Pokemon UNITE

Goal-Getter Effect and How to Get

Battle Item - Goal-Getter Banner.png
This page is about the Battle Item Goal-Getter in the game Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn more about the Battle Item's effects and how to get them in the game!

Goal-Getter Latest Buffs and Nerfs (09/27)

Version Patch Notes

Goal-Getter.pngGoal-Getter • Cooldown decreased from 75s to 60s. (-15s) Cooldown decreased from 120 seconds to 90 seconds (-25%). Cooldown decreased from 90s to 75s. (-15s) Cooldown decreased from 75s to 60s.

Goal-Getter Stats and Effect

Battle Item
Tier Ranking
C Rank.png
Boosts your goal scoring speed by 2 for a short period of time.

Battle Item Tier List: Best Items to Use

Effect Lasts for 10 Seconds

Goal Getter Status.png

Once activated, Goal-Getter's effect will last for only 10 seconds. During this time, you can check its status by pressing the R Analog Switch.png analog stick.

How to Get Goal-Getter

Obtain by Increasing Trainer Level

Trainer Level Unlocked at Level 16

Trainer Level: How to Raise Fast

Best Pokemon for Goal-Getter

This item is currently not recommended for any Pokemon.

Currently, there are no Pokemon that go well with this item. Although the increase in the scoring speed is reasonably good, its cooldown time is too long and its usefulness is too limited to justify using it over other battle items. It is also worth mentioning that defeating Rayquaza also lets Pokemon gain shields and score much faster, and puts Goal-Getter's effect as weak overall.

When to Use Goal-Getter

Having A Lot of Aeos Energy

The best time to use the item is when carrying a lot of Aeos Energy or already maxed out, espcecially during the final stretch of the game where points are doubled. In this case, it is best that you find a way to sneak to an enemy goal and score. The item will speeding up the goal scoring and in turn gives your opponents less time to stop you.

Goal-Getter Test

Scoring Speed Test

Without Goal-Getter
With Goal-Getter

The scoring speed test was conducted by comparing the time to score using Goal-Getter with a Pokemon that has 50 Aeos Energy.

Summary of Test Results

With Goal-Getter Without Goal-Getter
About 3 seconds About 6 seconds

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that scoring 50 points takes about 6 seconds without the effects of the Goal-Getter and about 3 seconds with the effects. Therefore, the scoring time is cut by around 50%.

Goal-Getter Patch Note Updates

Goal-Getter Stat Changes Cooldown decreased from 120 seconds to 90 seconds (-25%). Cooldown decreased from 90s to 75s. (-15s) Cooldown decreased from 75s to 60s.

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List of Battle Items


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