Pokemon UNITE

Move Types and When To Use

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This is a guide on move types in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn what the different move types are, how they work, and when to use them.

What are Move Types?

Moves are Categorized According to Range and Effect

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There are 9 Move Types available in Pokemon UNITE. Each move type determines how the move works, particularly its range and effect.

Move Types
Type Description
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Area Moves that affect units inside an area.
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Buff Moves that give benefitial effects to Pokemon.
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Debuff Moves that penalizes Pokemon, reducing their effectiveness in battle.
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Dash Moves that propel the Pokemon forward towards a particular direction.
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Hindrance Moves that stun or root Pokemon in place, preventing them from moving.
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Melee Moves that are performed at melee range.
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Ranged Moves that affect units in a wide arc.
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Recovery Moves that restore Pokemon HP..
Pokemon UNITE - Move Type - Sure Hit Moves that are unavoidable, and will definitely damage the target.

List of Moves and Effects

Moves can Have Two Move Types

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Certain moves can have two move types, such as Lucario's Bone Rush. These moves have multiple effects.

Bone Rush: Lucario Move Effect and Cooldown

When to Use Each Move Type

Use Area Moves During Teamfights

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Area moves are most effective when used during teamfights or clashes. Cast these moves when the enemy is grouped closely to each other to maximize its effectiveness.

Move Pokemon Description
Petal Dance ImagePetal Dance Venusaur ImageVenusaur Scatters petals around the user, increasing movement speed for a short time and dealing damage over time to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect. Upgrade: Increases this move's area of effect.
Thunderstorm ImageThunderstorm Pikachu ImagePikachu Attacks the opposing team's Pokemon near the user with tremendous bolts of lightning.
Whirlpool ImageWhirlpool Azumarill ImageAzumarill For a short time, four small whirlpools appear that swirl around the user as it moves. If a whirlpool hits an opposing Pokémon, the whirlpool deals damage to it and restores the user's HP. If a whirlpool hits a Pokemon on the opposing team, an increased amount of HP is restored to the user. Upgrade: Reduces this move's cooldown and increases the amount of HP it restores to the user.
Whirlpool ImageWhirlpool Cramorant ImageCramorant Creates a whirlpool that deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect. This move's area of effect slowly shrinks, but the damage dealt slowly increases. Just before the whirlpool disappears, it decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon in the area of effect for a short time. The user can also catch Arrokuda or other prey by entering the whirlpool.

Use Buffs Before Fights


Buff moves are best used before engaging in fights. This could discourage the enemy from fighting, which the team can take advantage of. Certain buff moves give shields to allies which can be used to save them from dying.

Move Pokemon Description
Bulk Up ImageBulk Up Machamp ImageMachamp After using this move, the user becomes immune to hindrances for a short time, its movement speed and Attack are increased, and its basic attack speed is increased. The user's next basic attack also becomes a boosted attack.
Cotton Guard ImageCotton Guard Eldegoss ImageEldegoss Protects the user and nearby ally Pokemon with cotton. The cotton absorbs damage, and when the move ends, the cotton restores some HP. Upgrade: Increases the user's movement speed while using this move.
Shell Smash ImageShell Smash Crustle ImageCrustle Has the user smash its shell, converting a set percentage of Defense and Sp. Def into Attack and Sp. Atk and increasing the user's movement speed for a short time. Upgrade: Increases this move's conversion rate.

Use Debuffs on Priority Targets

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Debuff moves are best used on Pokemon that are strong. This weakens them, and makes it easier to defeat them. Debuff moves that slow enemies can be used against fleeing enemies, making it easier to catch up.

Move Pokemon Description
Sand Attack ImageSand Attack Garchomp ImageGarchomp Hurls sand, narrowing the field of vision of opposing Pokemon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time when it hits. This also increases the user's movement speed and basic attack speed.
Power Swap ImagePower Swap Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Creates a link between the user and the Pokemon this move hits. While the link holds, the user's movement speed increases and its HP is continually restored. If the linked Pokemon is an ally Pokemon, this move increases the movement speed of that Pokemon, increases the amount of damage it deals, and continually restores its HP. If the linked Pokemon is an opposing Pokemon, this move decreases that Pokemon's movement speed, decreases the amount of damage it deals, and deals damage over time to it. If the user and the linked Pokemon are too far apart, the link will disappear. Upgrade: Further increases the amount of damage dealt by ally Pokemon and further decreases the amount of damage dealt by opposing Pokemon.
Psychic ImagePsychic Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime For a short time, has the user deal damage over time to nearby opposing Pokemon and decrease their Sp. Def. Afterward, the user Release a telekinetic blast on opposing Pokemon that are near the user, near any guard-swapped Pokemon, or near any Light Screen or Barrier walls created by the user, damaging all opposing Pokemon hit by the blasts and lowering their Sp. Def for a short time. If an opposing Pokemon is hit by multiple overlapping blasts, that Pokemon is also left unable to act for a short time. Upgrade: Also decreases the movment speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.

Use Dash Moves to Catch Up or Escape

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Dash moves are best used to close the distance between the Pokemon and the target. They are also an effective tool for escaping or fleeing from the enemy.

Move Pokemon Description
Aerial Ace ImageAerial Ace Talonflame ImageTalonflame Has the user fly at the designated opposing Pokemon, dealing damage. When this move hits, it restores a certain amount of the user's HP. Also makes the user's next basic attack a boosted attack. Upgrade: Increases damage dealt by this move
Agility ImageAgility Zeraora ImageZeraora Has the user perform a quick dash and increases the user's basic attack speed for a short time afterward.
Agility ImageAgility Dodrio ImageDodrio Makes the user immune to hindrances and charges its sprint gauge. Afterward, the user's movement speed increases for a short time, and its sprint gauge charges faster. Upgrade: After this move is used, the user's sprint gauge becomes fully charged.
Agility ImageAgility Mew ImageMew Agility Has the user move quickly in the designated direction, increasing its movement speed for a short time. A maximum of two uses can be kept in reserve for this move. Upgrade: Increases the distance the user moves in the designated direction.
Dig ImageDig Garchomp ImageGarchomp Has the user burrow underground and move quickly in the designated direction, jumping out when it comes in contact with an opposing Pokemon or it has traveled a maximum distance. This jump deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and throws them. Using this move increases the user’s Defense and Sp. Def. for a short time.
Upgrade: Increases the length of the time opposing Pokemon are thrown when the user jumps out from the ground.

Dash Moves Can Pass Through Walls

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A unique aspect with Dash moves is that it enable the Pokemon to pass through walls. Certain Dash moves that might look as if it cannot pass through walls actually can, such as Zeraora's Agility, and Cinderace's Flame Charge.

The trick here is to make sure that the length of the dash surpasses the wall, as seen in the image. If the length of the dash is shorter than the wall, the Pokemon will just stay in place, and won't pass through the wall.

Use Hindrance Moves to Setup Kills

Hindrance moves are best used to setup kills. Once disabled, the team can burst the enemy down with their moves. This can also be a great way to catch up to fleeing enemies.

Move Pokemon Description
Barrier ImageBarrier Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Has the user throw up a sturdy wall in the designated location that prevents opposing Pokemon from passing. If an opposing Pokemon is near the location where the wall is created, they are shoved and left unable to act for a short time. Upgrade: Increases this Move's number of charges.
Electroweb ImageElectroweb Pikachu ImagePikachu Attacks and captures opposing Pokemon using an electric net. leaving them unable to move.
Yawn ImageYawn Snorlax ImageSnorlax Has the user let loose a huge yawn that lulls opposing Pokemon into a sleepy haze, putting opposing Pokemon hit by this move to sleep. Upgrade: Also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time when this move hits.

Use Meele Moves On a Nearby Enemy

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Melee moves are best used on enemies who come too close to the user. The downside of melee moves is it tends to put Pokemon in a vulnerable position, especially when cast right in the middle of a big teamfight. This is also effective against Dash moves since it propels the enemy closer to the user.

Move Pokemon Description
Close Combat ImageClose Combat Machamp ImageMachamp Unleashes a series of punches in the designated direction, dealing increased damage with the last punch. The user can move while using this move and becomes immune to hindrances. Upgrade: Deals increased damage to Pokemon that are afflicted by a status condition.
Double Slap ImageDouble Slap Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff Has the user perform a combo attack in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time when the attack hits. Increases the number of attacks for this move.
Dragon Claw ImageDragon Claw Garchomp ImageGarchomp Has the user attack twice in front of itself using its claws. The first attack deals damage to the opposing Pokemon and then throws them. The second deals increased damage and decreases the movement speed of the opposing Pokemon for a short time.
Upgrade: Increases damage dealt by this move

Use Ranged Moves to Kite Enemies

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Ranged moves are best used for kiting enemies from a distance. Spamming ranged moves can chip away the enemy's HP from a safe distance. They can also be used to kill fleeing enemies, although it is quite difficult to aim properly.

Move Pokemon Description
Icy Wind ImageIcy Wind Glaceon ImageGlaceon Has the user move a short distance in the designated direction, and its next basic attack launches all of its stored ice crystals at an opposing Pokemon, dealing damage to it. The user then regains the same number of ice crystals that it launched. If the user hits the same opposing Pokemon with 4 or more ice crystals, that Pokemon's movement speed is decreased for a short time. The more ice crystals that hit that Pokemon, the stronger the movement speed-decrease effect. If the user has no ice crystals when this move is used, the gains 2 ice crystals. Upgrade: Each launched ice crystal also deals additional damage to opposing Pokemon it hits equal to a set percentage of their max HP.
Icy Wind ImageIcy Wind Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales Breathes wind in a straight line, dealing damage, pushing them back, and slowing Movement Speed of enemies hit.
Pyro Ball ImagePyro Ball Cinderace ImageCinderace Has the user kick a ball of flame in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and leaving them burned for a short time when this move hits. Upgrade: Reduces the cooldown of Flame Charge or Feint when this move hits.
Shadow Ball ImageShadow Ball Hoopa ImageHoopa Has the user unleash a shadowy blob in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed Sp. Def for a short time. If the user then hits the same opposing Pokemon with a move or boosted attack within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage to the opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick, this move will also unleash a shadowy blob at the same target from that ally's location. Upgrade: The shadowy blob will now explode before it disappears. Opposing Pokemon hit by the explosion are affected as if they were hit by the shadowy blob itself.
Shadow Ball ImageShadow Ball Gengar ImageGengar Hurls a shadowy blob at the target, decreasing the movement speed and Sp. Def of opposing Pokemon for a short time when it hits. Upgrade: Increase damage dealt by this moves

Use Recovery Moves to Get Back in the Fight

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Recovery moves are best used away from fights. If low on HP, get to a safe distance or hide in grass to recover HP, then quickly get back to the fight. They can also be used to prolong battles that could turn things around.

Move Pokemon Description
Amnesia  ImageAmnesia Slowbro ImageSlowbro Has the user recover some of its HP using its stored-up lost HP. For a short time after this move, the user becomes immune to hindrances and gains increased Defense. Upgrade: Increases Sp. Def.
Giga Drain ImageGiga Drain Venusaur ImageVenusaur Drains HP from opposing Pokemon in the area of effect, dealing damage to them and restoring the user's HP when it hits. Also reduces the damage the user receives for a short time. Upgrade: Increases the amount of HP this move restores.
Synthesis ImageSynthesis Eldegoss ImageEldegoss Restores the HP of the user and nearby ally Pokemon.

Use Sure-Hit to Secure a Kill

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Sure-Hit moves are the best move type in the game. They are unavoidable and can guarantee a kill. Use these moves to last-hit enemies, and especially wild Pokemon like Zapdos.

Move Pokemon Description
Blaze Kick ImageBlaze Kick Cinderace ImageCinderace Has the user perform a fiery flying kick. The user then jumps in the designated direction. When this move hits, it is always a critical hit, and it shoves opposing Pokemon and leaves them burned for a short time. In addition, the user becomes immune to hindrance while using this move. Upgrade: Increases basic attack speed for a short time when this move hits.
Electro Ball ImageElectro Ball Pikachu ImagePikachu Hurls an electric orb, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and leaving them paralyzed for a short time. This move's damage increases the lower the opposing Pokemon's HP is. Upgrade: Increases damage dealth by this move.
Electro Ball ImageElectro Ball Mew ImageMew Has the user hurl an electric orb, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and leaving them paralyzed for a short time. This move deals more damage the lower the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP is. Upgrade: Strengthens the effect of the paralysis inflicted by this move.
Seismic Slam ImageSeismic Slam Charizard ImageCharizard Has the user grab a Pokemon from the opposing team and slam it onto the ground from the air. For a short time afterward, the user can move freely over obstacles. While this Unite Move is being used, the user's basic attacks deal increased damage and leave opposing Pokemon burned. In addition, when the user deals damage to an opposing Pokemon, the user recovers HP.

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Moves Focus Banner.png

List of Moves and Effects

Moves by Classification

All Move Lists


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