Pokemon UNITE

Catch 'Em Battles Guide - New Catch Mode Moves and Spawn Times

Pokemon UNITE - Catch

Catch Em Battles is a new game mode in Pokemon UNITE! It features a new 4-vs-4 quick battle map that lets players catch and play as different Wild Pokemon. Know how to best play this new game mode, the moves of each wild Pokemon, their spawn times, and the best Pokemon to use!

Catch Em Battles Wild Pokemon Moves

In Catch 'Em Battles, some wild Pokemon will be catchable and get unique moves that you can use in battle!

Pokemon Move Move Description
Araquanid Wild Pokemon IconAraquanid Araquanid Wild Pokemon IconLunge Has the user lunge at an opposing Pokemon, dealing damage to it.
Cooldown: 5s
Araquanid Wild Pokemon IconHydro Pump Has the user attack with a shot of water, dealing damage to the oppossing Pokemon it hits and shoving them.
Cooldown: 10s
Articuno Wild Pokemon IconArticuno Articuno Wild Pokemon IconIce Beam Has the user shoot an icy-cold beam of energy, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon hit by the beam and decreasing their movements speed. If the move hits a goal zone, it makes that goal zone defenseless.
Cooldown: 8s
Articuno Wild Pokemon IconHail Has the the user summon a hailstorm around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect.
Cooldown: 8.5s
Avalugg Wild Pokemon IconAvalugg Avalugg Wild Pokemon IconIce Beam Has the user shoot an icy-cold beam of energy, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon hit by the beam and decreasing their movment speed.
Cooldown: 9.5s
Avalugg Wild Pokemon IconIron Defense Has the user harden its body's surface like iron, greatly increasing its Defense and Sp. Def.
Cooldown: 15s
Drednaw Wild Pokemon IconDrednaw Drednaw Wild Pokemon IconStomping Tantrum Has the user stomp down on the ground with its front legs, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and throwing them.
Cooldown: 4.5s
Drednaw Wild Pokemon IconHydro Pump Has the user attack with a shot of water, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and shobing them.
Cooldown: 9s
Electrode Wild Pokemon IconElectrode Electrode Wild Pokemon IconDischarge Has the user release an electrical discharge, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokemon and decreasing their movements speed.
Cooldown: 7s
Electrode Wild Pokemon IconExplosion Has the user cause a tremendous explosion, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and leaving them unable to act. The user loses all of its HP when the explosion occurs.
Cooldown: 0
Ludicolo Wild Pokemon IconLudicolo Ludicolo Wild Pokemon IconGiga Drain Has the user drain HP from opposing Pokemon in the area of effect, dealing damage to them and restoring the user's HP when it hits.
Cooldown: 5.5s
Ludicolo Wild Pokemon IconWater Gun Has the user attack with a shot of water, dealing damage to the oppossing Pokemon it hits and shoving them.
Cooldown: 6s
Regigigas Wild Pokemon IconRegigigas Regigigas Wild Pokemon IconHyper Beam Has the user fire a powerful beam, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon hit by the beam and decreasing their movement speed. If this move hits a goal zone, it makes that goal zone defenseless.
Cooldown: 5.5s
Regigigas Wild Pokemon IconBulldoze Has the user stomp down hard on the ground with its sturdy legs, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and throwing them.
Cooldown: 5.5s
Tauros Wild Pokemon IconTauros Tauros Wild Pokemon IconGiga Impact Has the user charge forward, dealing damage to oppossing Pokemon in its path and shoving them
Cooldown: 5s
Tauros Wild Pokemon IconBulldoze Has the user stomp down on the ground, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and throwing them.
Cooldown: 4s
Zapdos Wild Pokemon IconZapdos Zapdos Wild Pokemon IconZap Cannon Has the user fire an electric blast like a cannon, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon hit by the blast and decreasing their movement speed. If this move hits a goal zone, it makes the goal zone defenseless.
Cooldown: 6s
Zapdos Wild Pokemon IconThunder Has the user drop wicked thunderbolts around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect.
Cooldown: 9.5

Best Pokemon to Use for Catch Em Battles

Fast and Clean Secure

Pokemon with High Damage Output
Cinderace ImageCinderace Absol ImageAbsol Dragonite ImageDragonite

With their high damage output and burst potential, these Pokemon are great for melting down Wild Pokemon spawns and opponents alike. They can easily contest Boss Pokemon spawns and can steal them if they have to. Additionally, being able to swap to Wild Pokemon gives them more survivability, allowing them to have an extra layer of HP if they need to play defensively.

Dependable and Sturdy

Pokemon with Balanced Stats
Charizard ImageCharizard Aegislash ImageAegislash Lucario ImageLucario

These All-Rounder Pokemon can deal decent amounts of damage while being able to soak a decent amount of damage. Because of their fast, hard-hitting combos, they are also effective at battling player-controlled Wild Pokemon. Aegislash, in particular, can take advantage of their slow attack speed and deflect most of their damage while in Shield Form. Each deflected attack contributes to Aegislash's Boosted Attack activations, making it easier to brawl even after the opponent reverts to the original Pokemon.

AoE and Sustain Engine

Pokemon with Sustain Capabilities
Tsareena ImageTsareena Venusaur ImageVenusaur

Aside from dealing consistent damage with cooldown reduction combos, these Pokemon also can sustain themselves through HP recovery. For Tsareena, Queenly Majesty activations can keep it alive even when fighting against player-controlled Wild Pokemon. Its wide, melee moves are effective when teams clash towards Boss Pokemon spawns. The same is true for Venusaur with its Petal Dance + Giga Drain combo as it helps it stay in the fight longer while dealing AoE damage.

Highly Mobile Pokemon

Pokemon with Highly Mobile Dash Moves
Zeraora ImageZeraora Talonflame ImageTalonflame

Take advantage of these Pokemons' high mobility moves to maneuver around the battlefield and sneak easy points for your team. Do this by securing high-value Wild Pokemon like Zapdos or Articuno and dash towards an enemy goal zone so you can open them up for the team. Moreover, the fast-paced nature of Quick Battles greatly benefits these Pokemon as they can get to their move upgrades earlier.

How to Play Catch Em Battles

Playable Wild Pokemon are Highlighted

Pokemon UNITE - Catch

Wild Pokemon with a White Aura below them can be captured and played! This gives them a distinction from the other normal Wild Pokemon found in the arena. Be sure to keep a lookout for these playable Pokemon if you want to take advantage of their abilities!

Playable Boss Pokemon Icons are Shown on the Map

Pokemon UNITE - Catch Em Battle Boss Pokemon Icons

As the match goes on, stronger, more powerful Boss Pokemon spawn at specific times and locations all over the arena. They are displayed with a boss Pokemon icon (Objective Pokemon Icon) when they appear. If they are yet to spawn, a timer will be shown instead. Compared to normal Wild Pokemon, the Boss Pokemon that spawns are sturdier and has higher damage output. Watch out for these spawns if you want to get an advantage over the enemy team!

Wild Pokemon Swaps Out Battle Item

Pokemon UNITE - Catch

When you capture a playable Wild Pokemon, your Battle Item slot will be replaced with the icon of that particular Wild Pokemon. This cuts you off on your essential Eject Button or Full Heal activations until you swap to that Pokemon or you let the gauge expire.

Turn into Wild Pokemon at Low HP

Pokemon UNITE -Catch Em Battles Cinderace Truning into Araquanid

A good strategy you can do is to transform into a playable Wild Pokemon when your HP is dangerously low. Doing so will swap your Pokemon with another Pokemon with full health, which allows you to avoid getting knocked down.

Revert to Original Pokemon when Knocked Down

Pokemon UNITE - Catch Em Battles Tauros Falling in Battle

When you get knocked down as a Wild Pokemon, you will immediately turn back into your main Pokemon. Take note that, when you do, your HP will be the same as the time you transformed, even if you heal at a goal zone as the Wild Pokemon.

Make Goal Zones Defenseless with Boss Pokemon

Pokemon UNITE - Catch Em Battles Regigigas Opening a Goal Zone

Wild Pokemon Move
Regigigas Wild Pokemon IconRegigigas Regigigas Wild Pokemon IconHyper Beam
Zapdos Wild Pokemon IconZapdos Zapdos Wild Pokemon IconZap Cannon
Articuno Wild Pokemon IconArticuno Articuno Wild Pokemon IconIce Beam

Using certain Boss Pokemon moves while inside an enemy goal zone will leave it defenseless for 15 seconds. This gives you and your team a chance to push a lane effectively. Moreover, making goals defenseless cuts off any healing that goal zone has until the charge runs out!

Use Fluffy Tail

Pokemon UNITE - Catch Em - Use Fluffly Tail

Use Fluffy Tail to make securing wild Pokemon easier and faster, especially boss Pokemon. It only has a 25-second cooldown, so use it frequently.

Fluffy Tail Effect and How to Get

Catch Em Battles Spawn Locations

Click for Full Image

Top Lane

Pokemon Specific Location
Articuno Wild Pokemon IconArticuno Spawns at the area above the top lane.
Electrode Wild Pokemon IconElectrode Spawns on the sideskirts of the top lane.
Rotom Wild Pokemon IconRotom Spawns on the middle of the top and bottom lanes.


Pokemon Specific Location
Avalugg Wild Pokemon IconAvalugg Spawns in the Jungle near the base goals. Replaces Drednaw when defeated.
Drednaw Wild Pokemon IconDrednaw Spawns in the Jungle near the base goals. Replaces Avalugg when defeated.
Ludicolo Wild Pokemon IconLudicolo Spawns in the Jungle towards the center, but nearer the bot lane on the purple side and nearer the top lane for the orange side.
Regigigas Wild Pokemon IconRegigigas Spawns at the direct center of the jungle, where Zapdos is usually found.
Tauros Wild Pokemon IconTauros Spawns in the Jungle towards the center, but nearer the top lane on the purple side and nearer the bot lane for the orange side.

Bottom Lane

Pokemon Specific Location
Araquanid Wild Pokemon IconAraquanid Spawns on the sideskirts of the bottom lane.
Rotom Wild Pokemon IconRotom Spawns on the middle of the top and bottom lanes.
Zapdos Wild Pokemon IconZapdos Spawns at the area below the bottom lane.

Catch Em Battles Spawn and Respawn Times

Wild Pokemon also respawns under certain conditions so try to maximize the timing for all the Pokemon!

Pokemon Spawn Details Respawn Details
Araquanid Wild Pokemon IconAraquanid Spawns at 4:50 Does Not Respawn
Articuno Wild Pokemon IconArticuno Spawns at 3:00 60s after KO
Avalugg Wild Pokemon IconAvalugg Spawns after defeating Drednaw (45s Spawn Time) Does Not Respawn
Drednaw Wild Pokemon IconDrednaw Spawns at 4:00 or Spawns after Defeating Avalugg (45s Spawn Time) Does Not Respawn
Electrode Wild Pokemon IconElectrode Spawns at 4:50 Does Not Respawn
Ludicolo Wild Pokemon IconLudicolo Spawns at 4.45 60s after KO
Regigigas Wild Pokemon IconRegigigas Spawns at 1:30 Does Not Respawn
Rotom Wild Pokemon IconRotom Spawns at 4:00 60s after KO
Tauros Wild Pokemon IconTauros Spawns at 4:45 60s after KO
Zapdos Wild Pokemon IconZapdos Spawns at 3:00 60s after KO

Catch Em Battles Wild Pokemon Points Value

In addition to the ability to use them in battle, the Wild Pokemon also provide Aeos points to use in goals!

Pokemon Points Given
Tauros Wild Pokemon Icon Tauros
Articuno Wild Pokemon Icon Articuno

Catch Em Battles Features

Battle in Mer Stadium!

Pokemon UNITE - Catch Em Battle Map Layout

The Catch ’Em Battle game mode is played in a familiar map similar to that of Mer Stadium, which has 3 goal zones per team. The spawn location of each wild Pokemon is different than normal though, so keep an eye out!

Mer Stadium Map and Rules

Catch Wild Pokemon to Play as Them!

Pokemon UNITE - Catch Em Battle Play as Wild Pokemon

The main feature of this new game mode is the ability to play as any Wild Pokemon you capture! This ranges from buff Pokemon like Ludicolo and Tauros to Boss Pokemon from different maps like Zapdos and Avalugg.

Switch Pokemon on the Fly


In this new game mode, whenever you capture a Wild Pokemon, an extra icon will appear near your moveset. Selecting it will immediately switch your Pokemon you are controlling as well as its moveset until you are defeated in battle!

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8 Jachinliabout 1 year

And also when my ally was transformed I couldn’t attach to them

7 Jachinliabout 1 year

Hi , I was using comfey in catch ‘em when the person I was attached to transformed into afalugg and I found myself not attached for some reason ?!?! Can you help me fix this bug


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