Pokemon UNITE

List of Account Items

List of Account Items Banner.png
This page contains the list of account items in Pokemon UNITE.

What are Account Items?

Account Items
Account Items are items that affect a player's account in Pokemon UNITE, not the Nintendo Account. They are used to improve a player's gaming experience. They can be purchased at the Aeos Emporium using either Aeos Gems or Aeos Tickets.

List of Account Items

Title Cost
Item EnhancerItem Enhancer
Aeos Ticket10
7-Day Battle Point Boost Card7-Day Battle Point Boost Card
Aeos Ticket400
Aeos Gems40
3-Day Battle Point Boost Card3-Day Battle Point Boost Card
Aeos Ticket200
Aeos Gems20
1-Day Battle Point Boost Card1-Day Battle Point Boost Card
Aeos Ticket100
Aeos Gems10
Rename CardRename Card
Aeos Gems100
7-Day Aeos Coin Boost Card7-Day Aeos Coin Boost Card
Aeos Ticket800
Aeos Gems80
3-Day Aeos Coin Boost Card3-Day Aeos Coin Boost Card
Aeos Ticket350
Aeos Gems35
1-Day Aeos Coin Boost Card1-Day Aeos Coin Boost Card
Aeos Ticket150
Aeos Gems15
Extra-Energy TankExtra-Energy Tank
Aeos Gems200
Energy Boost TankEnergy Boost Tank
Aeos Gems50
Energy Boost Tank (4x Speed)Energy Boost Tank (4x Speed)
Aeos Gems200
Beginner Support BoxBeginner Support Box
Aeos Gems100

Pokemon UNITE Related Links

Pokemon UNITE - List of Items

List of All Items

Item Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Item Enhancers Navigation Banner.pngItem Enhancers Pokemon UNITE - Super Item Enhancers Navigation Banner.pngSuper Item Enhancers Pokemon UNITE - Holowear Effect Spray Navigation Banner.pngHolowear Effect Spray Pokemon UNITE - Unite License Navigation Banner.pngUnite Licenses
Pokemon UNITE - Held Items Navigation Banner.pngHeld Items Pokemon UNITE - Battle Items Navigation Banner.pngBattle Items Pokemon UNITE - Account Items Navigation Banner.pngAccount Items

Held Items

Pokemon UNITE - Aeos CookieAeos Cookie Pokemon UNITE - Assault VestAssault Vest Pokemon UNITE - Attack WeightAttack Weight
Pokemon UNITE - Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier Pokemon UNITE - Charging CharmCharging Charm Pokemon UNITE - Choice SpecsChoice Specs
Pokemon UNITE - Curse Bangle IconCurse Bangle Pokemon UNITE - Curse Incense IconCurse Incense Pokemon UNITE - Drain Crown IconDrain Crown
Pokemon UNITE - Energy AmplifierEnergy Amplifier Pokemon UNITE - Exp. ShareExp. Share Pokemon UNITE - Float StoneFloat Stone
Pokemon UNITE - Focus BandFocus Band Pokemon UNITE - LeftoversLeftovers Pokemon UNITE - Muscle BandMuscle Band
Pokemon UNITE - Rapid Fire ScarfRapid-Fire Scarf Pokemon UNITE - Razor ClawRazor Claw Pokemon UNITE - Rescue Hood IconRescue Hood
Pokemon UNITE - Resonant GuardResonant Guard Pokemon UNITE - Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Pokemon UNITE - Rusted Sword IconRusted Sword
Pokemon UNITE - Scope LensScope Lens Pokemon UNITE - Score ShieldScore Shield Pokemon UNITE - Shell BellShell Bell
Pokemon UNITE - Slick Spoon IconSlick Spoon Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. SpecsSp. Atk. Specs Pokemon UNITE - Weakness PolicyWeakness Policy
Pokemon UNITE - Wise GlassesWise Glasses -

List of Held Items

Battle Items

Pokemon UNITE - Eject ButtonEject Button Pokemon UNITE - Fluffy TailFluffy Tail Pokemon UNITE - Full HealFull Heal
Pokemon UNITE - Goal-GetterGoal-Getter Pokemon UNITE - Goal Hacker IconGoal HackerNEW Pokemon UNITE - PotionPotion
PokemoN UNITE - Shedinja Doll IconShedinja Doll Pokemon UNITE - Slow SmokeSlow Smoke Pokemon UNITE - X AttackX Attack
Pokemon UNITE - X SpeedX Speed -

List of Battle Items


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