarkraiDelphoxDodrioEspeonGalarian RapidashGengarGlaceonGyaradosInteleonLeafeonLucarioMachampMega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo YMeowscaradaMewMiraidonTalonflameTinkatonTyranitarZacianZeraoraZoroark
Fair Matchup
AegislashAzumarillBlastoiseBlisseyChandelureCharizardClefableComfeyCrustleDragapultDragoniteEldegossFalinksGardevoirGoodraGreedentGreninjaHo-OhHoopaLaprasMamoswineMetagrossMimikyuMr. MimePikachuSableyeScizorSlowbroSnorlaxSylveonTrevenantTsareenaUmbreonUrshifuVenusaurWigglytuff
Good Matchup
Matchup Notes
Hard CounterHard Counter Even MatchupEven Matchup Easy MatchupEasy Matchup
1. The chart is based on our own experience playing Psyduck.
2. Pokemon within each tier are unordered
3. Any Pokemon not shown here are still under investigation.

Hard Couner Burst Damage

Although Psyduck's Headache gauge fills up whenever it or its allies take damage from opponents, it takes quite a bit of attacks to fill it up. Pokemon that can deal high amounts of damage in a single attack can quickly knock out Psyduck before its Headache gauge fills up.

Best Counters

Pokemon Explanation
Darkrai ImageDarkrai Rating: ★★★★★
• Can constantly put Psyduck to sleep and burst it down.
• Can isolate Psyduck and burst it down with Worst Nightmare.
Zacian ImageZacian Rating: ★★★★★
• Can overpower Psyduck with its attacks and moves.
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales Rating: ★★★★
• Can constanty freeze Psyduck and burst it down with Avalanche, Blizzard, and Snow Globe.

Even Matchups

Psyduck will mostly stick together with its allies as it's a Supporter. However, the Pokemon's moves are highly disruptive during fights and allows it to get the upper hand against these Pokemon, even in a 1v1 situation.

Displace Them with Psychic or Disrupt Their Moves with Disable

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Chandelure Image Dragapult Image Gardevoir Image Sylveon Image Venusaur Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting. They also have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Psyduck.
• Use Psychic to damage them and displace them towards an unsafe position, allowing Psyduck's allies to burst them down.
• Use Disable to prolong their move cooldowns and render them vulnerable.
• Use Full-Power Psy-ay-ay! to reduce the damage they deal and damage them for a decent amount.

Disrupt Their Combos

Aegislash Image Azumarill Image Charizard Image Dragonite Image Falinks Image Metagross Image Mimikyu Image Scizor Image Tsareena Image Urshifu Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon excel in close combat and rely mostly on their attacks or combos to deal damage. They are also durable enough to tank Psyduck's damage.
• Use Disable to prolong their move cooldowns and also deal damage.
• Use Surf and/or Psychic to disrupt their combos and attacks.
• Use Bubble Beam to attach bubbles on them and allow allies to burst the bubbles and deal additional damage.
• Use Full-Power Psy-ay-ay! to reduce the damage they deal.

Group Up with Allies

Highly Durable Pokemon
Blastoise Image Crustle Image Goodra Image Greedent Image Ho-oh Image Lapras Image Mamoswine Image Slowbro Image Snorlax Image Trevenant Image Umbreon Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon are extremely durable, making it hard for Psyduck to take them out alone. With that, it's best to group up with allies to bring them down with the help of Psyduck.
• Use Psychic to pull them closer to the team or prevent them from escaping.
• Use Disable to prolong their move cooldowns and slow them.
• Use Bubble Beam to attach bubbles on them and allow allies to deal more damage when they attack.

Easy Matchups

These Pokemon can easily fall victim to Psyduck's disruptive moves.

Displace Them with Psychic or Disrupt Their Moves with Disable

Damage Dealers
Cramorant Image Decidueye Image Duraludon Image Garchomp Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Psyduck but can easily fall victim to its crowd control moves.
• Use Psychic to damage them and displace them towards an unsafe position, allowing Psyduck's allies to burst them down.
• Use Disable to prolong their move cooldowns and render them vulnerable.
• Use Full-Power Psy-ay-ay! to reduce the damage they deal and damage them for a decent amount.

Best Teammates for Psyduck

Pokemon Explanation
Meowscarada ImageMeowscarada Absol ImageAbsol Pokemon with High Burst Damage
Pokemon with high burst damage can take advantage of Psyduck's Bubble Beam effect, allowing them to deal even more damage when they attack targets hit by the move.
Cinderace ImageCinderace Dragapult ImageDragapult Attack-Damage Attackers
Attackers that rely on their attack damage and have a fast attack speed can benefit from Psyduck's disruptive moves, especially Bubble Beam.

Looking for teammates to synergize with you? Head over to our Friend Request Board to find other trainers to join you in your grind or just to hang out with!

Friend Request Board

Psyduck Moves

Move Slot 1 (R)

Confusion ImageConfusion
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Ranged
Damage Type: Sp. Atk.
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 415
Final Damage: 452
Has the user release weak telekinetic force toward opposing Pokemon, dealing damage and leaving them unable to act. While the mysterious power is active, damage dealt to opposing Pokemon is increased.
Bubble Beam ImageBubble Beam
(Lv. 4)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Ranged
Damage Type: Sp. Atk.
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 468
Initial damage: 255, Damage increase per instance: 10% to 15%, Number of instances: 8
Final Damage: 936
Initial damage: 344, Damage increase per instance: 10% to 15%, Number of instances: 10
Has the user forcefully eject a spray of bubbles, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and attaching 3 bubbles. When ally Pokemon hit a bubbled opposing Pokemon with a basic attack, a bubble bursts, dealing damage. When all bubbles are burst, the opposing Pokemon is left unable to act. While the mysterious power is active, the damage dealt when the bubbles burst is increased.
Upgrade: Also applies a slowing effect when this move hits.
Surf ImageSurf
(Lv. 4)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Hindrance
Damage Type: Sp. Atk.
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 394
Damage per wave: 394, Nuumber of Waves:2, Number of Waves (Boosted): 4
Final Damage: 782
Damage per wave: 782, Nuumber of Waves:2, Number of Waves (Boosted): 4
Has the user create a wave in the designated direction, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokemon it hits. If opposing Pokemon hit by this move already have a slowing effect applied, they are shoved. The user can ride the wave for a short time and use basic attacks and moves while moving. Ally Pokemon who touch the wave have their movement speed increased. If this move is used again, the user stops in place and creates another wave. While the mysterious power is active, the user will create two waves.
Upgrade: Decreases the damage dealt by opposing Pokemon that are hit by this move.

Move Slot 2 (ZR)

Tail Whip ImageTail Whip
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Sure Hit
Damage Type: Sp. Atk.
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 350
Final Damage: 417
Has the user wag its tail, dealing damage, applying a slowing effect, and decreasing the Sp. Def. of the designated opposing Pokemon. While the mysterious power is active, the opposing Pokemon's Sp. Def. is decreased by a greater amount.
Psychic ImagePsychic
(Lv. 6)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Hindrance
Damage Type: Sp. Atk.
Cooldown: 7.5s
Starting Damage: 726
Final Damage: 1293
Has the user release a strong telekinetic force in the designated area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and leaving them unable to act. The user continues to release a telekinetic force at the opposing Pokemon that took damage closest to the center of the area of effect. If this move is used again, the user pulls the opposing Pokemon receiving the telekinetic force in the designatedd direction. While the mysterious power is active, the user leaves the opposing Pokemon unable to act after pulling them.
Upgrade: Decreases the Sp. Def. of opposing Pokemon hit by the telekinetic force.
Disable ImageDisable
(Lv. 6)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Hindrance, Sure Hit
Damage Type: Sp. Atk.
Cooldown: 8s
Starting Damage: 372
Damage per bounce: 372, Number of Bounces: 4
Final Damage: 655
Damage per bounce: 655, Number of Bounces: 4
Has the user release electricity that limits the designated opposing Pokemon's moves while dealing damage and leaving them unable to act. The electricity spreads to nearby Pokemon 4 times. (The electricity can only spread to the same Pokemon up to 1 times.) Opposing Pokemon hit by the electricity will have the cooldown of their last used move increased. If an opposing Pokemon haas no move on cooldown, the cooldown of the next move it uses will be increased. When an effect to increase a move's cooldown is applied, a slowing effect is also applied. While the mysterious power is active, the number of times the electricity spreads will increase.
Upgrade: Increases the duration that opposing Pokemon are left unable to act.

Unite Moves (ZL)

Full-Power Psy-ay-ay! ImageFull-Power Psy-ay-ay!
(Lv. 8)
Move Type: Hindrance
Damage Type: Sp. Atk.
Cooldown: 111s
Starting Damage: 1,479
Damage per Pulse: 493, Number of Pulses: 3
Final Damage: 2,322
Damage per Pulse: 774, Number of Pulses: 3
Has the user release three mysterious psychic waves around itself, dealing damage and decreasing the damage dealt by opposing Pokemon they hit. After using this move, the user's headache gauge greatly increases as a consequence of it unleashing its full power.

Standard Attack

Standard Attack Image Standard Attack Attacks with a shot of water.

Ability (Passive)

Swift Swim ImageSwift Swim
Psyduck IconPsyduck

When the Pokemon is damaged by an opposing Pokemon, its movement speed is increased for a short time. This effect goes on cooldown after it's triggered. When this Pokemon or neaarby ally Pokemon take damage, the headache gauge increases. When the headache gauge is full, a mysterious power is triggered, shoving nearby opposing Pokemon. While the mysterious power is active, moves are boosted and their cooldowns are reduced.

Psyduck Stats & Evolutions

Psyduck Evolutions

This Pokemon does not evolve.

Psyduck Stats

Level HP Defense Special Defense Attack Damage
1 3300 80 70 130
2 3503 90 79 137
3 3726 101 88 144
4 3971 113 98 152
5 4240 127 109 161
6 4537 142 122 171
7 4864 159 136 182
8 5224 177 151 194
9 5621 197 168 207
10 6058 219 186 222
11 6539 244 206 238
12 7068 271 228 256
13 7651 301 253 275
14 8293 334 280 296
15 9000 370 310 320

Attack Damage is the damage of the Basic Attack as tested against the Training Dummy.

Psyduck In-Game Stat Listings

Offense Endurance Mobility Scoring Support
4 Stars.png 1 Star.png 2 Stars.png 1 Star.png 3 Stars.png

Psyduck Skins (Holowear)

PsyduckBeach StyleBeach Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 490
PsyduckColored Suit StyleColored Suit Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 1290

All Pokemon Skins (Holowear)

Psyduck Character Spotlight

Psyduck Achievements

Bubble Beam Achievement

Bubble Beam
Pokemon Move
Psyduck ImagePsyduck Bubble Beam ImageBubble Beam
Use Bubble Beam to leave Pokemon from the opposing team unable to act 50 times.
Medals & Points Rewards
Pokemon UNITE - Beginner Achievement Medal Beginner
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png 5
Aeos Ticket IconAeos Ticket x100
Pokemon UNITE - Expert Achievement Medal Expert
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png5
Aeos Coin IconAeos Coin x300
Pokemon UNITE - Master Achievement Medal.png Master
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png10
Holowear Ticket IconHolowear Ticket x3

List of Supporter Pokemon Achievements

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon Partial Banner

List of All Pokemon

All Pokemon Guides and Builds

Best Build for Each Pokemon

Pokemon Roster
Pokemon UNITE - AbsolAbsol Pokemon UNITE - AegislashAegislash Pokemon UNITE - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales Pokemon UNITE - ArmarougeArmarougue
Pokemon UNITE - AzumarillAzumarill Pokemon UNITE - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon UNITE - BlazikenBlaziken Pokemon UNITE - BlisseyBlissey
Pokemon UNITE - BuzzwoleBuzzwole Pokemon UNITE - CeruledgeCeruledge Pokemon UNITE - ChandelureChandelure Pokemon UNITE - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon UNITE - CinderaceCinderace Pokemon UNITE - ClefableClefable Pokemon UNITE - ComfeyComfey Pokemon UNITE - CramorantCramorant
Pokemon UNITE - CrustleCrustle Pokemon UNITE - DarkraiDarkrai Pokemon UNITE - DecidueyeDecidueye Pokemon UNITE - Delphox Delphox
Pokemon UNITE - Dodrio SpeedsterDodrio Pokemon UNITE - DragapultDragapult Pokemon UNITE - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon UNITE - DuraludonDuraludon
Pokemon UNITE - EldegossEldegoss Pokemon UNITE - EspeonEspeon Pokemon UNITE - Falinks  (All-Rounder)Falinks Pokemon UNITE - Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash
Pokemon UNITE - GarchompGarchomp Pokemon UNITE - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon UNITE - GengarGengar Pokemon UNITE - GlaceonGlaceon
Pokemon UNITE - GoodraGoodra Pokemon UNITE - GreedentGreedent Pokemon UNITE - GreninjaGreninja Pokemon UNITE - GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon UNITE - Ho-OhHo-Oh Pokemon UNITE - HoopaHoopa Pokemon UNITE - InteleonInteleon Pokemon UNITE - LaprasLapras
Pokemon UNITE - LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon UNITE - LucarioLucario Pokemon UNITE - MachampMachamp Pokemon UNITE - MamoswineMamoswine
Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo X Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo YMega Mewtwo Y Pokemon UNITE - MeowscaradaMeowscarada Pokemon UNITE - MetagrossMetagross
Pokemon UNITE - MewMew Pokemon UNITE - MimikyuMimikyu Pokemon UNITE - MiraidonMiraidon Pokemon UNITE - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon UNITE - PikachuPikachu Pokemon UNITE - PsyduckPsyduck Pokemon UNITE - SableyeSableye Pokemon UNITE - ScizorScizor
Pokemon UNITE - SlowbroSlowbro Pokemon UNITE - SnorlaxSnorlax Pokemon UNITE - SylveonSylveon Pokemon UNITE - TalonflameTalonflame
Pokemon UNITE - TinkatonTinkaton Pokemon UNITE - TsareenaTsareena Pokemon UNITE - TyranitarTyranitar Pokemon UNITE - UmbreonUmbreon
Pokemon UNITE - TrevenantTrevenant Pokemon UNITE - UrshifuUrshifu Pokemon UNITE - WigglytuffWigglytuff Pokemon UNITE - VenusaurVenusaur
Pokemon UNITE - ZeraoraZeraora Pokemon UNITE - ZoroarkZoroark -

Upcoming Pokemon

Upcoming Pokemon
Suicune (No Role)Suicune

Upcoming and New Pokemon

Pokemon by Role

All Pokemon Roles
Attacker IconAttackers All-Rounder IconAll-Rounders Defender IconDefenders
Speedster IconSpeedsters Supporter IconSupporters

Pokemon by Characteristics

Attack Type
Pokemon UNITE - Melee Type Partial BannerMelee Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Ranged Type Partial BannerRanged Pokemon
Pokemon UNITE - Physical Type Partial BannerPhysical Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Special Type Partial BannerSpecial Pokemon
Stat Rankings
Pokemon UNITE - HP Ranking Partial BannerHP Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Defense Ranking Partial BannerDefense Ranking
Pokemon UNITE - Special Defense Ranking Partial BannerSp. Def. Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Basic Attack Ranking Partial BannerBasic Attack Ranking


3 Nothingabout 1 month

Never mind they fixed it. (That was fast)

2 Nothingabout 1 month

I think this is a mistake right?


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